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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2015, 11:27:12 AM »

- Rob: Let's see. I don't see why people love him so much. I mean, I like him, and I know he had a second chance, maybe it's for that, but idk. He was the most strategic person in The Amazon, and he was so inteligent, but it was so annoying always thinking about girls.

While he might be overhyped by some, you have to remember his season was in 2002. Dudes talked about girls on TV back then, and he tried to be funny.

His recent hype is because he's become a Survivor mastermind.

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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2015, 12:22:44 PM »
Survivor Amazon is my favorite season ever and Heidi is my fave contestant ever(and everything I want in a contestant)

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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2015, 05:34:53 AM »
Survivor: Cagayan is over! Such a great season.

- David: Not so interested in him.
- Garrett: Yeah he was the strongest of Luzon but not too much inside the head.
- Brice: Another man trying to play but failed.
- J'Tia: Oh pls. She sucked at challenges and camp life, but she's adorable. xDD
- Cliff: Meh typical tall black guy of every season.
- Lindsey: Girl, what are you doing!? You need the money, and you quitted because a woman on the camp? Just ignore her! I expected a lot more from her.
- Alexis: It's always sad to see someone leaving the game crying. She tried to play, but failed.
- Sarah: I really like her. Well, the episode of her being the swing vote (and then being blindsided lol) was terrible. BUT I think she was right! I know you can think the guys had an idol, but don't waste time voting out Jefra instead of one of the strongest guys.
- Morgan: Well, another cute girl out there and a vote on the side I like.
- LJ: Hmm, I like him, but he was kinda dumb. If someone plays and idol to save me, THANKS! but I'm not gonna waste mine to save you. lol
- Jeremiah: Funny accent. He was pretty nice, but not too much interesting. Just another vote on the side I like.
- Jefra: Awww I adore her! She is so cute, I like her voice, and I hate that she was blindsided. She would have to flipped to the other side.
- Tasha: Really like her on Cagayan (not the same in Cambodia xD). Great at challenges.
- Trish: Malnutrisha, skeleton with blue eyes, anorexia... lol She was so skinny! Too many loyalty to someone who never give you nothing (well, just a pizza reward).
- Spencer: Same as Tasha. Love him on here, not the same in Cambodia. The underdog who played so hard.
- Kass: I don't get why a lot of people hates her. I mean, I don't see the super hiper mega devil inside of her. What she did? Flip? A lot of people flipped and they are not a devil for that! I'm with her on the comment that she said to her husband. Something like, I'm a woman who flipped and I'm a bitch, If I was a man I would be awesome, or something like that. The only thing I don't like it's that she flipped to the wrong side, but well played. Oh, and less than a second on the last IC! ugh! :(
- Woo: Meh. Like he said, he's the stupidest survivor player ever. It's pretty sad because he wanted to play with loyalty, honestly, etc. But you can't play in this way in Survivor.
- Tony: I know I'm gonna be the unique person in the world to think this, but... Why the love for this guy? Because he played so strategically? Ok, but I hate him. I don't like anything about him. I don't like his way to play, swearing for his wife, son, dead dad, FOR NOTHING. That's disgusting, dude. How he eats... omg, disgusting too. His way to talk... I don't like him anything.

Who I would like to see again: J'Tia, Sarah and Jefra. Alexis is a fan of Survivor, and wanna play, but, I don't know if she is deserving of  second chance.

Next season, Survivor: Borneo. The very first season of Survivor!
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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2015, 08:37:52 AM »
Thanks for your reviews, I enjoy reading them and then thinking back to the season. :P I have also never seen Borneo, lol, should watch it sometime.
Some comments:

- Sarah: <...> BUT I think she was right! I know you can think the guys had an idol, but don't waste time voting out Jefra instead of one of the strongest guys.
Wait what... You're saying they SHOULDN'T have targetted Jefra? But they were right for doing it, as both LJ & Tony ended up being immune, so if they had been the plan - the plan would've been screwed even without Kass's flip.

