Author Topic: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1  (Read 299612 times)

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Offline Paisley

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1250 on: August 25, 2012, 01:07:43 AM »
What does the veto ball do?

It's just like the POV.  Because Ian has veto power, he can't play in the upcoming veto comp.  When someone wins the regular POV, it means there are two POVs in the house.  I'm not sure if it's a one-week thing, or if Ian gets to keep it for the remainder of the season (or at least until the final 4 or 3)

Offline Paisley

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1251 on: August 25, 2012, 01:10:59 AM »

Q. Does anyone know is the wall made up of silver squares with raised dots is actuallt braille ?

I'm wondering the same thing and have been meaning to check, because it sure looks like it.  Noticed there are 6 dots to a cell, which would be Braille.  My daughter is blind and it would be so cool if there was a special message written in Braille on the wall.  It would also make for a cool competition.  Have the HGs study Braille outside, and then send the in one at a time blindfolded to read the message on the wall.

I finally took a closer look, and it's not Braille.  The cells are sideways and thus unreadable.  But I did hear Jenn say she's legally blind in one eye tonight! 

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1252 on: August 25, 2012, 03:04:09 AM »
What does the veto ball do?

It's just like the POV.  Because Ian has veto power, he can't play in the upcoming veto comp.  When someone wins the regular POV, it means there are two POVs in the house.  I'm not sure if it's a one-week thing, or if Ian gets to keep it for the remainder of the season (or at least until the final 4 or 3)

So what happens if the person that wins the normal POV and Ian both want to use their POV's? What happens?


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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1253 on: August 25, 2012, 07:01:21 AM »
If the QuackPack still working together,this is what they want to happen

Dan/Danielle on the block
Shane/Britney need to win POV
Shane/Britney Use POV on Danielle.
Ian Use POV on Dan
Shane/Britney Goes on as 1st replacement Nomini
Joe will be the 2nd replacement Nomini
Joe to be voted out by a 5-0 Vote.

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1254 on: August 25, 2012, 07:29:25 AM »
Ian and Britney whispering in BR, Ian told Britney that DR told him not to save Dan, they say maybe it's best to cut him and have Danielle and Frank work with them, BB called out Ian for talking about DR
(production wants Frank to the end, no doubt about it ) flashback 11:25 p.m. BBTime. not happy with BB interfering in the outcome.
what goes around, comes around.


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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1255 on: August 25, 2012, 07:36:51 AM »
Why does BB want to Keep Frank,were not going to watch him so he can keep just winning HOH and Pov,
and it would be stupid for anyone to bring into F4 or F3  :crazy: FK u productions.

Evel Dick and James already mention

how on S7 Chicken Geroge was threatened by Production what will happen to his family,if he nominated Janelle
How on S8 Production tell Dick to arrange the Questions so it goes to a tiebreaker.

this is all rigged. I am sick of it :res:

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1256 on: August 25, 2012, 10:51:24 AM »
 :hello2:.. i heard Ina..telling brit about the DR telling him to not use his veto on dan..and that the DR wants brit and Ina to work with crazy is should just give frank the 500k right now...why even watch , these hgs cant even play their own game...and why in the world do these hgs would or want to take frank to the F2....crazy...i think Ina might use the veto ONLY..if brit or shane play veto and win....then it would be crazy for ina not to use his veto on dan, and shane use it on dani...i wouldnt even listen to the higher powers in the Dr....all i know is ina and brit are for sure working together..and they will let dan farer their game..which is smart, i see that..but if it comes to where joe or jenn goes on the block....then ina..and if brit ior shane wins they need to use those veto on dan and dani...cuz joe or jenn will go home, frank cant put brit up if she wins and saves dani...and ina can save dan..frank will put up shane..but he has to put up joe or jenn also..oh bb..dont we just  :hrt: it
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1257 on: August 25, 2012, 11:00:23 AM »
I'm saying it again, this smells like "The Season That Shall Not Be Mentioned!" Adam "won" even though no one liked him, he was a disgusting individual and now is in prison for selling drugs!

