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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #300 on: July 19, 2010, 01:53:57 AM » we actually KNOW from the feeds where Hayden's allegiance actually lies?

Is he still in with the brigade?? Or has he switched to R/B/K?? Or is he just playing them? ???

Just wondered if we have seen any evidence of who he considers his top alliance.

He is going to have to fish or cut bait this week!! :ascared:
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Offline db_ohno

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #301 on: July 19, 2010, 08:08:39 AM »
I think he is still in with the brigade for now----he was wanting to have a meeting last night.  Kristen seems to be in with the hoh crew, so I think that there is a possibility that hayden could jump to their side also if he thinks the brigade is falling apart. 

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #302 on: July 19, 2010, 10:47:57 AM »
Yes I think he is still in the brigade also BUT when the three were in the stocks, Hayden and Kris were in bed together, he was telling her how much he cared for her and she reciprocated his feelings, he also asked her very slyly if she were HOH and Britney was already gone, who would she put up and she said Matt and Enzo.  He paused for a bit and said I guess that is doable .......... hmmmmmmmm.  I think his feelings for Kris are going to override his allegiance to the brigade.  If Britney gets the next HOH, he won't have to worry cause she will put up Kristen......maybe that would be a good thing who knows?  :duno:
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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #303 on: July 19, 2010, 02:28:35 PM »
Weekly stats of Big Brother 12:

Week 1: Hayden, HOH, Brendon & Rachel nominated, Brendon wins veto, used on self, Annie up, Annie evicted 10-0
Week 2: Rachel, HOH, Britney & Monet nominated, Britney wins veto, used on self, Matt up, to be continued...

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #304 on: July 19, 2010, 04:18:18 PM »
I guess I can understand Monet being so bitter.  Not that I care to hear her moan about it hour after hour, but I understand.

But Britney should be happier to be staying.  If Monet is really her only friend, she'll never last until the jury without cracking up.

On another note, if Monet would follow through on her threats to go crazy and hit someone, or even eat something, at least that would bring some excitement to the house.

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #305 on: July 19, 2010, 04:19:45 PM »
Matt is very slick.  The B & R side of the house, better be paying attention.

Offline bella365

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #306 on: July 19, 2010, 04:47:26 PM »
If Andrew does votes for Monet to stay in the house that would really divide the house. Especially since he knows his alliance wants her out. Also, if Hayden votes with Rachel, Bren, and etc. I think it sepearates him from the brigade, since Enzo has alluded to voting for Monet to stay. However, Enzo, and Lane could just be BSing.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 04:55:55 PM by bella365 »

Offline Artzy13

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #307 on: July 19, 2010, 05:43:11 PM »
If Andrew does votes for Monet to stay in the house that would really divide the house. Especially since he knows his alliance wants her out. Also, if Hayden votes with Rachel, Bren, and etc. I think it sepearates him from the brigade, since Enzo has alluded to voting for Monet to stay. However, Enzo, and Lane could just be BSing.

Lane said that he would vote with the HOH. If Andrew votes for Monet to stay that would be the dumbest move  in the house so far, especially since the reason Matt is up is so Andrew wouldn't get voted out. This crew may be long on smarts, but they are certainly short on strategy.  :groan:

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #308 on: July 19, 2010, 05:45:38 PM »
I think Andrew told Monet that he'd vote for her, to cover his bases with Brit for next week, just in case.  I think  a lot of peeps are playing both sides in the game.  Some are just better at it than others.

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #309 on: July 19, 2010, 06:07:40 PM »
If Andrew does votes for Monet to stay in the house that would really divide the house. Especially since he knows his alliance wants her out. Also, if Hayden votes with Rachel, Bren, and etc. I think it sepearates him from the brigade, since Enzo has alluded to voting for Monet to stay. However, Enzo, and Lane could just be BSing.

Lane said that he would vote with the HOH. If Andrew votes for Monet to stay that would be the dumbest move  in the house so far, especially since the reason Matt is up is so Andrew wouldn't get voted out. This crew may be long on smarts, but they are certainly short on strategy.  :groan:

hi ya! :waves: just wanted to jump in for a second, cuz i am here but i aint suppose to be cuz of work, matt will not go home, monet will, matt's alliance of haydan, enzo, and lane aint going to keep monet, kathy, kristen, ragan and brendan will not keep monet [see matt wanted to go up to cover his alliance with the 3 guys] and they really are a strong real alliance, hayden has kristen as a backup, matt has ragan as a backup, and now enzo and lane will pull in brit,[and they all know this they planned to have one person each to do thier diry work [get the others out] and as of now its working, but it is only week 2, they better watch it, i know if i was in that house i would get those boys out!!!!, [well thats if i won hoh, and pov, and had a trusted allaince :lol3:] those 4 guys are sitting pretty good right now, and i cant believe no one seems to have caught onto it, well andrew has sorta. he wants matt out, now andrew is teaming up with kathy, so the only vote/s monet will get is brit's she might get andrew's cuz he doesnt like matt, but andrew knows matt is staying so he will vote with the house, it will be a 8-1 vote to get monet out, matt is trying to pull a dan and memphis from season 10, you know when dan put memphis up 2 times so the hgs would think they were not together, now people think matt is doing this for fishy reasons, but the problem is with these dumbass think that matt is in a alliance with monet, brit and enzo.....those 4 guys are going to TEAR through that house like a freaking BEAST if these people dont see what is up, and get them when you hear these guys the 4 i talked about saying things to others they are just getting info, and mis-leading them, like yeah u got my vote if you can get so and so's vote they got to play up to them cuz brit is staying and if she gets hoh they want to make sure none of the 4 of them go up, they are using whoever they can to do thier dirty work..............i hope you all are having a wonderful day :waves:
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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #310 on: July 19, 2010, 07:11:42 PM »
Oh man, I have soooo changed my likes and dislikes, just within the past two days  : :groan:

On the Can't stand side - The 'mean girls', and Branchel. If I have to read their whining/slobbering anymore, I may go postal  (:;)  Lane is a douchbag misogynist  and Kathy is too  changeable.  :colors

I'm starting to really like Andrew, Matt, and Enzo, as they appear to be focusing on the game.

Always liked Hayden, Kristen and Ragan.

Offline sunshine26

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #311 on: July 19, 2010, 07:29:17 PM »
Oh man, I have soooo changed my likes and dislikes, just within the past two days  : :groan:

On the Can't stand side - The 'mean girls', and Branchel. If I have to read their whining/slobbering anymore, I may go postal  (:;)  Lane is a douchbag misogynist  and Kathy is too  changeable.  :colors

I'm starting to really like Andrew, Matt, and Enzo, as they appear to be focusing on the game.

Always liked Hayden, Kristen and Ragan.

ihi ya! :waves:, i am pretty much on the same lines that u r on, roach aka rachel, and brenda aka brendan cant get out of that house fast enough for me......yes rachel and brendan, have made me lower myself into calling them roach and brenda [cuz brendan is such a girl, i am a girly girl, and i dont act like him, well i dont like men who r all hardcore but PLEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ he is so crazy in this showmance thing

last night when Roach and Brendan were jogging, and roaches boobs were flip flopping everywhere

I couldnt believe brendan wasnt running backwards, and holding them up for her :lol3:

i LOVE ragen, kristen, and haydon, i like matt.................and drum roll please :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy: i even like andrew, [gulp] i never thought i would say that, he is alittle odd, but i think he has been treated very mean by some in that house, have a great day nice tro see ya!

Hi Ya!!!!!! ugot :hugs: i hope they aint making you to crazy tonight the HGS...that is, not us :lol3:
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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #312 on: July 19, 2010, 07:35:58 PM »
I'm usually rooting for the underdogs here.  But R & B are not those "dogs."  I cannot handle the crap they are dishing out to each other.  Geez you two, you are here to play a game.  Talk about over the top.  They can't get out of that house fast enough for me.  I didn't like the 4 guy goon squad in the beginning, but hey, they are at least playing the game.  So I'm changing my views quickly.

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #313 on: July 19, 2010, 07:41:57 PM »
oh i forgot one more thing, even though i dont care for rachel, i do think she has a good heart about her, i just dont like this lip smacking showance, and i dont like her gameplay , i think it isnt smart game........but thats JMO,,,,,,,i mean they all do some trash talking BUT brit and monet are really really very mean girls, if they come out with a mean girls 3 movie, brit and monet should be cast for that movie, they would be prefect for the parts, cuz those girls even said today they hope kathy gets fired from being a cop, cuz she is a hooker (:;) now that is down right straight up being a bitch...ok i am finish, for now :lol: oh sorry one more and B have got to GO!!!!!!
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Offline AlbertHodges

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #314 on: July 19, 2010, 07:54:36 PM »
I like Brendon and Rachel but I swear that everytime that chick laughs, it is like a nail through my head!

It reminds me of that ridiculous and annoying Chima laugh from last season!