- Kass: I don't get why a lot of people hates her. I mean, I don't see the super hiper mega devil inside of her. What she did? Flip? A lot of people flipped and they are not a devil for that! I'm with her on the comment that she said to her husband. Something like, I'm a woman who flipped and I'm a bitch, If I was a man I would be awesome, or something like that. The only thing I don't like it's that she flipped to the wrong side, but well played. Oh, and less than a second on the last IC! ugh! :(
- Woo: Meh. Like he said, he's the stupidest survivor player ever. It's pretty sad because he wanted to play with loyalty, honestly, etc. But you can't play in this way in Survivor.
- Tony: I know I'm gonna be the unique person in the world to think this, but... Why the love for this guy? Because he played so strategically? Ok, but I hate him. I don't like anything about him. I don't like his way to play, swearing for his wife, son, dead dad, FOR NOTHING. That's disgusting, dude. How he eats... omg, disgusting too. His way to talk... I don't like him anything.

Who I would like to see again: J'Tia, Sarah and Jefra. Alexis is a fan of Survivor, and wanna play, but, I don't know if she is deserving of  second chance.
If Kass had won that last IC (and when I was watching the season I really wished that had happened), then the F2 would have consisted of her and Woo. Clearly the bitter jury stated Woo would have won. Would you be satisfied with that? Another Fabio winner. :res: I, for one, would have totally hated Woo winning, as he was the most clueless person in both of his seasons and if anyone deserves to win, it's my cat which I don't have over Woo.
So in a way Woo winning last IC and thus Tony winning the season saved it.

Plus, I actually would like to see the Alexis duo, from Cagayan and Micronesia (Alexis Jones <333), to return. The Cagayan Alexis definitely had potential, I think she was kind of a Parvati/Kim Spradlin hybryd in the making. Well, maybe not as good, but given a second chance, I believe she could blossom like Wentworth did.

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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2015, 05:21:57 AM »
@Marionete Sorry, I'm so dumb... xDD Yeah, all you said is true.  :groan:

As Borneo is the first season, the edit is so poor, and it's kinda boring, but I'm ready to continue. haha
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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2016, 08:49:28 AM »
Here I am again! It was a long time.

I stopped watching Borneo for a bit because it was pretty boring and the edit was meh. But I started again and I already finished.
As every season, once they have merged, it's all better.
Like The Amazon, it's funny to see the contestants with sunglasses and those things. And Sue with a razor shaving her legs on the river. xDD

- Sonja: Sweet woman. I loved seeing her playing the ukulele.
- B.B.: Hard worker man, but sometimes too much. I know he died. RIP.
- Stacey: This girl had potential to play. I would liked to see her playing after the merge.
- Ramona: Since day 1 was like "sick", or something, because she didn't do anything. And the day she is working, she left. xD Like the episode title, "Too much too late".
- Dirk: I don't have too much to say about him. I only remember him with his Bible.
- Joel: Not too much to say about him either.
- Gretchen: I didn't expected her to leave that soon! I liked her, and I was pretty sad.
- Greg: This boy is crazy! Talking to a rock like Shane Powers on Panama, his fake reaction when he was voted off... lol
- Jenna: Another girl I do like! It was very sad to see her without the video tape.
- Gervase: Well, not the hardest worker on the island. I absolutely loved his speech about Sue while voting for Kelly.
- Colleen: Loved Colleeeeen! <3 She's so happy, funny, cute, friendly, nice... And I also like her way to play. Always clean and nice with everybody.
- Sean: Meh. Not interesting.
- Susan: Ohhh Sue, Sue... It's fine that you and Kelly talked after the finale, but girl, you are the biggest sore loser ever. You were the truly rat of the island. I know you were angry at the moment, but your words weren't nice to anyone. Loved when Kelly refused to give her hand to you.
- Rudy: Nice man. I mean, he was always criticizing almost everything but never with hard words.
- Kelly: My pick to win. When I saw her in Cambodia, I thought she was not going to align with anyone, because "she didn't liked" the alliances, but now I see why... her alliance turned to her in Borneo. Opss.. I haven't known her at all in Cambodia, maybe because she didn't have too much screen time, because she was voted off "soon", or whatever, but I'm glad to know her in Borneo better. Nice girl. :)
- Rich: He was the smartest, and he was the person who provides fish for the tribe, but I didn't like at all his way to play. He didn't hurt anyone with his game, and that's a positive thing about him.

