Author Topic: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12  (Read 55272 times)

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #100 on: July 28, 2012, 06:19:42 PM »
Unsure of who won POV  Dan is in the boom boom room talking to wil and janelle  he says that she is an honest person  and we get fishies not sure if danielle won
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #101 on: July 28, 2012, 06:20:44 PM »
Dan,  Im not sure anyone expected Ashley to do that well

Janie, she did great

Wil, awesome

Dan, this house is flipped 10 x's over

Wil, it's not the end

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #102 on: July 28, 2012, 06:21:47 PM »
Brit Wil was a big baby he has a piss poor attitude..  (:;)it's like were in 4th grade basketball.. (:;)  they are walking around all pissy.. its about time that they arent in a sing song mood i have had enough of that.. and fishies :iok
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #103 on: July 28, 2012, 06:22:37 PM »
Ugot, I will cover 3 & 4 - from the way they are talking it sounds like maybe Ashley won???

Wil, it's so frustrating

Dan, when 90 secs determine your life

Wil, it's obviously they are working together, 2 strong competitors like that, nobody stands a chance

Dan, it just makes it harder, but things can change

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #104 on: July 28, 2012, 06:24:45 PM »
Dan, how many people compete in the next HOH?  6?

Janie, depends on the twist

Wil, at least shane can't compete

Janie, I feel so bad.  My legs hurt

switched to arcade with Dani and Ashley, now to bathroom with Frank and Joe

Joe, I jsut want to break the ice

Now they move into the kitchen.  Jenn, Ian and Joe at the table,  Frank and boogie in the kitchen

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #105 on: July 28, 2012, 06:25:39 PM »
shane apologizes to the camera's to joe's wife.. he did it to himself..

 shne frank is upset

 brit they know you ahve this chance now.. and that's fine it just gives  you more to work with

 shane if daneille wins hoh

 brit if she does we're golden.

BB gave shane  laundry bags..

 shane which one is more masculine

brit gets the grey one thanks

 shane great.. now hook me up with the coaches comp! :lol:

 brit  youa re so sallty.. you treat me like danielle..

shane thats whn you know i like you

 brit laughs..

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #106 on: July 28, 2012, 06:25:51 PM »
Back into the arcade . . . 

Ash, I'm just not going to talk, not cocky and have the confidence that I have the votes

Dani, you still have to talk to people, but not like he is doing

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #107 on: July 28, 2012, 06:26:51 PM »
Girls are mostly listening to the kitchen convo

Dani, typical men, they are just going to make up excuses  :lol3:  Whatever, you can kiss my ass

Maybe Dani won?????

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #108 on: July 28, 2012, 06:29:14 PM »
jenn  up to the HOH to thank shane for letting her host.. she's in a circus master costume..

brit  how is it down there?

 jenn it's a little awkward.. but its ok.

 jenn leaves.. brit do you think you brought enough button down shirts..?

 shane ummm no.. thanks brit..

  talk again to willie .. brit what do you think he is doing

 shane  maybe in jail.. or waiting for a ride back home.. I wonder if he saw me and jojo  last week

 shane so maybe i will be picked for america's player

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #109 on: July 28, 2012, 06:31:01 PM »
Ash, sometimes I felt like Wil wouldn't use the veto on me but on Joe.  Maybe it's Janies personality, but she is not so sensitive.  I'm very emotional

Dani, you are right.  I understand what you are saying. 

Ash, I guess everyone sees it

Dani, you need to remember, Janie needs you to win the money there is no way they can get rid of you if you change your mind.  You are important, no matter what, in this game and don't let anyone make you feel like you aren't

Switched to boom boom with Janie and Joe.  Saw Dan in have not room

Joe, I still ahve to stay in that room.  Obviously right now I am going home

Janie, I am goin gto talk to Britt, that is our best shot.  It's looking pretty grim but I am going to try

Joe keeps saying he is going to sleep outside of the have not room

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #110 on: July 28, 2012, 06:32:37 PM »
Shane i think we'll just stick to the plane.. we have till monday

 brit we have to see what happens

 shane frank will have ian and jenns vote

brit i still think he will want frank  out on him more than you..

