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Offline mswood

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Racing Report Leg 7
« on: November 30, 2008, 04:16:31 PM »

Racing Report
Amazing Race
Season 13, Episode #7
Title:  “ My Nose Is On Fire” from Sarah
Provided Funds:  $ 21 per Dallas and Dan
Pit Stop:  12 hours
Start Date:  May 7th, 2008

Teams actually depart the Pit Stop (the Baha’i House) in the order they check-in.
1.   Nick & Starr 855am
2.   Kelly & Christy 9:02am
3.   Toni & Dallas 9:10am
4.   Terence & Sarah 9:31am
5.   Andrew & Dan 9:44am
6.   Ken & Tina 9:51

RI:  Make your way to Deshbandhu Apartments.

Teams must now make their way through the congested streets of Delhi to this sprawling apartment complex.  There they must search the complex for the central park where they’ll find their next clue.

Teams need to go to Kalkaji New Delhi 110019 and find Gate 4.

Teams arrive at the Deshbandhu apartment complex and find their next clue in the following order.
1.   Nick & Starr (hold their cab)
2.   Toni & Dallas (Arrive after Nick & Star have already left)
3.   Kelly & Christy don’t hold their cab and Toni & Dallas have already departed)
4.   Terence & Sarah (hold cab)
5.   Andrew & Dan
6.   Ken & Tina (hold cab)

Roadblock:  “Who’s ready for a colorful experience?”

A Roadblock is a task that only one person may perform.  In this Roadblock that person must take part in a traditional Indian celebration, known as the Holi Festival.

Team members must make their way to one of three ladders in this celebration, through this crowd of revelers who will be pelting each other and the racers with powdered dyes and water in the festivals tradition.

Once there, they must climb the ladder and search through hundreds of envelopes marked Try Again (Actually they say The Amazing Try Again) to identify one of only 6 marked “The Amazing Race” which will contain their next clue.

Team members ho perform this Roadblock are:

Teams complete the Roadblock in the following order:
1.   Nick & Star (yellow envelope)
When Trying to clean up Starr’s face Nick gets plastered in the face with a huge amount of pink dye.  He is now more covered then Starr.  He briefly complains, “Oh man, this sucks” but laughs it off in the taxi.
2.   Toni & Dallas (yellow envelope) 
Dallas gets hit with more dye and water then Starr, but Toni emerges without getting tagged.
3.   Terence & Sarah (yellow)
Quote by Terence:  “Who’s My Girl?”
Response by Sarah:  “You Are!  No, I am!”  OMFG, that was funny.  And Sarah, honey, I think you were right the first time.

Terence is also hit with a considerable amount of dye.  They finish the task as Andrew & Dan arrives at the site.

4.   Andrew & Dan (green envelope)
5.   Kelly & Christy (green envelope)
Kelly is immediately doused with the largest amount of dye and water.  She is a huge black and purple mess.  She doesn’t make it to the ladder before returning to Christy.   
Quote by Christy:  “This is a dreadful tradition”

On her 2nd attempt Kelly wisely (don’t get used to me saying that) a scarf and a ball cap to shield as much of her face as possible.  She makes it to the ladder, climbs up it, and blindly takes a clue back to Christy.  At this point Terence & Sarah arrive.  They open the clue to discover nothing inside it.  After Terence & Sarah are successful on their first attempt, Kelly & Christy can’t believe it and even wonder if they are doing something wrong.  Of course, they don’t check their clue.  Kelly ends up pulling at least three wrong clues.  This allows Terence & Sarah and Andrew & Dan to pass them.  After the third wrong clue, Christy finally reads the instructions.  After emerging from the task they are both covered (especially Kelly) with dye, this makes it very hard for them to hail a taxi.
6.   Ken & Tina (red envelope)
Ken plows through the crowd like they are practice dummies, as Tina gets nailed in the face with a huge amount of green dye (worst of the racers not performing the task), she is less then polite about it.

Quote:  “Bunch of morons” and “Stupid Assholes”
RI:  Head into Old Delhi and make your way to Charity Birds Hospital at Jain Mandir.

Teams must now make their way into Old Delhi and find Charity Birds Hospital.  Once in this haven for injured birds, they must search through these cages for their next clue.

Extra Info:  You are entering a temple.  And in observance of their customs you must take your shoes and socks off while inside the temple.

I love Terence in the cab ride literally spitting and blowing colored dyes out of his mouth and nose while insisting the Sarah watch.

Teams arrive at the Charity Birds Hospital passing the Speedbimp clue box in the following order:
1.   Nick & Star
2.   Toni & Dallas
3.   Terence & Sarah*
4.   Andrew & Dan
5.   Ken & Tina (but must do the Speedbump)
6.   Kelly & Christy
7.   Ken & Tina return

Nick doesn’t like walking on what might be bird droppings.

Terence thinks the clue might be under a large sheet of “Seeds”, so he has Sarah dig through it.

Teams find their clue in the following order:
1.   Nick & Starr (Starr finds the clue)
2.   Toni & Dallas (Dallas)
3.   Terence & Sarah (Terence)
4.   Andrew & Dan (Andrew)
5.   Kelly & Christy (Christy)
6.   Ken & Tina (Tina)

Detour:  Bleary Eyed or Teary Eyed

In this Detour teams have to choose between two professions seen on the streets of India.  The choice:  Bleary Eyed or Teary Eyed.

In Bleary Eyed teams make their way to this street corner (Nai Sarak) to help the department of power.  From street level teams must follow a power line keeping track of numbered tags that sporadically appear.  Then they must find this man with a sewing machine (WTF) and give him the list of numbers.  If their list is correct he’ll direct them to a shop across the street where they’ll plug in a musical Ganesha to receive their next clue.

The small numbers are easy to miss among the tangled wires and the many business advertisements, but teams with good eyes and the ability to concentrate could find the speed of their success shocking.

In Teary Eyed teams must make their way to this spice Market (Ram Bhandar) and find this stall.  Once here, they must pick up two 40lbs bags of dried chilies and deliver them on foor ¼ mile to Sharwan Kumar and Sons.  There they must use a mortar and pestle to make enough chili powder (roughly 35ozs) to fill this container to the designated line to receive their next clue.

The task seems straight forward, but close contact with these powerful chilies could be physically painful and teams betting brawns over brains could find themselves literally and figuratively burned.

Nick & Starr, Toni & Dallas, Andrew & Dan, Kelly & Christy and Ken & Tina all choose Bleary Eyed.

Terence & Sarah choose Teary Eyed.

When Ken & Tina arrive at the Charity Birds hospital they run into the Speed Bump.

Having been spared elimination at the end of the last leg, Ken & Tina have now hit a Speed Bump.  An extra task that only they must complete.

In this Speed Bump Ken & Tina must make their way to this Sahib temple and take part in a common form of community service, by volunteering to serve holy water to the patrons of the temple.  Once they have quenched the thirst of the hundreds of gathered worshippers and there are no more temple goers desiring water they’ll be able to continue the race with the hope that they are able to make up this valuable time.

Both team members must cover their heads.

They depart to Gurudwara Sisganj Sahib.  And once they have completed the detour they must return to the Charity Bird’s Hospital to restart the race.

Teams arrive at their Detour’s location in the following order:
1.   Nick & Starr*
2.   Toni & Dallas
3.   Terence & Sarah
4.   Andrew & Dan
5.   Kelly & Christy **
6.   Ken & Tina

* Nick and Starr start the Detour and eventually discover the small numbers.  They decide to restart the Detour and when they meet up with Toni & Dallas pretend to not know what they are looking for, but eventually decide to work together to complete the detour faster.

**  Kelly & Christy’s rickshaw driver gives them a guided tour of Delhi, its quite cute.  They stay in the rickshaw as they perform the detour.

Teams find the man with the sewing machine and present them their list of numbers in the following order.
1.   Nick & Starr
2.   Toni & Dallas
3.   Andrew & Dan (Thumbs Down and paper tossed aside)
4.   Kelly & Christy (Thumbs down still on the rickshaw)
5.   Andrew & Dan (Thumbs down, again)
6.   Kelly & Christy (Thumbs down again)

At this point Dan offers to work with Kelly & Christy.  They believe they both teams are last and won’t risk it.  Which isn’t a bad call.
7.   Kelly & Christy (thumbs down)
8.   Ken & Tina
Andrew & Dan asks Ken & Tina for help.  They show them what they are looking for.
9.   Andrew & Dan (Thumbs Up)
10.   Kelly & Christy (Who do figure it out themselves)

Teams plug in their Ganeshas and finish the detour in the following order.
1.   Toni & Dallas (mere seconds ahead)
2.   Nick & Starr
3.   Terence & Sarah
4.   Ken & Tina
5.   Andrew & Dan
6.   Kelly & Christy

RI: Make your way to the Pit Stop, Humayun’s Tomb.

Teams must now make their way through the crowded streets of Delhi and find this place, Humayun’s Tomb.  Built in the 16th century by the Mongol dynasty this collection of Mausoleums commemorating past emperors is the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.  The last team to check-in may be eliminated.

Route Marker:  Make your way to the next Pit Stop.
Humayun’s Tomb.

Note:  Once on the grounds search for Isa Khan’s Tomb.

Warning!  The last team to check-in may be eliminated.

As teams take cabs to the Pit Stop, we get this statement about how difficult this task was from Sarah.
Quote:  “If someone said to me right now to put cow manure on your body, it will make you feel better.  I would lather myself up with it.  That’s how much pain I’m feeling.”

And during the stressful ride for Kelly & Christy, Kendra is made proud.
Quote:  “I don’t know how people live here.  It’s quite miserable”, states Christy.

Teams check in at the Pit Stop in the following order.
1.   Nick & Starr
2.   Toni & Dallas
3.   Terence & Sarah
4.   Ken & Tina
5.   Andrew & Dan
6.   Kelly & Christy (Who are eliminated)

At the Mat we get a race first, the Indian greeter apparently had a day job to do (grounds keeper of some sort), and we see Phil calling out for him to come to the mat as teams approach.  He greets them and quickly walks off to return to work.

So Marisa & Brooke gets fondled by Phil’s Dad and poor Kelly & Christy are brushed aside for grounds keeping.

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Re: Racing Report Leg 7
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2008, 04:56:26 PM »
 :wohoo: She's catching up!!

Another nice job!!  :jumpy:
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Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg 7
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2008, 06:00:04 PM »
Yes she is.