Author Topic: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12  (Read 48529 times)

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #150 on: August 21, 2012, 08:44:58 PM »

Hey Ugot  :hello2:
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #151 on: August 21, 2012, 08:45:05 PM »
feeds 1/2 flip out to brit and ahsley in the BY on the hammock

ashley is talking bout guys that she has met in her past and who is her realistic guys.. she likes Rob kardashian..

brit would it bother yo that he's totally hung up on the cheater girl and that he has her name  tatoo'd on his body.. and his sisters are all friends with her

ashley really??  oh..

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #152 on: August 21, 2012, 08:46:20 PM »
jenn making something to eat on 3/4 in the kitchen
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #153 on: August 21, 2012, 08:49:08 PM »
brit i think tye wont get mad at joe but no one will talk to shane or dan

 ashley i dont know.. i was ok with them

 brit it's like when you are on the block no one will talk to you even if that's not the case

 brit but i think this IS the case in this circumstances.. and especially what has gone down so far

 ashley at lest jenn cooled down..

 brit yeah.. she has and she is talking to danielle again..

ashley me and shane never had big convo's so that's  not a big deal

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #154 on: August 21, 2012, 08:50:19 PM »
Dan talking to Ian and they are discussing what is going to be for dinner

Ian I think we have some sirloin breakfast steaks so I might do that with a potato

Ian you want in on it

Dan I want a grilled cheese and soup

Ian that sounds good but i want some meat thanks for the offer though

FF to Danielle and Jenn in the KT
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #155 on: August 21, 2012, 08:54:31 PM »
brit  have they talkled to you about mike staying?

 ashley yeah

 brit shoot.. hard core?

  ashley hmmm

 brit i dont want to  talk to them right now i just wnat to chill

 ashley i dont know.. i feel bad.. i think what they did to you was wrong..

brit yeah  well i talked to mike earlier just general stuff.. it's just unnecessary..

brit i dont know.. thye all say that dan is dangerous.. but i think he's super nice.. even if im on the block he'll be nice..

brit they are always saying that him being nice is just part of his social game.. i feel that its real.. and  that he cares..  if he see's that im upset.. he didnt just walk by and ignore me.. he came and talked to me  and was nice.. and i can appreciate it.. ***instead from someone who was nasty to me.. and I will think aobut that  at the end of the game when i vote.. and dont think i won't **
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #156 on: August 21, 2012, 08:56:22 PM »
Brit i dont know what we are doing for dinner Ian

 ian me neither..  i can go for some steaks

brit i think joe was going to grill some stuff

:waves: Kitkat! :jumpy:


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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #157 on: August 21, 2012, 09:00:15 PM »
ashley leaves  and brit tells ian that ashley just told her that she is voting  for jenn to stay

 ian hmm

brit she changes her mind every 2 seconds

brit no one has talked to me today.. i think mike might be giving up.. although he is working joe..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #158 on: August 21, 2012, 09:00:58 PM »
Danielle showing Jenn all of the things about her body she wants to change

Jenn no way

you just noticed me Ugot! I have been here for a couple of hours  :lol:
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #159 on: August 21, 2012, 09:04:15 PM »
Dan joins Jenn and Danielle in KT
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #160 on: August 21, 2012, 09:04:23 PM »
ian i think he is gonna approach you.. and he is going to embarrass

 brit embarrass who joe?

 ian yeah

freakiing hammock squeak is louder than they are talking  (:;)

brit it doesnt matter who they say..  we got the votes.. joe said that we got his vote.. he  said that we got it 100%.. he wants to draw the line in the sand.. he's tired of having to go to the DR to get away from them

 ian i think that's changed though

 brit oh well i'll talk to him

 brit i''ll see ya later.. 

 brit is heading to HOH
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #161 on: August 21, 2012, 09:07:14 PM »
FF to BY Frank and Boogie and the damn hammock squeak  :tantrum
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #162 on: August 21, 2012, 09:09:58 PM »
brit up to HOH.. ian says that we are loosing joe.. cuz jow has been hanging out with frank and mike

 ian said that joe  told mike that he's thinking about keeping mike

 joe up to HOH

 brit good i need some clarification

 brit whats going on have they talked to you again

 joe doesnt have his mic on.

