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Offline WindsorSue

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Big Brother Canada 7: Week 1 Updates & Discussion
« on: March 02, 2019, 06:18:41 PM »
Pre-Live feed Discussion.

Premiere taping today - Saturday, March 2, 2019.
Premiere airs Wednesday, March 6, 2019 7 PM ET/PT
If they keep to schedule, the first eviction will be Thursday, March 7, 2019 8 PM ET/PT.
***Live Feeds SHOULD begin after the west coast airing - that is, 12 AM, Friday, March 8.***

Offline WindsorSue

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Re: Big Brother Canada 7: Week 1 Updates & Discussion
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2019, 07:15:32 PM »
Premiere Episode Wednesday, March 6, 2019:

-Damien won Canada' vote. He was allowed to enter the house first and locate the secret Leon's Lounge (through the Archive Room) At first he thought the Blood Veto was his, but an alarm went off when he tried to open the case. Instead, he could watch and listen to the first two groups of HGs who entered the house. He seemed interested in Adam and Dane's convo in the SR: Adam wanting to make a 4-guy alliance & Dane seemingly interested. He also reacted to Chelsea speculating (to Kailyn) that this season's theme may mean they'll be given opportunities to spy on each other.

-First Group: Laura, Dane, Chelsea, Adam, Eddie
-Second Group: Mark, Samantha, Anthony, Keira & Kailyn.
-Third Group: Kyra, Estefania & Maki PLUS Damien.

-Arisa gathered everyone in the LR and played a video which revealed each HG's secret/the one thing they didn't want anyone else to know.
-First HOH Comp was called "OPERATION: ESCAPE" and it involved escaping from a cell by untying rope around wrists, retrieving a set of keys and unlocking the cell (they had to break their chair apart to use the legs to grab the keys), then dig a tunnel under the fence.
-There is NO Veto this week!!!
-Adam won the first HOH.

*** Second twist of the season: Canada has one day to vote in the 15th HG: either Cory OR Holly.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 10:46:18 PM by WindsorSue »

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Re: Big Brother Canada 7: Week 1 Updates & Discussion
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2019, 05:10:39 PM »
If you want to know what happened after Adam won HOH meaning who he nominated and who got evicted. And who won the vote to enter the game and what task  that person has to do in order to stay in the game, click on the SPOILER button below...

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Adam nominated Damien & Laura

By a vote of 11-0, Laura was evicted

Cory won the vote to enter the house. But she has 24 hours to make three F2 deals or she will be evicted.