And Britney whines more than Whamber EVER did!
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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #315 on: July 20, 2010, 06:39:03 AM »
I have already stated that I wasn't crazy about Brenchel.  I think the showmance for them is their downfall.  Her laugh doesn't help either! :lol:

I want to introduce an idea though, I think if Monet does leave this week it will be good for Britney.  I think she lightens up on the "mean girl" stuff and gets in the game.  The girl definatly knows whats up in BB.  I also enjoy her quick wit and banter with Lane.  Personally I think they are funny and entertaining.  Kind-of like Jeff last season (who at first I was shocked by his statments-then realized he was hysterical if it was taken in jest.) 

I am in the Brigade camp.  I think they are solid and workin' it well.  I am worried about Hayden and Kristen though, they could fall into the same showmance debocle.  If Hayden leaves the Brigade he is shooting himself in the foot.  Ragan could easily take Hayden's place. 

Kathy is just not giving me a warm fuzzy feeling either.  Her obvious HOH suck up this week was annoying and desperate looking.  We'll see how she acts next week. 

Andrew- who?  :lol3:  JK, he is great at laying low.

I'm enjoying the season so far.  I am not routing for any one person yet.  However, at the moment the game play I am admiring the most is Ragan, he is everybody's buddy and workin' that.  As well as smart and entertaining too. 

My 2 cents!

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #316 on: July 20, 2010, 08:29:34 AM »
last nite before  andrew headed off inot bed he was wearing a special outfit. white.. the HGs. didn't know if it was a "real" holiday /observance that he was doing.

 it is: Tisha B'Av Tue Jul 20-  Limited restrictions on work through mid-day..

so  glad for andrew that there are not comps today that  would keep him from participating
zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

Offline JAM101

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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #317 on: July 20, 2010, 10:24:17 AM »
I have already stated that I wasn't crazy about Brenchel.  I think the showmance for them is their downfall.  Her laugh doesn't help either! :lol:

I want to introduce an idea though, I think if Monet does leave this week it will be good for Britney.  I think she lightens up on the "mean girl" stuff and gets in the game.  The girl definatly knows whats up in BB.  I also enjoy her quick wit and banter with Lane.  Personally I think they are funny and entertaining.  Kind-of like Jeff last season (who at first I was shocked by his statments-then realized he was hysterical if it was taken in jest.) 

I am in the Brigade camp.  I think they are solid and workin' it well.  I am worried about Hayden and Kristen though, they could fall into the same showmance debocle.  If Hayden leaves the Brigade he is shooting himself in the foot.  Ragan could easily take Hayden's place. 

Kathy is just not giving me a warm fuzzy feeling either.  Her obvious HOH suck up this week was annoying and desperate looking.  We'll see how she acts next week. 

Andrew- who?  :lol3:  JK, he is great at laying low.

I'm enjoying the season so far.  I am not routing for any one person yet.  However, at the moment the game play I am admiring the most is Ragan, he is everybody's buddy and workin' that.  As well as smart and entertaining too. 

My 2 cents!

I couldn't agree with you more.  I've liked Lane from the beginning and enjoy his warped sense of humor (since I have one too lol).  Enzo and Ragan are funny.  :lol3: Enzo has that NJ sense of humor which I understand since I grew up there.  The one thing Andrew is providing us is an education on Judaism of which I am totally ignorant and am never to old to learn.  If Ragan can win comps, I think he will go far since he really knows the game and really thinks things through before expressing his feelings.  Hope Hayden sticks with his original alliance, the Brigade, and his relationship with Kris doesn't do him in.  Thanks Ugot for your explanation. :tup:
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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #318 on: July 20, 2010, 03:55:40 PM »
hi everyone :waves: just got home early this morning and i havent seen what has been going on in the house, cuz i was in a meeting yesterday, and i was fearful that if i had the feeds on. my boss, and co-workers might have heard F U rachel, or so and so is a Ho....and they would think it was me, and think i had that diease that makes you shout out bad words :ascared:lol3: anyway, i wanted to say that Enzo can be really funny, the other day he was outside and said i am sooooooooooo bored that i  would even play candyland right now :lol3:, it's not like i got a fav or faves yet, i just know who i think i dont like, or i probly will not like [in the game ] and i know i dont like rachel, brendan, or Lane, [sorry] i know lane can be funny at times but i just cant handle some of the really nasty stuff that comes out of his mouth, i know he is just trying to be funny, but when he got into that sex talk to annie, is just was not a good thing, i dont know lane could win me over, i do think the brigade are doing a good job right now , BUT Ragan, and even Britchy aka brit will catch onto it soon, as will andrew, [he already sees it] and he is after matt........haydon is the one that is the key player in that alliance, why you , cuz he is faithful to them, but he also is in a allaince with kristen, and R and B think he is in with them, the brigade knows that he has to play this up for info, but if haydon see that the brigade is going down, he has people that trust him to fall back on, and i was really surpised to see that he is playing a pretty good game, i thought by his bio, that he was just going to be a tool, and not know anything about bb, but he does seem to know how to play, on brit, i too think once monet is gone she will play a better game, JMO matt and enzo better watch out cuz the other hgs are more onto them then they are haydon, and lane, most think matt and lane go to each side, while they think enzo is with brit, monet, and matt, they think lane is just out there, and going to team up with enzo and brit after monet is gone. you know i guess i would just see it as the 4 guys are in a alliance, dont they see those 4 guys playing pool all the time, in the hot tub all the time, and cant they see that by matt saying he would go up as a pawn shows them he knows he will stay, oh bb dont we just love it :yess: also for some reason i do not think if the brigade does get called out that they would out each other, i dont know why i think that i just do, JMO out of all the brigade haydon is sitting better than the other 3, on kathy, i wish she wouls step it up, i know she was all with rachel in the hoh, but brit and monet were really giving her a hard time and she didnt want to be down there with them that is why she has been sleeping in the hoh room, having said that kathy is now going to have to be on R and B's side, she cant turn back now cuz no one will trust her BUT...she does have a secert allaince with andrew, they talk, and not unless she outed andrew from thier talk yesterday, to R and B or kristen, then she is planning on a F2 with andrew like i said i havent been on the feeds last night or today, i do know kathy likes kristen, and i do think she knows rachel and brendan have got to what a long freaking post, rant, whatever.......i better zip it!!!!!! :waves:
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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #319 on: July 20, 2010, 04:47:40 PM »
Zip it eh? Where did I hear that last?   :lol:  I think for sure Britney will have to play a better game because her griping, moaning and groaning about everything is getting tiresome. Right now the brigade think she is a pawn, useful to do the dirty work for them. 

