She re-reads her clue and begins actively searching for both halves. They eventually get both and are on their way to Lan Kwai Fong. Alex & Conor are overanalyzing this task with any signs, even storefronts, in particular. They decide to work with Henry & Evan, confusing them even more. This is more pointless than Conor's complaint about the hairy crabs.

"This is like Mardi Gras!" - Jessica. BB arrives searching for the figures. Henry & Evan realize their lead evaporated. Alex & Conor and Cody & Jessica tiffing with each other about over-analyzing signs.
Henry & Evan find the Washington Square Park monument as Leg 1. They starting picking locks AND UNLOCK IT!
This brightly lit intersection of Johnston & Wan Chai Road is the Pit Stop for this Leg of the race. The last team to arrive WILL be eliminated!