Author Topic: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11  (Read 60807 times)

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #250 on: July 23, 2011, 07:44:30 PM »
 shelly i cant imagine not being albe to see..

 lawon she ws screaming that she couldnt

 brendon well next time thye better give her goggles cuz it's not fair..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #251 on: July 23, 2011, 07:46:53 PM »
jeff .. lawon you cut your hair?

 lawon.. no i just line it up cacklleell

 jeff oh i was thinking aobut doing mine before thrus..

 porsche i feel bad for adam.. he got to do it.. his was all over the place he had his bald spot and then hair here and there..

 lawon were tehy like thst with you too

 brendon well they dont want cotinuetity porblems.. WBRB screen

i'm going to be cutting out in @ 10 mins
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #252 on: July 23, 2011, 07:47:49 PM »
Jordan up heads out back..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #253 on: July 23, 2011, 07:53:54 PM »
jordan talking about a guy who lost his leg in an accident everyone OOOOO's

 brendon yeah my uncle was a farmer and he was caught in the combine B:)

 jordan my grandpa will tell me some crazy story.. and im like WOW..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #254 on: July 23, 2011, 08:00:24 PM »
Shelly i was with josie  when this excursion van  flipped. i left josie there in the car.. and i called 911 and she called to me ansd she was scared.. and this woman took care of josie. but she was there.. and a nurse had been thre and she was pulling them out of the truck.. and i was telling them on the phone and they said not to move hm.. they thought the gas smell was the car.. but it ws gas cans in the back..  i went to my car and got my first aide kit.. and i otook the gauze pads and put it to the guys head sna dit helped josie she was telling him it was gonna be ok..  and then when i startted to come down from the adrenaline.. i was like  dang  i wasnt wearing glocves

 brendon.. yeah for me one time B:)

brendon yeah  B:)
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #255 on: July 23, 2011, 08:04:45 PM »
Feeds 1 & 2 have rachel ....easy people..  :lol3:  Rachel has been sleeping a LOOONG time.. here's proof!!   :lol3:

  ok im done for the nite.. hope somone can jump in!! :waves: 
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #256 on: July 23, 2011, 09:00:16 PM »
brendon put a patch on his eye

 shelly and jordan talkin game over by the hammock
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #257 on: July 23, 2011, 09:01:38 PM »
Drive by post, Dani was doing her mouthing/whispering to Dominic, only one feed working so I couldn't even see her face. Dom said he really didn't like Adam. They were interrupted by Kalia and Dom was called to to the DR.  Now Dani is doing the mouthing/whispering to Kalia. All I heard was the words: Dom and Rachel. Sorry.

BY: Shelly is talking to Jordan. Shelly is talking about someone. Jordan starts to tell Shelly about what Rachel said earlier today and we get WBRB. Back, Jordan says when she talks to Kalia it's really nothing important. Rachel said she was worried about Shelly that she would put them up. That they are great competitors. Jordan says she told Jeff if they get Dom out Adam would be easier to get out later. She's not worried about counting stuff, unless she's worried that they need to count. She told Jeff that she knows that she can trust Shelly. What does Shelly think about her logic. Jordan thinks it would be better to get out Dominic because he is closer to Dani.

Shel thinks they are close and that she thinks they will be asking her to join them

Jordan says no one is mentioning Dani and she's playing it down the line. Shel says Dani was talking to Kalia yesterday in the BR and she broke up the conversation.

(I hope someone will come help out.)

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #258 on: July 23, 2011, 09:01:42 PM »
brendon im going for the sympathy vote

 dani you're not gonna get it :lol:

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #259 on: July 23, 2011, 09:03:28 PM »
dani  I cant deal with it?

 brendon ha ha with what?

 dani i cant handle it :lol: she's laughing.. not sure if it's about brendon or porsche

 porsche dom and adam are playing Horse with the new hoops they got

brednon oh you mean with all of them..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #260 on: July 23, 2011, 09:08:00 PM »
dani still cracking up at the 3 playing horse.. seems like dani is sorta "snarky"  body wise and laughing at porsche's coments
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #261 on: July 23, 2011, 09:08:05 PM »
Jordan is leaning towards Dominic. She thinks Dani is dangerous, for her and Jeff, getting rid of Dominic. She says Shel will last a long time.