I see that a lot of people had returned in some season. Almost everyone in All-Stars. I would love to see on a future season: Gretchen, Greg, Colleen and MAYBE Stacey. I see that Greg and Colleen refused to return in some seasons... :( And I think Stacey wouldn't return after the problem with the producers I have read on the wikia.

I already started, Survivor: Marquesas!
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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #31 on: March 13, 2016, 11:26:04 AM »
I finished Marquesas, and I started Gabon.

I'll edit this message with my opinions about Marquesas later. :)
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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #32 on: March 18, 2016, 02:56:30 PM »
I decided to make a new post so maybe the notification make more people come to see it. (?)

As I said, I watched Marquesas, and I think it's a really nice season. There are some great players, and from Survivor 1 and Survivor 4, it was a lot of difference in my opinion.

Well, those are my little weird comments:

- Peter: No time to know him so much, but I haven't expected him to go first.
- Patricia: I like old people, because there aren't too much, but we know what happens with them (they are weaker on the challenges, etc). Btw, she was a little bit bossy aside of her mommy side.
- Hunter: Didn't expected his exit. I mean, he was the strongest, not bossy... That tribe sucked for him. lol
- Sarah: Cleopatra. xD She did nothing on the camp...
- Gabriel: First victim of Dr. John. He looked like a nice guy, but his times with Rob and Sean costed him the expulsion.
- Gina: I absolutely adore Gina! She was the smartest person on Maraamu, and I was so upset, disappointed and sad with her gone. :(
- Rob: I hated him at first, I hated him more when they switched tribes, but I kinda liked him a little when they merged, because he was against John. I find attractive his accent. xD
- John: I liked him at first, but when they switched, he took the bossy paper, and tbh, I hated his alliance. The only moment I love about him was when he was attacked by a stingray and Kathy had to pee on his hand. xDDD
- Zoe: Pretty invisible until the day she left. But she was a nice woman.
- Tammy: "Agressive" girl when she knew she was gonna be voted out. She was invisible too until the day she was targeted.
- Robert: "The General", another pawn of John who was better without him. But invisible too.
- Sean: I didn't liked him at first when he was on Maraamu with Rob, because they were like chilling all day at camp, but once they merged, I really liked him! He is a nice guy, and the best moment was on the Reward with Paschal, when they had to ride a horse. xDD
- Paschal: I liked his bond with Neleh. Really nice man.
- Kathy: Best of the season. I mean, yeah, she deserved to win. She fought like no one there, she was funny, strong... she was perfect!
- Neleh: Cute bond with Paschal, but she started to play a little bit late.
- Vecepia: Well she was smart, she had a nice social game, and a pre-meditated strategy. I liked her, she was a great contestant and awesome woman, but tbh, Kathy deserved more than her. >.<

Peope who have played once and I would like to see on a returnee season: Hunter (he was part of the Dream Team so Idk if he is allowed to participate again), Gina, Sean, Neleh, maybe Gabriel, and ok, I hate John, but he could be a nice Villain.
*Gina, Sean and Neleh are underlined because they are the people who I would love the most to see again.

I started Gabon, and I think it's gonna be a great season! I already watched like 5 episode and it's so good!
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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #33 on: March 18, 2016, 03:25:03 PM »
I don't know what is it, but I have started watching Marquesas twice and never made it to the merge :lol: I really need to watch that season in full some day, but oh well.

I loved Gabon, though it's very polarizing with the fans - one of the most polarizing seasons I'd say!

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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #34 on: March 22, 2016, 02:25:24 PM »
Finished Survivor: Gabon!

I absolutely love this season! Different views, a bunch of awesome castaways and personalities, etc.

Each time you see a new season you love someone and you hate someone, and you are always on someone's side, but with Gabon, I mean, I knew I wasn't on Marcus-Charlie-Corinee-Randy side, but I still like them!
And then it was everyone vs everyone from the people I like the most and I didn't known who to root for.  :iok
The people pre-merge was cool too.

