Survivor > Survivor: General Discussion
Survivor Wishlists **NO SPOILERS**
Along some river, maybe in the Northeast
--- Quote from: bwils927 on March 19, 2013, 08:11:54 PM ---Possible Locations:
Ethiopian Highlands
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Not ripping off Racer's or Joab's game at all. :lol:
And I would LOVE to see Vietnam, for some reason. Or Laos <33333
Glamazon Racer:
--- Quote from: Airlinesguy on March 20, 2013, 05:33:43 AM ---
--- Quote from: bwils927 on March 19, 2013, 08:11:54 PM ---Possible Locations:
Ethiopian Highlands
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Not ripping off Racer's or Joab's game at all. :lol:
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:lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:
Glamazon Racer:
--- Quote from: bwils927 on March 19, 2013, 07:31:39 PM ---Survivor: Heroes vs Villains 2
Brett Clouser - 5th, Survivor: Samoa
Ben "Benry" Henry - 7th, Survivor: Nicaragua
Matty Whitmore - 4th, Survivor: Gabon
Leif Manson - 9th, Survivor: One World
Carter Williams - 6th, Survivor: Philippines
Jane Bright - 6th, Survivor: Nicaragua
Lisa Whelchel - 3rd, Survivor: Philippines
Natalie White - Winner, Survivor: Samoa
Taj George - 4th, Survivor: Tocantins
RC Saint-Amour - 11th, Survivor: Philippines
Marcus Lehman - 10th, Survivor: Gabon
Ken Hoang - 5th, Survivor: Gabon
Jim Rice - 12th, Survivor: South Pacific
Troyzan Robertson - 8th, Survivor: One World
Pete Yurkowski - 8th, Survivor: Philippines
Sierra Reed - 7th, Survivor: Tocantins
Kim Spradlin - Winner, Survivor: One World
Abi-Maria Gomes - 5th, Survivor: Philippines
Natalie Bolton - 4th, Survivor: Micronesia
Chelsea Meissner - 3rd, Survivor: One World
I'm hoping old rivalries will come out during this, Troyzan vs Kim & Chelsea, Kenny vs Marcus, RC vs Abi & Pete
--- End quote ---
That's quite interesting.
I don't really think Benry would be brought back. He was unmemorable for me. Leif barely got any screentime the first time round. :/ And I don't understand why RC would be classified as a Hero? Other than that, I quite like your Heroes tribe.
As for the Villains, I don't really see Marcus or Ken from Gabon as Villains, although I kinda understand why you might consider Ken this way. I REALLY don't want to see Jim again. Troyzan was meh, but all right. Kim is not a Villain, she's a Robot, as far as I'm concerned. She'd belong on the 'lack of personality' tribe, imo. :lol: I would absolutely LOVE to see all of your other Villains again, although I can't understand why Chelsea would be considered a Villain? She was a Hero from my viewpoint... ???
Kenny definitely was a villain, but Marcus maybe not as much. Chelsea and Kim are there just because Kim led the all girls alliance and Chelsea was a big help to her. I had to squeeze in Jim and RC because I really didn't want anyone before S16, and I had looked through all the seasons before putting them in. Jim was a douche to Cochran, but also loyal in a way, but his hatred of Cochran + Upolu makes him a villain, and he was good in challenges, so the tribe would like him. RC because she was smart and didn't do anything wrong in a villain way. I loved Benry and Leif so I had to have them. And by the way, the Heroes in this would destroy in the challenges. Brett, Benry, Matty, Leif, Carter were all dominant in their season. Not Leif so much at the merge, but he rocked in some early challenges.
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