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Offline stunami

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Re: TAR AUS 4 Media
« Reply #125 on: November 25, 2019, 03:56:22 PM »
Lot of penalties on Episode 10, apparently

From that video it seems
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Viv/Joey arrived first, got a penalty, and when Footy boys arrive, V/J are still waiting their penalty. Then we see a shot of both teams waiting on the side, side by side. The trailer makes it seem like all teams get a penalty. We get a voice over: 30 minutes penalty (Jerome/Jasmin) 9 minutes penalty (Tom/Tyler) and 8 minutes penalty (Nick/Femi) My guess is it's not a match to the teams, we know Viv/Joey got one. I feel like maybe Jasmin/Jerome are out or Tim/Rod. 

Offline BourkieBoy

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Re: TAR AUS 4 Media
« Reply #126 on: November 25, 2019, 11:25:10 PM »
When Beau said we could expect a bit of drama after tonight's twist, he wasn't kidding.

As the final five teams touched down in Malawi our intrepid host was waiting for them with a compulsory U-Turn.

Each team would have to vote for who they wanted to do a U-Turn, which is a hell of a punishment that forces one team to perform an extra challenge at a detour.

Where most teams were able to pick between stack and stitch -- stacking a massive pile of coal into a bag and carrying it to a vendor or stitching two shirts together using an old fashioned sewing machine -- the team with the most amount of votes would be forced to do BOTH.

U-Turns suck not only because you have the disadvantage of performing two challenges, but it's almost a guaranteed to put you at the back of the pack, adding all that extra time to the race.

While Tim and Rod decided the smartest team to vote for would be Tom and Tyler, the clear frontrunners from the get-go, every other team voted for Tim and Rod.

Yep, it was a unanimous decision with the four remaining teams voting for the newlyweds.

For Tom and Tyler the decision was easy, Tim and Rod have been hot on their heels in the last few legs, so this could put some distance between their biggest competitors.

But for Femi and Nick, Viv and Joey and Jasmin and Jerome... this sure was an interesting choice.

While Tim and Rod are threats to take out that top spot -- Tom and Tyler are by far the biggest threats of all, with their blend of physical prowess and their knack for dumb luck, the boys have been dominating the legs with six wins under their belts.

Almost immediately Jasmin began to second-guess their decision to stick with their alliance over making a more strategic move.

"I'm not going to lie," Jasmin told Beau, "Strategically I think it's a better decision to vote for the strongest team which is Tom and Tyler, but I don't think we've got the numbers.

"I think the other teams are going to go with Tim and Rod."

And Jasmin was right. But did the alliance make the right choice?

Well, ultimately it didn't make a lick of difference, with Tim and Rod absolutely powering through both detour challenges before catching up to Nick and Femi and Viv and Joey.

The boys then made quick work of a brick-building challenge before racing through a puzzle and landing smack-bang in the middle of the pack, landing on the pit stop mat in third place.

Worst of all, the boys casually asked the other teams who each of them voted for, finding out in the most awkward way possible that EVERY TEAM had voted for them.

That's going to make for some uncomfortable plane rides...

Not only did Tim and Rod absolutely crush this leg of the race, but Jasmin and Jerome just missed out on another win thanks to the footy mates taking their seventh of the race so far.

When Viv and Joey cast their vote they admitted they wanted their alliance to be the final four teams in the race.

"The final four will hopefully be our alliance and from there may the best team win," Joey said.

Missing the rare opportunity to get Tom and Tyler off the first-place post, did the rest of the teams in the alliance just cost themselves the chance of a win as the footy mates continue to steamroll the race?

And will Tim and Rod get their revenge?

Things are about to get veryyy interesting.

'The Amazing Race Australia' Airs Mondays And Tuesdays From 7.30 pm, Only On 10 And WIN Network.


Offline BourkieBoy

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Re: TAR AUS 4 Media
« Reply #127 on: November 27, 2019, 12:28:54 AM »
Last night, we had 546,000 viewers with a rank #8 but we also won our 7:30pm slot across the five FTA Australian networks!  :conf: :cheer:

Offline BourkieBoy

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Re: TAR AUS 4 Media
« Reply #128 on: November 27, 2019, 12:43:15 AM »

Offline Maanca

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Re: TAR AUS 4 Media
« Reply #129 on: November 27, 2019, 03:36:56 PM »
A U-Turn in the F4 leg.