There are a lot of hot people in Survivor, but I think Gabon had the highest number of hot boys in one season.  :funny: :funny:

- Michelle: I found her pretty nice, and athletic, but on the camp side, she was not so comfortable.
- Gillian: I felt sad for her because they didn't let her play too much on the challenges because she was "weak" or "slow". But she was the soul of the tribe on camp. Well, some days too much talkative and bossy, but still a nice woman.
- Paloma: I like her! She is so little, and I like the way she was gonna be a rebel in her tribe, but she hadn't the numbers.
- Jacquie: I felt so bad for her too because she had so much potential to leave the game that early, but of course they had to get rid of someone to take out the numbers on the other alliance.
- GC: Nice, first man to leave, after four girls. :/ I liked him at first but then he turned into a cry complaining kid.
- Kelly: She was nice and fierce, but she hadn't the numbers to stay.
- Ace: Oh, ugggh. I hate him. I mean, he's strong yeah, but he's a bully. I hate when people gets that confident in the game (or in life) and starts to insult the other people. GO AWAY.
- Dan: Hot boy number 1, and for me, the most hot guy in Survivor. Have you seen those eyes? That smile?? I'm melting. xD Btw, he was a nice competitor, but the numbers, and his annoying coments about food and how much he had to eat because he was stronger...
- Marcus: He's a hot guy too. I like his way of playing the game, because he was the leader of an alliance, but he's not hateable. I mean, he was nice with everybody.
- Charlie: Another hot boy. He was nice with people too, but sometimes too much devil when he was alone with Corinne. lol I felt a little bit bad for him because it was a total blindside.
- Randy: Oh God, that man. How I love his moments when he was voting for a winner. xDDD Didn't liked all those bully coments on the game, but he was so entertaining to see. Oh, and the Fake Idol Tribal Council... xDDD
- Corinne: Another devil in a cute face. She was entertaining to see too. The comment about Sugar's father... so bad Corinne.
- Crystal: Loved Crystal! That big woman couldn't won a single challenge! Just two in one episode. xD Btw, I loved her game and her alliance with Ken.
- Ken: I really liked him too, but has he said, he gets so cocky and confident at the final and it was when he was voted out.
- Matty: Last hot boy. I liked him too. He was so sweet when he was talking about his girlfriend. Strong and nice person.
- Sugar: The Exile Island girl. lol I absolutely adore her! She wasn't so smart taking Bob with her but I think she knew she was not gonna win, so she wanted him to win. I love her, really.
- Susie: So surprised that she won the first and last IC. She was too much talkative and when she won the last IC she was so annoying all day repeating the same thing, but she's pretty nice. But in the game side, a little bit lost. xD And lol she had 3 votes on the finale.
- Bob: This man is so adorable. He was a hard worker, strong on that skinny body, smart and nice person. He deserved to win because being the oldest man out there he did a great job winning all those challenges and being that nice with everyone.

One of the bests season I've seen so far.
The people who just played once I would like to see again: Crystal, Ken, Matty and Charlie. Maybe Marcus or Dan too to see his smile again. I hate Ace but he could do good as a Villain.  There's more people like Paloma or Jacquie that could be interesting, but too less screen-time on Gabon to know it clearly.

I started Survivor: The Australian Outback!
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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2016, 02:53:06 PM »
Gabon is a fun season IMO, you're rolling through them, Hysha! Aussie Outback is classic and one of the top ten for most folks!!

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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #36 on: March 23, 2016, 06:00:44 PM »
Gabon is definitely my favourite

Offline Hysha

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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2016, 07:39:03 AM »
Gabon is a fun season IMO, you're rolling through them, Hysha! Aussie Outback is classic and one of the top ten for most folks!!

As you know I'm not an english speaker and I really don't get if this is a good or a bad thing. I don't understand this at 100%.  :funny: :funny:

Finished Survivor: The Australian Outback! I haven't expected that nice for just the second season of Survivor. hahaha

Already started Survivor: Palau! I'll put my opinions about Australia later.
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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2016, 07:39:57 AM »
Gabon is a fun season IMO, you're rolling through them, Hysha! Aussie Outback is classic and one of the top ten for most folks!!

As you know I'm not an english speaker and I really don't get if this is a good or a bad thing. I don't understand this at 100%.  :funny: :funny:

It just means you're so fast :lol:

Offline Hysha

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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2016, 07:44:02 AM »
Gabon is a fun season IMO, you're rolling through them, Hysha! Aussie Outback is classic and one of the top ten for most folks!!

