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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1250 on: August 29, 2011, 10:03:01 PM »
I am not a fan of Kalia AT ALL, but I find that attacking her about her weight is lacking in creativity.  I can only imagine how much any normal person might eat when sitting around ALL DAY in a situation where everyone is constantly backstabbing and there is NOTHING to do but wait for the next event.  If homophobic words from Jeff are offensive(and they are),  fat slurs are just as bad, at least in my book.  If I remember correctly, Kalia is not the only house guest to pack on a few pounds while locked up in that house.
ED's nick name for her is completely offensive.  That's exactly why I am not a fan of his
Criticize her because she is annoying as hell and acts like she has this thing won already.  Leave her body out of it.

I'm in agreement with you.  Can you illuminate me what ED's nick name is for her?

Offline Got2BeGreen

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1251 on: August 29, 2011, 10:08:15 PM »
I agree, mommycass.

I also wish people wouldn't attack Shelley's lack of femininity.  She isn't a girly-girl, that's true.  But that doesn't mean she is or was a man.  There are lots of ways to be a woman, and they don't all involve high heels, mincing walks, and makeup.

The other comment that got to me a couple of days ago on this board, was when someone called Adam a "retard."  That term, as well as "gay", shouldn't be used as insults.  It's just wrong.

Offline Paisley

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1252 on: August 29, 2011, 10:57:23 PM »
Great point, Momma.   :tup: 

The first time I saw Kalia around the pool, she was wearing a really pretty one-piece black bathing suit, and I thought to myself "Finally! Big Brother is accepting female houseguests who don't fit into a bikini!"  :wohoo:

I'll totally admit I've been bashing on Kalia pretty hard today, but it has nothing to do with her being fat.  Heck...I'm a fat chick myself.  Ain't nuttin' personal.  My problem is that she's eating and sleeping her way to $500,000 while everyone else in the house is doing all the work for her (including the cooking, making of her bed, and developing her strategy skills, which most of us also have to do everyday for a whole lot less than $500K in three months).  At least Adam worked off around 100 pounds to earn his way into the Big Brother house and actually knows something about the show.  Kalia isn't doing crap, except exercising her know-it-all mouth, and some of the stuff that comes out of it is...


It's just hard to watch and listen to for as many hours as I do in a day, and today I just really needed to vent about it.  Frustration can sometimes get to you when you're watching the house 24/7.   

In my heart, I'm damn proud of Kalia for putting her fat-chick body out there and having the daring to wear a bikini on TV in front of millions of people.............and in ORANGE with POLKA DOTS, no less.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 11:18:43 PM by Paisley »

Offline brenchel_forever

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1253 on: August 29, 2011, 11:05:28 PM »
I am not a fan of Kalia AT ALL, but I find that attacking her about her weight is lacking in creativity.  I can only imagine how much any normal person might eat when sitting around ALL DAY in a situation where everyone is constantly backstabbing and there is NOTHING to do but wait for the next event.  If homophobic words from Jeff are offensive(and they are),  fat slurs are just as bad, at least in my book.  If I remember correctly, Kalia is not the only house guest to pack on a few pounds while locked up in that house.
ED's nick name for her is completely offensive.  That's exactly why I am not a fan of his
Criticize her because she is annoying as hell and acts like she has this thing won already.  Leave her body out of it.

I'm in agreement with you.  Can you illuminate me what ED's nick name is for her?

I found this on page 84 it was in a post from Twitter ED calls Kalia  "Kalishamu."
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Offline Paisley

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1254 on: August 30, 2011, 12:44:41 AM »
When was the last time BB had five women and one man in the final six?

Offline mommycass2002

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1255 on: August 30, 2011, 02:35:43 AM »
When was the last time BB had five women and one man in the final six?

I know, this has never happened, not since I have been watching.  Every season I have wished just once the women would band together and take out the men, the way the men always do.  That's sort of what happened this season, at least that's how it all worked out.  Even though I am not crazy for all the women, at least men aren't running the house as usual.

Paisley, you got to vent. there is a lot to vent about on this show and this is the place.  And Kalia is a piece of work.  I am sure in another context she isn't that bad, but in this game she is annoying, to say the least.  I think this show brings out people's biggest flaws, especially when you stuck are watching them for many hours.  Thanks for enduring the house guests and updating for those us without feeds.

Offline Albert5433

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1256 on: August 30, 2011, 08:13:58 AM »
I dont think that there are any signs that R and J are keeping Sheliar.

I think that Jordan is just being her normally sweet self and that Rachel is just being, uh, normal (she is a million times more likeable away from Brendon).

