Tina still looking as Kelly/Christy arrive.
Tina makes the sound and finds the CLUE.
Tina: Like an idiot!
Kelly/Christy finish and get the CLUE.
Woman: Welcome to Cambodia.
Phil: Nick/Starr, you're team #1. You've won a trip to St. John. (Not Newfoundland, apparently ...)
Andrew/Dan arrive at Angkor Wat in 6th.
Andrew searches for the room.
Phil: Toni/Dallas, you're team #2. Terence/Sarah, you're team #3.
Andrew makes the sound, gets the clue.
Aja/Ty finally arrive at Angkor Wat.
Ty enters.
Phil: Ken/Tina, you're team #4.
Soon thereafter ...
Phil: Kelly/Christy, you're team #5.