well lets not get all crazy up in here...cuz ian if he wins hoh tonight..could take dan out...ian knows dan is the big fish...so lets not think it is dan and ian in the f2...dan should go for the win..and if he wants, take dani out...he still could win...i love love love ian..but if ian wins over dan....it is only b/cuz this jury is bitter..ian played a ok game...jmo..not a amazing game ...dan played the amazing game, ok ..please dont hate me i

you all..love, peace, butterflies, rainbows, rolling hills...beauitful waters ..to everyone here

..respect you all, just think dan, is the best of the bb players...and really should win..but i do not trust ian...he is a little villan..and could vote out dan if dan throws this hoh to him..go for the win dan..and take ian if you want...dont play like a fool...on the night bb ends.
vibes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dan in the f2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>vibes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>