If Chebot and hubby have decided that they want Frank to win.......then Frank will win. Doesn't really matter what we see on the feeds, what the strategies are the the HG's are trying to plot, it is all for naught! Time to turn off the show! The outcome is now pre-determined by the Powers that Be, so why bother! I wonder if Frank knows that he is being touted at the "golden boy" this season, and what he would think about it, if they just told him, it would probably save some stress, perhaps Ian should just go tell him that Production has advised him not to use the veto, because they (production) want Dan out and they want Frank to win, and that if Ian does use it, they will just fix the comps or give Frank a special power to win the game anyway, because I am sure they are not above telling the folks in jury how to vote.........let's face it, give them a couple thousand bucks and they will vote the way production , chebot and hubby want them too.
I think this really sucks though, they took a decent show and ruined it. don't get me wrong I am sure it had some "fixed" elements right from the start, because most of them do, but this season is pretty blantant with all the leaks from the DR into the house, and the HG saying out loud about production and all the FISH you all are seeing on the feeds, even the viewers are getting ripped off with the amount of FISH they are having to view instead of the 24/7 promised by chenbot.
Such a disappointment...........writing this season off as one for production, because we will all know it will be won by who THEY want to win it, NOT who played the best or who strategized the best..........