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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #225 on: August 26, 2012, 10:28:10 PM »
Dan offers to take Frank to F2

Frank you would take me to F2

Dan I put too much trust in Danielle

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #226 on: August 26, 2012, 10:30:26 PM »
 Dan so here's my pitch: If I could stay.. i would still be with the 4 and then i could bring yo information and keep you safe as long as i could unless danielle wins HOH and then  she will put yo up

Dan  danielle was supposed to throw it and if i took myself down we would have the votes against anyone..  unless you were to put up an allaince member

fank yeah i was going to

 dan i said to her that her chance with staying with me on the block..  was better and  when she took that point i knew that britney got in her ear.. and im not going to tell danielle that was what it was and why..

 dan if i would stay i would get more coverage if danielle stayed who is going to put up britney..

Dan if i was walking out the door i was going to  ask you to work with her but now

 Dan I would take yo to a F2 deal

 Frank you would?

 Dan i dont trust danielle.. i dont knw why she took that 5 points..  she wasnt going to win anyhting

 Dan memphis never did anything intentianlly or unitentionally agasint me and i dont know  if she knows why she did..

 frank ian gets the first move on the veto..  If i went to jenn and asked her touse the veto on dan..

 dan what do you think she would do

 frank i think she will do it

 dan she  and danielle are tight

 frank girls are stuck on this thing  about being against  a guy f2


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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #227 on: August 26, 2012, 10:31:11 PM »
Dan at this point I am alone

Dan I know not to talk to the veto holders cause they dont have the stones to do it and I know you do

Frank I would go to Jenn not Ian cause Ian would run his mouth

Frank the only thing is Britney started this girl thing about not wanting to be in here with a bunch of guys and them winning all comps

Dan dont tell Jenn you are gonna put up Britney

Frank I told Joe to fight to win the veto

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #228 on: August 26, 2012, 10:32:25 PM »
Dan did yo think why i picked jenn over joe?  When i woke up joe was up here  talking to y and then when he came down he said that if i came off her waas going up..

Dan i wish you would have won the veto

 dan yo can imagine  this was the first time in this game that i felt alone that i sw britney whisper in danielle 's ear and your ear.. and then danielle  took those points

 Dan britney is that good

 frank that is how she plays the game

 dan you know i never made a move on you.. shane put you up
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #229 on: August 26, 2012, 10:33:06 PM »
Dan just told Frank he has never voted against him

Frank so Ian is the one that told you if veto was used that one time we were talking about BDing you

Dan yeah
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #230 on: August 26, 2012, 10:34:42 PM »
Brit is so upset, she says Danielle has never said a bad thing about him. She's always been gracious and. Joe says why would he do that, now the whole house hates him.

Brit: I did know it after the veto, something was weird.

FF to Jenn in the bedroom, she wants to talk to Danielle. Jenn asks what could this possibly be? Danielle says he thinks she threw the veto. Brit comes in too. She wants to know what he is telling Frank. Jenn: Probably throwing all of us under the bus

Brit and Jenn are trying their best to comfort her. Brit says she has never said a bad word about him ever! Jenn says unless he's up there saying something they don't know.

Jenn: He set you up nice. You aren't going anywhere.

Dani: But why would he do that to me? She's really sobbing now.

Brit says he proved it to her when they played PB and there was something messed up about it, the way he treated you. I can't believe he would speak to you like that. He set it up. I really believed he was coming out of it. You aren't going anwhere, don't doubt that for a minute.

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #231 on: August 26, 2012, 10:35:40 PM »
Frank what worried me to is when Ian told Mike to get to steppin

Dan yeah Mike said that to ?in season 7

Dan I was like you are gonna use his own line on him as he walks out the door

Dan I am alone in this game and if you keep me I will take you to the end because you have all my cards and I know chilltown is the greatest alliance but I think the renegades is 2

Frank yall were F2

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #232 on: August 26, 2012, 10:37:09 PM »
Dan i kew Mike trusted me.. and i want to work with him in this game

frank that is the thing.. even after i got over the hump.. and  i was gonna tell you in my GB message to you..  when  i got over it and  I was like goosh

 Dan i told mike in his GB message that it ewasnt me that i wanted to work it

 frank what got me Ian said  get to stepping

 Dan  Mike said that to Howie in BB 6 he plays it well..  he knew..  I can't tell if he is faking or what..

