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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #50 on: August 03, 2012, 01:32:13 PM »
Joe, how does the body feel?

Boogie, good I wasn't up there long enough.  You?

Joe, my hands are tight

Ian comes outside.  Looks like he is moving pretty stiff

Dan up talking to Danielle.  She is telling him about Janie ??? kissing ass with her last night. 

Dani, I asked her who she would put up and she said she hates Frank and he is a beast and wants him gone.  She said she didn't trust Wil after what he did this last week

Dan, how do you feel about that? 

Dani, not scary to put Frank up, but I don't think Wil hasn't lied to me at all

Dan, I think if Wil wins he would put up 2 coaches.  You need to ahve a very serious convo wtih him that he needs to trust you this week and then you could work with him long term

Dani, will he trust me if I put him up as a pawn?

Dan, he if tells Frank he is a target, then you know you can't trust him and will show you who he is

Dani, the one deal I wanted to make was with Janelle.  She def wants to work with me.  She shook on it until the end.  Janie thinks Ashley will vote out Frank and knows Britt doesnt like Frank and you and Shane will vote with me

Dan, I can't see a reason where Janie won't vote with you

Dani, she said Ashley is the only one on her team she can like or trust.  She said I could put Joe back up.  The only other options I have are Boogie, Joe and Jen besides Frank.

Dan, I think somebody could keep Jen

Dani, I think I have to put Wil up.  If I put Joe up he will go crazy again

Dan, you need to lock down Joe's vote

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #51 on: August 03, 2012, 01:32:26 PM »
dan and danille in the HOH.. dan is asking her who she wants up if she is afraid of puttting frank up.

 danielle says that  janie wants to work with her .. and tried to make a deal with her till the end.. not a 2 week deal..

Danielle janie  said that ashley is the only one on her team that she trust.. and she could care less if i put wil or joe up..

:waves: BamBam

 danielle the only options i have are wil jenn boogie joe.. against frank.. and if i put joe up.. i would  have him going crazy saying all this stufff and then people voting out joe..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #52 on: August 03, 2012, 01:37:34 PM »
Danielle you are right people will vote joe to go home,.. i'll have to put up Wil against frank so that frank goes home

 danielle ashley hates frank too.. she pretty much promise that aashley will do what janie wants

 dan or you get creative and back doorr him.. but it's stupid and early to do that..

 dan you ahve to garentee that he doesnt pllat and that he doesnt get  HG choice.

 daniellle i might as well go on the block

 dan you ahve to make sure Wil feels comfortable..

 danielle  can i tell him  that there are still assumptions that im and frank still ahve a F2 and that i didnt know which way the votes would go.. and thats me being straight up honest..

Outside LOCKDOWN!!!  :wohoo:

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #53 on: August 03, 2012, 01:38:00 PM »
Dan advising Danielle to get Wil alone and question him and he if tells her the truth then she knows she can work with him

Boogie, Frank and Joe still on the patio. 

Boogie, by the way, I am having all of my meetings today where I can talk in my normal voice.  I am not whispering today  :lol3:

frank, lets get everyone outside so we can get this lockdown over with

Joe, we need to get everyone up.  Nobody is up.  Boogie, thanks for not using my name

boogie, yeah it wasn't necessary

Lockdown was just announced and everyone told to go outside.  Danielle getting up

Wil comes outside.  Here comes Shane.  He says his arm is sore.  Wil says his elbows are the worst

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #54 on: August 03, 2012, 01:40:02 PM »
Britt and Danielle outside now.  Britt complaining somebody was snoring and they figure it was Ian since Boogie kept telling him to shut up

Ashley and Jenn out.  Ian out. 

Hey Ugot!  :waves:

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #55 on: August 03, 2012, 01:52:23 PM »
Super quiet out back on the lockdown..

 joe says that he grabbed franks butt last night while sleeping.. :lol:

 Brit when i saw sleeping i felt like i was still on the boat
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #56 on: August 03, 2012, 01:53:34 PM »
Not sure why cam 2 is on the HOH landing.. but it is!!! :lol:

Danielle did you see the 2 people holding the seagulls? the one kid in the wingman shirt... and FISHIES!! :lol:
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #57 on: August 03, 2012, 01:59:25 PM »
Frank sleeping on the double lounger.

 Wil looks MISERABLE!

 Joe  looks like eagle eye is wounded..

 and for the rest of the HG's they have lack luster enthusiasm for being outside  :lol:

Wil a Hornet landed on my shorts.. it was crawling up my leg

 Brit ian was freaking out

 wil it's a moth  it's a moth!

 Dan i never seen one that huge!
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #58 on: August 03, 2012, 02:02:30 PM »
Frank and Mike doing the laundry towels..

