100% Sure Dani going to nominate Dan & Ian
It matters 0% who she puts up. All that matters is who wins POV
If one of the two nominees wins, they take themselves down.
If the non-nominee wins they leave the votes the same.
Whoever wins POV will have the 1 vote to evict the nominee of their choice.
If Ian wins POV he will evict Shane.
If Shane wins POV he would 99% evict Ian.
Dan, who the hell knows? My gut tells me he would evict Shane. For one, if he evicted Ian he would never get his jury vote, while Shane is much more forgiving. Also, Ian would take Dan to the F2, while Shane would take Dani.
As to who Dan would take to the F2, who the hell knows?
(There is the slightest, teeny weeny possiblity that if Shane wins POV, Ian might tell him that Dan wanted him out & Shane would FINALLY realize that Dan is his biggest threat & vote him out. HOWEVER, this scenario would be contingent on the idea that Shane has any sort of game, which he doesn't, so it probably is not a valid scenario)