Chelsea TownsendAge: 24
Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah
Current residence: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: EMT/Pro Cheerleader
Hobbies: Hiking, camping, and enjoying time with family and friends.
Pet peeves: People with constantly pessimistic or negative energy.
Three words to describe you: Outgoing, dynamic, and driven.
What's your personal claim to fame?
Graduating college. I grew as a person and learned a lot about dedication and self-motivation. It gave me the foundation to continue my education and pursue a career as a physician assistant.
Who or what is your inspiration in life?
My family. I have the most supportive and loving family. They constantly challenge me to be the very best version of myself. I love being able to pursue my passions and dreams knowing they will always be there to help me along the way.
If you could have three things on the island, what would they be and why?
A mattress to get a good night's rest, a toothbrush because I can't imagine not brushing my teeth for more than a day, and definitely food because nobody likes starving.
Which Survivor contestant are you most like?
Parvati. I think I could use my charm to build relationships, and I think I have the competitive spirit and wit she had.
What's your reason for being on Survivor?
It is the experience of a lifetime. You get to push yourself to your absolute limits and challenge yourself in a unique way. I believe I will learn a lot about myself and become a stronger person physically and mentally. The money would of course be helpful as well. I am looking to attend graduate school in the near future and it would be nice to not have any student loans after school.
Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor?
I have the traits needed to make me successful. I am a hard worker who is extremely driven to reach my goals. I am agile and athletic from a background in dance and gymnastics. I am personable and get along well with people of all backgrounds and ages. I am a competitor and love a good challenge.