Kalia being overweight is nothing to be nasty about...however, he lack of judgement when it comes to wearing bikinis is WAY worthy of being ridiculed.

I dont remember people on the site defending Adam from being ridiculed for being so hairy.

Being aware of human foibles and differences and commenting on these should be allowed, in my opinion, on websites that are developed to foster discussion and chat. In my opinion, what shouldnt be allowed is HATEFUL speech.....offensive speech is not always HATEFUL speech.

Finally, I havent heard a single person express dislike  because Shelliar looks like a poster child for a MTF sexual reassignment; I think everyone is repulsed by her behavior, lies and nasty self...not by her mannerisms, male or otherwise.

In my opinion.

Offline Kate04

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1257 on: August 30, 2011, 08:23:46 AM »
I dont think that there are any signs that R and J are keeping Sheliar.

I think that Jordan is just being her normally sweet self and that Rachel is just being, uh, normal (she is a million times more likeable away from Brendon).

Kalia being overweight is nothing to be nasty about...however, he lack of judgement when it comes to wearing bikinis is WAY worthy of being ridiculed.

I dont remember people on the site defending Adam from being ridiculed for being so hairy.

Being aware of human foibles and differences and commenting on these should be allowed, in my opinion, on websites that are developed to foster discussion and chat. In my opinion, what shouldnt be allowed is HATEFUL speech.....offensive speech is not always HATEFUL speech.

Finally, I havent heard a single person express dislike  because Shelliar looks like a poster child for a MTF sexual reassignment; I think everyone is repulsed by her behavior, lies and nasty self...not by her mannerisms, male or otherwise.

In my opinion.

Albert - In my opinion, I like your opinion.  No one cares whether Sheliar happens to look like she needs the money FOR the sexual reassignment or whatever.  What has made people think she is vile is the constant nature of the lies, and lies upon lies, and coverups upon coverups.  And backstabbing and meanness and cattiness all the day and into the night.

And, if the reason she is so mean is because she is a frustrated male in a female body, then she has no right to ruin America's summer of BB and should have declined.  Whatever the reason is, we are on our last nerve with sheliar.

The only thing I question about your post is it would appear that even after she played Jeff all summer and then had him evicted, she appears to have the all time gall to now be going after J for her vote.  I don't know what to make of J.  She is very sweet, but is she that gullible that she woudl actually let sheliar stab them TWICE????

Offline Rebellion

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1258 on: August 30, 2011, 09:10:40 AM »
I dont think anyone here has been out of line regarding Kalia and her weight, sleeping issues.  Nor with Porshes issues, they both talk about it themselves, in fact Kalia was just talking about how she could roll back into bed and how fat she has gotten.   

I'm sorry but sometimes I get the impression some people are just a little too touchy about these subjects.  Too politically correct at times. I see nothing wrong with picking up the ball and running with it, when the houseguest says it themselves.  Both have commented numerous times about how tight there clothes are, and how fat they are getting, yet they both continue to shovel food in and then go for a 8-10 nap! 

Anyway, nuff said about that for me at least.   

Kate, Jordan will not forget about Sheliar's actions, I believe she is just playing Sheliar until Thursday, just as Porshe is playing Sheliar as well, the other day Sheliar said to Porshe " I know  you and Kalia are working on them to get them to keep me"  Porshe: "oh yeah for sure we are" yup they are considering it for sure"   ahhhhhhhhhh total BS by The Porshemaster!   They all want Sheliar gone, especially after they realized she is STILL LYING to them all (I am not even sure that Sheliar realizes she is lying, I think she believes everything she is saying)

Her lastest comment made me laugh, when she said her husband wouldn't want her in that Jury house with those two boys, personally I don't think he would care, he is probably having a Sheliar vacation  IMO!!

anyway, no I dont think Jordan will be gullible and plus she has Rachel telling her they have to get rid of Sheliar, she has hated her since week 3
If Julie Chen (Chenbot) weren't married to the big boss, I doubt she would be hosting this show, or booting out her competition on The Talk!  She is a useless waste of space!

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1259 on: August 30, 2011, 09:11:08 AM »
The other comment that got to me a couple of days ago on this board, was when someone called Adam a "retard."  That term, as well as "gay", shouldn't be used as insults.  It's just wrong.

Thank you a million times over.  Unfortunately, it's become very common to casually use that word in a negative manner to describe someone.  I'm as snarky as the next person, but people that are actually retarded have no control over the circumstances that qualify them for that adjective.  I hear it used so often by people that I know aren't nasty or mean-spirited at heart, but the word has become so commonly used as an insult, I don't even think people give a thought about how hateful and hurtful it is to do so. 