Used on
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Tom & Tyler

Offline BourkieBoy

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Re: TAR AUS 4 Media
« Reply #130 on: December 02, 2019, 05:00:24 AM »
While most consider century eggs a delicacy, the final four teams on 'The Amazing Race' would probably tell you otherwise.

The first challenge of Grand Finale Week finds Jasmin and Jerome, Tim and Rod, Joey and Viv, and Tom and Tyler rushing through Bangkok's Khlong Toei Market to find "three treats" they'll have to consume to receive their next clue.

While the brightly coloured eggs they find look like confectionary at first, they're soon cracked open and revealed to be century eggs in disguise -- chicken, duck or quail eggs that have been preserved in a solution, usually made up of clay and salt.

And, without spoiling the episode, we're here to tell you that the teams weren't exactly thrilled about their mid-morning snack.

While it might be jarring to see a food item that's normally white and bright yellow take on a black and green hue, we can confirm they're DELICIOUS and are an absolute treat if you eat them properly.

And that, despite the name, the eggs haven't been hanging around in someone's pantry for a hundred years, they're normally stored from anywhere between a few weeks and a few months.

We gave 'MasterChef' season 11 alum Derek Lau a call to help us explain the appeal of the snack that originated in China around the time of the Ming dynasty.

Derek told 10 daily that he used to turn his nose up at century eggs during his childhood but has since embraced the dish in all its forms.

"When I was a kid, I didn’t hate it, I just thought it looked disgusting, it smelled disgusting," he told 10 daily via phone.

"It’s one of those things where it really doesn’t look very appetising. When you crack it, it’s kind of green inside, like a little bit gooey but you’ve just got to get yourself over that -- it’s like a nice cheese," he said.

If you've never tried a century egg before and are a little unsure about cracking one open and taking a big bite, Derek said it's important to pair the delicacy with the right ingredients.

"My favourite thing to have it in is congee or Chinese porridge," Derek said.

"It’s probably the easiest way to introduce yourself to a century egg because some of the flavour gets a little bit masked by the porridge -- it’s pungent but it’s creamy."

Derek suggested that another great way to eat the preserved egg is "on top of tofu with spring onions, soy, vinegar and sesame oil".

We're going to give 'The Amazing Race' teams a pass because shovelling century eggs into your mouth in a competitive environment in the pouring rain doesn't sound like much fun -- but we're sure they'd give it another crack with some nice, warm congee?

Either way, Derek told 10 daily he'd be up for the challenge, explaining he could probably put away "10-15 in five minutes" and goodness, if we ever get to witness that on TV, he might just claim an honorary [Century] Egg Boy title.


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Re: TAR AUS 4 Media
« Reply #131 on: December 03, 2019, 12:11:48 AM »
There’s only one week left of The Amazing Race Australia and those bittersweet feels are hitting us hard.

Promising to be the best race in the world, The Amazing Race Australia has not disappointed, delivering us some of the toughest, dirtiest and scariest challenges.

And the Grand Finale is only going to get harder!

From South Korea to Africa, teams have canoed down rivers, run with camels, sipped fermented horse milk (eww) and eaten one too many bags of green rice.

With some of the most diverse teams we’ve ever seen, who exactly has made it this far and what are some of their best moments?

Tom And Tyler

Tom and Tyler have been clear front runners since the beginning, smashing out physical challenges and so far, they've come first in seven legs.

This lucky duo, who somehow avoided the horrid rice challenge by finding a coin straight away, have made the Race look easy. But we can’t say these two have always flown high.

Despite knowing it’s a race, Tom and Tyler revealed one of their biggest weaknesses early in the competition - sleeping in. But, these boys have a way of sneaking back to the front in no time.

They've been chased by an angry military officer in South Korea and fallen face-first into the water during the flyboarding challenge. And not to mention, they left Africa with a diploma in animal faeces.

Viv & Joey
Viv and Joey may be small, but boy do they put up a fight! They've been through hard times, and in some challenges have had to work twice as hard to get by, due to their stature.

Narrowly avoiding elimination on multiple occasions, Viv and Joey are the definition of persistence and stand by the phrase “never give up”. When all seemed lost during the water bucket challenge in Leg 8, Viv pushed herself to carry an ENORMOUS bucket of water on her head all the way to Beau.

