Author Topic: TARLA LIVE (AND LATER) SHOW DISCUSSION EP 2 TODAY  (Read 3868 times)

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Offline Alenaveda

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« on: October 13, 2014, 08:06:57 AM »
IMPORTANT! Even though we are a spoiler board, we do NOT want to have the episode spoiled while it is airing.
Anyone breaking the rule is in BIG trouble.  :browsie:
And NO future spoilers either!
 Otherwise, come watch with us for the best weekly viewing party in town!! :party:
If you are unable to watch LIVE, please be aware that this thread WILL contain spoilers, so proceed at your own risk.  :oh
PLEASE help update as the show unfolds! We hope everyone will join in the fun!! :wohoo:
We are NOT at all hopeful of having a live stream, if we do there will be a separate thread. But...don't get your hopes up.
And you can entertain yourself with our spoiler threads as well while you wait! **Spoilers**
Have FUN everyone and :tu for joining us!!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 12:51:58 PM by Alenaveda »
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them will not make you cry." - Gabriel García Márquez

Offline Alenaveda

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« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2014, 08:08:36 AM »
And BTW, the episode 2 is schedule to start at 6.52pm (4.52pm BT) next Monday.
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them will not make you cry." - Gabriel García Márquez

Offline Alenaveda

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« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2014, 04:42:39 PM »
Ok. Open for business!
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them will not make you cry." - Gabriel García Márquez

Offline Alenaveda

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« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2014, 04:56:15 PM »
Previously on The Amazing Race Latin America...
Eleven teams started in Quito this thrilling race through ecuadorian territory with the illusion of win the prize of 100 thousand dollars.

Racers balance tested on a rough descent; and walk the streets of the historic center of the city
Chilean Husbands Stefania and Felipe showed strengh and effort to win first leg.
Venezuelans Ana & Vantroy had a good start the race, but luck wasn't on their side and  were eliminated.

The adventure is almost starting; and today 10 teams will visit the intercultural capital of the country.
Teams will face task requiring all their skills and coordination a to stay in the competence and win The amazing race.

"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them will not make you cry." - Gabriel García Márquez

Offline Alenaveda

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« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2014, 05:15:14 PM »
The Itchimbia Cultural Center in Quito was the first stop of the race. 
Stefania & Felipe depart first (no time frame).

RI: make your way on taxi to the Bus Terminal of Quito and board a bus to Otabalo, located in the Imbagura province. Once arrived should walk to the
Gonzalo Suarez plaza. Find clue in a tablet Claro. 70 dollars for this leg.

Nicolas & Javier in second, close to them; the same Juan Carlos & Giovanni.. Married couple consider both strong teams. All 3 teams in first bus.
Jenny & Martin on bus 2 (delayed ten minutes). Juan & Ceci, Carlos & Orlando and Clara & Delfina in bus 3. Mexico and Chile 2, and Dina & Cristian in bus 4. 2 hours trip.

Jaime is doing a review of the city from the plaza.
Buses 1 and 2 arrive at the same time. Foot race to the route marker.
Javier & Nicolas first at the plaza.

RI: teams must do a "trenza de trigo" (a braid) on a local man. Once completed correctly will get next clue.
Giovanni and J.C. in second. Jenny and Marint in third. Married couple in fourth.
A woman teach the racers the way to do it.
All teams doing the task. Giovanni says that is a special braid, because it's made of four sections of hair.

Argentinean friends firts try is rejected. Jenny & Martin argue on how to do it. He steps away.
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them will not make you cry." - Gabriel García Márquez

Offline Alenaveda

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« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2014, 05:28:20 PM »
And back...

Martin returns and they start to argue again.
Stefania is doing alone the task, and says she discovers the technique. she's enjoying this. They call the judge... and it's good! They get the next clue!

Detour: Patience and skill will be important in this detour. Options: Assemble or Weave.
Assemble: travel on foot to the Los Ponchos Craft Market, and assemble a stand like the one of the reference.
Weave: travel on foot to the Quinti Huasi, and weave four bracelet in a traditional looms following an specific code.
There's only 5 available stations in each detour and have to wait if they're occupied.

Married couple choose Assemble.

Third bus arrive. At the plaza, Clara & Delifina 5th. Carlos & Orlando 6th, Juan & Ceci 7th. They start with the braid.

Nico & Javier second attempt is good. They recieve the clue and choose Assemble too.
Jenny & Martin keep arguing. Martin undoes Jenny's work. They re-do everything and get it right! The opt to do Assemble.
Stefania & Felipe at the market. The place's a maze but finally find the example. Nico & Javier arrives minutes later.

Last bus arrives. All teams now at the plaza doing the task.

Giovanni & J.C. end the task in fourth and also choose Assemble. Now there's only one station free.
Jenny & Martin reach the market and the example. Stands are placed in different parts of the market. Ecuadorians almost lost the example.

