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Survivor: Redemption Island Episode 6 3/23/11 


The  “Previously On” is always edited by Eric Gardner and it’s interesting to me how much they have evolved over the many years.  I sometimes battle with him over these becoming too soap operaish, but I am so happy with his great storytelling.  These two minute stories always remind the audience of everything they need to know before the start of a new episode.  It truly is an art in and of itself.


RI is starting to feel like Matt’s house.  He now has a big home court advantage because he is so comfortable on the island and at the Arena.  It’s like a sports team that has been to the finals taking on a team that has not been to the finals.  The experience is often the difference.


The religious aspect of Redemption Island is not something we ever anticipated when we called it Redemption Island.  Having a religious and very likable person like Matt last this long in the first season of RI was a fascinating development.  It brings an entirely new texture to the island and one that has a lot of people in the church community talking.


The Bible was Krista’s choice for her luxury item.  We gave them their luxury items when they arrived at Redemption Island because we knew they would be lonely and might need a pick me up.  We did not plan it or decide on it because we thought it would give us extra story from Krista and Matt.  It was already laid out.

I respect people who have faith in whatever brings them comfort and security.

When Krista gave her bible to Matt I was moved.  It had nothing to do with my thoughts about the Bible.  It was the human kindness shown in a game that rarely sees the good side of people.  Despite losing and being out of the game for good, Krista still had the presence of heart to think about helping out Matt.


Man this game is tough.  Matt is alone on Redemption, battling as hard as he can to stay alive.  A competitor gives him a Bible on her way out and as a result, his one ally in the game, gets jealous and turns on him.  WTF?  Were they going steady?  Did I miss the engagement?  It was a Bible, not a love note.  Man.  Survivor is a tough game.


Spa days and other seemingly mindless, wastes of time that seem to consume the girls days of late…aren’t as outrageous as they seem.  The contestants do have a lot of free time on their hands.  On days when there is not a challenge or tribal and their shelter is built they really have very little to do.  However reasonable it may be, it doesn’t change the perception of others when they see you lying around.


Ah yeah, baby.  The ego of the lion and the gorilla is coming out and I like it.  Phillip’s explosion was not about the girls not helping with the fire.  His frustration came from not being appreciated.  That’s all he wants, is a little credit.

One of the lessons I’ve learned from Survivor goes like this:

If you have a goal, and your success in achieving this goal requires the support of other people, then you have to remove your ego from the equation.

In other words, when you’re playing a zero sum game, ie a game in which there is only one winner – and the losers of the game are the one who will decide who wins – leave your ego at home.

Otherwise your chances for success plummet.

I’m not saying it’s easy.  Not saying I can do it myself.  But from a back seat point of view it’s quite clear.

Phillip wants credit.  Nobody is giving it to him.  The more he complains the more annoying he will become… because Phillip – nobody cares.

Stoke the fire and stay out of the way.  You’ll last longer.


Once again the wisest person on the tribe is Rob.  I know you hate me talking about Rob, but the proof is in his actions regarding Phillips and the fire tending duties.

Four of them to be exact:

1. During the argument he was the only one still focused on the big picture.  His biggest overall goal was to keep the tribe strong.

2. Simultaneously, he understands how beneficial the fight between Phillip and the girls can be to his game.  The more they fight, the more likely he is to stay in control and the more they hate each other the better for him if he makes it to the end against any of them.

3. Rob then talked to Phillip to ensure that Phillip doesn’t do too much damage to the tribe dynamics while also letting Phillip know that he understands him.

4. After Phillip walked away, Rob then mocked him which in turn endeared Rob even more to the angry girls.

Mission complete. It was deft handling of a very delicate social situation.


Krista was no joke.  Growing up on a farm she knew her way around the rope.  Three tosses, three connects.  It was amazing.  I really thought Matt was going to lose.  Krista gave Matt his biggest challenge so far.


One of my favorite exchanges of the season thus far was between Phillip and Steve when discussing the Gorilla and Lion tattoos.  I really appreciate Phillips simultaneous earnestness and sense of humor.  Is that even a proper sentence?  What I mean is that he really believes everything he says and yet he has enough awareness to know that I’m poking fun at him for those same things he takes so seriously.  Hmm, was that sentence any better than the first one?

