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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #225 on: August 17, 2012, 09:52:42 PM »
Boogie says they need to go into super secret mode. Frank and Boogie play being on the block as nothing, they've been on the block before. They are trying to figure out if they will be on lockdown all night.

Ian is throwing the F word around, talking about Pandora's Box, ht thinks it would be tonight or tomorrow.

Boogie: At least I don't have to be nice to her anymore. I'm going  to act like she's nonexistent.

Frank: She gave me a hug.

Boogie: Don't talk to her, she's the entire reason we are sitting her. I'm going to poke her, I'm not going to like start it but if she even looks at me, I will be speaking my mind to her. What I thought it was going to be was the classic, you took the 10 grand but.

Frank: Ian was like, I don't think anyone will put you up again. :dick

Ian tells him he has the bed to himself tonight, he has to find a comforter.

Frank wonders how long till dinner.

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #226 on: August 17, 2012, 09:53:45 PM »
Brit we're still locked down and they are still building  so i was thinking that you got another clue.. so im thnking that it's  a FF

 Danielle  at the door

 brit dont worry about it..  it's ok..  brit leaves and tells shane dont worry
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #227 on: August 17, 2012, 09:58:13 PM »
Danielle what happened?

 shane they said that  they werent mad.. but  i told them that britney was in my ear.. im not taking this whole brunt  thing on my own..

Shane  they said that tey wanted to work and that if  one of us win the POV they want britney up but she cant go up cuz she is safe..

Danielle i was ttalking to jenn and ashley

 shane yeah britney told  me about the all girls allaiance

 danielle yeah and they want frank out

  shaen really?

 danielle it's frank needs to go cuz  boogie is  nothinig with out him

 Danielle did they say my name?

shane no

 danielle did they know that dan and i knew

 shane no  frank asked me  to tell him man to man if dan knew and i said absolutely not

danielle did they say my name?

 shane no youa re in the best spot.. it's me brit dan then you
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #228 on: August 17, 2012, 10:00:08 PM »
Danielle the house is so happpy

 shane i made a big move it's done and thats it..

 danielle yeah everyone is fine with it

 shane how is dan..

danielle he is laying low key

 danielle they are  building back there

 shane i know  britney told me

 danielle thanks ahne.. this is the best

 shane your're welcome..  the DR was asking me if i was sure that i wanted to do this and i was putting in the keys and TRIVIA!???
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #229 on: August 17, 2012, 10:01:12 PM »
Ian: I hate salsa ball.. If I win the veto which one should I pull down.

Frank: It's too soon to talk bout that.

Brit comes in: Hey what are Y'all doing? Well.. I just talked to Shane. I basically just told Shane. She says I did hear that you were going to go up. I don't understand why you are angry with me, I'm the one who made the decision.

Boogie: Save it sweetheart.

Brit: On a personal level I'm sorry.

They aren't having it. Frank says I could have put YOU up. I could have put Dan up.. Brit says I didn't know that.

Brit says that Shane told her what he said. Multiple people told her that Boogie said you wanted a big move to be made, Me and Shane.

Boogie: Let's just call it like it was, he didn't have to say it was a clue.

Brit: I don't know why you are insinuating it that I said it.

Frank: I've done everything I said I would, why didn't you come talk to us. If you had I could have BD'rd Shane.

Brit: I've thought about that. I heard from incredible source that you (boogie) said to make a big move and put me and Shane up. I don't sit up there and tell him what to do. I tell him that someone is going to put him up? I was worried about the split vote when you (Boogie) came up with that. After 3 days of worrying about it, I don't put that in my mouth.

(All of them are raising their voices.)

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #230 on: August 17, 2012, 10:05:30 PM »
dinner time in the BB house..  on feeds 3/4  shane danielle joe dan ashley jenn  ian
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #231 on: August 17, 2012, 10:10:01 PM »
Brit is telling them Shane is throwing her under the bus. Boogie is condescending, you should have this conversation with Shane if you have a problem with him.

Brit: I tried to talk to you before I talked to Shane. It upsets me.

(Feeds are terrible!)
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #232 on: August 17, 2012, 10:15:27 PM »
Mike frank and brit talking in  skid row.

Mike  this can be fixed..

 brit can it? i feel like you are  calling me the evil witch .. I honestly like you guys.. i fel bad but i would like the mutual respect

Mike you camee to us.. im not running around here

 frank one of us are going home.. this is not a threat but   we're coming for you who ever   is left.. and i got to tell you that we kept our word and  we  were told that we were safe and that  there are people out there that are putting  our names  out ther  and under the bus

 Mike the game is not  over..