 Dan im alone  in this game.. and you think i can talk to anyone in this game.. i cant talk to Britney..  I will  shake yor hand.. and you got to work wiht chill town and yo get to work with a renegade..

 dan i will not forget what they did to me,.. and not one person did anything to save me.. he didnt know the game..  and now what he was doing.. i give him credit.. and dont think he's 100 % on board  with britney..

 dan he asked me what was wrong and i said that i saw him say something to britney and not to trust her
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #233 on: August 26, 2012, 10:39:15 PM »
Dan I told Shane if I leave dont trust Britney

Frank I was telling Ian that if you backstab me again and pick Britney over me I will make sure you dont get the votes to win

Frank I said do you want to be in F3 with Britney and Shane really

Frank I told Shane Britney isnt going to take Shane because he will win a couple more comps besides what he has already won

Frank Dan you have got me thinking and I was thinking the other day if you even won the pov it may not be the worst thing for me

Dan I know I am on the bottom and I would be the first one cut with that alliance and I knew the alliance wouldnt last
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #234 on: August 26, 2012, 10:39:16 PM »
Dani is upset, she thinks everyone will think she is a bad person. She says she told Jenn to use the veto on him. Jenn wants to talk to Frank. She says she's not changing. At least you know that you are going to be here.

Brit: You know I tried my hardest. For WHAT! This guy has no loyalty! Know why you aren't loyal? He wants you to fall on your sword for him. Know why he kept Memphis? He knew he could beat him.

Dani: I killed my body on the pirate ship to keep him safe.

Jenn: I'm sorry Danielle.
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #235 on: August 26, 2012, 10:42:14 PM »
Frank i told ian.. i was upset..  i said that yo can be up ther agasint dan and i would vote for dan to get the vote.. i told him again if he did that to me again.. he'd have no excuse

Frank  I was thinking..

 dan.. i was going to tell you eventaully and i cant beleive  you won that HOH i know im the head of the alliance..  and i know that i would be the first one gone.. i knew that allaince wsnt going to last

 frank   i talked to ian and he siad if he won HOH he would put up joe and jenn

 dan at this point the only one in the house that would put up ian is joe

 Frank even shane said that he wants joe out if he  wins HOH

Dan i feel like i could help you.. i can say look he's not playing in another HO.. you can string him along.. why cut him.. i was thinking of ways to keep you off the block

Frank they are going to know that  somehting is up if Jenn uses the POV on yo

Frank  you got to keep danielle far away

 Dan where does joe  land.. he's jerry..

frank i can take him to the F3..  and get him out

 dan  you got to rope him in but you got to give him little information
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #236 on: August 26, 2012, 10:44:20 PM »
Jenn is telling her what Frank said. She asked if he had talked him about using the veto. She said she told him she wanted to talk to him. She wanted to keep Danielle.
You have to believe me.

Danielle repeats he told me I'm dead to him.

Jenn and Brit keep repeating I'm so sorry Danielle. Jenn says that's why she didn't want Brit to go on the block. Brit says she knew how Dan would be.

Jenn: I can't imagine what he is telling Frank.

Dani: Do you think he's up there saying awful things about me?

Jenn: Listen he's out the door. Don't :dick believe that and you get :dick ready to win that HOH.

Jenn leaves, Brit gets next to Danielle. She tells her it will be OK.

Dani: No it's NOT ok!
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #237 on: August 26, 2012, 10:45:56 PM »
Brit: He's for #1. That's why he never gave you any quarters. I thought it was funny that he said congratulations if you win this game. You deserve it.

Dani: I can't understand how he could go up there and do that, and read scripture.
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #238 on: August 26, 2012, 10:45:56 PM »
Frank the thing with joe.. he always goes where the HOH is..