Philip gets it.  How bout that?  He gets me anyway.  Moving on.


We’ve done this challenge many times over the years and it never fails to deliver.

This challenge is both physical and frustrating.  Ralph for one was clearly irritated that he wasn’t getting enough action.  But the star of the challenge was Grant.  Stud.  Dude is the real deal.  Mike did his best to defend but there was no stopping him, not even by ripping off his shirt.    If Grant is allowed to stay till the end he could be a millionaire come mid-May.


I’m a broken record but Rob played this moment very well. So far this season he has done a good job of assessing, adapting and then executing very well. Letting Grant find the clue to the hidden idol was a great call as it further solidified Grant’s trust in Rob.

Getting caught with the note however, was a rookie mistake:

Phillip: Whatcha got there boys?  I saw it.

Phillip: What’s it say?

Rob: Back at camp?

Phillip: What?

Rob:  Back at Camp.

Phillip: (interview) I have been in an alliance with Rob, Grant and myself.  In fact, I call ourselves Stealth Are Us.  I’m… the specialist… Rob is the mentalist…and Grant… is the assassin.

Phillip:  Remember boys.  Stealth.

Phillip: (interview) And yet today when Rob and Grant found the clue for an idol they tried to hide it.  Well,

Hell hath no fury like a… lion and a gorilla when he thinks he has been provoked.

Music transition.  Patriotic.  Strong.  Preparing for battle.

Phillip: (interview) If you’re gonna  make an alliance with me you better adhere to it because I am all about integrity.  I served my country for four years, eleven months and thirteen days for duty, honor, country.  That means something to me.

When you try to trash on that… me and the United States got something for you when you try that little baby…

I could dwell in the place of negativity right now based on what I just saw, but I’m not gonna do that.

I’m gonna smile and when the time comes…. I’m gonna kick a little ass around here.

Let it breathe.  Gonna just let that little piece of poetry sit there.  No comment needed.

But I can’t resist.  F*&king genius.  Phillip please grab Coach and come back and play again as soon as possible.


I think a lot of you are glad to see Stephanie out of the game.  I’m not sure what it is about me that likes the spunky, lippy folks but I am bummed she is gone.  She’s definitely a competitor and she’s a great interview.

I’ve said it before but I think Zapatera’s biggest problem is they are playing a “too cool for school” game and it’s biting them in the ass.

It’s the Russell factor. They are so happy to “defeat” Russell and his two “girls” – Krista and Stephanie – that they’re in danger of losing the big picture.

David realized that tonight.  I agree with David.  I would have voted out Sarita.  Nothing personal, Sarita, but I think Stephanie wanted it more and the tribe could have used her spunk.

Okay I know I’ve been ignoring everybody else in the game… so here we go.

DAVID – If memory serves I think David scored the highest on our IQ test during casting.  He is a smart dude.  We fought to get him on and I’m glad we did.  He’s giving us great story and he’s a legit threat to win the game if he can get his alliance figured out.

STEVE – I like him. He’s laid back and probably a pretty nice guy in his normal life. He would drive me a bit crazy as a member of my alliance because he is so laid back!  I want the guy who played in the NFL for 13 years. Maybe he’s saving that for the individual portion of the show.

SARITA – I think she’s too soft right now.  I liked her in casting but I think the game is overwhelming her right now.  She needs to get over the toothache and find that inner strength otherwise she is going to be seen as a pain-in-the-ass.

MIKE – How can you not like Mike?  He’s strong, seems pretty bright.  A major threat to win this game.  If both are still in the game when they merge – he could prove a worthy adversary for Boston Rob.

MATT – The undisputed underdog.  If he can win long enough to get back in the game, people better watch out.  I have a feeling that even his faith will not be able to contain his desire to get even.

