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TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« on: January 20, 2015, 03:27:59 PM »
Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight


Name: Harley Rodriguez
Age: 41
Hometown: New York
Relationship Status: Dating
Length of Relationship: 7 years
How did you meet? Through a mutual friend on a random night out in Los Angeles.
Current occupation: Group fitness trainer
Describe what you do: I’m a master instructor in group fitness training at Barry’s Bootcamp.
3 words to describe you: Good listener, patient (to a fault) and humble.
Favorite hobbies: Teaching fitness classes and watching movies.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Uprooting my life on the West Coast and starting a new chapter with work on the East Coast.
What famous person reminds you of yourself? Physically, people have said Mark Consuelos.
What famous person reminds you of your teammate? Nobody. I even looked online and nothing!
What scares you most about traveling? Getting kidnapped or dying abroad.
What excites you most about traveling? Immersing myself and learning about the culture of the country/city through its locals.
Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: We can be very indecisive on the smallest things.
Pet peeve about your teammate: His complaining.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why? The Seychelles. Pictures of the islands look breathtaking.
What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? Experiencing travel in a completely different way.
How could the Race change the current state of your relationship? It will force us to make constant in-the-moment crucial decisions more often. The high stress level of the show will definitely test us.
Name: Jonathan Knight

Age: 46
Hometown: New York
Relationship Status: Dating
Length of relationship: 7 years
How did you meet? Mutual friend
Current occupation: Entertainer
Describe what you do: I am a member of pop group New Kids On The Block.
3 words to describe you: Modest, giving and loyal.
Favorite hobbies: Farming/gardening, DIY projects and snorkeling.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Being fortunate to have the same career for 30 years that I started when I was 16.
What famous person reminds you of yourself? Photographer Lynn Goldsmith called me young Elvis when I was young.
What scares you most about traveling? Toilets in third world countries, “street meat” and sickness.
What excites you most about traveling? The unknown, seeing different cultures and landscapes and meeting amazing people.
Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: We tend to be indecisive. Running The Race we are going to have to make quick decisions and pick which one is best.
Pet peeve about your teammate: He tends to be late for things.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why? I have been lucky to see a lot of the world. There are a few countries left to see though! All would be equally amazing to see in their own right.
What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? I hope to gain skills that will forever enhance our communication and life together.
How could the Race change the current state of your relationship? It could bring us closer together working as a team or tear us apart.

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Offline georgiapeach

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2015, 03:31:30 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>
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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2015, 03:47:07 PM »
Really looking forward to them!

Offline gamerfan09

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2015, 04:29:19 AM »
Their "theme music" at the Pit Stop. :barf

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2015, 08:57:26 PM »
I judged too quickly and ended up liking them, sad to see them go! :(

It would have been really lulzy if they kept going in the Race because there was no leg where Jonathan wasn't afraid of anything :lol:

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2015, 10:34:09 AM »
their editing is leaning somewhere ...

A comeback for another season, possibly? I feel strongly about this...

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2015, 07:13:03 PM »

Jonathan and Harley Let Their Love Shine Even After an Elimination
Find out which major feat took them to new heights

Posted on Mar 16, 2015 01:10pm

Harley and Jonathan, the third couple eliminated on Season 26, answered your questions about running The Amazing Race.

1. Sandra L. - Too bad they got eliminated. They are my favorite couple. They showed so much love and respect for each other. I hope to see them again in an All Stars Season. My question is, do you guys ever fight? What drives you crazy about the other person?
Thank you! We’ve never had a big blow up because there’s no reason to fight over petty situations…we also give each other space, which is important to us.
Jonathan: We don't ever fight! We have a very good give-and-take relationship. We also don't have many stressors that most couples have in relationships. Things may change in the future if we involve kids, job challenges, health issues ect.

2. Pam G. - How did you stay so positive during the Race? Everyone else was complaining, but I don't think I ever heard ya'll complain.
As a team, on the Race and in life, we knew that if we didn’t support each other, no matter how good or bad we were at challenges, we would end up not enjoying our once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Jonathan: I haven't seen the other teams complaining! And, we certainly wouldn't complain. It was such an honor for the producers to pick us to be on the show.