At the plaza, one of the venezuelan friends asks if he can use the guy of the example :lol:
Delfi and Clara are done in 5th. Juan & Ceci in 6th. Sisters choose Assemble, so Ceci & Juan - and there's only one stall left! -. Jenny & Martin once again argue about the task. Call the judge and it's wrong.
Nico & Javier switch detours!

Sonia & Gabriel end the braid in 7th. They choose Assemble. Carlos & Orlando in 8th and goes for Assemble too! David & Audi in 9th, opting by Weave. Dina & Christian in last and choose Assemble.

Seeing five teams working, Sonia & Gabriel switch detours.

Nico & Javier arrive to the other detour. Wow! it's really complicated. Needs a lot of coordination.

OMG, Jenny & Martin can't stop arguing about everything they're doing.Carlos & Orlando at the market. They find the example and think they had to take apart it in order to assemble it later.

"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them will not make you cry." - Gabriel García Márquez

Offline Alenaveda

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« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2014, 05:40:49 PM »
The race continues....

Carlos & Orlando still believe they must disassemble the example to do the detour. Giovanni & JC add confusion telling them that this is their station. And they believe them :groan: ! They start to take all things from it.
Dina & Christian realize 5 stations are taken and change to Weave.

Sonia & Gabriel and David & Audi at the Weave detour. they all see the example.

Jenny & Martin call the judge..., and it's good.

RI: Make your way on taxi to the Peguche Cascade and find the Solar Calendar Fakch Llakta. Keep your taxi.

Carlos & Orlando realize they made a huge mistake and start looking for the correct stand and end changing detours.
Stefania & Felipe get the clue in 2nd.
At weave, Nico & Javier first try in rejected because two of the bracelet don't look good. They must doit again.
Clara & Delfi finish detour in 3rd.
Martin ask Jenny for a kiss, but she refuses :lol: And, of course, here comes the bickering again. After a lot of it, he says he's going to look for another gf in Ecuador. Luckyly for us, they arrive to the Cascada.

RB: Who likes cleaning?
Team member must fill a bag with wool, and carry on the tradition way (on their back) plus a basin until find a woman named Josefina who'll provide them with a natural soap. They must continue walking until the designated area and wash the wool. Once the judge approves, they'll receive the next clue.

Jenny decides that Martin has to do it. :lol:  He found the first station and sees a woman doing the first part, but thinks he only has to go with her. The woman points at the bags and the wool and he figures what to do.
Married couple at the Calendar. Stefania does the RB.
Martin founds Josefina, but once he receives the soap starts washing the wool in the same place.

On weave, Venezuelan friends just arrived and begin to work at a loom.David & Audi go to inspection and get their clue!
On Assemble, JC & Giovanni also complete the detour. They're 5th. And Juan & Ceci do it in 6th.

Sisters reach the calendar. Clara does the RB. Someone tells Martín and Stefania they're at the wrong place, and must carry everything there, what is heavier due to the water. They're both sitting at the edge of the path, looking for air.

"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them will not make you cry." - Gabriel García Márquez

Offline Alenaveda

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« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2014, 05:46:57 PM »
Stefania drinks water from the brook behind her, and Martin warn her not to do it. While doing this, the sister walks next to them looking for Josefina. She founds her and get the soap.

At weave, Nico & Javier finally are approved, and receive their clue in 7th. Also Sonia & Gabriel in 8th.

Mexicans friends at the calendar. David choose to perform the RB.
Martin sings while washing. Call the judge and pass that part and have to dry it to get the clue. The brook where Stefania drunk water is the same where they have to wash.

Dina & Christian in 9th end detour in 9th.

Three teams at the calendar. Juan Carlos, Juan and Javier do the RB. Juan Carlos first to leave the tool area, but forgot the basin!
Stefania call the judge and she's ok. Now has to dry the wool.
JC find Josefina and then notices that he didn't bring the basin and must return to pick it.
Martin call again the judge and... he has it! He get the next clue in 1st!

RI: travel on taxi to the Araque Aquatic Park to find the next clue.

Carlos & Orlando finally finish the Detour. They're in last.

Sonia & Gabriel at calendar. RB is performed by Gabriel.
Stefanie ends task in 2nd place. She's pissed about the error at the moment of start washing the wool, only because she saw Martín doing it there.
JC pick the basin and is back with Josefina.
Clara & Juan call the judge, but they must keep washing. Six teams at the same time doing the RB. And now Dina & Christian have arrived to the calendar too.

Jenny & Martin reach the park with Stefania & Felipe hot on their heels.

RI: board a traditional totora (boat) and row in a straight line until the Puerto Lago Hotel in the San Pablo Lake, the Pit Stop of this leg of the race. The last team to check in here, may be eliminated.

It's a race on the water for first place!

Venezuelans arrive to the calendar, and Carlos does the RB.
David is done in 3rd place.! And Clara in 4th!.
Wow, Gabriel made it so quickly that gets the clue in 5th!!

