HG in the hot tub with their drinks, Dan, Shane Dani and Joe.
Dan running scenerios about Shane an Danielle in the real world, Frank interrupts about toast in the toaster.
Jor talking about food for votes, Frank says hes making chex mix, that has to count for something.
Talk back to Dani and Shane's fantasy out of the house date.
Dani - Cheddars is good
Shane doesnt want to make the food decision
Dan asking what time is it? is there a little action before? What kind of bar is it?
(somthing up dans sleve to be pushing this showmance so hard tonight)
Dan - so by 530 your both hammered, youve had drinks, you call a cab and go back to your (Danis) aparetment.
Franks says they are staying at a hotel, that isnt proper.
Dani agrees
Frank thinks that shane should have his own hotel,
Dani says yeah cause we have been living together for 75 days.
Dan still asking about what would happen next, what club, what meal.....he's really leading this convo.