 Brit im upset cuz you both are intimidated..  shane told me that  he thru me under the bus and that i  influenced him. but i  didnt. i shared relevant information and  he put the keys in the box not me

 Frank  you came to us and said that  wil was a threat and better competitor and we sent him home

 brit yeah and  how do you think he would have done in that comp out there

 brit i feel like i have been thrown under the bus to take the blame

 mike yeah i guess he did a little bit so i guess if he makes you  look bad  he might be a little more safe

 brit i  heard that both of you guys wanted me and shane  out..  so yeah i ran stuff by him but..

 mike yeah.. who doesnt want to be sitting next to Shane at the end (sarcastic)

Brit did you try and  use my name to be replaced  as a nom

 frank yeah

 mike what we said was that when you are at the bank  in tulso oklahoma..  that shane isnt going to be anything in vermont

 brit yeah im not going to the bank mike boogie

 Frank it sounded like you were saying mike and frank and mike and frank

 brit you know that   i cant go up on the block.. i got that safety

 Frank laughs .. oh yeah i forgot.. we were heated..

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #233 on: August 17, 2012, 10:21:39 PM »
Boogie says he can understand if Shane is sort of trying to throw her under the bus. (Very condescending.) He says no one is coming after her and Shane. See what happens tomorrow after the veto comp.

Brit: Did you see if you could make a deal with him? Boogie says.. of course.

Frank: It came off to us that you were like Frank, Boogie, Frank, Boogie.

Brit says you do realize I can't be put up.

Shane came in and she asks if they can continue their talk.

Boogie says I'm not going to be pissed on and told it's raining. He says someone is telling Shane stories about his season.

Frank: We in the position where we are on an island.

Boogie: We are going to reward people who help us.

Brit: I do agree with you. I'm disappointed that I didn't win HOH, I didn't place any keys and you are Po'd at me.

Frank: It's not just you, it's spread out, I was feeling that way before.

Brit: I feel like I'm being overestimated. Good for me. I was the one who went home. The Evil Witch, where did I learn all these impressive moves. I guess all those HOH's I was there too. I told him right to his face that he threw me under the bus.

Boogie: We aren't that mad.

Brit: If I hear that you two are coming after me, I don't sit there and twist his ... we haven't even been alone in the same room since he won. I don't think we were alone one time.

Frank, wash rinse repeat, We could have put you up last week. Why don't you trust us, we weren't coming after you. We showed you that we weren't coming after you and you didn't believe us.

Brit says she's upset that he threw her under the bus.

Boogie says he didn't totally throw her under the bus. He did admit that he had his own part in it. (PP)

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #234 on: August 17, 2012, 10:21:47 PM »
Mike someoen was telling him how i played in my game

 brit  i dont even remember your season  mike.

 mike well we do know

 brit remember that janelle was her for 3 weeks

 frank we jsut have to  move forward

 brit  im ticked off that its not my HOH and im getting all the ehat.. i dint put the keys in the box and im taking all the heat..  and i  think im being over estimated..  the one who talked  about 15 mins of game move  ion BB12 and  im not sitting ehre  making all thise mastermind manipulatinng litttle plans

 mike give your self a little credit..

 frank  he made it like it was from you

 brit i told him to his face that i was upset that he threw me under the bus.. and that  i was the one who  is getting the heat

 frank you arent getting all the ehat..

 brit i ahvent been alone with shane since he's won his hoh alone

frank  then  someoen is saying something..  and we could have put you guys up last week..

 brit all i know is that i heard that you were coming after us

 frank  we  didnt  put you up last week

 mike in fairness to shane he took his share of responisiblity.. he's a nice guy and he doenst have the stomach for this

 brit other people influence shane more than i do in this game. when i asked him thirs. for the DE if that happend he said joe and ashley..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #235 on: August 17, 2012, 10:28:35 PM »
Everyone else at the table eating, talking about the Karate Kid. Ian is rocking hard in his chair. I see Ian, Shane, Joe, Ashley, Jenn, Dani and Dan.

(Good lord! Joe is making terrible noise with Ice from the freezer.)
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #236 on: August 17, 2012, 10:29:24 PM »
frank it's not just you but joe too

brit im not going to take the heat for hthis but im not throwing people under the bus

Mike i know who is doing this..  and he gets a devilsih grin on his face ..

