Author Topic: BBCanada: Emmett Blois  (Read 5140 times)

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BBCanada: Emmett Blois
« on: February 20, 2013, 10:55:51 AM »

Name: Emmett Blois
Age: 24
Hometown: Gore, Hants County, NS
Occupation: Dairy farmer
Three adjectives that describe you: Outgoing, adventure-seeker and social
Why did you want to be on Big Brother Canada?
My older brother told me I had to do it. I didn’t really watch the American version much until I auditioned. When I found out that I got in, I was so excited to tell my brother!
Do you have a strategy going into the house?
This is going to be tough,. I’m a competitive person but I’ve never thrown a competition. I don’t think I’ll be able to get out of doing that in the house. I’ll probably flirt a little. I’m really good at that, and I like the ladies who play hard to get. If you don’t get turned down the first time you try, you’re not having fun.
Will you hide anything about yourself from the other houseguests?
No, there’s nothing intimidating about me. I had a basic upbringing and I’ll definitely tell them that I’m a dairy farmer. Dairy farmers are the most trustworthy people.
Do you think that the physical or mental challenges will be more difficult for you?
The mental challenges will be tough. I’m looking forward to the physical ones. I will lie for $100,000. I’d do a lot of things for $100,000. I’d get into the ring with Mike Tyson with my arms tied behind my back for $100,000!
Describe your perfect day?
Training with the Toronto Maple Leafs.
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
People who don’t put away their dishes – especially the ones that are clean and dry in the rack. But I’ll suck it up for $100,000.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 01:12:28 PM by Leafsfan »