As you know I'm not an english speaker and I really don't get if this is a good or a bad thing. I don't understand this at 100%.  :funny: :funny:

It just means you're so fast :lol:

Oh ok! Hahahah Not more than you replying, this was REALLY fast. hahahah
It's the Holly Week here in Spain so I have a lot of free time to watch Survivor. :)

Palau doesn't started fine for me, I hate that they did this to Jonathan and Wanda... It was so unfair...
Tbh I don't like watching season when I know someone has died, I'm so sentimental and it's so sad for me, but well, let's enjoy the season.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 08:29:36 AM by Hysha »
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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #40 on: April 03, 2016, 11:26:06 AM »
Hey guys! I'm gonna make my typical post about The Australian Outback.

For being the second season of Survivor I think it's a real nice one. IMO Survivor 2 >>>> Survivor 1.

- Debb: I think she would have been a nice Survivor if she have had the opportunity. I felt sad when she said all that happened to her once they arrived from Survivor.
- Kel: Well not so much about him. I bet he was not gonna eat beef anymore. lol
- Maralyn: I like her! I think she had a great personality and I would have loved to see more of her.
- Mitchell: I expected more of him, but that skinny tall boy couldn't beat the outback.
- Kimmi: One I was watching Cambodia and I see everybody talking about her incident with the chickens, I expected that it was gonna be a huge battle between Kimmi and her tribemates for not killing the chickens, but I see that she was nice with it, she was understandable, just pissed, but she was not like "don't kill the chickens!". So I didn't like that she was voted out that early, I like her.
- Michael: This man is mad. I mean, he's a great survivor, but some faces and some attitudes were pretty rare. I hate him at the moment of the pig... I was gonna go through the laptop screen and punch his face. xD
- Jeff: Pretty nice, but sometimes to cocky and confident.
- Alicia: I liker her, strong girl! She reminds me to Michelle Rodriguez (actress) but being black. xD 
- Jerri: Great villain, but not a big fan of her. She was so cocky and confident too, and sometimes kinda annoying about Colby and their "bromance?".
- Nick: Cute guy. Kinda lazy, but nice. Not too much.
- Amber: At first I thought she was gonna be the firsts out, but then she started to grow up and having more screen time and I started to like her. Specially once Jerri was out.
- Rodger: Nice man but not too much to say about him.
- Elisabeth: My favorite of this season. She's so sweet, adorable and strong. I mean, she was my pick to win, and I hate that she was voted out.
- Keith: Not a big fan of him either. I would have liked to see him being voted out earlier
- Colby: Not a big fan of him at all either. I mean, he's a strong guy, and he was really nice with everybody, but I was tired of seeing him. I don't know why, but this was my feeling about him. xDD I think he made a big mistake voting out Keith and going to the finale with Tina.
- Tina: Well deserved. Not too much screen time at first, but then she started to grow like Amber, being under the radar, but with a total controll of everything. Making moves without being discovered, and of course, being really nice with everyone.

Who I would like to see again: Almost everybody in this season has appeared in any other season, so my only pick would be Elisabeth, but I know that she was asked some times and she refused because she's now a TV presenter or something like that.

After The Australian Outback, I watched Survivor: Palau.

I extremely LOVED this season. But there's some things that I absolutely hated from it. lol

First one, eliminating two castaways almost before starting the game.
Second one, no Tribe Switch. I know there's some seasons that there isn't Tribe Switch, but when a tribe is almost dissolved, and the other is intact (1 vs 8 ), I think a Tribe Switch could have done it better.
Last one, no Merged tribe. I know it was Koror + 1, but whatever, I wanted new buffs, new name and new flag! :/
Well, and the winner, I didn't like it NOTHING. lol