Brit i looked like a wet rat!! :lol:

brit still has issues with her thumbs

 danielle  mine came back i had random tingle

 brit when i saw this i was like F this.. i ws done

 ian i  waas talking to mike and he said that Dr will called this and said that by week 4 the coaches in the game

 jenn they want to see you guys the coaches instead of jojo and kara.. even though we are a super fan of jodi
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #59 on: August 03, 2012, 02:13:30 PM »
Joe is saying that there is no open beverage law in indiana..

danielle if you are on the passenger seat and you are wasted.. and the cop pulls you over you get a test

 wil i knew someone who got a bicycling while drunk ticket

Dan wants to know why when you tap the  bottle of someone elses bottle of beer why it  foams up..

 Ian dosnt say a word..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #60 on: August 03, 2012, 02:18:29 PM »
 NOW Lockdown INSDIE!! :lol3:
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #61 on: August 03, 2012, 02:23:44 PM »
Brit and danielle up ion HOH..

 Brit what did you decide

 danielle i think it's frank and wil

 Ian is up to HOH

 ian i need to get away from downstairs

brit why?

 ian i need a break from everyone

 danielle you know you're good..

 ian yeah im fine

 brit what are the divisions you see

 ian i dont know..  my head is something

 ian i want to be in smething now.. i dont want to be in no mans land.. im tight with boogie but it seems the game is compoletely changed at this point

 brit would yo vote againt mike if yo had to

 ian yeah at this point..

 danielle who would you vote  for

 ian my best frirnd i wold say is frank

 brit that hurts my feelings ian :lol3:

  ian yeah.... i would say you are close..
danielle i dont know where nmy head is  either

 ian i thinnk you are the none that is going to draw the lines in the sand

 danielle great i  like being the center of attention

 ian can i take a hot bath later on

 danille yeah

 ian whats your idea of shane now?

 danielle we are close.. are you recommending that i put up shane?

 ian i think i am close to dan..  we had that whole fire ball thng

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #62 on: August 03, 2012, 02:29:55 PM »
ian has juust used every cliche in the book to describe his  position.. I  dont want to writer any checks i cant cash.. i liked to keep my cards close to my chest.. my word is bond.. and golden..

 Birt i would  be worried about making a deal with you.. cuz i dont know where your vote would go

 danielle  so it wouldnt matter who went up.. you wouldn't  hold a vendetta against anyone if they put one of the people you like on the block

  ian yeah..

dan up to the HOH

 danielle in the shower..

 brit we're just talking hypothticals

 ian my word is good.. i know we are safe.. and then it would be the indivial stuff would be keep frank to danielle.. and thats the word i had giving

 brit ian said that he feels alone downstairs and that  he doesnt  want to be alone in the game

 dan i think you proved yorself..  i would like to form someothing with you but the thing is the team concept

 ian last night things got flipped and i dont know where things stand and i need someone  or something.. and i look at boogie and see nothing.. so im in distress

 briot so you would never abandon ship? what if mike came to you for a vote

 ian he's in a tizzy.. he seems outta it..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #63 on: August 03, 2012, 02:33:06 PM »
brit so you wouuldnt be sneaking around kistening to  convos.. reporting back to mike?

 ian yeah ..

 dan i think when yo form an allaince you dont out your allaince.. i like you you seem stright forward

 ian very striaghtt forward

 brit you know how i feel about you  ian

 dan.. you know  we hang out till 3 am..  and i like you.. but me i hate the team concept

 ian.. yeha no one likes team alliance.. but  you hit a button to reset the game.. you RESET THE GAME>... i have to bust my ass of HOH next week.. and i think we have to see where things lay in this house.. and if there was anyone i would want to be in a hypothetical alliace it would  be  yo  2..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #64 on: August 03, 2012, 02:37:57 PM »
Ian we would need a strong person to be part of this

 dan yeah so me brit danielle and you.. we need more on board to control the votes

 brit i think i can get shane

 dan.. you think?

 brit yean..

they are snowing ian at the moment

 ian im close to ashley too

 dan if yo were  on the block with frank and you know how mike will vote..

 brit boogie jjust told me that him and frank aree working together.

 ian umm yeah the sky is blue ( meaning the obvious.. cuz ian cant give a stright answer/reply :lol: )

 ian no matter what someoen i like is goignt owalk out the door on thurs.. juust how muich i like them

 dan hypothetical.. frank and joe on the block and yo win the veto.. what will mike  ask you.

 ian it would behoove him that i not use it so that  he doesnt get backdoored

 brit can you  handle that kind of pressure

 ian yeah i cam here to play..

 brit if you are in an allaince you ahve to keep strong to your allaiance

 ian  its too bad that you cant rope frank into this..

 dan so you think you can get shane brit?

 brit yeah i think...

 ian what a mess
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #65 on: August 03, 2012, 02:43:08 PM »
feeds 1/2 frank and mike on the sofa in the living room.. mike saying that Dan is going to be THAT GUY

 frank sayus that joe says that he's done and wil says that he wont work with anyone from his team..

 mike yeah.. i dont care what anyone says.. it means nothing..

