Last nights premier was just OK if you ask me. They did a decent job editing and giving us "feed watchers" what we are somewhat use to.
The house is divided into East coast vs West coast
Alex wound up being a complete ego head
thinking that because America voted for him to become the biggest villain ever on reality TV that it was OK for him to bash the other players on what he viewed as their bad qualities.
Alex went around
and mostly picked on every girl in the house and then went to Jeffery calling him fat and blurting out about his bathroom habits. :fart A pretty poor way of trying to be a villain if you ask me
Alex being on the west coast team did go to Robin and tell her that his plan was to stir it up against the other team.
Robin is and will be the voice of reason in that house from my point of view
Alex and Jacob are in limbo which means to us BB fans "on the block" but once both were lowered down through the floor trap cylinders we were told that Jacob quit and the players were not told till early this morning that SOMEONE QUIT
guess the boy just couldn't hang!
The Big O will still keep her "O"
the viewers decided to call her ORACLE or ORI . Too bad because she said she wanted a feminine name and ORI is not feminine at all!
I most likely will call her O or ORI just because it's easier to type out
The format of the questions being asked to the players bye Ori and them having to "tell us a story" is tedious to type out yet alone listen to especially when you know they are FULL OF MALARKEY
hear that Irish Mike? Yeah I'm talking to you! It was Ashely's Birthday so they made a cake, got a huge bucket full of beer
and had to wear beer helmets for our entertainment
which didn't entertain me at all!
The viewers voted and Ashley got a huge cookie jar as her Bday gift that she shared BRIEFLY with the other players and then closed down the handouts. Mike
asked if he could have some after his buzz was over from all the beer later on and I don't think she wanted to share
Now for the unending pageant waving
, shout outs
and camera monologues
THEY make me ILL!
The story telling, reveal information to the viewers, to let them get to know you, is BORING a complete snooze fest!
We did find out they are NOT allowed to sing and I think that's a good thing for us!
Kevin wants to be the Alpha male
and I think he made that known when he stepped to Alex earlier in the week that we got to see on the show regarding Alex's pantie strutting
dancing and then grinding
onto to Andrea a mother of 3 for 2 minutes.
Jeffery has no concerns about being the as he put it " gay fat kid" he acts like it's nothing when being bashed by Alex which later on after Joy got his taunting referred to as bullying.
The only 2 i see going or doing well and being a real threat to anyone is Apollo and Andrea.
Erica comes off as naive but I'm not so sure if that is the case.
Stephanie seems smart but i think she will get swallowed up with the other personalities in the house
I do not have a great feeling on Gene aka Hollywood i think he's dead weight
Mike yeah you know I think he wants to be the greatest liar/ story teller out there but that belongs to Hans Christian Anderson if you ask me!
Joy Does A LOT of posing and laying around guess she's use to that
Ashley does NOTHING but shoutouts, blows kisses to the camera and says VOTE FOR ME
Holly is another pageant
wanna be however I think Ori has a chip on her shoulder with Holly cuz several times Ori has cut Holly off when she talked to the camera or the to viewers
Again I think Robin is the dark horse and not because she is older and wiser..
I just think it's the way she has already handled herself with the youngin in the the house
Robin, Mike, Kevin and Jeffery I believe have formed an alliance which they call THE ELDERS
what did they do watch the Hutterites before going into the house? and if you don't get that comment look up the show If i left anyone out its because they really did NOTHING to make me want to talk about and what ever i put up here I'm telling you is more than what entertainment value they gave me last nite! :smartass