- Jonathan: Didn't liked that he and Wanda were eliminated before started, but I don't care about him too much, just another muscled guy.
- Wanda: Unlike Jonathan, she was unique, and I would have loved to see her competing. I felt really sad for her.
- Jolanda: I see that she was gonna be bossy since the minute 1. xD
- Ashlee: Not too much to say about her. Like she said on the Reunion, she was not made for that game.
- Jeff: Strong and nice guy, just bad luck with his ankle.
- Kim: She did almost nothing. She survived too much. lol
- Willard: Almost no screen time, so I knew he was not gonna be on the island for too long.
- Angie: I LOVED her! <3 I hate that she was voted out because of the Koror tribe, voting Ibrehem to be immune. So pissed about that Tribal Council.
- James: Meh, I just have fun with his accent. So cocky sometimes.
- Ibrehem: He's a nice guy, but I hate that Angie was voted out because of him being immune without earn it.
- Bobby Jon: Strong and nice guy. But of course, better him out rather than Stephenie.
- Coby: I didn't like him when he was on the island. I mean, he made a pact with Angie and then he didn't picked her for his tribe. But once he left and become a Jury member, I started to liked him because I liked how he spoke. So cute that he named her daughter Janu like his tribemate. :)
- Janu: I liked her at first, but then she was like a zombie on the island. At least her last day on the Exile Island she was happy, and her last Reward Challenge she did a great job.
- Stephenie: My favorite girl on this season, and one of my favorite survivors of all time. She's so strong, so nice with everybody, I mean, she is perfect! <333
- Gregg: Well, another strong guy on the island.
- Caryn: She is a nice woman, but I didn't liked that she was with Tom, because I don't like Tom anything. xD
- Jenn: I felt so sad watching this season knowing that she was dead... She was so sweet, adorable, nice woman, and strong at competitions. You did a great job Jenn. RIP. :( <3
- Ian: My favorite boy on there. I really thought that he was gonna win, and then, he let Tom win the last IC. WHAT!? I was so disappointed and pissed...
- Katie: Well, that girl outlasted because of jumping into alliances. She was smart, but at challenges... not that good.
- Tom: I didn't like him anything. I know he's so strong and dominating in challenges, but meh.

I have to say that one of my favorites moments of this season was the discussion between Ian and Katie. It was adorable! They looked like a couple. <3
This season had a lot of strong players, and tbh atm is one of my favorites seasons!

Players that I would like to see again: Wanda (yes, Wanda! <3), Angie and Ian. Maybe Katie and Coby could do a nice job too.

Now, I started Survivor: Tocantins!

There's a thing that I would love that someone could explain me.
In the Outback, a tie was solved by the previous votes of the survivors.
Then in other season was with rocks. In others with fire making. And then in Cambodia, instead of making fire or rocks, they made the surviors to chose who to eliminate. I mean, what determinates how to solve a tie?
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 11:31:00 AM by Hysha »
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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #41 on: April 03, 2016, 01:44:18 PM »
I know there's some seasons that there isn't Tribe Switch, but when a tribe is almost dissolved, and the other is intact (1 vs 8 ), I think a Tribe Switch could have done it better.
Last one, no Merged tribe. I know it was Koror + 1, but whatever, I wanted new buffs, new name and new flag! :/
Twists like tribe switches are predetermined similarly to NELs in TAR, so they couldn't even "switch things up" when 1 tribe was totally dominating. :P
And there was essentially no merge in Palau, and so there were no merge buffs or a merge flag. It's similar to
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how the 2 remaining tribe members of Matsing were absorbed into the other 2 tribes and that was essentially not a tribe switch.
<< I assume you haven't seen Survivor: Philippines, so unless you don't care about spoilers, read that sometime later. :lol:
I've actually wondered whether the pre-merge of Palau would have continued further on if the tribes were more even. Like, with 1 member on Ulong, they had no choice, but what was the original plan? ??? Never saw/found any info on that.

There's a thing that I would love that someone could explain me.
In the Outback, a tie was solved by the previous votes of the survivors.
Then in other season was with rocks. In others with fire making. And then in Cambodia, instead of making fire or rocks, they made the surviors to chose who to eliminate. I mean, what determinates how to solve a tie?
Oh lol, I remember being confused over that, too :lol: I will try to explain to the best of my ability.

The current rules (unchanged since season 10 (Palau), I believe) are quite simple in that a vote tied with 4 people still in the game results in a fire-making challenge. A unique exception is the final 2 of the Ulong tribe (in Survivor: Palau), as never before or after have only 2 castaways gone to TC.

If the tie happens with more than 4 (logically more than 5, because a revote will solve the tie with 5) people remaining, then rocks are drawn. Cambodia is also a rather unique exception, because theorically they could've gone to rocks -- only Keith was the only person eligible to draw a rock, thus being eliminated by default. :lol: When there is such a tiebreaker, the person with immunity AND the people tied become safe. In Cambodia, 2 more people were immune from playing idols, so just 1 out of 6 was left vulnerable (poor Keith :lol:) and the castaways were allowed to discuss due to this extremely tricky situation.
In the earlier seasons (4 to probably 9) when there was yet no fire-making challenge, even a final 4 would have drawn rocks and the people tied would also participate, as opposed to the current rules.

Nooow in seasons 2-3 there used to a tiebreaker where the person with the most votes from PAST tribal councils would be eliminated. Because such rule couldn't be applied in a tribe's first tribal (or when the tied castaways both have equal previous votes), the tiebreaker in that case would be a trivia quiz happening between the 2 tied contestants.

And I found out literally just now that there was no tiebreaker protocol in Survivor: Borneo, so they would've just had to revote until someone flipped. :lol:

I hope this explanation is understandable
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 02:16:20 PM by Marionete »

Offline Hysha

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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #42 on: April 04, 2016, 05:39:06 AM »
I know there's some seasons that there isn't Tribe Switch, but when a tribe is almost dissolved, and the other is intact (1 vs 8 ), I think a Tribe Switch could have done it better.
Last one, no Merged tribe. I know it was Koror + 1, but whatever, I wanted new buffs, new name and new flag! :/
Twists like tribe switches are predetermined similarly to NELs in TAR, so they couldn't even "switch things up" when 1 tribe was totally dominating. :P
And there was essentially no merge in Palau, and so there were no merge buffs or a merge flag. It's similar to
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how the 2 remaining tribe members of Matsing were absorbed into the other 2 tribes and that was essentially not a tribe switch.
<< I assume you haven't seen Survivor: Philippines, so unless you don't care about spoilers, read that sometime later. :lol:
I've actually wondered whether the pre-merge of Palau would have continued further on if the tribes were more even. Like, with 1 member on Ulong, they had no choice, but what was the original plan? ??? Never saw/found any info on that.

There's a thing that I would love that someone could explain me.
In the Outback, a tie was solved by the previous votes of the survivors.
Then in other season was with rocks. In others with fire making. And then in Cambodia, instead of making fire or rocks, they made the surviors to chose who to eliminate. I mean, what determinates how to solve a tie?
Oh lol, I remember being confused over that, too :lol: I will try to explain to the best of my ability.

The current rules (unchanged since season 10 (Palau), I believe) are quite simple in that a vote tied with 4 people still in the game results in a fire-making challenge. A unique exception is the final 2 of the Ulong tribe (in Survivor: Palau), as never before or after have only 2 castaways gone to TC.

If the tie happens with more than 4 (logically more than 5, because a revote will solve the tie with 5) people remaining, then rocks are drawn. Cambodia is also a rather unique exception, because theorically they could've gone to rocks -- only Keith was the only person eligible to draw a rock, thus being eliminated by default. :lol: When there is such a tiebreaker, the person with immunity AND the people tied become safe. In Cambodia, 2 more people were immune from playing idols, so just 1 out of 6 was left vulnerable (poor Keith :lol:) and the castaways were allowed to discuss due to this extremely tricky situation.
In the earlier seasons (4 to probably 9) when there was yet no fire-making challenge, even a final 4 would have drawn rocks and the people tied would also participate, as opposed to the current rules.

Nooow in seasons 2-3 there used to a tiebreaker where the person with the most votes from PAST tribal councils would be eliminated. Because such rule couldn't be applied in a tribe's first tribal (or when the tied castaways both have equal previous votes), the tiebreaker in that case would be a trivia quiz happening between the 2 tied contestants.

And I found out literally just now that there was no tiebreaker protocol in Survivor: Borneo, so they would've just had to revote until someone flipped. :lol:

I hope this explanation is understandable

Yeah, thanks a lot!! :)
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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2016, 01:02:25 PM »
More then a month to watch a season. xD Well, I have an excuse, exams and all those things who we all hate.  :hides

So I'm done with Survivor: Tocantins!

Pretty nice season where I like a lot of people. Too much good characters there.
The bad thing was that there wasn't Tribe Switch. I like Tribe Switch, it makes the show better!

