ALAN BALL (Heroes) Age: 31
Hometown: Detroit, Mich.
Current Residence: Houston, Texas
Occupation: NFL Player
Hobbies: Golf, scuba diving, and riding my motorcycle.
Pet peeves: I can't stand liars or people who feel entitled. I also can't do clutter and people who don't clean up after themselves.
Three words to describe you: Intelligent, athletic, and clever.
What's your personal claim to fame?
Being a seventh round draft pick and grinding for nine years in the NFL.
Who or what is your inspiration in life?
My parents. They are my best friends. I respect the both for their work ethic, and everything they instilled in me. My parents have been married for 30+ years and I know that takes work.
If you could have three things on the island, what would they be and why?
Hot sauce because it makes everything better, a picture of my wife because sometimes just looking at her changes my mood, and baby wipes!
Which Survivor contestant are you most like?
I honestly don't think you will see gameplay like mine; one of the only things I have in common with people on past seasons is there was a winner.
What's your reason for being on Survivor?
Playing football has fed my drive to compete physically for a long time. Of course there are mental aspects but I feel like this is competing mentally, physically, and strategically. I also want to win on my own merit—no coaches, no practice—just me winning outside of something I've done for years.
Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor?
Everything I've accomplished I've had to scratch and claw at it. I've never been given anything or put in situations to succeed. My life has always been about proving people wrong and I feed on that, here is another shot.