Shel: Adam will do what he has to do. He doesn't know when to stop with the jokes. He doesn't get it, makes people irritated. The screaming the yelling...He doesn't know how to control. He has not temperature gauge.

Jordan says she told Adam they would keep him till his 40th birthday.  He promised not to put J/J up.

Shel: He's promised B/R he won't put them up.

Jordan: Dani can play next week, they have been in the BR talking, we need to split them up now.

Shel: She makes me very nervous. I see Dom, Porsche, Dani, Kalia, Lawon. Plenty of targets. They have done nothing in the game. I know I can beat them.
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #262 on: July 23, 2011, 09:09:05 PM »
Jordan and Shel are going to go talk to Rachel.. Shel has some things to throw at Rachel.
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #263 on: July 23, 2011, 09:13:59 PM »
They wake Rachel up.. Jordan says her decision is.. are you using the veto. Rachel says no.

Jordan: my decision is Dom. I think Kalia wants to talk to Dom tonite..
Shel: Dom came to her last night, he wants to get Jeff and Jordan out. She thinks they are incredible players. I made a deal, I want my daughter to know. I'm not coming after you. You can trust my word.
Rachel Ok
Shel: I'm greatly concerned about Dom. He told me very specifically that he was going after J/J. If Jeff leaves Jordan won't be able to play

(computer problems)
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #264 on: July 23, 2011, 09:16:08 PM »
shelly and jordan go up to talk to rachel in the hoh.

 jordan my decisoon and im stickign with it.. if you all arent using the POV is dominic.. i went i the rooma nd him and dani wwere talking.. and then kalia may go over there ..

 shelly dom came to me late last ngiht.. he siad that im the only  person that he trusts in here and he wants to work with me  and  says that he can get dani and go after you guys

 rachel he said that?

Shelly i have an 8 yrs.. i can nt lie.. you need to know you're straight clean.. im not coming after yo.. i never wnat you to worry about me winning HOH and taking you out.. that's never gonna happen.. Im never gonna put up jeff or jordan or well.. but i am greatly concerned with whats going on behind the scemnes with dom kalia  adam and lawon.. and dom told me specifically that he had  dani.

 shelly he wsaid that he wanted to out up jef and jordan.. and that jornda wont come after him cuz she's super nice..

 shelly i told him right to his face and you can watch it on the tape.. rachel and brendon are not gonna put up jeff and jrodan they are solid

 rachel right

 shelly he told me he had dani.. i told him he had to do what he has to do.. and then adam came to me.. he's soo nervous ..  he  will do anything.. i told him  to go toalk to them and sk them wht can yo do for them.. I told hm dont say wht you're not  gonna do.. but the thing is that he told me twice with lying and breaking his morals.. cus he has freidnss when he leaves this house.. and  that bothers me..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #265 on: July 23, 2011, 09:19:32 PM »
Brendon now up to HOH

 jordan good he needs to hear this

 brendon comes in

 rachel whats wrong with your eye

 brndon nothing then take that darn stupid patch off!1 :knuckles

 Jordan you need to listen to this.. shelly you tell him you're better at this,

 shelly tells him everything that she just said to rachel.. see above

 shelly when i was cleaning the windows out back kalia came to me and said she needed to talk to me  later

 jordan.. they are gonna try and get  me to go with them.. and they have dani..

