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Ok so last night we had our first great flashback moment.however flashback is not up and running so i will give you gys the break down and yo can link to it later on when flashbacks are workingCsassie Jeff Jordan Dominic Keith and a few others were in the parlour room. They were playing "what if"Dominc was aklsed if he would be the face of herpes med for a $ amount. he was goofing around with it and jeff was talking to him just then Dominc asked for the purple pillow. cassie was next to him and he said " I like to play with it " (the pillow has ruffles/sequence) cassie then says "yeah you are a faggot"Dominc gasps, jeff cracks up and says i tried to warn you guys about saying tthat and then Dominic says " yeah amercian's next sweetheart right here pointing to Cassie. Not sure of the feeds since it was on BBAD where i saw it . 11:35 PTlets see if this comes back to haunt her outside the house!
Dom is in the HN room with Shelly and tells her she is the only one he can trust. After she leaves him she rushes up to Rachel's HOH room and proceeds to throw Dom under the bus. Right before she was saying how she has to set an example for her daughter. Ok, GREAT example, Shell
Hi Ya'll I saw a big gap in the feeds last night just after Showtime went off the I Googled BB13 and found that Jordan and Jeff both went to talk to Kalia right after Showtime ended. Kalia and Jordan made up and Jeff said that since she used him without talking to him, it made it difficult to see the big plan. He made her admit that if Rachel got the POV, he would have been toast. She agreed, but said it was a necessary risk to get rid of Rachel. Jeff told Kalia that if he needs to play her later, that he would. Neither are each other's targets, but neither are protected from the block if that's what they need to do to further their games. It was a good, respectful talk. Jordan and Kalia seem OK now.