Britney Evicted 4-1 and is the 2nd person at Jury
IAN Wins HOH "Soak Up the Sun "
Joe out first and receives a punishment for being out first
Joe had to Hula Hoop every time he heard Military Music COMPLETED
Ian got Pandora's box
THE GOOD: It was Christmas Themed Ian got presents and toys and $1000
THE BAD: Jessie Godderz BB10 Returned to the house.
Jessie took ALL the food away from the other HG's, Shot some ZINGERS at them and left them with organic food for the week
Frank and Jenn have been Nominated and are up on the block
POV Players Picked Ian Jenn and Frank, Dan Danielle and Joe, Shane is hosting
Dan Wins POV in OTEV the Absent Minded Alien
Dan Used Veto on Jenn
Ian Replaces Jenn with Joe
Frank and Joe are up on the block and nominated for Eviction