Exclusive: Danielle Murphree’s Ex BFF Tells All!Exclusive: Danielle Murphree’s Ex BFF Tells All!
by Joanna on August 11, 2012 in Big Brother 14
Danielle Murphree of Big Brother 14 is a liar. This is not an opinion; this is fact. We have watched her spin the story of how she is a kindergarten teacher when she is really a nurse. She has no shame with this lie. She doesn’t try to avoid it, in fact she hunts opportunities to bring up her fictitious life and discusses it in such creepy detail as if she has a hunger inside of her that only lying will satisfy.
You know what? Every time Danielle talks I find myself wondering if anything she says is true. Then I think “Well she’s on television. She wouldn’t lie about real life things because people will know and it would be humiliating.” But oh…my logic has been my downfall.
Enter Rainbow Brite. No, not the awesome 80’s character we all know and love. Rainbow Brite is the name I have given to my new best friend. She is a former best friend of Danielle’s and she has contacted us over here to get some angst off of her shoulders. Rainbow Brite wishes to remain anonymous, only because she has seen what us freaky Big Brother fans can be like and does not wish to be bombarded with tweets and the like from us. Which I can understand. She also doesn’t want to be publicly associated with Danielle. Which I can also understand. All I can say is she provided proof and I have never lied to you fair readers, so decide for yourselves.
First, RB says that Danielle and her were best friends for awhile “until her ridiculous drama and the realization of her lies clicked.” Apparently Danielle is known for telling the same lies over and over again and her lies are like a spiral staircase. According to RB, “if you would call her out on a lie, she would have another lie as an excuse for why she lied. It was very bizarre.”
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For example, RB says that Danielle likes to say that she was in a bad car wreck with a friend of hers and that friend died. RB says the truth is that a girl Danielle once cheered with died in a car accident, but Danielle was not involved at all. When confronted by RB Danielle changed her story to say “Ok so she wasn’t in the car with me but I was in a car accident that same day.” Yet, RB states Danielle’s car never had a scratch on it.
RB also tells about how Danielle likes to say she was once an alcoholic. RB says not so. Danielle apparently didn’t even drink, but she would walk around with a can of Diet Mountain Dew, which she said she put vodka in so she could pretend to be drunk and take advantage of drunk boys. Allegedly. Oh RB! Tell us more!
She never had a broken back. She never had renal failure. But these are all things RB has heard her tell people. I’m personally guessing she never battled with anorexia like she stated on the feeds the other night.
RB continues that Danielle has also tried to convince people that she had throat cancer. Now, RB is clever. She asked Danielle why her hair hadn’t fallen out from chemotherapy. Danielle said, “”It’s a special kind of chemo where that doesn’t happen.” This is like Christmas in August!
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RB almost lost me when she started saying how Danielle thinks every guy loves her – I mean come on… that was obvious from the moment she plopped onto our feeds – but then she told me, and I quote, “She did, however , this is juicy, date Taylor Fortenberry (Reader tipped us to this Deadspin story on Fortenberry) from the show ‘Love Games’ on Oxygen. He is a great guy I really like him and yes he is a pretty attractive guy, but he has a lot of his own issues of crazy. They dated before he went on that show. That’s her last, and frankly only, known boyfriend.” I have no idea who Taylor Fortenberry is, but I’m thinking him being on a reality show is what made Danielle desperate to be on a reality show. RB says this was not Danielle’s first try. She once sent in a tape to be on ‘The Real World.” RB does say that guys sometimes like Danielle because she is a nice girl, but after a short period of time she starts relying on them for everything and “drives them up a wall.” Allegedly Allegedly!
We’re so not done here. You still with me? Of course you are. This is like finding a $20 bill on the side of the road. This is my favorite. Ready? Danielle’s parents are not abusive. Now, RB states that her and Danielle were best friends and she knows everything about her. And she didn’t seem to even know Danielle had discussed this on the feeds. She said, “At some point she’ll probably discuss her abusive parents” and then proceeded to say that it wasn’t true. Another of Danielle’s favorite lies. Also RB wanted me to mention that Danielle only has one sibling, a brother, but she likes to make up other siblings.
There were other little bits and odds and ends, plus one really great story that Rainbow Brite retracted because it would be too obvious who told it, but this was the overall gist of what I learned about Danielle today. I said “allegedly” a lot throughout this article because I don’t know much about libel and what not, but I want to be clear that this all came from a reliable and proven source, but it did come from a source and not directly from IHateBigBrother and we are not responsible for doing anything other than relating what we have been told. If anyone one else wants to share some juicy bits feel free to contact us. And seriously get the feeds because Danielle can’t keep all of this up for much longer and you won’t want to miss the breakdown! Now I’m going outside to smoke a nice long cigarette.
BONUS: Danielle’s Ex BFF also tipped us off to her Facebook page linked here: