The Amazing Race > Racers Corner
Guidelines--RFF Racer Hospitality
I am embarrassed and ashamed that this is even necessary.
I am Southern to the core, and Southerners understand hospitality.
When someone is a GUEST in your home, you give them the BEST of what you have.
That means going forward, any RACER kind enough to post in the Racer's Corner threads will be treated with the utmost courtesy in these threads at all times.
You can certainly ask questions, even difficult ones, and share an opinion, but you WILL be expected to be polite and thoughtful when doing so. I never again want to hear a racer say they felt "unwelcomed" in our Internet Home.
Open Discussions re the show in the Episode threads remain just that. Our Racer friends will understand that those may be "read at your own risk" regarding opinions.
But even there the RFF Golden Rule applies.
RFF's Golden Rule:
Have RESPECT for each other, regardless of opinion. This of course includes no flaming/insulting other users and/or their posts.
A big THANK YOU to the RFFer who asked this question.
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