Dan.. i kick myself for not  picking joe i could have burned joe i that game.. jenn is pretty smart not knowing the game too well

 dan how can we pull this of  without someone knowing it.

 frank the only way would be  getting the votes agsint danielle

 dan daneille is someone we need.. we can use her..

 frank we need to get jenn to use it.. especially if i get britney up and out.. and shane  aint got ****.. ian and shane wont buddy up

 dan then do we ralyy and form some fake allaince.. and they wont think we are working together..  but people wont think we trust each oher

 frank who  would that be with.. i was thinking shane me and joe

 dan the thing wiyht shane.. i think yo can work with him..

 frank he's good at the skill types..   he lkilled it on swamped but he's been goose egging it..  i hate to toot my own horn but i think  my wins were rattling him
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #239 on: August 26, 2012, 10:46:16 PM »
Frank they are gonna think somethingis up if Jenn uses the pov on you

Frank best thing is scoop Danielle up and get her as far away as you can from them

Dan Joe is Jerry and I would like to rope him into a deal but he is gonna run his mouth

Frank we never really set up anything big but Joe is gonna gravitate to the HOH

Dan I thought **** I should have just picked Jenn cause she is smart

Dan I knew this would be all good if we could pull it off

Frank the only way we could do it is to get the votes to go for Danielle but that wont happen

Frank if i put Britney up and send her out...

Dan shane is great at comps but not a thinker

Frank he killed it on swamp but not really the other stuff and not to toot my own horn but all these wins I been racking up doesnt look good on him
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #240 on: August 26, 2012, 10:51:40 PM »
Joe back downstairs to tell Britney and Danielle that he thinks that Dan is trying to create a Dan Frank and Ian team

Joe I think from the time he came out of the room he had this all played out

Joe he is either a f'd up individual or he had it all planned out
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #241 on: August 26, 2012, 10:52:27 PM »
joe up to the HOH.. whats up..

 Joe the hosue is  Eff'n crazy.. he dropped a bomb on the house and  left.. danielle is in the abck  hyper ventilating

 Frank closes the door on joe..

 frank tells dan about teh  Pick a side ceremony on joe..

dan what?? who the F is he?

 Dan you should have seen what he was like  in the veto.. he told Danielle to F off.. and he tryied to spin the ball in the machine and i saw him and hat's why isaid that i  would rat him out

 dan i should go and patch that up.. i went pretty hard on her

 frank who do yo want to do this with..

 Dan the only person i have any hope to work with  and loyalty is danielle

 frank i think i can take jenn..

 dan that would be fine.. Im fine with cutting danielle  before you cut jenn.. and as long as you take me and i take yo F2

 Dan dont tell me you are going to throw it and then she goes and  takes those points..

Frank dont be bull****ting me!

 Dan it's good.. jenn is probably pissed at me  cuz what i did to danielle

 frank i think if i explained this to  jenn  i think i can tell her that  we can drag joe along

Frank what kind of comp you think it is?

 Dan endurance 1000%

 Frank.. shane could do one of those sitting comps..

 Dan i could get them to trust me and drop.. they know i would  come after you

Dan did you buy his ankle injury and that he's not good in sports..

frank i didnt pay attention to it
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #242 on: August 26, 2012, 10:53:05 PM »
Danieel I love Dan I have never said anything bad about him and I never will

Shane in and he agrees with Joe that Dan is up to something
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #243 on: August 26, 2012, 10:54:02 PM »
Brit: Truth is he is only loyal to himself, he only wanted you to be loyal to him. It's all good.

Dani has a shocked look on her face.

Joe comes in, he went upstairs, it was locked, I banged on the door till they opened it. They were sitting on the couch together. He says he told him they had some explaining to do. Frank asked him to give him a minute. He thinks Dan is trying to get Frank to play with him and Ian. Joe says it has to be!

Dani: He's trying to make me to look bad.

Joe? Ian's great, maybe we can work together, I'm sure he's telling him about the headhunters.. he's telling him everything. That's all it can be, this whole outing. When he came out of the room sick, it was to get the sympathy, that's almost like an insane person. He went out with a vengeance. He knows what he's doing, there is no other way.

Joe says Frank has Ian that's what he told him anyway.

Brit says she has to go pee, does Dani want Shane in?

Joe gets on the bed with Dani.

Shane in and Joe and Shane think he's up there telling him everything.

Joe says all he's been doing is undercover work for them! He was with Frank till 4AM talking to him. Shane just doesn't understand.

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #244 on: August 26, 2012, 10:54:24 PM »
Ian is telling Britney he will not use the veto no matter what even if Frank tells him to
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #245 on: August 26, 2012, 10:56:03 PM »
Quick FF to the BR, Ian tells Brit that he's not using the veto.

FF back to the BR, Shane says he's sorry he trusted the dude.

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/26/12
« Reply #246 on: August 26, 2012, 10:56:15 PM »
Thanks to all of our updaters  :hearts: follow me to a new day,27792.0.html
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