Author Topic: TARC 7 Episode 2 LIVE SHOW UPDATES and DISCUSSION THREAD! - Special Time 9:30 ET  (Read 6400 times)

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Offline Maanca

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If you are unable to watch LIVE yourself, please be aware that this thread WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS, so proceed at your own risk.

This thread will contain OUTCOME Spoilers as seen on the SHOW.
Canadians, PLEASE help update as the show unfolds!

If you can help, then PLEASE DO!!!
Many of us will be counting on you until we can watch later. We hope everyone will join in the fun!!
Also,  if you are watching anything but the CTV feed, it is your responsibility to be sure you are not ahead of us if you want to post/update in this thread.  If you are in the easternmost Canadian provinces you could be ahead of us watching on EST.
SO PLEASE ** NO  OUTCOMES ** to be posted before the show is done airing East Coast time!  And NO FUTURE LEG SPOILERS either!
Otherwise, come watch with us for the best weekly viewing party in town!! :party:
And you can entertain yourself with our spoiler threads as well while you wait!
Have FUN everyone and THANK YOU for joining us!!


LIVE Streams for members in the Usual Place. If you are not a member please register and then ask me or any of the mods for help. Keep in mind it can take up to 12 hours to get registered.

Offline BourkieBoy

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Looking forward to a good episode tonight!  :conf: :cheer:

Online Leafsfan.

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We start with a recap of last week's episode.

10 teams started on a race of a lifetime. In Toronto, thrown into the lions, Zipped away across Kamloops. D/I won the leg and 2 ep's. Teams were all over the map. Canada's choice J/D chance ended.

Now 9 teams left, the prizes + intro.

Online Leafsfan.

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Clue: 5:46 am. D/I: Drive yourself to Revelstoke, BC. Find clue at last spike monument.

Dave: Canada's most hated couple, Irinia: We are loved lol

S/S leave at 6:13

L/J at 6:14
T/A to 6:23

A/J to 6:45 am

A/T 6:46 am

N/A 6:56 am

Online Leafsfan.

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G/S leave at 6:57 am, very close!

D/I arrive at the last spike. They show all the teams arriving.

RB: Who is ready for the main course? Race the clock, use dirtbike to complete loop in 110 seconds to get next clue.

MM are in first. They arrive to the bikes first. Marie is doing the rb. Marie reveals she broke her neck and almost died.
S/S are lost?

James/Joanne/Trish doing the rb for their teams.

D/I Are lost. But they arrive second to the rb. Dave is doing the rb.

S/S arrive in third. Sam doing the rb.

Joanne falls off the bike.

All the teams at the rb realize J/D were eliminated.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 08:39:46 PM by Leafsfan »

Offline Maanca

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The last spike is in Craigellachie, not quite Revelstoke

Online Leafsfan.

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Dave/Marie doing the loop now together.

Marie takes a hard fall!! wow. Commercial.

Online Leafsfan.

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The last spike is in Craigellachie, not quite Revelstoke

The clue said Find the last spike on the way to Revelstoke.

Online Leafsfan.

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We are back to Marie's fall. She is good. She is going back.

Dave finishes the rb in 1:51. He missed it by one second lol!

Both teams redoing it

Aarthy, Sean and Nicki? Doing the rb.

Trish crashes into other bikes.Other teams practicing.

Dave and Marie now attempting it again.

Dave finishes it!! Marie also!!

Clue:  Detour. Plant or paddle.

Plant: Drive to BC interior forest. Properly plant 40 plants to standards.

Paddle: Navigate glacier water using kayaks to collect five flags from Williamson legs.

Offline NumfarPTB

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Fun seeing teams figuring out and getting excited that Jet & Dave were the first to be eliminated.

Online Leafsfan.

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James is the third to finish. They will do plant.

Nicki and Aisha lost onto the rb. They are in last.

Irina and Dave doing the plants.

M/M doing the kayaking. They are former competitive kayakers.

J/A arrive to the plants. D/I realize they have a rope to measure lol! So they have to redo everything.

N/A arrive to the bikes. Aisha is doing the rb not Nicki.

Online Leafsfan.

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Joanne messes the first attempt. Trish as wel.

Sean has driven motorcycles before.

Aarthy, Sam amd Seam doing it. Sean falls right at the start lol

All three finish at the same time.

MM have collected five flags. The kayaks are tied to each other.

Clue: Make your way to the Revelstoke railway museum.