 shane next week it's a 2/2 vote.. and if i get rid of frank and jenn/ian  will come after me

 brit and Wil so you'll either hav e the whole house or  part of the house after you

 shane joe's gone no matter what this week. get the snitch out..

 brit please dear god dont let it be them coming up here to talk to us

shane i wont let that happen

 shane  joe didnt last 30 seconds in that comp

 brit Pack it up joe im so done with you!!! :lol3:

shane gosh i wish wil wasnt  safe

 brit yeah i would want him gone too before joe.. joe cant compete.
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #111 on: July 28, 2012, 06:33:34 PM »
shane i dont want to make it too obvious..

 brit i  want to know if we're haivng our sushi party. i dont want to  eat hummus and then have that..

 brit  you need joe's recipies for  slop[.. we need someone to man the kitchen
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #112 on: July 28, 2012, 06:34:01 PM »
General conversation about the comp in the kitchen

Now switched to arcade again

Danielle and Ashley still talking about Janelle and her coaching.  Ashley also talking about her insercurities

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #113 on: July 28, 2012, 06:36:43 PM »
Janie in.. all nicey nicey..  brit can i talk to you for a second..  congrats shane.. you just  tied janems Rhines record..

 shane won POV?

 janie.. you ahve 2 big players on the block and they cant win anything and i dont want your HOH to be a wasdte.. and  i think you are mad at me and i dont want you to take it out on them..

 shane yeah im not  doing that

  janie.. i dont want you to waste your HOH

 shane yeah joe is going around talking ****  and flipped the house

 janie you know that frank flipped the house

 shane he had to he got the votes..

 janie he was the one in the bedroom that was downstairs telling  joe  what willing was saying
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #114 on: July 28, 2012, 06:38:48 PM »
Brit i know  you and i janie can work together.. but i dont thinhk your players want to work with shane

 shane yeah wil wasnt talking to me yesterday then this morning he was ok and now he's not

 janie well he's mad at franki cuz he lied to them

 shane  joe is running around the house saying **** about me.and throwing me under the bus

Brit ** anything can happen SHANE WON THE POV* [ i]#3 for him [/i]
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #115 on: July 28, 2012, 06:39:01 PM »
Ash, if we had just kept Kara, we could have worked the whole girl alliance

Joe comes in

Joe, I'm jsut trying to figure out the best position I can leave you guys in since I will be leaving

Ash, you are just throwing the towel in?

J, I just talked to Janie and she said it's virtually impossible.  We dont' have the votes since you and I are up.

Dani, so shane's not going to . . .

Joe, no, maybe devine intervention?  I just want to have fun this week.  But if I find out I for sure am going, I'm not sleeping in the have not room.  We have to make sure we make deals for you guys.  You have to find a way to go against shane and Frank or they will be the final 2.  It's not so hard if you can pull a HOH this week and put both of them up

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #116 on: July 28, 2012, 06:41:42 PM »
Shae i dont know if someone pisses me off or anything you never know besides there is time.. im not doing anything today..

 janie  that whole thing was that  willie thing..  that's what broke us up in the firdst place

 shane i back door frank.. jenn and ian are coming  for me.. and are yor players coming for me?

 janie ian and jenn are throwing comps left and right

 shane ian came in second..

 janie.. yeah cuz you wanted frank out

 janie.. i told mike that if they were to put up shane to let hi9m try and play for POV.

 shane yeah i knew that

 janei yeah i was the one who told boogie about it.. and it's a horrible way to  get played.. to get back doored

 shane yeah i know frank told me himself.. frank hasnt lied to me yet but maybe he is lying to you

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #117 on: July 28, 2012, 06:42:26 PM »
Joe, if they stick together, it's going to tough of you guys.

Ash, you never know, don't throw the towel in yet

Joe, I'm just being a realist.  But we will have fun this week.  Better to have fun than worrya bout it.