I don't like the rigging!  :knuckles:
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Offline Paisley

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1258 on: August 25, 2012, 11:15:48 AM »
I'm so glad others could hear Ian tell Brit about the DR, because I couldn't get it to replay on Flashback last night to save my life.  Too many technical problems with the feeds skipping seconds, half minutes, and jumping back again.  I'm going to try again this morning...hopefully it doesn't blip again when Ian tells her.

I wasn't around last week, so I missed the controversy regarding Shane telling whomever the DR told him not to put up Boogie and Frank (read about it on Wikipedia).  WTH?!  First I hear the show (DR sessions) is being scripted by there's two different HG leaks about production interference so Frank stays in the game, plus Frank's questionable veto draw (also referenced on Wikipedia, which says feeders overheard him tell Boogie that after BB told him to redraw, he palmed the same chip so as to draw it again) and his being saved from the block at the reset.  This kind of crap isn't why I love BB or pay for the feeds or spend my entire summer enjoying the craziness in the BB house.  It's enough for me to walk away from BB for good.

And why is Frank so special anyway?  I'm sick of seeing the same people win comps over and over again, and this season has been the worst for that. 

You're right, TL...this season, with all its production interference and technically deficient feeds, is rapidly turning into TSTSNBM.  I'm POed BIG TIME.     

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1259 on: August 25, 2012, 11:28:08 AM »
brit is pushing Ina to not use it..cuz frank told them if ina saves dan...brit is going up...brit is fearful of this..and that is why she doesnt want ina to use..i understand that...but if it was where brit was on the block with joe or jenn..thats if shane won the pov and removed dani..and ina used his veto on dan...brit will not go home..joe or jenn will...same if brit wins pov...shane goes up..but so does joe and jenn..and shane is safe...then the 5 have control of the ina please dont listen to the higher power....i really like jenn..she seems very cool..but i would rather see the big guns fighting it i aint really for danto go :'(
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1260 on: August 25, 2012, 11:39:24 AM »
i really dont get it.when you just know someone for 40 days, and when they get the boot out of the house....the person that just loves them after 40 days...wears their t-shrits..their caps....for the love of GOD frank is making and eating what brooger liked :groan:...i dont know maybe its me...but i sure would not keep that person in my head..i would be playing the game for myself...cuz frank could get lost in all this damn booger crap......not a frank fan..i dont hate the guy just not a big fan...but pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..brooger is gone, he aint even on the you dont even get a vote from him...stop being someone else..and be your self..cuz i did say awhile back, i thought frank really is a nice guy..he just let brooger get to him..then he started acting a fool, like brooger.........good gawd..wear your own stuff..and play your own game..sorry i had to rant and vent...ohhhhhhhhhhh i feel better now :iok
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1261 on: August 25, 2012, 11:45:27 AM »
If Chebot and hubby have decided that they want Frank to win.......then Frank will win.  Doesn't really matter what we see on the feeds, what the strategies are the the HG's are trying to plot, it is all for naught!  Time to turn off the show!  The outcome is now pre-determined by the Powers that Be, so why bother!  I wonder if Frank knows that he is being touted at the "golden boy" this season, and what he would think about it, if they just told him, it would probably save some stress, perhaps Ian should just go tell him that Production has advised him not to use the veto, because they (production) want Dan out and they want Frank to win, and that if Ian does use it, they will just fix the comps or give Frank a special power to win the game anyway,  because I am sure they are not above telling the folks in jury how to vote.........let's face it,  give them a couple thousand bucks and they will vote the way production , chebot and hubby want them too. 

I think this really sucks though, they took a decent show and ruined it.  don't get me wrong I am sure it had some "fixed" elements right from the start, because most of them do, but this season is pretty blantant with all the leaks from the DR into the house, and the HG saying out loud about production and all the FISH you all are seeing on the feeds, even the viewers are getting ripped off with the amount of FISH they are having to view instead of the 24/7 promised by chenbot. 

Such a disappointment...........writing this season off as one for production, because we will all know it will be won by who THEY want to win it, NOT who played the best or who strategized the best.......... :duno: :duno: :duno: :duno: :duno: :duno: :duno: :duno: :duno:
If Julie Chen (Chenbot) weren't married to the big boss, I doubt she would be hosting this show, or booting out her competition on The Talk!  She is a useless waste of space!