NATALIE – I’ve said it before I am so impressed.  She is 18 years old.  Think about the 18 year olds you know.  How many of them could handle themselves this well in this cut-throat environment.  Natalie is a long shot to win but IF she can get to the end the jury may feel like I do that based on age alone she has earned the money.

JULIE – Julie confuses me.  I like her and I think she’s a fairly good player but I haven’t seen any moves yet that make me think she could make it deep.  She’s a mom which helps in dealing with people and she’s very reasonable and that could take her a long way into the game.  But a big move will be necessary.

RALPH – I love Ralph because he’s so fun to listen to and so fun to watch.  He so very smart in his own way but his liability is that Ralph hasn’t found himself in this kind of social situation and it shows.  If Ralph can figure out how to deal with the others in his alliance he could last.

ANDREA – She’s a bit wishy-washy regarding Matt but she is definitely a fighter and a player.  She will not lie down for anybody.  I like her but her problem right now is her status within the alliance.

ASHLEY – Dark horse to win the game.  She’s very good in the challenges and come the individual portion of the game she will be a threat.  She also has friends in the girls and will probably make more friends if she makes the merge.  If I was Rob I’d be most worried about her in the end game.

GRANT – Grant is a bit ill equipped socially because he is so trusting. At this point he believes in Rob 100%.  So long as that lasts, these two could go deep.  But if that trust is ever broken, my hunch is that Grant will turn on Rob and vote him out.

NEXT TIME ON.. Survivor.

One of the greatest challenges of the season… and one of the funniest moments in our history.


1. If you haven’t been tweeting LIVE with me during the episodes, you’re missing out.  Get yourself a Twitter account and start following me @JeffProbst.  I tweet during the east coast and west coast feeds of each episode.  We’re creating a “virtual living room” and it’s pretty amazing.

2. If you were diggin on Phillip this week, check out Grant’s un-aired interview about Phillip’s explosion and Natalie’s interview about Phillip being bi-polar in this week’s Secret Scenes.”

Survivor: Redemption Island Episode 7 3/30/11

Thanks again to everybody that tweeted with me last night.  If you’re still not on board, you should join us on Twitter at @JeffProbst.  We’re having a fun conversation in ” the interactive living room” and a great shared experience.

Okay onto last night’s episode…


I like David.  He’s the kind of player I’d like to have on the show every season.  He’s playing a long-term game and he’s willing to make big moves.  He came to win, not make the jury.

I don’t have much time for people who are satisfied with making the jury.  I’m not convinced Sarita wants to make it to the end.  So far I haven’t seen the killer instinct.  Maybe it will come out next week on Redemption Island.  I had huge expectations for Sarita. I loved her in casting, but I really believe the game was much more than she anticipated and ultimately just too difficult.  Now she faces an interesting dilemma.  Does she give it her all and try to beat Matt or just throw in the towel and call it a day?


What’s to say?  Matt is unstoppable.  Five straight duels without a loss.  Our duels are scheduled long before we know who will be competing so whether it’s physical, mental or both, it has nothing to do with who is at Redemption Island.  It’s just luck of the draw.


Watching this episode reminded me how damn hot it gets while shooting Survivor.  Redemption Island was especially hot because there was absolutely no breeze.  I always seem to sweat more than the Survivors and that’s annoying.  I guess they acclimate since they are living in it, and maybe because they’re dehydrated most days, but I always notice when I’m the one dripping from the forehead and they’re not.


I continue to be impressed by Rob’s game play.  Granted it’s his fourth time so he should have something figured out, but seven episodes in I think he has played as close to a perfect game as anyone ever has in our 22 season history.

He hasn’t missed a single opportunity to gain favor or advantage.  He is squeezing every bit of juice out of every opportunity.

I’m going to take a moment for all the “Probst loves Rob” haters to scream at me… go ahead.  Let it out.    Let it breathe…

I like Rob.  Always have.  Going all the way back to Survivor: Marquesas when he told me after he was voted out, “Give me another shot.  I’m not finished.”  I liked him in All-Stars when he took advantage of Lex to keep Amber in the game and then asked Amber to marry him just before the reading of the votes, thus ensuring the million dollars would be his no matter what.  I liked him in Heroes v Villains when he miraculously changed his stripes and went from the dark side to the light.  Still not sure how that happened.