- Carolina: We couldn't see too much about her, just that she spoke to easly and too much. She should have been more quiet.
- Candace: I saw a lot of potential on Candace, but her fierceness was a problem for her.
- Jerry: We couldn't see too much of him either, because of being sick. However, I think it wasn't that bad to vote him out.
- Sandy: I'm glad she wasn't voted out the first TC. It's nice to have an old lady resisting that much, and she could have been there for a long more time.
- Spencer: So disappointed. They voted him out because he didn't perform well in ONE challenge. He did good on the others. I was so upset that he didn't made it, at least, to the merge.
- Sydney: She perfomed nicely, but it was just one more blondie and beautiful girl out there.
- Joe: I haven't seen him too much on the show, so I wasn't sad when he left. lol Btw, he was a nice guy.
- Brendan: Hmm.. I liked him at first when he was in the Exile Island Alliance, but man, you messed it up when you didn't have any interest on go an talk to your alliance and not playing the Idol. Well, I prefer Sierra than him so, well done not playing that idol. xDD
- Tyson: I don't know if I will like him on S27, but in this season, I hate him. His personality sucked. He was trying to be the devil, but I don't think he's that bad in real life.
- Sierra: Bring back Sierra NOW! <3 I love her, she was fantastic in all the ways possible.
- Debbie: She was pretty invisible at first, but despite of her being on the Coach side, I really like her. I wouldn't mind to see her again, she showed some pretty good skills on strategy and comps.
- Coach: Meh... please, give him an actor award and other because of the best fake-storyteller. Oh, please, I almost died on that Exlie Island, all alone... Man, Stephen, Taj, Sierra or Erinn were there all alone several times!
- Taj: How can be possible that she haven't return yet? She's fantastic too! I was so sad with the way she left, being betrayed by her allies.
- Erinn: She was in the F3 because of flying under the radar, not having an alliance and just luck. lol Btw, she was nice at strategy.
- Stephen: Definetly, better in Tocantins than in Cambodia. You know what? Sometimes I hopped that he and J.T. would have gone to the tall grass an having a kiss or something.  :snicker: xDDDDDDDDDDD Well, him and J.T. were a really good complement being the Brain and J.T. the Brawn.
- J.T.: The Brawn of the couple, but I think he could have done that better without Stephen at all. He was smart. He looks better with beard than without it like in the finale. I didn't know he's going to be on S20. Let's see how he does.

Overall, a good season with a nice F2, but I knew who was gonna win. I would have voted the same.

Who I would like to see again: Candace (I think she have potential), Spencer, Sierra, Debbie, Taj.

I'm now with Survivor: Thailand!

Let's make a quick resume of my list:
- Have watched randomly: S1, S2, S4, S6, S10, S12, S15, S17, S18, S21, S24, S28, S29, S30, S31. Currently watching S32 and S5.
- Have to watch randomly: S3, S7, S9, S13, S14, S19.
- Will watch, in order, when I finished the seasons without returning players: S8, S11, S16, S20, S22, S23, S25, S26, S27.
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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #44 on: June 02, 2016, 01:27:52 PM »
Finished Survivor: Thailand, and I already started Survivor: Fiji! I'll put my thoughts later.
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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #45 on: June 02, 2016, 02:29:02 PM »
I don't get why people hate Caromon fvf. It has to be one of my favourite seasons

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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #46 on: June 02, 2016, 08:06:08 PM »
It had a dreadful cast of favourites, uncomfortable and stretched drama, and personally an unlikable winner, too.
The editing was miserable, too.

Definitely bottom 5 of all-time for me.

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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #47 on: June 02, 2016, 09:17:58 PM »
Only people worth watching in Caramoan was Eddie, Sherri, Andrea, Phillip (unpopular opinion ik) and Brenda (despite her edit lol).

Everyone else sucked.

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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #48 on: June 02, 2016, 09:56:08 PM »
It was a great season post merge

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Re: Survivor: Previous Seasons Discussion
« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2016, 04:28:11 PM »
Only people worth watching in Caramoan was Eddie, Sherri, Andrea, Phillip (unpopular opinion ik) Corinne and Brenda (despite her edit lol).

Everyone else sucked.