IMHO RI was one of the worst seaons ever, which was set up for rob to win but Nicaragua and DvG are great season
It was not a set up

it show one of the best strategy in survivor history, "
The Cult", if u cant understand this maybe the complexity of survivor is too much for u

even the cowboy marine ben speechless against boston rob

Very interesting to see this. The seasons I haven't watched are: Nicaragua, RI, SoPa, One World, Caramoan, HHH, GI and DvG.
Are those above seasons good?
Redemption Island was one of the greatest, it showcase one of the best strategy in Survivor history by boston rob, story of resilient and broken heart and we got Andrea at her cutest

Caramoan has francesqwa moment but also got brandon mental illness unleash

Nicaragua, HHH & One World are good but among bottom tier, South Pasific got many fans favorite, Coach, Ozzy and Cochran, Ghost Island and DvG are the recent seasons so still fresh and got fans favorite the noble one and prof hubicki