And yes… I still like him today.


While we’re shooting the show, I’m unaware of most of what goes on out on the beaches.  I don’t know the nitty-gritty and truth be told I really don’t know all that much about how the individual players are playing the game.  But when I get home and start watching the episodes, I’m no different than you guys – I find myself rooting for and against different players and different tribes.  Right now, Zapatera is driving me nuts with their infighting and complaining.  I know it must be frustrating to read this if you’re a Zapatera member but it’s really how I feel.  I can’t take much more of their whiny-ass complaining.

Enough philosophical chats, for crying out loud.  Do something.  Change your fate.

I want someone to stand up and take control of the tribe and start leading them.  Specifically…David.  That’s who would get my vote for leader and the reason is I think he’s the only guy capable right now of making bold moves to get his tribe back on track.  Ralph makes fun of him for being an attorney.  The truth is, the guy is the only one right now who is looking at the “big picture” and is trying to right a quickly sinking ship.

Zapatera is a great example of  the psychological phenomenon “groupthink.”  In Zapatera, you have a group of people who are making decisions that match the group consensus but without ever truly evaluating the worth or long term effect of their decisions.   They so desperately don’t want conflict that they get rid of anybody who doesn’t peacefully agree with the group.  It’s not working.  You have to have the balls to stand up and tell the Emperor that he’s naked!  Zapatera is naked!

I think they made a great move in voting out Sarita and that may just be the first move in the right direction.


The scene in which they debated about saving Rob some crispy rice was funny and caused great drama surrounding Phillip who was clearly picking a fight because once again he WANTED TO BE HEARD!

Beyond that though, it was a great visual reminder of how little they are living on every day.  They are given a tin of rice on day one and told to ration it so it will last the entire time.  They know from past seasons that if you run out, it will cost you something valuable to get more rice.  So that is why they eat only a few spoonfuls each day.


I love this ongoing love/hate, mentor/student relationship between Rob and Phillip because it highlights the truth about how we treat each other in our society.  Age doesn’t mean a damn thing.  Nobody respects you simply because you’re an elder.  Should we respect our elders?  Hell yes!  Do we?  Hell no.

We respect you if you’re powerful or rich or famous or hot or really good at sports, but age?  Ha!  You’re just an old dude whose ass I can kick, so get the F out of my way before I run you over with my Prius.

There is a guy at my gym, Abraham.  He’s a very nice guy who fancies himself a comedian and as a result he is constantly spouting one-liners.  All day, long.  He’s a bit of a wordsmith, I’ll give him that.  He has a turn of the phrase or a corny joke for every moment.

The truth is if he was a twenty-something I’d probably give him some attitude and tell him “not everything is an anecdote.”  But Abraham, is in his 80’s and because of that, I have a different attitude about the whole thing. I listen and I laugh and I always appreciate that this man has lived a lot longer than me and if he wants to tell a few jokes we should all be happy that he’s still sharp enough to pull it off and support him.

But Survivor doesn’t care.  Outwit, Outplay, Outlast.  Being older on Survivor is rarely a plus but instead just a great reason to get rid of you.  Is it fair?  Doesn’t matter?  Would I feel the same way if I was in the game and had some “old dude” slowing my tribe down?  Probably. Then again, I’D be the old dude.  Maybe that’s the real truth. I’m just channeling my own frustration that on Survivor, I’D BE THE OLD DUDE!

Survivor blogs.  Humbling and cheaper than therapy.


This was without question one of the greatest challenges in recent Survivor history.  We had all the elements.  Great stakes – a helicopter ride and afternoon picnic.  Great weather – pouring rain and deep mud. Great competition – it was back and forth until the last shot!

A massive effort by both groups.  This challenge was no joke. Busting through the hay, crawling through the mud, climbing through the sticks, over the net craw and finally through an amazing “brick” wall.  It was awesome.