Mike says IF he would have won HOH last night he would tell people to EFF off and get out..

frank i think he knows that we know

 mike yeah he knows that we know the  morning greeting says it all..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #66 on: August 03, 2012, 02:44:26 PM »
Mike im gonna turn into evel dick in here.. banging pots and dumping tea on people

 frank yeah..

 fank im trying to see if they are done in there im trying to get breakfast..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #67 on: August 03, 2012, 02:47:32 PM »
Mike we wont be the only ones after them.. i thinnk it will be niether or both

 frank im, trying to think of someone we can get with us..

 mike no one

 frank maybe shane?

 mike he's with britney and danielle..

 frank if i would have  been voted out.. i might have been one opf the people coming back

  frank i think britney pressed it

 mike yeah and i think that janie pressed it too.. the WIZ(DR) made me think that and fishies..

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #68 on: August 03, 2012, 02:57:02 PM »
frank the thing is that  we have stuff on every person in this game that they have lied.. its not personal.. but we have that..
feeds 2 move to britney and ahsley in the bathrrooom.

 ashley im a feree agent.. janei wont even look me in the eyes.. and i dont care...

 brit thats crazsy.cuz janie just said to me that you guys were like.. not working togehter.. but that we're  blah blah blah

 ashley blah blah bah.. she hasnt said a word to me

 brit OMG dont say i said a word to you

a shley i dont think i wnat to work with her.. Im a freee agent..  it sucks i voted out my closest ally

 birt where's wils head at?

 ahley i dont  know

 brit wil told Frank that he was going to vote him out

 Brit is heading to the DR

as brit heads to teh Dr Mike tells frank im just waiting on her to make her first sarcastic remark and then im gonna drop it back at her..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #69 on: August 03, 2012, 02:58:18 PM »
SR restocked 
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #70 on: August 03, 2012, 03:04:41 PM »
Dan heads down to get breakfast.. ashley up in HOH

 previously dan was giving ian the rah rah be part of a tam  speech and an said yeha it has to be  silent like silent the e brigage  alliance

danielle kicks ian out to talk to ashley

danielle you are the first person besides ian to come up and want to talk..

 ashley yeha.. you know i want to be be part of things.. and i want to talk cuz i think you understand me emotionally cuz it's been a dude and they dont get it..

 danielle  i cant talk long cuz they keep pressuring me to do a track.. and i wont do it cuz i look like a hot mess

 ashley i dont  want people to think im working with my team.. janie turns like a light switch..

 danielle i like you but lets say.. if you didnt go up.. would you vote the way i wanted you? i dont want to say it.. and   dont want to throw anyone's name up there and i think they are the same people we want..

 ashley yeah.. i think i know

 danielle it's not a girl

 ashley even if they are on my "team"  I would vote where ever you are going.. my mind is on the reset button.. i dont want to be targeted as if i was working with them.
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #71 on: August 03, 2012, 03:07:02 PM »
Ashley makes her  dont put me up talk quick..

 danielle we have already been  here for a month.. i'm just waiting to see who else comes up

 dnaille im trying to hurry up for the DR

ashley leaves HOH
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #72 on: August 03, 2012, 03:10:46 PM »
Ian and ashley in the SR ian so much food and im allowed to eat it!

Ff to HOH with dan and danielle.. have you told anyone that janelle has come up to yopu

 danielle no

 danielle tells dan about ashley saying she wants to work with her.

dan im testing ian.. if he shakes our hand he's done with them

 danielle he said that frank is his best friend in the house

 dan he's scared.. i like him.. i think he'll be loayll but  what im worried is if he's done with team boogie..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #73 on: August 03, 2012, 03:14:35 PM »
danille.. no one cept ashley and ia have come up.. like frank and boogie arent coming up..

 dan then thats the  reason you you put him up

 danielle both?

 dan well maybe not boogie.. ian did say he's  a shell of a man

 dan the one thing that came out of this was when  mike went around and told everyone that I went to him and questioned why he told frank he affirmed that he and frank are a team..

danielle says she told ian that she's not making deals and not telling anyone who's going up.. and ashley is all about girl power.. so that a 4 sure ..  and plus ian

 danielle if ian votes out frank.. then you know we have ian..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Friday 8/3/12
« Reply #74 on: August 03, 2012, 03:22:40 PM »
Lots aof dan coaching danielle right now at the moment.. dan says that ian remind him of himself. danielle retelling tehn while Ian convo she had  with him..

danielle now that ian has calmed down it;s a completely differnt ian.. so im ok as long as he doesnt remover frank if he wins Veto,... and i think boogie treats him like ****,,

 daniele i trust yo with the guys as far as insticts and I got the gitls

 dna shane is solid.. he's not gonna budge..and the next closet one is ian

 danielle no one neds to know i talked to janelle.

 dan  yeha i wouldn't put her on blast..

 danielle yeah just in case i dont put her on the block.. and this way i can do this back n forth..   until i dont need her..
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