Michael YergerAge: 18
Hometown: Knoxville, Tennessee
Current residence: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
Hobbies: Health, fitness, luxury and exotic cars, outdoor activities (camping, hiking, swimming), traveling, concerts/festivals, and architecture/design.
Pet peeves: Incompetent drivers, negativity, and rain/cold.
Three words to describe you: Energetic, slick, and resilient.
What's your personal claim to fame?
Earning Eagle Scout, the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouting Program of the Boy Scouts of America.
Who or what is your inspiration in life?
The strong desire to use my inherent abilities to leave a positive impact on this earth when I am gone.
If you could have three things on the island, what would they be and why?
Hot sauce, boomerang, skittles.
Which Survivor contestant are you most like?
Malcolm Freberg—I'd be inwardly strategic and aggressive but outwardly friendly and easy-going.
What's your reason for being on Survivor?
To become the youngest Sole Survivor ever.
Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor?
Because I'm a people person. I've always preferred to spend my time around others over being alone. I feel as though I can relate to those of all ages from all walks of life in some way in order to form common ground.