The brick wall was made out of wood and each brick was hand placed by our art department.  It took hours to get the walls just right.  We had to think long and hard before deciding to rehearse this challenge because of the amount of work required to set it up.  I could see our art department team watching the rehearsal with equal amounts of excitement at watching their challenge play out and dread knowing they’d have to replace every.. single.. brick…brick-by-brick on the wall.

I loved this challenge.  Look for it again next year.

When I see them at the end of a challenge like that, there is no question in my mind as to why so many of you want to play this game. It really is the ultimate adventure.  A chance to test yourself on every single level.


Another great moment in this episode.  A helicopter ride is still a special treat for most people as it’s not something many of us ever get the chance to do.  When you add in that you’re flying over and then landing on an active volcano it makes it all the more special.

This reminded me of the old days when we had enough time in our show to have some amazing rewards.  Strategy has taken over the game and so now our time is limited and that’s why you see fewer epic rewards.


Rob tossing the clue for the idol into the active volcano was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.  All credit goes to Rob for that one.  He could have just tossed it before getting back on the helicopter, but instead he saw the opportunity — ah forget it.  Just refer back to my earlier comments about Rob.


Sarita, I know I have to see you at the live show so I hope you won’t be frustrated but this was the right move.  Your heart wasn’t in it.

Unfortunately for Sarita, she doesn’t get to go home.  Instead, it gets worse.  She has to go to Redemption Island where the worst thing that could happen is that she beats Matt and has to stay in the game even longer.

Matt may have his easiest duel yet.

See ya next week!


Are you impressed by Matt’s winning streak? See how he’s feeling about his performance on Redemption Island in this un-aired interview:

Survivor: Redemption Island Episode 8 4/6/11 by jeff.probst on April 7, 2011

Once again I enjoyed our “interactive living room” on Twitter.  We’ve been tweeting live each week at 8pm EST/PST.  You can catch the tweets @JeffProbst.


I am guessing that almost everybody, short of Sarita’s family, was pulling for Matt to win the last duel before the merge.  It has nothing to do with Sarita and everything to do with pulling for the underdog.  Matt earned his shot back in the game.

I’m surprised that some of you are not enjoying Redemption Island.  I certainly get a lot of comments from people who are enjoying it but I do get some from people who think it’s a bore.

I’m shocked that anybody could be bored with the Matt/Redemption Island storyline.  But hey, I get it, everybody has their likes/dislikes.

As I’ve said many times the duels are put on the grid and built long before we know who will be competing.  So imagine Matt’s surprise when the one challenge he didn’t want – a challenge that involved using the side of his now injured food – was the exact duel that was on the grid.  Crazy Survivor luck.

Had he lost, it would have sucked to lose due to an injury but it would have been completely fair.

Truth is, I thought he was in real danger of losing.  These challenges so often favor women and with his cut foot I thought he might be in trouble.


Ah there is so much fun about the merge.

From a show point of view it’s a breath of fresh air as it almost always shakes things up.  Solid alliances are now in danger.  People on the bottom now have a new shot at moving up.

The Survivors get a merge feast, which always lifts their spirits and anytime you can lift their spirits it’s a good thing.  That might sound counter to what you would think we want to have happen, but the truth is there is so much drama on a day-to-day basis, that a bit of happiness is always good.  Balances things out.

They get new buffs, which invigorates them and often seems to refuel them.

And if I don’t have to be there, it’s an afternoon off for me!


Rob: (to tribe) Murlonio means from the sea, united.

Rob: (interview)“Murlonio doesn’t mean anything.  It’s a joke between me and Amber.”

I’m laughing because I’m imagining the reaction of the rest of the tribe when they heard this for the first time last night while watching the show.  It’s so 5th grade and it has absolutely no impact on the show, but it’s still funny.  I’m sure Rob and Amber were cracking up last night every time “Murlonio” popped up on the screen.  I’ll ask Rob to bring the stuffed animal to the live show.


As simple as this challenge is to recreate it’s still the same creative process as you have with an elaborate maze.  You have an idea – let’s do something where they balance a ball on a plate.  Then you play around with the idea and decide it’s too easy, we need to add a “wobble” element to it.  But it’s still not hard enough, so we add another ball, and then another.  Now we’re getting somewhere.

