brit so you got game talked?
rach yeah hard core .. brit we can't keep her in the house
brit no way she's staying..
rach matt and ragan want her in the house
brit no matt wont keep her.. not sure about ragan
rach when i was down here brendon was sleeping and she went up there and how dare she havve the balls to pull him aside to talk to him.. she told him that she has 3 votes
briot everyone says that
rach did you hear her about hayden
brit no..
rach she said that if hayden stayed his alllaince will come after us.
brit haydens allaince is you guys..
rach she cant stay
brit haydens not mad at me at all.. he was nervous last nite i told him doesn't need to game talk at all he's safe
rach and she was friends with him and kristen is going around trying to get votes. if it was me and brendon i wouldn't campain about brendon
brit i expected her to not game talk at all.. i went into the DR and i came out and I had to hear about it. it makes her look bad..
rach i can't believe she tried to game talk to brendon..
brit i think she talked to all the guys.. and i think shes gonna try and get to me later and it's the longest conversation ever...and you can't even get out
rach i can't believe she told brendon that he's gonna need her when im gone..
brit's turn in pool.. convo ended..
ok im done for the nite!!