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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #700 on: April 22, 2009, 03:05:23 AM »
Ty's latest blog:

‘This week I have to learn the tango and the salsa’

How about the army we have? The NFL has, maybe, the world's biggest fan base and, to make it past Lawrence Taylor, I think, that says a lot about the troops we have supporting me and Chelsie.

When you just look at how many people in this country love the NFL and that guy is definitely a legend in the game and a benchmark for defensive players. To outlast that kind of support is impressive.

We're committed to working hard and this week they're adding a new twist.

There are six couples remaining and they broke us up into two teams of three couples each. So besides our regular dance, which will be the salsa, the team dances will be the tango and mambo.

Our team, which consists of me and Chelsie, Derek and Lil' Kim along with Gilles and Cheryl, drew the tango. We're on our way to practice right now because our three pros will have to choreograph a group routine and it will be judged in addition to our regular dance.

That's right, this week I have to learn the tango and the salsa.

It's a little after 8 o'clock here in Los Angeles. We just got done with the press line we do after the show and we're about to start a three-hour group practice tonight, so I'll fill you guys in with more information tomorrow.

I really appreciate the troops. I know we have a powerful army and I don't think anybody understands how powerful it is.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #701 on: April 22, 2009, 07:40:32 AM »
Since this hasn't appeared yet in this thread, the elimination decision was between Ty/Chelsie and Lawrence/Edyta. LT and Edyta were elminated, no surprise since they had recently been on the bottom of the judges results consistently and Ty apparently has as much of a fan base as LT does. I don't think it's because of the persistent blogging Ty is doing. However, I will say tha Edyta made an effort to attract her team's fan base but LT made none that I know I aware of. Ty danced better and cultivated his fan base better and deserved to stay in for one week more.

Next week the elimination decision should be between Ty and Chuck, but who cares since in the following week they will both be gone, leaving the 4 best celebrity dancers still in the competition. That woould be Gilles, Melissa, Shawn and Lil' Kim.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #702 on: April 22, 2009, 11:06:34 AM »
Tuesday’s Dancing: What You Didn’t See

Lip Service: Thirty minutes before show time Gilles Marini strode across the ballroom floor and walked over to where his wife Carole and some friends were sitting. The crowd erupted into applause for the Frenchman, who was solely focused on greeting his guests. Especially Carole, who received a soulful kiss on the lips from her hubby of eleven years. It’s a pre-show ritual that seems to be bringing Marini a lot of luck. “I always kiss my wife before every show,” Marini told PEOPLE. But last week, Marini kissed Carole after he and Cheryl Burke completed the jive. Why the on-camera buss? “It’s very simple. 19 million messages about ‘something is going on with Cheryl. You always kiss her and not your wife. What’s going on?’” said Marini, rolling his eyes. “They don’t understand, I kiss my wife before the show and when it’s on and after. Guys, look, I do kiss my wife A LOT!”

Bye-Bye Dance-Off?: For the second week in a row, there was no dance-off on the results show. Is it gone for good? Nobody knows, but everybody is hoping so. “When Lawrence and I had to do the dance-off with David [Alan Grier] we did not like it at all,” Edyta Sliwinska said. “It was unfair. David got higher scores from the judges and he still went home. We didn’t understand why we had to do that.” Gilles Marini, who’s never had to do a dance-off with his partner, Cheryl Burke, has his fingers cross it’s a thing of the past. “I hope it’s gone. In the end it did not make too much sense,” he said.

Saying a Little Prayer: It’s great to survive results night, but Ty Murray and Cheslie Hightower are grateful for every night that they have on the show. “We pray every night before the show,” Hightower said. “We pray to God that we do well, to dance to the best of our ability and have fun.” Said Murray, “I committed to [Dancing] from day one…I don’t want to let Chelsie down. We’re going to continue to work hard and give it everything we’ve got until they send us home.”

The Daily Grind: Generally on results night the dancers get to take a break, grab a relaxing dinner and enjoy visiting with family and friends. But immediately after Tuesday’s show the couples were in a frenzy to change out of costume and head straight to the dance studio for rehearsal. That’s because next week each couple will have to dance two dances — one with their partner and one with a team (made up of three couples) that will also be scored by the judges. “We are going back to work immediately,” said Lil Kim. “I mean immediately. Tonight we have to prepare for the team dance so we’ll get no rest at all.” Still ailing from a bruised ribcage, Melissa Rycroft had no complaints. “We have two dances to learn so we have to get to it,” she said, adding, “That’s just how it is.” “Yes,” chimed in Ty Murray. “That’s all we do. Dance, eat, sleep.”

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #703 on: April 22, 2009, 11:31:53 AM »
Lawrence & Edyta on Jimmy Kimmel Live

credit with thanks to dwtsseason8

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #704 on: April 22, 2009, 11:37:16 AM »
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Lawrence Taylor: 'Proud To Be a Member Of The 'DWTS' Team'

ET was backstage with the "Dancing" stars and their professional partners Tuesday night after football star Lawrence Taylor and his partner Edyta Sliwinska were eliminated from the competition.

Lawrence tells ET that he exceeded his own expectations by making it this far into the competition.

"I did pretty well," he says. "I definitely went past my expectations. I am very happy, I can hold my head up and be proud to be a member of the 'Dancing with the Stars' team."

Ty Murray tells ET that he was very excited about the opportunity to meet an NFL star.

"It was great getting to know him," Ty says. "Of course I grew up watching him play my whole life. He's a legend in the game and you could see how far out of his element he was here. But that competitor would come out in him every night."

Watch the video to see what the other contestants had to say about Lawrence being sent home, and find out what the "Dancing" couples have in store for next week!

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #705 on: April 22, 2009, 01:41:09 PM »
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Steve Wozniak Predicts 'Dancing' Champ

HTV was there as Apple co-founder and former 'Dancing with the Stars' contestant Steve Wozniak reveals his favorite to win the hit reality show.

While on a leisurely stroll at a Los Angeles shopping center, the computer engineer tells the cameras it will be difficult for the judges to choose a winner because the votes are so close.

Watch the video to hear what has changed for "The Woz" since his appearance on the hit ABC dancing competition and why he is always rooting for the underdog.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #706 on: April 22, 2009, 02:27:45 PM »
Carrie Ann Inaba blogs 'DWTS,' week 7

What a week! All the tables turned, new leaders emerged, and the whole leader board got "a shaking up." And that is why I LOVE THIS SEASON! I knew it! I had a feeling all along that the season was going to be very interesting and highly competitive as we approached the end of the season. Let’s start with Chuck and Julianne. I am so happy for them that they finally had a breakthrough. I always felt that he had an ease of movement that if he engaged his spirit and confidence behind it -- along with the training and technique he could tackle if he set his mind to it -- that he could do well. It was as if he finally decided that he was just going to go for it -- no excuses. That is such a wonderful thing to watch. A real breakthough. And we got to experience it right there with him. Congratulations Chuck and Julianne!

I would have to say Tony and Melissa had wonderful night as well -- and Shawn Johnson and Mark Ballas too!. Melissa’s Argentine Tango was really something special. That was a VERY difficult routine. It was filled to the brim with steps and there was no room for error. With all the leg flicks and weight changes and intricate movements, if they had missed one step or weight change, there would have been a problem and there was no space to catch up. But what I was impressed with were Tony’s lifts. I knew that he really specializes in lifts, but that was a really nice showcase of lifts (which are acceptable in the Argentine Tango). I also want to add that Melissa was stunning in that outfit. She really took on a strong persona and pulled it off wonderfully.

Shawn Johnson and Mark did a fantastic cha-cha-cha. I read a lot of your comments and I see that a lot of you really get upset when she doesn’t get great scores. It's nice to see your support for her. But I think you don’t have to worry about that anymore. She also had a breakthrough. Until Monday night, she was having a bit of trouble really getting the characters of the dance and letting go and finding her freedom in the dance to express herself. I saw it on Monday night and I was so proud of her. I’m sure most of you out there must also feel like a proud parent when Shawn does well. It’s like she is growing up in front of our eyes. She is such a special person -- so professional, so mature, so focused, so strong, and so pure. Her precision is her best asset, but it has also held her back a bit from adding that level of performance. Shawn and Chuck both really stepped it up, and I bet we see even more of it as weeks go by. And she got her first 10! Congratulations Shawn!!! She said it was her first 10 ever -- even in gymnastics!

Gilles and Cheryl performed a Viennese Waltz and did a nice job with it -- but at this level we can see that the contestants' success will definitely depend on the dances they get to perform. We have great performers left, but they all have different styles of performing. I gave Gilles a correction about his posture that I hope he will work on, because at this point everyone has to really put their best foot forward. With this sort of competition and the level that everyone is performing at, there is no room for error. Those little things will separate the winner from the runner up, because we have some great contenders left.

Don’t worry, I’m not forgetting about Ty and Lil' Kim. Lil' Kim and Derek proved a really interesting point in this competition on Monday night, and I think they sent out a good message to everyone in general. They tried to impress Len -- or what they thought Len wanted -- by toning down her performance. But in doing so, Kim lost some of her special spark. This is a good lesson -- it is important to do what you do best and follow your own heart when making choices. It worked out well and I’m glad they survived -- this week Kim and Derek dropped quite far down the leader board and I was worried about them. But they are still in it and I think she’ll be back to herself next week, bringing back her inner tiger!

And Ty had a good week. But I think he was a bit intimidated after Chuck did so well. Sometimes it is so difficult to come after someone who really changes the energy in the room. I felt that he was a bit nervous. But he is still such a nice surprise in how far he has come with his dancing. His scores have been all over the place and they started out very low. He definitely specializes in the ballroom dances, where he can “hold on” as he said. Now that LT is gone, we’ll see who ends up on the bottom next week. It's going to be sad next week when someone goes home.

Lawrence was happy to go home, it seemed, so I’m happy for him. I guess he’s back to golf now. Good luck, LT!

Last night’s result show was filled with dancing. I am excited to see how the new dancers who are vying for a spot on the show will do as the weeks progress. We don’t have any voting power as judges -- this is all up to the audience vote. It’s really nice to see these kids having this opportunity. They all seemed like nice people and had different strengths, but on this show it takes a lot to be a professional. First of all, you have to be a great teacher -- you must be able to teach the steps and technique and then choreograph your numbers in a way that best displays your partner's talent and assets. You must be able to perform in a way that doesn’t outshine your celebrity partner but helps complement what he or she brings to the dance floor, and you need to be a strong guide and partner on the journey to the mirror ball. You also have to have your own star quality because, as we have seen, our dancers become stars in their own right. What it takes to make these celebrities shine is a lot more than just being a good dancer. It takes a certain type of person. You have to be strong and patient, creative and intelligent, and I really applaud our dancers for all that they do. Being a DWTS professional dancer is an incredible opportunity. Look at Julianne and Mark and Derek, who have gone on to record albums and are doing quite well. Our show is a wonderful opportunity for both dancers and celebrities to create even better futures for themselves and open doors in their careers that are quite amazing.

Also, NATASHA BEDDINGFIELD!  She performed the most incredible version of "Soulmate," which is my personal favorite song. I LOVE THAT SONG.  She is one heck of a singer. I loved the way she changed it up and the performance of Dimitri and Lacey was quite good. Lacey gets better and better with each performance. I loved watching her. And Dimitry is such a fine performer -- he's a bit shy, but a good partner for Lacey.

Our results show this week was jam-packed, but my favorite performance was the BURN THE FLOOR performance. I am in discussions to be a producer on that show as it heads to Broadway this summer. I saw the show in San Francisco a few weeks ago and loved it. (They are playing until next week, before they head on tour and then come to Broadway in the summer, so keep your eyes open and I hope you will all come out and support their show.) The dancers are beautiful and grew up all over the world. You'll see some fantastic dancing if you go. It will help you get through your summer without DWTS!

Finally, I just wanted to remind everyone that the auction for my "DWTS Experience" package at Clothes Off Our Back is coming to a close on May 1. So if you are interesting in coming to the show’s finale, you can bid on those tickets and the whole package. All the proceeds go to The Andrea Rizzo Foundation, which provides dance therapy for pediatric cancer patients and children with special needs. It’s a wonderful cause -- very dear to my heart -- and I just wanted to remind you that if you want to come to the show and get a beautiful dress and a diamond necklace, and some cute shoes, the auction is still going on.

Thanks for tuning in -- it’s getting exciting, isn’t it?!

Thanks for your comments as well.

Oh -- behind the scenes -- Sheila E. was there last night and came over and gave me a hug -- and it was a very exciting moment. I have been a fan of hers for a long time. She is an incredible percussionist and performer and the first star I met when I was young. She signed me an autograph on a piece of glass. She wrote backwards and I kept that glass for a long time…until one day, I had someone clean my house and she cleaned the glass and the autograph was gone when I got home. ; (

But I still have the memory. ;)

Have a great day -- summer is coming!!

Carrie Ann

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #707 on: April 23, 2009, 02:11:09 AM »

Dances for 4/27


Lil' Kim/Derek





Gilles/Cheryl.....Lindy Hop


Lil' Kim/Derek....Paso Doble


Chuck/Julianne.....still unknown at this time

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #708 on: April 23, 2009, 10:06:22 AM »
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Jewel posted this on Ty's blog:

'I have always said he is the real John Wayne'

Hi everyone!

Thought I would come and say hi to the Cowboy Army! This sure has turned out to be a fun and unexpected part of doing the show – how it has brought us all closer together and how this is really a team effort.

Ty has to deliver on his dances, but the scores only mean so much and you are all literally his team mates. It's up to you to keep him in the running--a team sport!

Usually fans only get to be spectators in a sport, but with this you guys actually participate and that's cool!

As for me, I'm SO PROUD of Ty and I'm so glad America is getting to know the man I fell in love with and was lucky enough to marry. I have always said he is the real John Wayne--a stand up guy in a world of flakes...

He is at once strong and masculine, but at the same time vulnerable and humble. I am the biggest fan of who he is as a person, not just who he is as a cowboy.

A man with character is rare these days and I'm glad all the folks who aren't familiar with the western lifestyle are getting to see an athlete and fierce competitor can be all the better by being a genuine and gracious man.

There's nothing phony about him.

But I could go on all day talking about him!! What else?

Oh, some of you were asking who was sitting next to me Monday. That was my dad Atz (pronounced Otts). He came all the way from Alaska on some business and I'm so glad I got to see him!

He's here on behalf of the Alaskan Cattleman's Association about some grazing rights for their cattle up in Alaska. There are some "range wars" up there where my family graze their cattle in the open country of Fox River Valley. No fences – just open range in big wide, wild country.

I grew up riding horses, going on cattle drives, pushing the herd across swollen glacial rivers where they graze for the summer on wild land, and letting our fields back home all grow hay for the short growing season we have up there.

Here are some of my family photos of where I was raised. These pics are of my dad and his parents when they settled in Alaska before it was a state, in the 1950's.

They were Homesteaders, who settled and cleared about 900 acres by hand, and lived in a tiny log cabin – which is also where I was raised – and they got to town using a horse and wagon because there were no roads and no cars up there! As a result these pics look like they are from the 1800's and not from this century! I hope you enjoy seeing how and where I was raised.

Gosh, Alaska is like going back in time. It's just like you see in movies--mountains, bears, wolves and cattle grazing with no fences. It's just thousands of acres of untouched country.

Some of you may have noticed I held a cap up on Monday. The hat I held up was my dad's Vietnam Veterans hat. They made him take it off during taping because it was a baseball cap and they have a dress code, but I wanted to hold it up so all his Veteran buddies could see.

He served in Nam and was part of the Tet offensive of 68' – famously gory battle – and he recently was able to have a reunion with the guys he served with. He said it was an amazing experience to see everyone again all these years later.

It was nice having him here and he heads back to Alaska tomorrow morning. It's sure nice how Ty's family and mine have come to support him.

I thought Ty did great on Monday! And I thought he and Chelsie looked so sweet together. The waltz was perfect for them and the group dance had me cracking up!! I snuck some pics you can see here.

I have read all the fuss over his biceps and I gotta agree!! Haha--

After the show they chose teammates for team mambo and team tango, and Ty got picked last! He said it was like the nerdy kid in school who gets picked last for dodge ball!

Well, he ended up on team tango and I know they will be thrilled with him. Everyone underestimates him and he isn't a mouthy guy either, who will telegraph what he intends to do. But, make no mistake, he always finds a way to win and they will learn that!

I think you guys will like their tango routine very much. There's sort of a shocking surprise in the first part of it!

I'm on twitter now and welcome you all to follow along at jeweljk. On Monday and Tuesday nights I twitter live "blow-by-blow" updates from inside the show so we can all share the suspense together in real time! :)

Guess that's all for now. Hope this wasn't too long. As always, we enjoy reading your blog COMMENTS so keep it up!


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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #709 on: April 24, 2009, 10:16:32 AM »
Ty's blog:

‘It’s almost like you have to peak at the right time’

Hello troops. I just got back to the apartment after a long day of practicing. I also had to my hour-long interview that they use to pull out quotes for the packages they show before I dance.

Chelsie and I were at the practice studio all day and it's coming along, but it's a slower process now because we're learning two dances. Yesterday we worked on the salsa for most of the day and today we worked on the tango.

It's tough!

We brought Dmitry in for a little bit of help with the salsa. For me, the thing of it is, only having Chelsie for my coach it's hard to figure out a lot of the stuff because I'm only seeing her do it and I don't know how else to say it, but she does it in such a girlie way that it really helped to have Dmitry there.

He was able to show me what it's supposed to look it because, that's just it, I don't even know what it's supposed to look like when we start these dances.

But, like I said, it's coming along and we have all the choreography done. Well, I say we, but Chelsie got all the choreography done on the two dances and it's just a matter of going through the process.

We trust the process. We're quite a ways behind where we were last week, but it's not anything to panic about. I think, it's almost like you have to peak at the right time and I still think we're on track to peak on Monday night. We still have Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

First thing tomorrow morning we'll be rehearsing as a team for the team tango and that'll be good.

Tuesday night, after the show, we worked until midnight on the opening and the ending of that dance. Then we left out the middle portion of the routine because that's where we have our individual part of the routine. That's where Chelsie and I will dance, Kim and Derek will dance and then Gilles and Cheryl will do the same.

Today we worked on our individual parts and then tomorrow we'll reconvene as a group and figure out how to put it all together.

It was a long day and every week it's pretty much back to square one. You have to stay positive and put your trust in the process and that's what we're doing.

The amount of support I'm getting is amazing.

Every night I come home, I'm tired and my feet are sore so I put my feet up and look through the comments you leave on my blogs. I'm still amazed at the amount of support that continues to grow from one week to the next.

It really is a team effort and it really is an army the way everybody is getting behind me.

We're even starting to see some of the fans of contestants that have went home who are joining the army, and that's good to see.

We have a couple privates – Private Jiggy and Private Ladyhawk – who we need to bump up to corporals because they have really stayed right on top of this. It kind of seems like they're in charge of the army.

Thanks again to everybody. It's nice when you come home sweaty, beat and tired with sore feet to see all the support I'm getting on the Internet.

Keep the faith, and we'll talk to you tomorrow.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #710 on: April 24, 2009, 10:49:57 AM »
US Weekly 2009 Hot Hollywood Party

Mark Ballas and his girlfriend, Joanna Pacitti

Holly Madison

Karina Smirnoff

Tony Dovolani and his wife, Luna

Cheryl Burke

Gilles Marini

Melissa Rycroft and her boyfriend, Ty Strickland

Luna, Tony, Melissa & Ty
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 01:55:17 PM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #711 on: April 24, 2009, 12:53:13 PM »
ABC Press Release:


Multiplatinum Artist Robin Thicke Perfoms

Professional Dancer Competition Continues

"Episode 808A" - After tallying the judges' and viewer votes, the eighth couple to be eliminated from the competition is revealed on "Dancing with the Stars the Results Show," TUESDAY, APRIL 28 (9:00-10:02 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

Grammy Award-winning multi-platinum singer-songwriter Robin Thicke performs his debut single, "When I Get You Alone" (from his first studio album, 2003's "A Beautiful World").  Joining him on the dance floor are "Dancing with the Stars" professional dancers Cheryl Burke, Dmitry Chaplin, Tony Dovolani, Kym Johnson, Alec Mazo and Edyta Sliwinska in a group Samba.  He will also perform his current hit "Sidestep" from his recently released third studio album, "Something Else."  Accompanying him on the stage are professional dancers Pasha Kovalev and Anya Garnis.

The first "Dancing with the Stars" professional dancer competition continues.  After two of the six professional dancers are eliminated based on last week's viewer votes, the four remaining dancers will dance the Jive and the Quickstep.  By the end of this season, one lucky dancer, determined by viewers' votes, will be selected as a member of next season's "Dancing with the Stars" cast to be paired with a celebrity.  Full details and bios are available at

By evening's end one couple will be eliminated. Who among the following six teams will leave the ballroom floor?

Shawn Johnson (Olympic gymnastics medalist) and partner Mark Ballas
Lil' Kim (Grammy Award winning rapper) and partner, reigning champion Derek Hough
Gilles Marini (model and actor) and partner Cheryl Burke
Ty Murray ("King of Cowboys") and partner, newcomer Chelsie Hightower
Melissa Rycroft (from "The Bachelor") and partner Tony Dovolani
Chuck Wicks (country music star) and partner Julianne Hough

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #712 on: April 25, 2009, 01:43:53 AM »
Carrie Ann Inaba Loses It Watching Gilles Dance on DWTS 

What's it like watching Gilles Marini up close on the dance floor?

"Exactly as you think it might be," DWTS judge Carrie Ann Inaba said on Friday's Bonnie Hunt Show. "It's like, 'Oh, menopause!' It gets very hot!"

Overall, Inaba said, "This is my favorite season ever because you don't know who is going to stay on top."

Of Lil' Kim, she said, "I just love her. She just gets out there and is so unexpected. She's so effervescent. She's fun. She's vibrant."

The Bachelor's Melissa Rycroft is "a really good dancer and watching her and Tony [Dovolani], Tony is sort of blossoming."

"Tony is really shining this year and I think that is because he's working with an excellent dance partner. Normally Tony and I fight at least once a season ... and this year it's not happening," she went on. "So I am very happy he is with Melissa because he's not on my back."

Inaba also revealed that she is dating again after splitting with a dancer -- but she wouldn't reveal how she met her new mate.

"It's a funny story," she said. "I don't know if I am ready to share that one yet. It will be in the book."

"His name is Jesse -- he's an accountant and he's a normal guy," she dished.
"He's wonderful. I keep going, 'When is this going to stop?'"

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #713 on: April 25, 2009, 01:29:12 PM »
'Dancing with the Stars' Duo Toast to Their Success at Disneyland!

Melissa Rycroft and her pro partner Tony Dovolani toast to their "DWTS" success on the first day of Disney's California Food & Wine Festival at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif., on Friday.

The six-week festival showcases California's rich fusion of flavors and runs daily through June 7. Click here for more details.

Catch Melissa and Tony in action on "DWTS" Monday at 8 p.m. on ABC.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 08:51:50 PM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #714 on: April 25, 2009, 07:05:36 PM »
Carrie Ann Inaba on The Bonnie Hunt Show

credit to DWTSSeason8

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #715 on: April 25, 2009, 10:01:16 PM »
Tony's myspace blog:

About Melissa

she is ok we just got done with practice on stage she is hurting but she is a trooper she gave me everything she had today as she put it to me she is not going to let a rib sideline her i don't what else i can say about this woman i am so proud of her Tony D

thank you all for your support and sorry for the scare but as she put it to me ( melissa : I always want to give you 100% and i will fight through the pain to give you that ) i feel like she always gives 150% even today during stage rehearsal pain or no pain i guess thats why we have all grown to love and respect her for the great person that she is TONY D

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #716 on: April 26, 2009, 10:24:20 AM »
Ty's blog:

‘We had a great day’

Hello to everyone out there in the foxholes.

We had a great day! Chelsie and I went to the studio and Jewel came along. She took some pictures and filmed us. We worked there on both songs to the music and got both of them going pretty well. Chelsie and I are doing the salsa together and she picked out a song called "Vehicle." Our Team Tango routine is choreographed to "Womanizer."

I also had to film something for the results show they're doing on Tuesday. I guess, it's supposed to be funny but it's hard to even tell what it is by what they filmed. I was doing different things with a green screen as the background and all I know it's supposed to be a parody of commercials, but, like I said, it's hard to tell what they're doing.

After that the three of us – Chelsie, Jewel and I – had a nice lunch. I think we both felt good knowing we had a good start to the day so we had a chance to relax. All three of us were really hungry.

Most days we're just grabbing stuff for lunch because we're usually frantically running around trying to get in as much practice time as we can, but we actually got to enjoy this one.

Then Chelsie and I went to the studio and ran both dances again with the music. I think we were both really happy with how they were coming along, which made it a fun day.

We laughed a lot, joked a lot and got to where we were cracking each other up. We're probably the only two people who think we're funny, but at least we each think the other is funny anyway.

Tomorrow we'll get to practice again with our whole Team Tango.

That'll be nice because the last time we practiced together it was still kind of skittish for all six of us, but when we reconvene tomorrow I think it'll come together.

That's all I have to report on today.

I just finished eating some dinner here at the apartment and it was nice to just have a relaxing evening instead of scrambling around out here in L.A.

It's funny: out here there are a lot of horns honking and back home in Stephenville if you hear a horn honking it's because they're a friend of yours who wants to wave at you. In L.A., they're not honking because they know you.

Anyway, troops, I appreciate it, I think I have the best fans in the world and on Monday night Chelsie and I will try to make you proud.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #717 on: April 27, 2009, 08:55:42 AM »
Finally found out what Chuck/Julianne are dancing tonight and to refresh you all of all the dances for tonight...


Lil' Kim/Derek





Gilles/Cheryl.....Lindy Hop


Lil' Kim/Derek....Paso Doble


Chuck/Julianne...Cha Cha

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #718 on: April 27, 2009, 08:59:39 AM »
Ty's blog:

‘Chelsie made me get a spray tan’

I got back to the apartment at about 9 o'clock tonight and we had another good day, actually we had a great day. We got to reconvene with our Team Tango and work on that during camera blocking.

I felt that Chelsie and I performed real strong in that today and our individual dance felt good during the camera blocking as well.

It's funny because normally dancing is a little bit like bull riding in that you're kind of on your own, but this week will be more like the World Cup in the fact that we have a team and we all have to rely on each other. We all have to come through and do our respective part right.

It's fun getting to train together as a team and helping each other out--pointing out things that could work better or pointing out things that don't look as good or whatever. I think we're sitting in pretty good shape.

I feel really confident this week and I feel good about it.

I don't feel like I'm struggling to remember a lot with the dance routines. I feel like I've got them down pretty good and it's funny because I had to learn two dances this week, but maybe it helps because you don't have as much time to break it down and knit-pick at so much.

It's like you just have to get it as good as you can as soon as you can because it's double-time.

Like I said, I feel pretty good about everything. The camera blocking feels pretty much like the show feels and I felt pretty good during that.

Mine and Jewel's good friend Michael Gaffney and his wife Robin are coming out to support me tomorrow night.

Well, Chelsie made me get a spray tan!

You'll have to wait and watch Monday night to see why I got a spray tan, but, I have to say, this is the first tan I've ever had in my entire life. G-Man said he's going to get a spray tan too – just to show his support.

But don't let this fool you: I'm still 100 percent cowboy under all this brown.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #719 on: April 27, 2009, 02:25:34 PM »
Bruno Tonioli: Dancing Trophy Up for Grabs

Think Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson could take home the crown on Dancing with the Stars? So does judge Bruno Tonioli.

Is the Bachelor’s Melissa Rycroft a favorite? Tonioli thinks so too.

And if you’re rooting for French actor Gilles Marini or hip-hop star Lil’ Kim, odds are you’re betting on a potential winner, says the judge.

“The four [top] couples have all the cards in their hands,” Tonioli told PEOPLE Thursday at the Champagne Launch of BritWeek at the Consul General’s official residence in Los Angeles. “It depends how they will play their aces.”

He insisted it’s any of the top four couples’ prize to win — unlike in past years.

“It’s usually down to one or two who could win,” he said. “This season it could be all four. Last year, you had Brooke [Burke], who was so amazing. She was getting those 10s all the time.”

So what factors will help determine the ultimate winner? “This season it depends on so many things, said Tonioli: “[The couple] could have the wrong choreography; they could be nervous. It really will come down to what they do on a given night; anything could happen. Every one of them has a strong chance.”

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #720 on: April 28, 2009, 02:02:51 AM »
Will follow up with posts about Melissa's injury...she had to bow out from the competition tonight but was judged on a previously taped rehearsal performance...Lacey filled in for her for the team performance

Dancing Scoring Results

Gilles/Cheryl    Lindy Hop    9     9    9      27

Lil' Kim/Derek   Paso Doble  9     9    10     28       

Chuck/Julianne   Cha Cha   9     9     8     26

Shawn/Mark       Samba    10    8     9     27

Melissa/Tony        Jive       7    7      7    21 (that was painful to watch and Tony made me cry!)

Ty/Chelsie          Salsa      9    7      8    24

Chuck/Julianne                 8     8     9     25

Lil' Kim/Derek
Ty/Chelsie                      9     9     10    28   

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #721 on: April 28, 2009, 02:16:04 AM »
Tony's latest status on myspace...

Thanks for all your support. Melissa is raring to go for next week, help us stay in, please! Vote at until noon EST.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #722 on: April 28, 2009, 02:24:09 AM »
Ty's blog:

‘Chelsie and I were thrilled with how everything went’

Well troops, I think we had a great night!

Chelsie and I were thrilled with how everything went. We thought we danced to the best of our ability so don't get too uptight about Len's comments. At this point, we can't let that bother us.

It's just like in bull riding: you can't control the scores so you just have to keep your focus on what you can control. And those things are how hard Chelsie and I are going to continue working in practice and how hard we're going to try on Monday night.

Let's keep all of our energy going in that direction.

I feel as though every week Chelsie and I get a better feel for each other, especially for her knowing how to coach me better.

At the midway point, when our scores started dropping, I think we started getting overly technical and tried to put too much teaching in too short of a time.

She always used to make me worry about the count and now she quit worrying about that and started telling me about key words or key drum beats or key guitar strums or something else in the song to focus on.

It just seems like every week that we go we just get a better feel for how to go about that. Now I'm more aware of the obstacle in front of me and I almost liked having two dances tonight because it felt like when I was rodeoing. I always did three events and it's kind of nice not to have to sit there and over think any one thing too much.

Just knowing I had two dances tonight made me feel more relaxed and I didn't over think either of them. I just went out there.

I know we have a powerful army behind us.

Not only do I think I have the best partner in Chelsie, but I also think I have the best fan base. I know you're all really passionate about your support so we're going to bear-down, keep trying hard and continue to put the work in.

Jewel and I just got to our favorite Mexican restaurant where she and I are fixing to enjoy a nice dinner together.

It was also nice having Michael Gaffney and his wife Robyn here supporting me tonight. I really appreciate that and I'll see if Jewel can help me get some pictures up tomorrow.

Thanks a lot troops and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 02:30:53 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #723 on: April 28, 2009, 02:53:32 AM »
Dancing with the Stars Episode Recap: Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 8 of Dancing with the Stars brings us the team dances and yet another injury. Which team rocked it out? And who's sidelined — for now or for good? Find out below.

This is new territory for me, guys. I've never seen a team dance before, so I'm not sure what to expect. Speaking of unexpected things, Melissa is MIA, leaving a forlorn Tony all by his lonesome on the floor. Tom tells us Melissa's suffered an injury, but will tell us more later. Naturally. I love when he gets all newscaster on us: "You may die tomorrow. More at 11." I'm guessing she exacerbated her rib injury and will be out for the night. I do not think (or maybe am hoping she's not) she's out. They'll probably pull the Steve-O rule on her and air her dress rehearsal footage if they have any.

Gilles Marini & Cheryl Burke: Lindy Hop
Everyone's falling apart. Gilles re-aggravated his shoulder injury and has to get a cortisone shot in his collarbone to get through. He's still having trouble with the lifts and Cheryl's a total tough-ass on him in rehearsals. Love it! Julianne, take some notes. Gilles makes it through the lifts — and then some. This is incredibly peppy and vibrant, but that could be due to their blue-and-lime get-ups. Nevermind Gilles' 10-foot-tall pompadour. There's a lot going on, but he's keeping pace and has high energy as well. Despite the plethora of steps, it's not as frenetic as their past dances. Maybe they only do that when Gilles dances sexy. This is fun Gilles. Len thinks the French can stake claim to the Lindy hop. Bruno loves the happy side despite a tiny slip-up, as does Carrie Ann, who's sporting some highlights, or a weave.
Score: 27

Lil' Kim & Derek Hough: Paso Doble
I must say Kim is the most adorable person on the planet. So sweet and nice. She told me she and Derek are completely focused this week — even with negative hips in the paso. But she can still be aggressive and passionate, and that she is. This is a rockin' paso. It's tense, taut, bold and you can feel the resistance between the two of them. Derek's choreography is also back on point. Even Lance Bass is impressed. Bruno says the bitch is back — literally. Carrie Ann loves her refined shape. Len says she came out with fire and passion, aka he loves it. And Kim loves them, bussing all three judges.
Score: 28

Chuck Wicks & Julianne Hough: Cha-cha
Why fix what's not broken? Chuck's still going for the silk PJ look (with Jules dipped in fringe), except this time blue's the color of choice. Does that mean they're cooling off? I see it now: It'll be white next week. There's a lot of crotch- and booty-thrustin' here. Kids, you're not in the bedroom. All joking aside, Chuckie boy's proving he's not a one-dance wonder. His hips are still loose and his feet are flying... sometimes well. His posture could still use work and no amount of hip-swiveling can hide that. Or can it? Carrie Ann thinks he's in the game, but wants him to watch his chin. Len says he's getting stronger and wants him to de-wooden his arms. Bruno loves the "bum action" and points out the wooden arms as well.
Score: 28

Shawn Johnson & Mark Ballas: Samba
Mark tries to be a girl, but he sucks, Shawn says. In comes Mama Ballas — aka three-time Latin champ, Shirley Ballas — who shows Shawn how to shimmy. Hey, just watch "Baby One More Time." That's how I learned. Fringe is the look of the night, apparently, since Shawn's wearing a version of Julianne's Koosh Ball outfit from her salsa. Shawn's precise and technically perfect as usual, but does the dance feel a little bit slow? She still needs to do something about the hips — time's winding down, girl. You can't expect to get a perfect 30 without them. Overall, it was a good effort, but something I'd expect from earlier in the competition, not in the final weeks. It's kind of a bummer since she had so much spark last week. Len didn't like the lack of hip action. Bruno is aware Shawn's not Lady Gaga, but likes the dance. Carrie Ann doesn't want to find the next Lady Gaga (who does?) and finds the dance flawless.
Score: 27

Finally! An update on Melissa. She has a hairline fracture in her rib, an injury first sustained last week during rehearsals for the group number. She won't perform her jive, but is expected to continue on. Taking a page from the Steve-O incident, Melissa and Tony's dress rehearsal jive will be judged instead.

Melissa Rycroft & Tony Dovolani: Jive
What can you say? It's a rehearsal. It's for formality's sake. They're probably going, at most, 70 percent here, half-assing extensions and kicks. Probably the most intriguing thing about the performance is the fact that Melissa's very low-cut jeans managed to stay on. I'm surprised Tony didn't injure himself with, uh, that in front of him. The judges acknowledge the problems with "marking," when dancers go through the motions in rehearsals instead of going full-out. Tony's heartbroken. I've always been indifferent to Tony, but you have to feel for the guy here. He lost his original partner days before the premiere and thought he was out for the season. Then Melissa comes to the rescue at the last minute and they may finally win it all with him, and now she's down. Cue the sympathy votes.
Score: 21

Ty Murray & Chelsie Hightower: Salsa
Yeah, fringe is definitely the theme of the night. Chelsie's got the gold fringe going on. Ty's showing off his killer arms — and even more in that kid-sized shirt in rehearsals. Chelsie gets him to take it all off to get a spray tan. Using the bod to get the vote. Smart. The spray tan doesn't look that bad... compared to others. Of course Ty would be the only one with the most sense not to go for the Oompa Loompa look. Maybe it's the extra color, but Ty's bringing it — the best that he could. He's actually moving. In a Latin dance. I honestly didn't think he had this in him. It's spirited, vivacious and at times flirty. Who ever thought we'd see any flexibility in his back or legs? But lo and behold, here it is. Ty's still lacking in the hip department, like Shawn, though. Is there a correlation between being aw-shucks adorable and not being able to shake your hips? Carrie Ann can't stop screaming. Len admires him for hanging on, but thinks he needs to get going if he doesn't deliver in the team tango. Harsh much? I think everyone was expecting a lot worse from him and he defied expectations. Bruno starts beating... something and shows Ty how to really swivel the hips. Yowza!
Score: 24

Time for team dances! The scores will be added to their individual scores. Melissa will get the same score her teammates get added to hers.

Team Mambo: Shawn, Lacey (filling in for Melissa) and Chuck
Chuck thinks they can take it because they've got an Olympic champ and a scorned woman. You do not mess with scorned women! They are determined to one-up the Gilles toplessness. Hmm. I'm curious. Er, wow. I'm dizzy already. I don't have enough eyes for this. Nor do I really have the patience to listen to "Single Ladies" again. I know Lacey and Tony aren't getting judged, but they look hot. Shawn and Mark are next, and Shawn actually gives us some hip action, however small it may have been. Chuck is not shirtless. He does keep the loose hips, but his footwork looks pedestrian even by his standards. And then comes the clincher: All three guys strip the skirt off the single ladies (heh) and then proceed to unclothe themselves to reveal their own "Single Ladies" leotards on top of the judges' table — complete with white tights. I guess they're Saturday Night Live fans. "We're the daaancers!" That was entertaining, but (don't hate me) an unnecessary gimmick. How much rehearsal time do you think they lost plotting that? I felt for Shawn in the last sequence. Dancing the flirty mambo next to two pros didn't really help her. She did the moves, but was out of sync at points and hesitant during some movements. Len loves the solos. Bruno loves men who shop in the women's department. Paula, is that you? Carrie Ann thought the striptease was a bit much and preferred Beyonce to everyone else. Did she see Obsessed?
Score: 25

Team Tango: Kim, Gilles and Ty
Derek thinks they're the underdogs. I guess, if by underdogs, you mean Ty. Gilles wants everyone to be san-chronized. Ty talks some smack to the "sissies" in Team Mambo. Did he know about the tights? Team Tango knows to play to their strengths — both Gilles and Ty are shirtless as they cradle Kim the "Womanizer." Her solo with Derek reminded me of their paso earlier. But that could also be because I can't distinguish the two well. Or I'm probably distracted by the pleather skirt. It's a passable routine — only because she fudges the steps at the end. Ty finds a shirt to bring some solid heat and footwork. Dude is really stepping it up! Gilles, of course, brings back the sexy we've been missing the past two weeks, but he seems a bit off somehow. All in all, this is actually a pretty hot dance. It's dramatic and the end sequence is completely thrilling. Bruno calls them raptors and says they were all in sync. Carrie Ann thinks Team Tango takes it. Len thinks Ty deserves to stay. How does that foot taste, Len?
Score: 28

What did you think? Can Melissa overcome her dress-rehearsal score? More importantly, can she overcome her injury? Did the team dances live up to the hype? Can Ty finally do Latin? Who do you think will get the boot Tuesday?

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #724 on: April 28, 2009, 09:43:33 AM »
Tony's latest status on myspace...

Thanks for all your support. Melissa is raring to go for next week, help us stay in, please! Vote at until noon EST.

Thanks for the update.  I felt so bad for them last night   :'(      I usually don't vote but last night I did   :-[
I voted as many times and different ways that I could for Melissa and Tony.