Most of our challenges first take shape months before we go to location.  Our challenge team pitches us their slate of new challenges.  In fact we’re doing this in two weeks here in LA in preparation for next year.  The pitch is nothing more than ideas and sketches.  After the pitch, some are approved, some are modified and some are sent back for re-tooling.

Once they’re approved they have to be built.  This process can take between one to six weeks depending on the scope and size.

Once built they are then tested.  During a test there are no cameras.  Just our director, our dream team, our challenge producers and me.

Once we’re satisfied with the test block we move to a rehearsal.  This requires our entire camera/audio operators, our director, challenge producers, dream team and all the support people.

We rehearse the challenge and give our final notes.  Then the challenge is ready for the Survivors.

We do this whether it is a three person final episode endurance challenge or a two-tribe, 20 person boat race.  We always follow the same process.


The second blindside of Matt was a great move by Rob and not a surprising one.  Rob blindsided Matt the first time around so Rob had to believe he was a target.  I’m not sure Matt had any real shot at surviving but he sealed his fate when he told Rob the truth that he considered switching to the other side.  He just gave up way too many details.  It’s like telling your girlfriend, “I was thinking about breaking up with you, but I decided not to.”  What?  You don’t tell them that.  You either do it or you don’t — but sharing e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g is not always the right choice.

It makes sense that Matt was honest.  It’s in his nature.  But like the tale of the frog and the scorpion, nature can work for you and against you.  This time the “nature” of Rob worked against Matt.

Mike gave it a great shot.  He said all the right things.  Offering to sabotage his own alliance and join forces with Matt in order to further his own game.  He made the only real move he had at that point and it’s exactly what I would have done.  It was a big move.  Just because it didn’t work doesn’t mean it wasn’t a smart move.

The big question I have with Matt centers around how this impacts Matt’s faith in people.

Blindsided two times by people you trust… I wonder if it has changed Matt’s view of his fellow man or is Matt wise enough to realize that Survivor is just a game.  It’s an ugly game at times but it’s just a game.


Yes this was in the plan from the beginning.  Redemption Island was going to resume immediately after the merge.  In fact, when we pitched CBS one of the scenarios we gave them was the person on Redemption Island could earn their way back into the game and then be voted right out again.  But nobody imagined that one guy would win six straight duels get back into the game at the merge and be the first person voted out again.

If there is a silver lining for Matt, it is the fact that if he can survive Redemption Island again and make it back to the final, his odds for winning are huge.  At this point he is one of the biggest underdogs in Survivor history.

See ya next week!

And from

Did Matt deserve to go back to Redemption Island considering he might have jeopardized Andrea’s position within their tribe? Andrea vents some more about how Matt threw her under the bus in this un-aired interview:

Survivor-Redemption-island  Episode 9  4-14-11

Thanks once again to everybody who joined us for the “interactive living room” twitter session last night!  It was our biggest yet!

Okay, onto the blog!

Today’s blog will be stream of consciousness, with no proof reading, so bear with me..


Was he a moron?  What would you have done?  I felt like he was in a really tough spot.  Going against your old alliance and joining the other side is a risky move.  Obviously, staying with someone as dangerous as Rob is also a major risk.  I think the only mistake he made was sharing his inner monologue with Rob.  That’s the lesson I learned – when playing a game like Survivor, you don’t have to be so honest, God will understand.

But I must say, his faith in his God is pretty impressive and inspiring.  Love the absolute commitment.


Julie complained about how unfair it was for Ometepe to vote out Matt again so soon after coming back into the game.  I do not believe Julie would have taken mercy on Matt if she were in the same situation.  Not one bit.  She didn’t hesitate to get rid of Russell.  She would have done the same with Matt and it would have been okay, it’s part of the game.


When Ralph was trying to forge his way in with Ashley and Natalie, he was trying so hard to get something going.  The only thing Natalie could safely offer, without risking saying anything wrong, was:

Natalie: It’s a hard game.

