How dare Shelly yell at Jordan after the eviction! She has NO CLASS!
I have been thinking about Shelly and how she operates. She has picked her targets carefully. She picked off Lawon and he helped her. She got rid of Dominic.. that was a piece of cake, she switched her vote and no one remembers that anymore.
3 weeks ago she started hanging out more with Dani, Kalia and Porsche but she had been using the Trojan horse excuse all along to Jeff and Jordan, so it didn't bother them too much. She did cause a lack of faith between them and B/R. Ultimately, that led to getting rid of Brendon but unfortunately he came back so she had to work harder to make them split again. It worked with Jeff.
She told Adam she threw the veto comp for him and she did throw her bag over the roof which puzzled me at the time. The other thing she did was to tell whoever was in the HOH at the time that she controlled Adam, he'd do whatever she wanted, thus emasculating him. Just like Lawon, he helped her because he didn't want to make any big moves.
She offered Jordan and her family a gift and Jeff a 6 figure job and lulled him into thinking she was an ally, but with Brendon gone it was Jeff's turn. She started by saying he'd won $15,000 and Jordan had won BB and it made her sick to think of them getting any more money. She started in on Rachel as well, bad mouthing her at every turn and made it acceptable to hate on her in the open.
She made comments about Porsche, she disgusted Shelly. as Ugot updated. Now she's Porsche's bestest friend and second mommy. (Watch out Porsche!)
I believe that the yelling match with Jordan was intended to make Jordan mad enough to hit her or do something stupid but Rachel whisked her out of the room. However that put the spotlight on Jordan. She loses no opportunity to boohoo and talk bad about Jordan to the other three newbies. Whatever it takes, she does. (As Kate says, she lies, she cries...etc. etc.)
In my opinion, there is a method to her madness. She's achieved important positions in the business world. I'm sure she's used the same methods on her climb up the corporate ladder. Excessive, effusive praise, ever helpful until she needed to put that knife in the back.(Figuratively of course.)
She's in a bad or semi bad position right now, they all see what she does, but she still has excuses to keep her, and she'll use anything and everything to stay in the house and win it if at all possible.