LIVE sightings go here!
If you are posting a tweet, please post the actual tweet, the tweet time, the twitter user name is optional. If you remove it, please copy me the name.
For FB posts, please remove the FB name, but please send Peach (or me) the name and link for our records.
It is also wise to take a screenshot of any posts you want to see again, they disappear quickly.
Please be kind, and don't all bury the poor unsuspecting twitterer with questions, if you see another RFFer on the job, let them handle it. Rest assured that we try to follow up on all twitters/sightings.
If you are concerned that any info gained from any sighting or tweet may be private or confidential or just "too much too soon", feel free to PM or email Peach (or me) to ask before you post.
If you are bringing us a live sighting,
!! But please do help us as much as you can with WHO (be descriptive, what they look like, is it a male/female team for example, what color they are wearing is helpful) WHAT are they doing, WHERE (as exactly as possible..street? airport gate? be specific!), WHEN (what time zone?, exact time), and any descriptions of the action! Pictures are treasured!
And even though we all get excited, please, once we have a possible location, take the discussion to the Speculation or Location threads and leave the Twitter zone free for incoming info!
If you have a spoiler and prefer to share it privately, you are welcome to PM walkingpneumonia or Peach. You can also email Peach if my inbox is full or just if you prefer, my email is in my profile. Your confidentiality will be respected.