This was a few years ago, but I thought it'd be quite fitting to share in this board.
I am not the one interviewed in this article, but I was a part of this project to help script Jordan, an online friend blind since birth, through the game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time with step-by-step directions - a couple of years, I met Jordan for the first time in Calgary for a two week visit.
On one of the last days, out of the curiosity to see what it was like for myself, I wore a blindfold for an entire day. It was done with his guidance and we'd been planning for a while, so it was nothing on a whim like that whole Bird Box thing. He showed me how to use his cane, etc. I bumped into a table or chair at least a couple of times, yes, I definitely didn't have the easiest time.
But we didn't just stay close to home all day. When dinnertime came around, the two of us took a taxi to a restaurant. At first I wasn't sure I wanted to do that part, the embarrassment of going out in public with a blindfold, but once I got past that fear it was actually quite enjoyable. Since I essentially had to feel around my plate, I ordered something easy for that, a cheeseburger and fries.
That part of the day didn't come with a little snag, though, which made things even more interesting. At the first restaurant we called, the person who answered the phone said they'd be open at 5:00, but we got there to find out they closed at 4:00.
The attached photo is of us. After it all, I really gained a deeper appreciation for the way they live daily.
I've seen Jordan a few summers since then, but none were more memorable than that first time.