Some may call it chucking a Bradbury, others will call it hard work. But they just slithered through, making it to Beau 40 seconds before Sid and Ash’s time penalty was up.

One thing Australia loves about Viv and Joey is how adorably close their bond is. No matter how difficult the challenges are, they support each other all the way through it. Even when they both have silly moments, like when they forgot to use their calculator and instead opted to spend more time calculating water spouts in their heads. D'oh!

Tim & Rod
Tim and Rod are the ultimate duo - they’re funny, strategic, smart and SO in love with each other. In every challenge their attitude is cheery, positive and supportive. They give it their all and help each other through.

They've bounced back from every hurdle that's been thrown at them, and despite being voted by everyone to do a U-Turn in Leg 10, they completed both of them and made it to the Pit Stop in THIRD place. What an effort!

Oh, and our favourite moment was when Tim helped Rod learn a traditional dance and we all got a taste of some epic dancing tips that would rival Britney's. YASSSSS!

Jasmin & Jerome
Jasmine and Jerome have stolen the hearts of Australia with their kindness, respect and love towards not only for each other, but everyone they meet on the Race. From playing with local kids to paying their respects to the elders, the beautiful couple are proving to be great role models for their son and Aussies alike.

We think they could definitely be the dark horses of the competition as they've consistently remained in the top teams. Oh, and let's not forget that time they stole first place from Tom and Tyler in Leg 5.

They aren't playing around and this deadly duo aren't afraid to step on some toes to get to the Pit Stop first.

Who Will Win The Race? Watch The Amazing Race Australia Grand Finale, 7.30 Monday and Tuesday on 10 and 10 play


Offline BourkieBoy

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Re: TAR AUS 4 Media
« Reply #132 on: December 03, 2019, 08:39:26 PM »
At the most crucial point in the competition, the finishing places of the final three 'Amazing Race' teams were nearly decided on by a dog.

After landing in the Northern Territory and setting off on a scavenger hunt for newspapers and then jumping out of a plane, the finalist duos were given a roadblock with a mind of its own.

Jasmin and Jerome, Tim and Rod, and Joey and Viv arrived at a cattle station in Katherine and had to handpick a dog they thought looked most capable of working its way swiftly through a figure-of-eight course.

But just like Indiana Jones trying to pick out a grubby Holy Grail in a room full of sparkly knock-offs -- the ~wisest~ choice of dog wasn't the most obvious.

Jasmin and Jerome, then Rod and Tim arrived first at the lineup to survey a handful of pups with names like Fluffy, Smiley, Coco, Elsa, and Winks.

"Okay, who wants to come with me?" Jasmin asked, before revealing that her strategy was to go with an older, more experienced pup that might be "better trained".

But things didn't get off to a great start with her chosen dog Sarge, who looked less than impressed about having to arise from his sleeping position and get stuck into the course.

Sarge proved that he definitely didn't earn that name from a background in a police K-9 unit, bolting back to the gate as Jasmin tried to coax him around the course.

Tim and Rod were next to enter the "dog arena" and opted for another older dog with a sassy name to match, Fluffy.

"Come on, a dog named Fluffy has to be the best dog ever," Rod said, but the foreboding music told us otherwise and Fluffy was another FLOP.

"Fluffy, Fluffy, Fluffy, FLUFFY, COME," he said, to no avail.

A very frustrated Jasmin and Rod could feel their lead slipping through their dog wands (a stick with a plastic bag, we think?) and both made a fruitless eleventh-hour decision to upgrade.

By this time Viv and Joey had entered the arena and managed to see the spark in the eyes of our Hero Dog, Teddy -- who had been patiently sitting on his barrel the whole time, just begging to get tapped in.

Within what seemed like 30 seconds, Teddy bounded through the course and, in true 'Amazing Race' style, the frontrunners were now at the back and Viv and Joey had earned themselves a sizeable lead.

Slipping behind, the other two teams decided to jump on the Teddy-bandwagon and the young pup obediently raced around their figure-of-eight courses -- single-handedly changing up the leaderboard of the race.

Unfortunately, Joey and Viv blew their lead with their uncoordinated canoeing and eventually coming in third.

But for a hot minute there, a single dog was pulling all the strings.
