The Jury members didn't comeback into the house. When was that supposed to have happened? My understanding is that someone
mistakingly said that the smelly "Little People" who came in (baby, cat, cockroach, etc.) were the Jury members in disguise, but they weren't - that was an error.
Two things I keep remembering -
1) since day one, every single houseguest has stated that they would NOT want to be sitting next to Jordan in the F2, because she will get the
$500K, and
2) everyone left in the house mistakingly believes that
a.) Nat has the most friends on the Jury, and
b.) no one on the Jury likes Michele.
Those two factors, individually or in combination are more than enough reason for Kevin to take Michele and evict Jordan.
Yes, everyone here knows I am partial to Michele, but I am trying to logically explain what I saw on BBAD scrolling at the bottom of the screen for three hours. It makes for more reasons than just because I want it to.