3. Verne H. - Which team do you feel is the frontrunner, and which group races better together – Daters or Blinders?
I’ve been surprised at how well the Blinders have been dominating, but Rochelle and Mike have been great together! The Daters might have a challenge where it works in favor of their longtime knowledge of each other.
Jonathan: Whenever you think a team is the front runner, things usually go south from there.... The race is so unpredictable. It's going to be fun seeing how the different team dynamic plays out. We are shocked the singles are blowing away the dating couples so far!

4. Janice W.P. - Which challenge on The Amazing Race did you find the most satisfying after you accomplished it and why? You guys were amazing! Totally felt the love. So proud of both of you!!!
I found the puzzle box so satisfying because I really used my brain instead of brawn…completely still concentration.
Jonathan: Thank you for your compliments. The biggest accomplishment for us was just being chosen to race. There are so many applicants every season to choose from, and they chose us. We enjoyed all the challenges and wish we could have done some more. Wearing high heels was a pretty major accomplishment though. We still don't know how people do it!

5. Linda C. - Sorry you were eliminated! Why did you not choose to dance when you had the chance?
I know! We didn’t choose the dance challenge because Jon had said ahead of time that since it takes him longer to learn steps, to completely avoid those types of challenges if possible. Haha!
Jonathan: Dancing involves lots of memory. We decided going into the Race to avoid as much mental challenges as possible and stick to more physical challenges. Funny thing is, you never know what will come your way and we ended up dancing together after all in Phuket.

6. Kristen M. - You guys seem like such a sweet and loving couple. What advice would you give to the blind date couples who are looking for love? So sad you got eliminated, love you guys!!
I always say it’ll happen when you least expect it and when it does, have patience and understanding and out of respect, never try to change each other.
Jonathan: We were not looking for love and love found us. Sometimes you look way to hard and miss what is right under your nose the whole time.

7. Kelli B. - Did you learn anything new about each other during the Race?
We learned that we understand each other even more through stressful situations and have full support of each other no matter what the outcome.
Jonathan: We learned we are able to function together under extreme pressure. That is an attribute that will come in handy in life over and over.
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2015, 08:40:45 PM »

Exclusive: Jonathan Knight and Harley Rodriguez talk 'The Amazing Race' (Part 1)

by Elizabeth Kwiatkowski, 03/17/2015

The Amazing Race eliminated Jonathan Knight and his partner Harley Rodriguez during the 26th season's fourth episode Friday night on CBS. 

 Harley, a 41-year-old group fitness trainer, and Jonathan, a 46-year-old entertainer, were ousted from the race around the world after they arrived at the fourth Pit Stop in last place. They are both from New York, NY, and have been dating for seven years. 

Harley and Jonathan were ousted after earning a second chance with a non-elimination leg.

In an exclusive interview with Reality TV World, the guys talked about their The Amazing Race experience and what went wrong. Below is the first half. Check back with us soon for the concluding portion. 

Reality TV World: How far behind Matt Cucolo and Ashley Gordon do you think you finally arrived at the Pit Stop and met the Race host Phil Keoghan?

Jonathan Knight: Actually, we were behind ]Jenny Wu and Jelani Roy]. The edit just made it look like Matt and Ashley were ahead of us, but I think Matt and Ashley and Jelani and Jen were pretty much head-to-head.

Harley Rodriguez: I think Jelani told us we were like an hour-and-a-half behind them.

Reality TV World: I don't recall this being very clear, so what time was your flight out of Phuket and then when you arrived in Bangkok, how far behind the other teams were you?

Harley Rodriguez: We were very, very far behind. We were probably, like, three hours behind everyone. But then finally we caught up. But when we got to Phuket, everyone started at a certain time except for -- well, they were different times according to when you got to the mat -- but we were probably two hours behind the last time when we arrived at Phuket.

 So that's when Jon said it would probably be enough time to catch up if there were really difficult challenges, but then we had a non-elimination round. And then the next day, yeah, the next leg, it was the Speed Bump. So, we probably could've shaved off about 30 minutes. So there could've been a chance for us to catch up to the last team. But we didn't see anyone for two legs! (Laughs)

Reality TV World: During the non-elimination leg, you guys departed the Pit Stop in fourth place but then when you tried to book tickets on a flight, you got stuck on a way later option. I think you were about nine hours behind the last team at that point. Were you just not aggressive enough at the airport's ticket counter? How'd you end up way behind the pack like that?