 Mike  we can do this.. if you want to  work this.. that mofo over there can play this game.. he;'s a dangerous mofo.. now do you wnat to sit next to him at the end or me the one with the reputation

brit youa re straight forward..

 mike do you want to  deal with the people that you know who they are  or the ones in wolfs clothing.. i would rather know now..before we

 frank i tried to tell you the other day

"DAN" has just been outed

 Mike i have been corrected.. sorry frank..

Brit i  know why ther was a reason why he won

 mike  this is good.. at least i know.. i know im getting clowned by Dan in the DR

 frank you can influence  shane and get dan to go up and you know danille will win if she gets to the F2

 brit  i know that there are only 3 people that can win this  game.. dan danielle and frank

 frank me??

 brit cause i have said that from the beginiing

 frank im gonna give yo a hug when we stand up

 mike you ahve alot of options..  and now you have to think who you want to work  with.. and im sorry for the awkward  tension in the begining.. and then ian coming in with  his tension and then  now dan with his  telling me  being his memphis

 brit shut up he didnt say that did he?

 mike no

 frank he did tell me that he nominated  him week one
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #237 on: August 17, 2012, 10:31:46 PM »
They are just making small talk about celebrities they have met in their lives. Shane is called to the DR, someone asks if he was head butted upstairs.

Brit comes into the kitchen and gets a plate.

Brit says I'm fine. (Not sure who asked her.)
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #238 on: August 17, 2012, 10:34:17 PM »
brit i thought you were  meaner

 mike no.. why?

 brit i mean from day one.. but you are not..

 miek no ther is no need for that

  mike at least i know now and  we can work together if you want to ..  so think about it and lets have a turkey burger

 they hug it out  and  brit leaves.. and mike and frank hang back..

 Mike it's HIM.. and now we know we have to decide how we want to  handle him

 mike i want him to deny it so britney will give us info

 mike we can  go 2 ways.. get him to  say he knew or get britney to say it

 Frank i dont think we're gonna get  a reaction from him.. and unless we put him in a corner

 frank but i dont think that shane likes confrontation

 mike yeah nor britney

 Mike he even gave a fake surprise look.. and i dont know if i can look this guy in the face

 frank if we let him know that we know.. he is going to be working double oved time with shane brit and everyone in here

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #239 on: August 17, 2012, 10:35:35 PM »
Mike im gonna act indifferent with dan.. and i think we can sway shane..

 frank yeah and i think we can get britney too

 frank im gonna try and not cuz this SOB out..

  they head out to the kitchen to eat
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #240 on: August 17, 2012, 10:36:38 PM »
feeds 1/2 dan ian joe ashley jenna t the table.. frank i got to work  cuz of being on the block.. mike in the fridge getting soda
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #241 on: August 17, 2012, 10:41:11 PM »
Brit got a big spoonful of mashed potatoes a bun and chips.  Not sure where she went, Everyone is quiet now.

Ah, she's in the arcade room. Dani comes in, Brit says she can come in if she wants.

Brit: Shane just threw me under the bus.

Dani: Why?

Brit: because he can't take the heat so he blamed me. When I went in there Boogie was yelling at me, it was all my fault.What could I say, he blamed it all on me. He said I told Frank that I was the one who told him to do it. I'm going to be evicted from this game because I was looking after Shane. I didn't leave my husband to come into this game to take the blame for Shane. I'm not the one who put the keys in the box. Why am I helping protect him if he throws me under the bus. this is the 2nd time he's done this. I'm not going to take the blame for him. Know what, he can't evict me this week so, so be it!

Dani: I don't agree with him at all. I don't understand WHY he put your name out there. Why can't he..

Brit: I'm not going to take the heat for him. Not going to do it. I told them I did hear that they were coming after us. They were like you were all innocent, You know what you are doing. I'm going to get evicted because of him! Remember when I told you he was a liability. I quit my job, I left my husband and you threw me under the bus the second time. I don't care, I'm getting reamed Danielle.

Dani: We could hear yelling, Joe said maybe Shane should go check.

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #242 on: August 17, 2012, 10:42:27 PM »
Frank & Mike sitting at the table eating  Mike sitting next to Dan

jenn asking joe what his weight is ..

Joe i came in at 205 im 195 now i want to walk out at 185
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #243 on: August 17, 2012, 10:46:29 PM »
Brit: I'm over it, I'm done. I sit up there in my lair..

Dani: Why would he do that!

Brit: Because he can't take responsibility. He could have put up someone else. He didn't want the blood on his hands.

Dani: He could just sit there and let them yell and then they will leave.

Brit: When I told him it hurt me that he threw me under the bus, he said. No I didn't throw you under the bus, I just told them what I heard.