 brit what have you decided

joe i can not turn a corner..  frank is there..

joe frank jumped in bed with me when i went to take  anap.. he said you want to cuddle

 shane you were going to be on the block if they won

 joe it's very comical to watch them graval.

 brit ashley just told me that she is voting to  keep jenn

 joe why did she say that  she was keeping mike and way was she  trying to get my vote?/ she told me with 0 uncertantity

joe they  are going to follow me to the end of the earth

  :lol: no you weren't Kitkat! not posting anyway!!  :lol3:
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #163 on: August 21, 2012, 09:10:18 PM »
Boogie is thinking he may have the votes to stay saying that Ashley has flipped her vote for Jenn to leave and they are worrying about Joe flipping

Frank Joe needs comraderie to feel as though he is part of the group and we can do that

Frank get comfortable Boogs looks like you are staying

Ian out now and Boogie telling him that now it looks like it is 3/3 for Boogs to stay
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #164 on: August 21, 2012, 09:11:16 PM »
 )-**     somebody flip Ian off that hammock!!!! For God sake it is rediculous
I was lurking Ugot   :lol3:
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #165 on: August 21, 2012, 09:11:50 PM »
Brit ian keeps telling me how bad he feels.. he's being sketchy..

 shane im gonna tell him what mike said about him 2 days ago..  they said that ian hasnt proven himself
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #166 on: August 21, 2012, 09:14:04 PM »
shane i  hope that frank and mike figure it out and call ian out

 brit  they have no idea.. he's not allowed to talk to us and he knows it

 brit i was working on ashley a little bit

 brit  tells  shane about her hammock convo with ashley
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #167 on: August 21, 2012, 09:14:23 PM »
Frank and Mike running now and they are convinced that the vote is 3/3 now
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #168 on: August 21, 2012, 09:15:07 PM »
shane it's not right to throw personal attacks at  people

 frank is taking a shower in the HOH
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #169 on: August 21, 2012, 09:18:10 PM »
joe do you want to call ashley out..

 brit i dont think call her out but just ask her wher her vote is

 joe do u you want me to tell them no now..?

 shne i dont know

 joe it doenst bother me whatever you want to do.. i'd just rather not have them follow me around.. i cant take it much longer

 joe  you 2 have a good roll..

 shane your social game is good too joe..

joe is heading down to get dinner ready

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #170 on: August 21, 2012, 09:19:35 PM »
joe frank came and grabbed me that jenn told frank that she had  your vote he was asking me if it was over.. so i told him it was just to settle her down

 jow i'll say im about to make my decision are you sure you are with mike

 brit ok

 shane it's paranoia.. i knew we had it

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #171 on: August 21, 2012, 09:20:40 PM »
Shane you just need to win HOH next week

 shane i dont mind winning comps and bring you guys to the f4..

 brit if dan wanted to win a comp next week would be the one..

 shane thats what i said in my blog..

 feeds flip to ashley in the bathroom downstairs with joe

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #172 on: August 21, 2012, 09:24:09 PM »
Boogie to Ian help me get my votes

Boogie I would rather see Janelle win it than Britney

Boogs Britney is a backstabbing bitch anyway now send it to her twitter everyone I will tell her to her face
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #173 on: August 21, 2012, 09:26:43 PM »
Ian sticking up for Brit to Frank

Frank boogie is mad for you because he feels that you are being manipulated by Britney and Shane

Ian well she isnt a bitch at all

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/21/12
« Reply #174 on: August 21, 2012, 09:29:20 PM »
Ian is pissed that Boogie was saying Britney is a bitch and now Frank is bashing Shane

Frank Shane told me he put up Jenn because he didnt know what else to do and he is afraid hesaid he has made it to jury but he doesnt think he can win the game
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