Dani, what can we do for wils birthday?  I'm going to request the cake

Ash, it sucks so bad but I'm not giving up.  Maybe Frank can still get backdoored.  Or Ian

Joe, Shane wants me out really bad

Ash, because of Willie

Joe he says its because of Janelle because she went after his team.  He's just saying that because we siad he was paying for what willie did.  He just won his 3rd POV so he is not scared of Frank

Ash, he isn't scared of nobody

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #118 on: July 28, 2012, 06:46:49 PM »
Boogie cooking.  Ian washing dishes, Frank talking with them both

Ian loves watching 3's Company on TV land

Joe comes into the kitchen and looks like he might be straightening things up a bit

Nothing much being said

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #119 on: July 28, 2012, 06:47:34 PM »
Janie frank has been going around the house saying he was going to get out the floaters..
 shane jenn is on his team?

 janie it's this whole guy thing to the  end

 shane it's nothing agianst you personally

 brit yeah it's not agaisnt you janie..

 Wil interupts.. convo

 wil howdy.. you got the sklill down son

 wil skill is not my things

 janie if we work together..  im 100% he's not putting you up

 Wil i can talk for myself.. you are not my targets..

 shane you just vote with your team.

 wil that was not my chioce..

brit if we backdoor frank there is  not one person in this house that i see who is going to save shane..

 janie you can trust me i would never backstab you.. my word is good.. it's not like youa re saying **** you ..

wil i wanted ian gone day one..

 wil goes back to the whole WILLIE SITUATION>>  ughh deadhorse

 brit we understand your situation but we want you to understand our opportunity.. and when you had a chance to seize the opportunity to get rid of 2 (dan/daniell) yo didnt tsake it

 wil jojo didnt come to me and ask me for my vote

 brit that was my fault.. i  wanted her to stay low

 janie brigns up that she told eveyone that she had a plan and that willie4 freaking out and  thats why they kept frank..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #120 on: July 28, 2012, 06:50:25 PM »
Kitchen very quiet.  Boogie and Frank eating salmon

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #121 on: July 28, 2012, 06:53:59 PM »
Brit.. i really do get it you guys have 3 players.. im down to 1.. you went to higher ground..  we didnt have that choice.. we had to go down with the ship  with willie and if  shane didnt win HOH we'd be out

janie i told  them that we wanted to work with you

shane janie why did you come to me

 janie i told them.. i figured they would win HOH

shane so yo think jenn and ian are throwing comps

 janie yeah..  ian's got a photographic memory.. duh..

janie we feel like we got played by them (mikes team)

 Brit you said it thats who we felt last week

brit this is the first time we are airing the dirty laundry

janie brings it back to being ALL ABOUT WILLIE

 brit it's not all about  willie..  willie was gone.. and shane weas still put on the bock and then shane won POV and  still one of my players went home..

 janie.. boogie is  playig dirty.. they are the players you just cant truust

 janie lets make a deal longer than a week

 wil they are running this gsame now

 rbit we know we are not running this game.. we are down to one player..

shane if i didnt win HOH i would have been going home
 janie no not if  we won HOH. didnt i say that

 wil  frank is just like joe.. saying all type of **** .. you never know what is going on..
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #122 on: July 28, 2012, 06:54:47 PM »
Ugot, I have to go cook dinner, so will be back later. 

Frank has now moved on to a bowl of ceral.  Joe sitting at the table just drinking and Ian continues his dish washing.  Boogie gives him his dirty dishes too

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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #123 on: July 28, 2012, 06:58:43 PM »
Ashley.. i know how you are feeling now

 shane yeah now  think i was siting against my own team mate and there  is not a 3rd person.

 brit whoa shane.. calm down

 shane sorry :lol: im getting defensive from last week..

 Ashley im just saying that  frank is acting all  ****ty.. and we called it HOH syndronme..

 shane i appreciate it..

 shane i dont know what im doing..  incase someoen blows up and whatever..

 brit he cant leave

 Janie  I know this sounds psycho  i'll offers my wedding ring for 3 weeks safety!! :lol3:
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Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/28/12
« Reply #124 on: July 28, 2012, 07:00:38 PM »
 Janie  I know this sounds psycho  i'll offers my wedding ring for 3 weeks safety!!  I'll even give you my chanel earings if i am lying.

 shane no no

 brit jojo thought you played this game with cigarettes :lol3:

 shane and the person who's not ion this room swore on his kids that he was going to vote to save jojo

 janie you can  have that so you know that i mean it..

 brit no shane loses things.. :lol3: but i liek those earing :lol3:

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