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1260 on: August 30, 2011, 09:17:58 AM »
I think the people that DON'T gain weight in that house are a bit odd.  Given the amount of boredum and stress that they face on a daily basis, I'd be an eating machine. 

But I wouldn't be running around in a bikini either, I don't think.  And Kalia seems to be pretty ok with her body.  Even before any weight gain (in the first couple of weeks of the season), I remember her wearing a black dress that was VERY low cut and I thought it was an interesting choice, to say the least.  She's in a house full of fake ta-tas and her's are in serious need of supportive garments.  I guess if she's that comfortable, good for her. 

Offline Kate04

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1261 on: August 30, 2011, 09:19:36 AM »
Rebellion - Thanks for the "comforting" input about J not allowing herself to be played again.  After seeing what happened to Jeff it would be impossible to imagine how J could be played again, but we all know that sheliar is relentless and will pull out all the stoppers to win.

And I think her husband at this point has a lot more to worry about than sheliar in the jury house with the boys.  The poor guy is just starting to get the hate fallout from her misery all summer and he did nothing!!

On a note of humor - I couldn't believe it in the feeds when sheliar told J that she was going to get Jeff a gift card to a sunglass store as an apology.  Is this woman for real???  She'd have to BUY the store and throw in the mall it sits in to make up for how she played Jeff all summer  :lol3:

Offline Kate04

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1262 on: August 30, 2011, 09:27:21 AM »
I think the people that DON'T gain weight in that house are a bit odd.  Given the amount of boredum and stress that they face on a daily basis, I'd be an eating machine. 

But I wouldn't be running around in a bikini either, I don't think.  And Kalia seems to be pretty ok with her body.  Even before any weight gain (in the first couple of weeks of the season), I remember her wearing a black dress that was VERY low cut and I thought it was an interesting choice, to say the least.  She's in a house full of fake ta-tas and her's are in serious need of supportive garments.  I guess if she's that comfortable, good for her.

Libby - I noticed that much of the conversation and much of the action takes place in the kitchen and it has steadily increased as fewer players are left.  This is the time of the summer when extreme boredom sets in and probably all they can think about to pass the time of day is "food glorious food".  It cracked me up to the see the piled high plate of food that Brendon chowed down and that was probably just the first course.  Making cookies and cinnamon muffins seems to be a highpoint of the day now!

Kalia is interesting in how she has this comfort level with uncovering her body.  Hey good for her.  She writes a column about sex I think so that probably helps her lack of inhibition  :wohoo:

What a bunch it's been this summer, huh?  I will personally be glad when Survivor South Pacific begins and BB is history!!!  :groan:

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1263 on: August 30, 2011, 09:31:54 AM »
Yeah, I'm not sure if what Kalia has going for her is confidence, or delusion.  I know a lot of people that fall victim to thinking that just because something is made in your size, you should wear it.  Just because a tube top and hot pants are available in a 3X, doesn't mean it's a good look. 

Offline JEN4611

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1264 on: August 30, 2011, 09:52:50 AM »
I really hate this season. It's so obvious how much BB is manipulating it and it isn't making it any better. It flat out sucks! Can't wait for it to be over.

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1265 on: August 30, 2011, 10:18:57 AM »
I just feel bad that people make such horrible attacks on people's physical appearance sometime.  I've seen some HORRIBLY mean things said about Kalia's weight and it just makes me feel bad for her.  No bueno!!   I know that when you go on shows like BB that you are setting yourself up for ridicule but some of it just seems flat out mean. 

Maybe I'm just too nice for my own good.
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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1266 on: August 30, 2011, 10:27:17 AM »
hi everyone :waves: just jumping in for afew mintues, i dont know if anyone else has done this, but i got to thinking about 6 people being in the house [with one going this thursday] anyway last night i googled BB audience tickets, and found a few sites [blank] meaning tickets were all spoken for...EXCEPT, ONE...they had tickets available for ..sept 1, SEPT 6, and SEPT just seems odd to me, they will go from the 8th to the 14th with only 3 in the sept the 6th is a tuesday, so I guess they are going to tape that eviction with a audience, and not show it to us until wednesday'a show..IDK...put it makes sense to has me doing private eye work, now :groan:
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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1267 on: August 30, 2011, 10:39:56 AM »
I think the people that DON'T gain weight in that house are a bit odd.  Given the amount of boredum and stress that they face on a daily basis, I'd be an eating machine. 

