I hated the Redemption Island twist, but there were some likeable people even though they might not have been good strategizers. Besides Rob, i really liked Andrea, Natalie, Grant, Matt, and all the Zapateras that made the merge. And i really think SoPa is underrated. The Pagonging of Savaii made it seem boring, but i loved rooting against Coach, and i actually didn't mind Brandon, and i really liked Rick, Albert, and Sophie. One World had such good potential with someone funny like Bill, or a strategic mind like Matt, but Colton just ruined this. I loved Kim Sabrina and Chelsea, but i hated the all female domination, since that meant likeable players like Jonas, Leif, and Jay had absolutely no chance after Mike got voted out. And Philippines was so-so, since i really only had Carter, Malcolm, and Denise to root for after the merge.