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #266 on: July 23, 2011, 09:22:08 PM »
shelly gets up and leaves real quick cuz she doesnt want others to see her up there in the hoh plotting

 brendon said he's not sur he's NOT using the POV..  but he listened to everythnig that shelly was saying. he didnt want to commit to her while jordan was there..
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #267 on: July 23, 2011, 09:27:27 PM »
jordan how could kalia wnat to talk to shelly and not be on our side

 brendon.. just be your fun self..   let tehm think  what they want we are in control in here
 rachel did you tell dani that  WBRB

 jordan soo she mad it seem bad??? I ws talkign to her way before she came uphere and i told her that rachel thought WBRB sxcreen. {i] must be something good [/i]

 Jordan unless you all have a deal and are workign beihing me and jeff s back

 rchel what we said this mroning  we're 100% with you

 jrodan we are with you 110%

 brendon no no.. we watched your seaosn. and we know you made your mistake by trusting  and we wont do that

 brendon we have been wathcig dani.. and she's a manipulator.. she's beeen working this game thes pass weeks.. she's gona be in the F2.. she's gonna need to ear it.. she's like a DR will.. who just.. WBRB screen

 jordna.. when dani asked me way before who to get out i kept saying dom.. and she was pulling for dom to stay

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #268 on: July 23, 2011, 09:29:49 PM »
rchel you cant tell kalia.. cuz she will go and tell them

 jordan i havent told kalia anything today..

 brendon. i dont say antyhing to kalia.. and she doesnt shut up]

rachel she doesnt have a filter

 brendon.. im gonna go downstairs.. dani knows tht if we are up here we're talking game.. so make it like you  are listening to Cd's

 jordan why was she acting all nervous today

 rachel she came up ehr and said for dom to win POV

 jordan she said that?

r ahcel yeah she just wanted dom to win.. and  that kalia and lawon to go up

 rachel and adam and dom did try to win POV..


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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #269 on: July 23, 2011, 09:30:56 PM »
Checking on the BY.  Talking about the questions for HOH, wearing a bikini. Adam saying he needs to wear Gator colors. (FL) They were all wearing team colors.
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #270 on: July 23, 2011, 09:31:50 PM »
brendon.. we're not sure he is working with daniele.. but we are  gonna lay low and see what strings  he;s tryign to pull.. so we have a good reason to let dom go.. but we cant out her.. this way just in case..

  jordan.. after dom then adam i dont trust him

 rachel i dont wnat lawon in the jury

 brendon i dont give a **** about lawon in the jury.. and he's gonna be voting with who ever is in the jury and I'm gonn a be in the jury.. im gonna tell him to vote for one of you all

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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #271 on: July 23, 2011, 09:36:12 PM »
rachel dont tell kalia.. we'll tell her the night before but tell lawon that he has to vote with us cuz we'll keep him and not back door him

 jordan so thats me jeff brendon

 brendon shelly and porsche..

 brendon the important thign  to make daniele not try and winthe HOH next week..  we have to make sure dani feels like she doenst have to win thats she comfortable enough about it..

jordan well i dont know why dani was worried tht shelly and i were talkign up here

 now theya ae trying to figure out thier excuse as to why jordan is up in the HO talking..  :lol:
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #272 on: July 23, 2011, 09:36:23 PM »
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #273 on: July 23, 2011, 09:39:01 PM »
brendon we have to work this the best we can.. she's riding right in the middle.. the minute she thinks we're on to her she's gonna start fighting back.. we have to make her thyink tht  she's part of us and that we are not putting her up

 jordan we have the votes right??

 rachel we have porsche.

 jordan shes talkin to dom

 rachel yeah she said she wants to work with dom.. that's legite.

 jordan she did??
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Re: BB13 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/11
« Reply #274 on: July 23, 2011, 09:40:39 PM »
Jordan, Brendon and Rachel seem to be on the same page, be innocent with Dani, don't let on there is a problem, get Dom out. (At least for this moment in time.)

Brendon is mad at Dani, he thought she was a friend but she's going to turn on him.

Rachel is trying to find an excuse for the way Dani is acting, maybe she's concerned about J/J and things in the house.

Brendon says no baby. That's not it. He's been thinking about putting out Dom. He thinks Shelly will work with J/J and them. Rachel says they need to keep Porsche.
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