But I wouldn't be running around in a bikini either, I don't think.  And Kalia seems to be pretty ok with her body.  Even before any weight gain (in the first couple of weeks of the season), I remember her wearing a black dress that was VERY low cut and I thought it was an interesting choice, to say the least.  She's in a house full of fake ta-tas and her's are in serious need of supportive garments.  I guess if she's that comfortable, good for her.

Libby - I noticed that much of the conversation and much of the action takes place in the kitchen and it has steadily increased as fewer players are left.  This is the time of the summer when extreme boredom sets in and probably all they can think about to pass the time of day is "food glorious food".  It cracked me up to the see the piled high plate of food that Brendon chowed down and that was probably just the first course.  Making cookies and cinnamon muffins seems to be a highpoint of the day now!

Kalia is interesting in how she has this comfort level with uncovering her body.  Hey good for her.  She writes a column about sex I think so that probably helps her lack of inhibition  :wohoo:

What a bunch it's been this summer, huh?  I will personally be glad when Survivor South Pacific begins and BB is history!!!  :groan:

I am the type of person, that if i have stress, or i am worried, i will eat, but i dont gain weight, maybe it has to do with my mom, and her family side, they are the sameway, eat like a horse, and get away with it, now i am not skin and bones, i wouldnt want to be just a bone, but i better stop, cuz once i get into my 30's, it could get to me, [but trust me, i aint going to go crazy if a put on alittle weight, but i do like to get heathly, it's a lifestyle] you just get use to it. plus it's good for you. but i just want others to know, i dont think [and i am going to say women] cuz men can get by with it, anyway, there are alot, i mean alot of women that are plus size, and they are drop dead BEAUITFUL!!!!!..i have a girlfriend, that is plus size, and everytime we go out in a group, every guy comes up to her, and wants to talk to her, dance with her...she is BEAUITFUL...and is a wonderful person also, and soooooooooo funny, men love her.
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Offline Albert5433

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1268 on: August 30, 2011, 10:43:16 AM »
I know if I were in that house, I would waddle out the door at the end of the summer and the only reality show that would even approach me would be the Biggest Loser!

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1269 on: August 30, 2011, 10:55:21 AM »
I know if I were in that house, I would waddle out the door at the end of the summer and the only reality show that would even approach me would be the Biggest Loser!

 :lol3:..Albert, you have been cracking me up, in here 3 days in a roll :lol3:
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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1270 on: August 30, 2011, 11:04:58 AM »
so if those dates are right [and i think they are] bb is going to have a eviction , on weds, after this show, tape the noms on tuesday, and evicted on weds,thats leaves 4 hg, going into the 8th, then withen 2 days another hoh, eviction...that leaves start hoh, and end on sept 14...yep, it is going to be 2 , 2 day hoh's, cuz bb has those tickets for sept, 6, and 8....i hope i am making sense, i know in my head, i am :lol3:..but i think i got it down right, they have to have 2 , 2 day hoh's, to make the finale 14 date, and bb has tickets for sept 6, and 8... :hrt:
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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1271 on: August 30, 2011, 11:07:09 AM »
ok, i got to go help hubby, he is up..see you guys soon :hearts:
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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1272 on: August 30, 2011, 11:42:40 AM »
Now if u want something else to talk about the feeds and ck out how she said she threw her Yorkie against the wall because he nipped her.  This girl has a mean temper.  :groan:
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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1273 on: August 30, 2011, 12:26:59 PM »
Now if u want something else to talk about the feeds and ck out how she said she threw her Yorkie against the wall because he nipped her.  This girl has a mean temper.  :groan:

I read that she threw her dog against a wall but I didn't know it was a Yorkie. I'd like to see somebody throw her against a wall and see
how she likes it.  Sorry but I have no time for anybody that is cruel to animals.  Never mind a dog that small.  Don't feel sorry about the fat jokes or comments anymore.  I'll spend my time feeling sorry for her poor dog.  That tells me all I ever needed to know about her as a person.  Thank you very much.

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Re: Ongoing BB13 Discussion of the Live Feeds #3
« Reply #1274 on: August 30, 2011, 12:45:45 PM »
During BBAD last nite they all started the "dog" conversations and again she brought up throwing Bently against the wall and I think  he is 9 yrs old..poor puppy. Jordon was not around the other nite when they were discussing doggies so heard this for the 1st time. Poor Jordon was mortified and Kalia was just  going on that he survived and she totally believed she had the right to throw that lil guy. Another proud moment for Kalia..the HOH bathroom shaving scene and now the throw my dog against the wall seen..another one that will get out and just cringe when she see's what she really looked like on that show. Sheliar and Kalia in my opinion the worst 2 of the season. Wait till next year's HG's get in there and talk about preious seasons, these 2 are going to be the butt of many jokes