While most of the guys (and Britney) think Kathy is stupid and a floater, I believe they also think she's weak and can get her out later. I don't think she won't be able to do endurance, she's not strong enough which will be another reason to keep her over others. She's a criminal profiler, that takes intuition, using psychology, determining  the method used by the crimina and It really irritated me this morning when Matt said she had a slow southern brain, no offense he said, but it was offensive.

Beside Hayden, Ragan is playing a really good game. He's friends or appears to be with everyone. No one sees him as a threat but he really knows the game. I could see him final 2. JMO at the moment as we get further into the game.   :umn:
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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #320 on: July 20, 2010, 05:43:29 PM »
hi ya! texaslady.................... :hearts: matt better zip it :lol3: cuz i am a texas gal, born and raised, and there is nothing slow about my brain guys love the way we talk, right, am i right or am i right :lol:, now texas gals dont have that really deep southern voice, BUT there is nothing like a southern gal, am i feeling like a nut or what, i just wanted to make it clear to matt (:;) to zip it :knuckles:
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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #321 on: July 20, 2010, 06:02:27 PM »
these people b***h about everything, i mean i am sick of this house, i hate her, i hate her, i just want to go home, there is nothing to do, i better not be on slop next week, i mean on and on, and its only the second week,

get your butts out of the bed, go make some bb friends, go cause some drama for us, you signed up for bb, you are there to win 500 g's,  zip it (:;)
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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #322 on: July 20, 2010, 06:11:20 PM »
watching these hgs is like being on

Human Ambien :lol3:...
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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #323 on: July 20, 2010, 06:43:22 PM »
BINGO!!!!!! just when i said they are like watching human ambien............we get some DRAMA :lol3:

i mean really monet NEVER talked to rachel, unril she was hoh, of course she is going to put up monet, i mean i would cuz if they aint talking to you, they are talking about you, and coming after you, and i am not even a fan of rachel's..i think kathy is stirring the pot :snicker:...but why in the world would monet think kristen would keep her :colors
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Re: Ongoing BB12 Discussion of the Live Feeds!
« Reply #324 on: July 20, 2010, 06:45:43 PM »
REALLY?  Did BRENDAN just say that he can't stand the crying and that it's a girl thing?

**Flashback #1 - location:  Bedroom*

Brendan:   :'(  "Oh Rachel, I just want you to LISTEN to me - my feelings are hurt about Annie!"
Rachel:   :boobs:  "Why are we talking about her?  Let's make out!"

**Flashback #2 - location:  Hammock**

Brendan:  :crybabe:  "Oh Rachel, I don't know why you don't listen to me - we NEED to keep Andrew!"
Rachel:   :boobs:  "Brendan! This is CHESS - NOT CHECKERS!  I DREAM of BB!  DREAM of it - do you hear me?  Let's make out!"

***And scene***