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1262 on: August 25, 2012, 12:02:03 PM »
one more thing..i promise :lol3:..or maybe not promise..i dont know yet...i heard dan say he just might throw this comp if he see dani is close to winning it :groan:...and everyone has said they like dan...but he won 500k dan used his money wise..and he is pretty well off..... they all said dan would only get 50k...i never understood why people dont take someone to the F2..that they know, they can win agaisnt...i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ina..i just do..cant help it but i do....but i dont think he can win bb...why....b/cuz he is 21 ...and the jury does think about age also..and they think someone alittle older may need the money ina can win next to joe or jenn..even dan, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..this is so hard cuz i like Ina..Dan..Brit....and yes even shane...i also like jenn :groan:..she seems cool..but she has got to step it up in comps..for me to think she deserves the 500k, sorry but i just dont like's like you have to walk on egg shells around her...if you just joke around with her..she takes everything so serious..and she holds it agaisnt you....c'om...dani stop it (:;).. i wouldnt care if dani left this week..but dan is going to leave..i wish he would play for the veto..and dont throw it...maybe he is ok with not being in the house, all i know is dan will not act a fool, he will leave with a TON of class..he will still have fun all week, even if he knows he is going home, and about the Ina things being the tattle tail..dansaid he is NOT going to rat Ina out for it....cuz he wants Ina to know he is keeping his word...i just hope it comes down where dan gets off the block..and dani also [just cuz if the right person wins veto, dan will stay which means dani will stay also]..ok thats it ..for :lol3:
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1263 on: August 25, 2012, 12:13:19 PM »
If Chebot and hubby have decided that they want Frank to win.......then Frank will win.  Doesn't really matter what we see on the feeds, what the strategies are the the HG's are trying to plot, it is all for naught!  Time to turn off the show!  The outcome is now pre-determined by the Powers that Be, so why bother!  I wonder if Frank knows that he is being touted at the "golden boy" this season, and what he would think about it, if they just told him, it would probably save some stress, perhaps Ian should just go tell him that Production has advised him not to use the veto, because they (production) want Dan out and they want Frank to win, and that if Ian does use it, they will just fix the comps or give Frank a special power to win the game anyway,  because I am sure they are not above telling the folks in jury how to vote.........let's face it,  give them a couple thousand bucks and they will vote the way production , chebot and hubby want them too. 

I think this really sucks though, they took a decent show and ruined it.  don't get me wrong I am sure it had some "fixed" elements right from the start, because most of them do, but this season is pretty blantant with all the leaks from the DR into the house, and the HG saying out loud about production and all the FISH you all are seeing on the feeds, even the viewers are getting ripped off with the amount of FISH they are having to view instead of the 24/7 promised by chenbot. 

Such a disappointment...........writing this season off as one for production, because we will all know it will be won by who THEY want to win it, NOT who played the best or who strategized the best.......... :duno: :duno: :duno: :duno: :duno: :duno: :duno: :duno: :duno:

BRAVO!!!!..i hear ya...what happen to my bb..this is pure BS...stop it bb (:;) you people read these boards..and bb you know a ton of us heard all the BS you are telling the hg..telling them who to put up..who to let win hoh..pov....stop it..i am very very sadden from this cuz i am a huge bb the game..but this year i heard wayyyyyyyyyyyy to much from the DR..leaks,and bb better know..and they do know that we..the feeders ..and people who watch bbad..heard cant escape this bb.....and frank isnt even the most likec of the hgs..a ton of boards dont even want frank in the house...sad sad..for bb to try and play all of US this way..cuz bb is playing US also..and i aint diggin it :knuckles:
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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1264 on: August 25, 2012, 12:52:53 PM »
Playing in the veto competition today are.....

HOH       Frank

Nominees      Dan and Danielle

Chosen names    Shane, Britney and Jenn

Host     Ian

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Re: BB14 Discussion of the Live Feeds #1
« Reply #1265 on: August 25, 2012, 01:30:37 PM »
Let's move to a nice clean thread this one is getting really large.  :hrt:, 

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