Dani: I could take them easily. He couldn't just sit there and take it. She tells Brit she's sorry. A grown man doesn't need to talk to you like that.

Brit: Frank;s been nice to me.. Did I put your keys in the box? I'm not even mad at them, they are under the impression that I did! There were like we kept you safe last week. As if I had the power. Shane told them that I was the one who told him to do it. I'm so Po'd right now I can't even say it.

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #244 on: August 17, 2012, 10:48:04 PM »
Dan up and leaves from the table..  super tension in the kitchen dan heads to the bathroom arcade area

 ian get s up to wash dishes  and looks  behind all nervous
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #245 on: August 17, 2012, 10:53:49 PM »
Dan comes in and asks why are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong. Dani leaves.

Shane comes in and Brit starts telling me what just happened.

Shane: That's why I came in to check on you and you threw me out. Who else was I going to say, Ian. Fine I'll go tell them it was me.

Brit is letting him have it, she is repeating about leaving her husband and quitting her job.

Shane: I understand, think about me! That's why I came in to check on you. I'll take it 100%, I'll take all the blame.

Brit: Shane, it hurts my feelings. I wouldn't do that to you.

Shane: Maybe they misunderstood what I said, I didn't throw you under the bus, No I did not, I know what I told them, I don't even know how you can say that, they told me upstairs it was all on me. What do you want me to say.

Brit: I don't want you to say anything, I've done nothing but look after you this entire game.

Shane: How does it help me? Maybe I was just in the moment. Then I'll just say I made the nominations it was all me.

She says it will only make her look worse. She just wants him to realize. He didn't think he threw her under the bus, that he said she influenced him. They sat up there and threatened him, whichever one doesn't go home will come after him.

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #246 on: August 17, 2012, 10:55:58 PM »
Brit to shane i left my husband and i left my job to come to this game and i have been protecting you and you threw me under the bus

 shane  i didnt want to throw  the others under the bus..

 britney i got a verbal beat down

shane  i go to them and say that it was  all on me.

 brit i ahve done nothing but look out for you  the whole game''

brit its you and me and if there was anyone to throw under the bus it would not be you

 shane i dont kwn what to say..  i didnt say it ws you.. they  must be saying something else..

 shane i dont know what to say

 brit i just wnat you to not say anything else..

 shaen im so far  up on the toem pole

  brit why did you throw me under the bus?

 Shane i didnt mean to.. i dont knw i was in the moement..

 shane i will tell them its al on me

 brit i dont want you to do  anything..  i dont want you going out there it will make it look worse..  with me being upset.

Shane i did say that you influenced my decision.. and

 brit i want you to know im taking 100% of the heat

Brit i heard weeks ago that i heard you  say that i made you put up frank

 Brit when danielle put up janelle she didnt  say blame  dan

 shaen why is that i  have to get my hands dirty to protect you 5

 brit did i say for you to win the HOH

 Shane  i ahd no choice

 brit i said that if we were all in it for you not to win it

 shane i do it man to man tomorror

w  brit it will make the situation works if you do it
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #247 on: August 17, 2012, 10:57:52 PM »
Shane: Why do I always have to take the blame when I have to get my hands dirty. You told me not to throw it. (HOH comp.) He says he will just go to them and tell them man to man. She doesn't want him to do it at all, it will just make her look worse. Just don't do it.

Shane: It's not my intention. Not at all.

Brit: All I know is I was 100% looking after. U would not have told them a name. I'm the mastermind, the big evil person who sits in the HOH and tell you what to do. That's what they think.

Shane: Well I'm going home. When you were a coach, I did listen to you. I don't know how to play this game. I will 100% take the blame.

Brit: I don't want you to fix it, I don't want you to do anything, I just want you to know what you did. It's not fun for me to sit in a room with 2 grown men and get yelled at.

Shane: I had no idea, I didn't know until Joe told me.
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #248 on: August 17, 2012, 10:58:51 PM »
Brit they are saying im the mastermind that is up in the hoh telling you  what to do

 shane is that what they are saying?

Shane i dont knwo how to play this game then.. i'll take 100% and  man up

brit i dont want you to  fix it or say anything.. it's not fun to sit in a room and get yelled at by 2 grown men

 shane i didnt know  that ws going on until joe told me

  brit im  not good at this game shane.. did you see season 12.

 shane dont say that .. you are very smart. dont down grade yourself

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/17/12
« Reply #249 on: August 17, 2012, 11:00:07 PM »
Thanks to all the updates who helped today!! Great job everyone!!  :ghug: lets loce this down and  move on to a new thread!!,27717.0.htm
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