Damn!  The insincerity of that lame ass line would have prompted a major response from me.  There is no chance I could have contained myself at that point in the game.

“It’s a hard game.”  Screw off.

They’re doing everything they can to try and find a way into the tight Ometepe group.  That’s what you have to do in this spot.  You have no other option.  You have to stir things up, try to get someone riled, try to start an argument, anything at all.

Sitting back and saying, “I understand” is bull****.  It gets you nowhere.

The only problem facing Zapatera is Boston Rob.  Without Rob, Ometepe would have no clue what to do.  That’s clear by the way Rob is able to keep them in line.


For all the concern we had that both Rob and Russell would be voted out early – Rob has done an amazing job of not only staying in the game but staying in control.  There are a few key factors to his success:

a. He has an incredible knowledge of the game and the key elements required to control your fate.

b. He’s a naturally gifted strategist.  His “us” vs “them” while keeping himself clean is so brilliantly executed.

c. The luck of drawing the Ometepe buff.  Rob would not have been as successful on Zapatera. He is relying on the naďve nature of his tribe.  Everybody on Ometepe will take offense with me saying this, but without Natalie and Phillip, Rob is dead because Ralph, Julie, David and Steve would not have responded the same way.


The scene between Rob and Natalie where she reports on the actions of Ashley was straight out of the Godfather.  Natalie just became “made.”  That is what they call it when you earn your mafia stripes, right?  Natalie just made a HUGE move.  She locked in her alliance with Rob when she could have made a move and gotten him out of the game.  From this point forward Natalie’s fate is linked to Rob.


Phillips story about his meditation with his great, great, great, great, Grandfather was 100% legit.  Even the 99th mispronunciation of his own tripe, “Ometepe” was legit. There is nothing about Phillip that is a put on, at least as far as I can tell.

As for whether or not he was actually a former federal agent, I will get to the bottom of that during the live reunion show Sunday, May 15th.  Mark it down.

I loved this challenge.  I love individual challenges later in the game because there are always people fighting to stay in the game.  I also love it when people let go of their humility and get in the mud.

Day to day motivation is a big factor in this game:

Grant  & Rob wanted it from the word go but for different reasons:

Rob wanted to protect himself and remain in control because he understands you are NEVER safe unless you have immunity.  Even with a hidden idol, if you don’t play it you can get blindsided.

Grant wanted it for his tribe because he is playing the “team game.”

The three Zapatera all wanted it because they needed it.

Ashley, Andrea, Natalie & Phillip – they didn’t fight because they aren’t worried and for now they don’t have to be.


When the low man on the other tribes totem pole tells you that he enjoys being the low man, you know you are in trouble.

Phillip embodies the loyal soldier.  At this point I truly believe Phillip would fall on a sword for his tribe because in his mind he is part of an important group.  What he doesn’t understand is he is being played by one of the best and the only way this ends well is if Rob gets blindsided and Phillip ends up in a final with himself.


Mike will be tough.  Mike could be on Redemption for a while.  He is an amazing competitor and from what I can tell an audience favorite.


I love these challenges as well!  Love when we give them the chance to sit out and eat rather than compete for immunity.

I’m always amazed at who chooses to eat and why.  You are so close to $1million dollar pirze.  I would never give up a shot at immunity for a burger.  But I think it makes perfect sense that Steve and Phillip did.

Steve knew he wouldn’t win and Phillip believes he doesn’t have to win.  Turns out both are right.



Phillip is pure gold.  Straight out of the river bed.

If there has ever been a more fascinating Survivor contestant, please share.

David brought up a great notion – that at this point, the best move for a Zapatera may be Redemption Island where you can control your fate.

I don’t think we’ve even touched what RI will bring to this game.  For those of you on the fence, give it a chance.  Let’s see where it goes.

Next week.. one of the most “water cooler” worthy tribal councils in quite some time.

From CBS :  Some of you — okay, all of you — have said that you think Phillip is nuts, but he’s self-aware enough to realize that. He explains his strategy in this un-aired extended scene:

Jeff Probts Video Blog!! Episode 10 4/21/11


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