I loved this Episode and Loved your approach to all of the tasks. The spoilers among us were so sorry to not see the "Walk the Plank" Segment. Can you run down for us what it was (RB etc) and what exactly you were doing please?

Hi Peach! Thanks for the support. This task was called "Who knows your partner best?" Teams were asked 3 questions and without communicating with one another, we had to state which of us the question applied to. The first question was "Who has carried the most weight in the race?" "Who is the first to quit on a task?" and "Who knows their partner best?" Every time you got an answer wrong, the person on the plank had to dive in the water. Then you had to start over. It could have been easy to get stuck there all day.
Well, apparently 12 years of friendship isn't enough to actually get to know a person... We got each question wrong on the first attempt and correct on the second attempt. On the first and last questions we were both trying to be nice and flatter one another. The second question: "Who is the first to quit on a task?" is a dumb question to ask me and Kristi. The correct answer is NEITHER! But, we quickly realized that it didn't matter if our answers were "right," they just had to match. We got each question wrong, but on the second time that it was asked, I kept my answer the same and Kristi changed. Had we both kept our answers the same, oh boy...
Guess in the end it didn't make a difference to the outcome of the race.