Jonathan Knight: The airport, everybody stayed up all night in the airport. And then we were all camped out in front of the ticket counter, and then just when the ticket counter opened, all the ticket agents were getting all weirded out and stuff. They were freaking out because there were all these cameras and, you know, they were just all confused and stuff.

 So the gate opened and everybody just did a mad dash to the ticket gate. Basically, it was just the Racers that ran to the ticket counter and that's when the chaos started in. The ticket agents got all confused and they didn't know -- it became a free-fall. And we kind of got lost in the shuffle.

 So that's how we ended up not getting those plane tickets. Me and Harley, [Michael Dombrowski and Rochelle Nevedal], and [Bergen Olson and Kurt Jordan], we were like first, second and third in line at the ticket counter.

Harley Rodriguez: And so they got their tickets so then Bergen and Kurt said, "Okay, let's stick together and go find a flight." But there were two terminals and we had to take a bus between each terminal, so we were going back and forth for like hours between the airlines.

 So we were having meltdowns. And that's when I said, "Let's just split up," and then they found a flight. Then, we finally found the final flight, which took us all over the place.

Reality TV World: Would you say your elimination pretty much came down to bad luck rather than mistakes or poor performance?

Jonathan Knight: Well, no, because we screwed up again. When we got to Phuket, we actually missed another flight and that was just because of my stupidity. Because it's just so weird when you're in a foreign country and people are talking to you, like the flight attendant was just like, "Yeah, take the ticket and go to the gate."

 Well, when you think of a "gate" in America, you think of what we know as a gate. Well, she meant, "Take the ticket when you get to the next stop and go to the transfer gate." But she had said nothing about the transfer gate. So we went straight to the gate. It was closed. So we just fell asleep on the floor at the gate and set our alarms to wake up with enough time to get on the flight.

 And then when we tried to get on the flight, they're like, "No, you can't get on the flight! You have to go to the transfer gate and get a new ticket reissued." So the transfer gate is way above in the airport. They were like, "You're never going to make it by the time you run up there and run back. The plane is going to be gone." So then we had to book another flight, which was, what, an hour later, babe?

Harley Rodriguez: Like two hours. Two hours later.

Jonathan Knight: Yeah, so if we didn't miss that flight, that's what screwed us up.
Reality TV World: Did either of you really struggle with any particular task in the last couple of legs or did you get through the challenges pretty smoothly? You weren't edited into the episodes all that much because you were so far behind everyone most of the time. 

Jonathan Knight: Yeah, that, and we were breezing through the challenges. They were really easy. It seemed like on those two legs, the one challenge that was the killer was the wakeboarding. I guess it was only [Blair Townsend] that made it around and everybody else was just face-planting left and right.

Harley Rodriguez: But definitely the airport sealed our fate. I mean, if it wasn't for that, we would've been [okay]. Like Jon was saying, the challenges, we would get through them on either the first or second try (laughs) and then on to the next. We were just focused on trying to catch up.

Reality TV World: Did you like how the show changed up its Detour format in this leg or did you like it the old way better? Obviously this time around, there ended up being four Detour tasks -- two for each mode of transportation, the "Water" and "Wheel" -- and the teams therefore attempted different challenges, some being more time-consuming than others. 

Harley Rodriguez: I kind of liked it! I just think it adds more drama to the show. We were lucky that we didn't end up trying to get a water taxi when they were all taken or trying to get on something when all those slots were filled up.

 So, I mean, it definitely made you think. You had to keep in perspective where you were in the Race. We were like, "No way. The teams are obviously there [at the water]. We need to choose the other."

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2015, 12:59:00 AM »
Thanks for the article, peach!
I know there was much too show this episode and they probably didn't want to completely kill the suspense, but I think the highlighted events should have been aired.

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2015, 01:17:00 PM »
Murtz On The Scene: Exclusive Interview With The Amazing Race 26’s Jonathan Knight & Harley Rodriguez

by Murtz on March 30, 2015

The Amazing Race finally returns this week after being preempted for the last three weeks because of the NCAA March Madness tournament. A couple of weeks ago, I caught up with Jonathan Knight and Harley Rodriguez who became the third team to be eliminated. Initially, Jonathan (a 46 year-old entertainer) and Harley (a 41 year-old group fitness trainer) were saved by a non-elimination leg but after boarding a late flight from Phuket (that departed much later than the flight that most of the other teams were on), the pair were unable to catch up to the pack.