D/I onto the last tree. Its rejected. Irina says "are you kidding me" lol

Aarthy keeps smacking Thinish in the face with the kayak  :lol:

Aisha and Joanne attempting the rb with Trish. And all three did it Except Joanne.

Joanne on her fourth attempt.

Online Leafsfan.

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We are back to Joanne's 7th attempt. She gets it!! They get their next clue. They will do plant.

MM arrive to the museum. Teams must assembled detailed model train track.

A/J get a check and its rejected.

D/I get a check and they are good! They get their next clue. Irina; Why do they make us run so far  :lol:

A/T finish the kayak they are in third.

S/S finish in fourth. The kayak is so much easier.

G/S finish in fifth.

J/L are lost on the way to the plant detour.

T/A arrive to the planting along with N/A

A/J get a check and are finished the detour in fourth!

Online Leafsfan.

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D/I arrive to the railroad.

M/M said we won;t take a penalty.

S/S Arrive to the train tracks.

A/T arrive to the railroad task. Right after G/S follows.

There is tension between MM. One of them is now considering the penalty.

A/T get a check, first team to do so. They get it in first place, right after to D/I

Make your way to Revelstoke Mountain Resort, the pitstop for this leg of the race. Ascend Mount Mackenzie and search for pitstop.

Online Leafsfan.

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A/T arrive first to the gondolas. Now have to search for Jon at the mountain. Right behind is D/I

Aarthy can't run lol.

Aarthy and Thinesh finish first right behind is D/I.

Prize: Trip for two to Madrid Spain. Irina: We have already been to Spain ! LMAO!! There is more: They won an express pass as well! So they need to use it before the 7th leg.

Online Leafsfan.

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T/A Ask for a check and get approved! They are in 7th.

right behind them is N/A they are in 8th.

MM ask Sam and Sarah for help and they went to look at their track.

G/S finish the railroad in third.

A/J arrive at the railroad.

S/S get a check and are correct they are in 4th. M/M finish in fifth.

G/S finish the leg in thrird.

S/S arrive as team four, M/M in fifth.
L/J have finished 27/40 for the plants.


Online Leafsfan.

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We are back.

A/J get the clue and are off to the pitstop.

L/J getting a check at the plant detour. They get the clue.

A/J are in 6th.

T/A finish railroad in 7th.

L/J arrive as the Moms leave.

T/A finish the leg in 7th

N/A finish the railroad in 8th.

L/J are in 9th.

N/A are lost. They stop to get directions. They might have gotten bad directions?


Online Leafsfan.

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We are back.

N/A stop again. They were going the wrong way.

L/J arrive first to the gondolas.

L/J arrive in 8th.

N/A arrive in last and are eliminated from the race :(

Next time: Edmonton.  Detour: Elevates racer rivarly. There is a dance/singing task. Double one way, new twist. Looks like its detour related.

Offline Maanca

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About time Canada introduced a twist of their own! (Remember when they claimed to "invent" the Face Off). Curious to see how this One Way thing will work.

Who said the title?

Offline BourkieBoy

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Interesting leg this one!

A good mix of new tasks and a sad elimination at the end of the episode! :(

Very interested to see what the One Way twist is!

Offline Maanca

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By the sound of that name, I'd guess it's like a U-Turn, instead the team that gets it has to do the Detour they chose twice.

Offline Linda BC2

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Instead of u-turning another team maybe the One Way is choosing the detour of another team?

Offline NumfarPTB

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It is rare for myself to really "hate" a team, but Dave & Irina reaction at the mat just reinforces my impressions from leg 1. It might be one of the rare occasions I really hate a team, despite them being very competent racers.
And the ending, was the 2nd team that fell through trouble during self-driving in this season. Wonder if will become a theme.

Curious where this Double One Way will be placed. It does seem to be related to the detour, but will the board location be placed before or after the completion of a detour task. Also, will the detour be the final task of this leg, or the one of the first things during it. And this entire paragraph should probably be in the spec thread, instead of this one which is about leg 2.

Offline Maanca

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Just finished watching online, that looked like a tougher leg than last week. I wouldn't have expected planting seedlings to be the more difficult Detour, but apparently it was due to all the specifications.

So glad Lauren & Joanne made it! And moreso Gilles & Sean.

Dave & Irina are quickly turning into Canadian Justin & Diana. She got this week's title, and next week sounds like another by them too. Honestly, I don't mind, though. This is the kind of villain team Canada's sorely needed.

Offline dryedmangoez

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Best leg and episode of TARC in a long time!
See, they can come up with a good Leg design even in resort towns or rural towns if they want to. lol