Shane can't wait to see Kara again. He will google her.
Ian says he's got to get one of these hats (he is wearing Dan's)
(I can see the other cams are outside w/ Danielle yammering, prolly about herself, so I will stick in here)
Shane hopes his parents will be proud
Ian says his friends said he thought he would get to 5th or 6th if he ever got on BB & that was years ago.
Ian says he can't believe he outlasted Frank
Frank was in Ian & Shane's van. They thought Frank was going to be the goofball.
They are talking about who was in the group they took their tests with
Shane said he was with 3 gorgeous girls that didn't make it
Feeds skip to Dani and BB says 'you are not allowed to talk about production"
Dani thinks they are talking about her even though she is the only one outside & says something like "I'm not"
Back to HOH, Shane is going to get in the shower now so Ian starts in with the pacing & the spit-swishing so I gotta get out of this room