I caught up with Jonathan and Harley to discuss what happened.

Murtz Jaffer: Jonathan, I understand that you were actually behind Jenny and Jelani but that the episode made it look like you were behind Matt and Ashley. How far behind were you?

Jonathan Knight: We were told by Jenny and Jelani that we arrived 1 1/2 hours behind them.

MJ: It seemed like your flight out of Phuket left much later than everyone else’s. How much of a gap was there between your flight and the flights that the other teams were on?

Harley Rodriguez: We were 9 1/2 hours behind the team ahead of us…Bergen and Kurt.

MJ: Usually, the team that gets eliminated is featured a lot in the episode but because of how far back you were, you didn’t really get to interact with many of the other teams (and as a result, weren’t heavily featured in your last episode). Were you surprised by this?

JK: I love that they did it in the way that they did. People I know said they were in such suspense not knowing the inevitable outcome.

MJ: Harley, usually teams are eliminated because they couldn’t complete a detour or roadblock but you guys proved that navigating flights is perhaps the most important aspect of The Amazing Race. If you were giving advice to a new team going on to the Amazing Race, would you tell them that getting on the right flight is the key to winning?

HR: I would tell a new team to use every resource tirelessly…phones, computers, agents, and don’t stop until you get a definite booking.

MJ: How did you manage to get past your cat allergy on the show?

JK: Luckily for that challenge, we were in and out! I made sure I didn’t touch the cats and never touched my eyes until I had a second to wash them.

MJ: Why do you think the blind date couples have been so successful this season as it has only been pre-existing couples who have been eliminated thus far?

HR: I feel that as pre-existing couples, you go into the Race knowing that one team member will do certain challenges (like jumping out of a plane) while the other one doesn’t. In the case of the blind date couples, since they don’t know each other, both of them go into the Race knowing they will do any and every challenge without qualms.

MJ: Jonathan, while you were on the Amazing Race, did anyone recognize you as a member of New Kids on the Block and was this an advantage or disadvantage?

JK: I was so focused on the task at hand I really didn’t notice. I do know that fans showed up at an airport later in the race. Strange how the digital age allows so much to be revealed. I was disappointed when I got home and found out that three days into the Race, people already knew that Harley and I were cast on this season. I was looking forward to sharing the news and being able to see peoples responses. Glad phones aren’t allowed on the race, I would have been glued to my Twitter account (@JonathanRKNight).

MJ: You guys had to complete a speedbump but because of how far back your flight was… it seemed to not even matter at that point. Was it a factor?

HR: Of course it mattered…every minute spent on a challenge delays your arrival at the mat.

MJ: If you guys had been given the opportunity to use a U-Turn to catch-up, who would you have U-Turned?

JK: That’s hard to say exactly, but it would have been any team that we had known was behind us.

MJ: Harley, what’s next for you?

HR: I would love to revisit the countries we travelled to, with enough time to really enjoy it instead of zipping through areas in a race against time!

MJ: Jonathan, what’s next for you?

JK: I’m coming to a city near you! NKOTB is doing another arena tour this year with TLC and Nelly. We have our 7th NKOTB cruise this fall. Personally, I finally finished writing my autobiography, and landed a TV development deal showcasing my business renovating houses.

MJ: Thanks for joining me!,30836.0.html
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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2015, 01:20:56 PM »

Exclusive: Jonathan Knight and Harley Rodriguez talk 'The Amazing Race' (Part 2)


By Elizabeth Kwiatkowski, 03/20/2015

The Amazing Race eliminated Harley Rodriguez and his partner Jonathan Knight during the 26th season's fourth episode on CBS. 
Harley, a 41-year-old group fitness trainer, and Jonathan, a 46-year-old entertainer, were ousted from the race around the world after they arrived at the fourth Pit Stop in last place. They are both from New York, NY, and have been dating for seven years. 

Harley and Jonathan were ousted after earning a second chance with a non-elimination leg.

In an exclusive interview with Reality TV World, the guys talked about their The Amazing Race experience. 

Reality TV World: Four blind-dating couples finished this leg in the Top 5 spots with two of them having claimed first and second place. And the first three teams eliminated from this season have had a pre-existing relationship. Does that surprise you? What's your theory on why it might've played out this way?

Jonathan Knight: That is a good question. I was actually really shocked that the [blind] dating couples have been doing so well so far just because, you know, when you have an existing couple, we know our strengths and weaknesses. We kind of have a relationship in which who does what has come down to a science. So, yeah, I'm very shocked about that.

Harley Rodriguez: I think maybe also, like, the couples are more dependant on each other, like, the existing couples. And the blind-date couples, they're not dependant.

 I mean, we all want to win, but I think they also have the mentality of, "I'm here solo and my partner is here to help me a little bit," you know what I mean? I feel like their focus was probably stronger maybe because the existing couples were dependant on each other. I don't know!

Reality TV World: Although the blind-dating couples are doing so well on the Race, a couple of them seem to be self-destructing right now, especially in this Bangkok leg. Hayley Keel and Blair Townsend as well as Jenny Wu and Jelani Roy started out getting along really well, and for some reason, this fourth leg was a turning point. Why do you think things are falling apart now?

Jonathan Knight: Well, I just think it's because they're finally getting to know each other. It's the whole honeymoon phase that's over. They're out there now and now they're realizing that one particular member is not as strong as they thought. They're finding out the other teammate's faults and stuff, or weaknesses.

Harley Rodriguez: Yeah, and Jen and Jelani I could see it, because they were in first place and were so high up in the ranks. And then they went down so low that they were probably really frustrated on top of it.

 They had to get on each other because they probably had that mentality of, "We're going to glide through this. We're in first!" That usually happens to a team when you fall back. They start getting pissed off at each other. (Laughs)

Reality TV World: Out of all the blind-dating couples, who could you see working out in the end. Do you think any of the teams will come out of this with an official relationship or at least a real romantic connection?

Jonathan Knight: Ugh, ugh, um. I don't know! They all seemed to be pretty adamant that they're not going to be couples, but I mean, I know just talking with the other cast members that Blair and Hayley seem to be hanging out a lot -- which is really shocking to me. (Laughs)

 Because they were fighting so much on the show, and now, they're spending a lot of time together. So, I don't know, I'm kind of pulling for them! They are kind of my underdogs for the singles.

Reality TV World: Jackie Ibarra and Jeffrey Weldon appear to be getting along very well too.

Jonathan Knight: Yeah, they were getting along. Yeah, they were. I don't know. We'll have to see about them too.

Harley Rodriguez: But they were like the same person...

Reality TV World: Which can be bad sometimes in a relationship. (Laughs)

Harley Rodriguez: Yeah, and that's also why they got along so well. They partied it up and they were just funny.

Reality TV World: Jonathan, how long did it take you to complete the Roadblock task in which you had to find the screwdriver?

Jonathan Knight: I would say, what, 30 minutes, babe, or 35?

Harley Rodriguez: Yeah, it wasn't that bad. I thought it was going to take a lot longer. It was about a half-hour.

Reality TV World: How long did your tuk-tuk ride take throughout the crowded streets not counting the stops along the way? It just seemed a lot slower than the water taxi.

Jonathan Knight: Yeah, it felt pretty long. The traffic in Bangkok was pretty bad. And it's so funny that unless you're really paying attention to, I don't know, I was never really looking at my watch and stuff. During the Race, there were times when you felt you were at a task for an hour and then you're like, "Oh, that was really only like 20 minutes." Time there was like being in a time warp for me.

Reality TV World: What was your reaction when finding out Matt Cucolo and Ashley Gordon got engaged on the show? Did Matt confide his plans to propose to anyone? 

Harley Rodriguez: No!

Reality TV World: Did you at least have an inkling that might be coming?

Jonathan Knight: No, he didn't tell anybody. That was like the best thing. They are such -- they are the cutest couple ever. I'm just so glad he proposed to her. They are just two really awesome people.

Harley Rodriguez: Yeah, we love them. And it was funny because, looking back at his reaction to losing the fanny pack -- because he had the ring inside the fanny pack -- so he was just freaking out and she was telling him to relax.

 But when you watch it over, you realize, "Oh, he's freaking out because he had the ring in there and he planned on proposing." So yeah, we're sad that we missed that part too because we didn't get to see that.

Reality TV World: How was the show different from initial expectations? Was it more difficult than you thought it would be? Did something happen that you never saw on TV before? Because I know Jonathan is especially a huge fan of the show and everything.

