Toni/Dallas arrive at the hotel, choose laundry.
Nick/Starr choose laundry.
Andrew/Dan arrive in 3rd.
Ken/Tina having cab issues again.
Kelly/Christy arrive in 4th. They'll all be doing laundry, apparently.
Sarah finishes.
They depart in last. They ask directions to the hotel.
In cab ... Sarah: You made me upset.
Terence: I don't want to talk about it right now.
Nick: These irons are really hot!
(Moron, they have C H A R C O A L ... lol)
Nick/Starr get gloves to use while ironing.
Ken/Tina have more cab trouble. He has to unass 200 rupees more to the crappy cabbie.
Ken: You might have just cost me 1 million, you know that?!?
Arriving in last, Tina decides to launder money. They have to get in another cab.
Kelly/Christy snark at Nick/Starr over hot ironing. (High drama in the laundry room!?)
Toni/Dallas get to the laundry in 3rd.
Kelly: Careful we don't burn each other!
Nick/Starr have 6 done.