Once again, Jenny & Martin are arguing while rowing to the PS. They're struggling with the task, while Stefania & Felipe are working as a unit.

Mexican friends, sisters and Colombian couple at the park. They all finish rowing one next to the other.

Jenny & Martin are really having a hard time with the row. And Stefania & Felipe surpass them! Martin is very pissed because they lost their lead.

Felipe & Stefania check in in first, however... at the RB she started washing the wool not in the designated area so now they have a 30 min penalty.

"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them will not make you cry." - Gabriel García Márquez

Offline Alenaveda

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« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2014, 05:57:14 PM »
Back to the mat!

Felipe & Stefania have a 30 min penalty. They accept it and sit next to the mat.
Jenny & Martin finally arrive to the mat in second. But Martin also did the same mistake, so another 30 min penalty.

At the RB, JC finish the task in 6th. Javier in 7th. Christian in 8th and Juan in 9th.

Gabriel is struggling with the rowing task.

Carlos jumps into the water to better washing and finally compete the RB in last.

Wow, Gabriel is so exhausted that he can't even walk to the PS! Sonia has to help him. They're the third to arrive..., but as there are 2 penalized teams, therefore they're team number one! And Gabriel has no strengh to celebrate, only smile. They won a tablet Samsung each, courtesy of Claro.

Clara & Delfi check in number 2, and David & Audi in 3rd.

JC & Giovanni, Nico & Javier, Dina & Christian and Juan & Ceci arrive neck to neck to the park and begin to row to the PS. A little later, Carlos & Orlando find the clue box.

Time is up for Stefania & Felipe and they're team number four. They're not happy at all and says the penalty was unfair. Jenny & Martin complete their penalty and are team number five.

Wind start to blow while Orlando & Carlos are rowing, and they capsize! Both fell into the cold water but manage to reassume the task.

Christina & Dina row as hell, and pass all the other teams of their group, arriving in 6th place. La China as soon as she puts a feetr into the mat slips (maybe a banana peel?) and fell in front of the hosts and the greeter; but she's happy with their position.
JC & Giovanni check in 7th. Javier & Nico in 8th.

Classic race to the PS edit between Juan & Ceci and Carlos & Orlando. But the father & daughter arrive in 9th.

Carlos & Orlando in last position. They have a 1 hour penalty for the mess at the Assemble detour; but this is an eliminatory point, so they're out of the race. They say it was the best experience of their lives. The Universe told them until that point, but bigger and better challenges are coming. And adventure that it doesn't repeat in lives. Even when they don't win they win.
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them will not make you cry." - Gabriel García Márquez

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« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2014, 09:23:24 PM »
My thoughts on the second episode...

I actually liked the second episode, it was an interesting location and I think they used the cultural background in an interesting way, and was fun to watch... frustrating at times but still fun...

The braiding ARI was ok at best, it was just annoying to watch the some teams argue with each other at the start of the leg for no reason... teams catching up to the front of the pack added some necessary pressure to the leading teams...

Roadblock had all the potential to be the most boring challenge yet, especially because season 2 had a similar one, but all the stations to do every procedure made it interesting... I completly disagree with the penalty applied to both teams, they didn't take advantage of their mistake, they actually fix what they were doing wrong and complete the challenge correctly, I don't understand why the  penalty was applied...

Both detours seemed to be really hard, I still don't quite understand the assemble one, maybe the teams overcomplicated things? I don't know... even the weave one seemed really hard to get the technic done to properly cmplete the requirements... I wonder how Nico&Javier leaving the detour affected the other teams considering how they didn't put things back in the bags and there were only 5 stations in each detour  ???

I really liked the rowing task... you could feel the teams struggling to get it done after all the physical activities done before, especially the roadblock, no wonder Gabriel and some others couldn't even move their legs, that lake was probably freezing... way more interesting than the rowing task of last season were all the teams were quitting...

I even liked the editing, I didn't find myself missing any team in particular, even though I still can't quite make up who's who or even care about some of the teams. The detour edit got a little messy but I could still follow what was happening. The race to the pitstop with Stefania&Felipe vs Jenny&Martin was kind of cool, I found myself rooting for the chilean couple probably because I hated how Jenny&Martin were arguing about everything, everywhere... every single time the were on screen they were fighting... that's not fun... is annoying...

I'm surprised by how Clara&Delfi and Sonia&Gabriel did in this leg, way better than I would've expected them to do, I'm also surprised by how badly Nicolas&Javier and Nico&Giovanni dropped placements from the top of the pack to the bottom.

I still think that a second host is unnecesary, it takes sthe little to no relevance the host already has in TARLA, the questions at the end for some reason seem way less interesting to what Phil asks in regular TAR.

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« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2014, 01:10:23 AM »
In my mind Sonia & Gabriel are a weak team. This first place was luck.
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