Jonathan Knight: Yeah, I mean, it's totally different watching something on TV and then living it -- the reality of it. So, yeah, everything about it was shocking to me. I mean, it was just a lot more stressful that I thought.

 I just thought it was going to be basically like taping a TV show, where you show up and you do a couple takes and then it's like cut! On to the next! But that was NOT the case with this. From the time [Phil Keoghan] said "go" until the time we were eliminated, it was just go, go, go, go, go!

Harley Rodriguez: Yeah.

Jonathan Knight: It was just so much stress. It was just like a roller coaster, you know? You would be on the airplane and that would be your downtime, a time when you were not actually racing.

 You were just able to relax. And then the captain comes on and says, "We're beginning our initial descent to so and so city," and then your adrenaline starts winding up again. Then, the doors open on the plane and there you go again!

Harley Rodriguez: Yeah, it was very stressful.

Reality TV World: You two have been together for seven years I think, which is a long time. Do you have any plans to get engaged or married?

Jonathan Knight: We'll see! I mean, I still -- me personally, I feel we're committed and, you know, marriage is still not recognized. We can get married in New York City and move to a city that it's not recognized in and then it's basically the same as not being married, so. Let's see what the government is going to do and vote on.

Harley Rodriguez: Yeah.

Jonathan Knight: Hopefully we'll get to the point where we'll have equality for all, and we can address getting married then.

Harley Rodriguez: We kind of say we're like the [Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham Jr.]. I mean, we're good! We're good with what we have, but if something changes down the line, then yes, so be it. It's not something that we're forcing on each other. If it happens organically like we met, like, "Hey, let's get married!" then fine. It's just not something we want to force.


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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2015, 08:54:05 AM »


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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2015, 09:02:10 AM »
Their performance sucked in that imo

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2015, 10:36:20 AM »

10 Ways To Train For “The Amazing Race” (In Case You’re Ever On It)

Posted on December 31, 2015 by Mark Erik Thomson
As told by Jonathan Knight from New Kids On The Block and his boyfriend Harley Rodriguez.

1. Get on board with airplane food… you don’t have much of a choice.

Planes, trains, and automobiles: There’s no room for picky eaters on the race!

2. Learn to read things twice, every time. (Go back and read this sentence again.)

Reading a clue incorrectly can be the difference between first… and last.

3. Pack your bags extra heavy and go for a brisk jog!

The packs are no joke, you’ll need to build up your endurance.

4. Embrace the fanny pack. Be the fanny pack. Love the fanny pack.

Fashion isn’t your first priority here.

5. Take a few dance lessons!

You never know what challenges the Roadblocks will hold, so it’s best to be in sync at all times.

TAR Aus Season 5 | Tough As Nails Season 2

Offline ZouLy

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2015, 10:37:01 AM »

10 Ways To Train For “The Amazing Race” (In Case You’re Ever On It)

Posted on December 31, 2015 by Mark Erik Thomson
As told by Jonathan Knight from New Kids On The Block and his boyfriend Harley Rodriguez.


6. Eat some expired food from the back of your fridge… and don’t puke.

May your stomach be iron clad and your taste buds indifferent.

7. Learn to drive stick, it’s sort of mandatory.

They just don’t build cars like they used to….

8. Become the master of bag packing.

Knight: You know who you are.

9. Learn to identify taxi drivers that are actually going to get you to your destination.

If they get lost — all is lost.

10. Don’t forget the little things (like your passport), they are most often the most important.

Jonathan and Harley: You’ve already won the race in our hearts.

Source :
TAR Aus Season 5 | Tough As Nails Season 2

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2016, 10:53:26 PM »
Per Entertainment Tonight, Harley and Jonathan have become officially engaged to be married. Jonathan is quoted on Yahoo: ""We were on the Zambezi river, it's right above Victoria Falls. We took a nighttime raft dinner, just the four of us out on the river. There was a hippopotamus in the background," he described. "It was a super moon. It was just absolutely beautiful, it was so romantic." All TAR fans know the place, right?
-- theschnauzers

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2016, 02:08:23 AM »
Oh how lovely!! Every proposal should have a hippo!...or a giraffe!
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Offline Parasparopagraho

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Re: TAR 26: Harley Rodriguez and Jonathan Knight
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2022, 09:46:10 AM »
They married in secret.