I always thought that if we had a thread like this, we can come together and discuss the endless possibilities that could happen on the race if an event didn't occur... could the ultimate ending of the race be affected?
For example, if the cab drivers of Ernie and Cindy, Jeremy and Sandy and Amani and Marcus cab drivers didn't share the info with each other on the penultimate leg, will Andy and Tommy still make the final three? Who would be eliminated then?
If Leg 1 of TAR 19 was a non-elimination leg and Bill and Cathi were eliminated, which other leg will become a NEL and which team will then make it to the Final 5?
This is completely for fun and the purpose of this thread is that it is completely pointless, but that doesn't mean we can't come together and discuss/share thoughts and opinions and what could probably happen if a particular scenario didn't happen/happen on the race.
Here are some other thoughts that came to my mind -
1. What if the train attendant came and check Ernie and Cindy and realize that they didn't have tickets? Would they have been thrown off the train/continued with their journey/forced to pay their tickets OR receive a penalty at the pit-stop?
2. What if Jennifer didn't wait too long and waste time at the Malawi leg Roadblock? Would they still be eliminated or will Jeremy and Sandy meet their doom?
3. What if Liz and Marie had money, managed to make it to the pit-stop in Bangkok in 7th place? How far do you think they could have made it further in TAR 19?
4. If Jeremy and Sandy didn't lose too much time at "The Dump", do you think they had a chance in winning or will Ernie and Cindy still beat them to it?
It's an endless of possibilities and discussions... just post some What If questions, try to answer your own questions and see if others think the same way as you do!