General > Announcements

Posting Your Age

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We will be adding another rule when joining RFF. One that is very important for those of you who are under 18. Please do not post your age. It's not safe online to reveal your age.  There are just too many predators who look for young people, don't help them.  If you have posted your age and you are under 18, please go change it now. You can leave your birthday and use a different year, like 1900. :)

Any questions or comment?

BTW, it's not a good idea to post your email address publicly either.

I agree; unfortunately there are so many people who want to do the wrong thing out there :(

Thanks TL!

Also don't post that you've changed it in here or it will b painfully obvious which of us are under 18. :/

i changed it. i'm now 112 years old. :[


--- Quote from: Airlinesguy on May 23, 2013, 04:35:36 PM ---Also don't post that you've changed it in here or it will b painfully obvious which of us are under 18. :/

--- End quote ---

Good point!  :hoot: :hoot:  Unless you are Dobby who has passed the century mark.  :lol3:


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