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Jeff Probst Gabon blog

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Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Gabon' (episode 7)

Oct 31, 2008, 06:45 AM | by Jeff Probst

 Spoiler alert! Read after the jump to check out Jeff's candid take on what went down on  last night's episode of 'Survivor: Gabon.'

Ah, man. Man. Man. Man. This blows. Ace is gone...and Dan is gone. I miss them already. Okay, we'll get to that later.

Crystal spilling the rice. Love this. Thank you, Survivor gods. Amazing how such a small moment can turn into something so big. The name of this game is "Make Sure It Ain't Me," and Crystal just gave them a reason to make it her. Only a very strong alliance saved her.

I root for Dan. In life. I know he can be annoying but it comes from a place of insecurity. It's too bad, he's a nice guy. Hopefully this adventure helped thicken his skin a bit. He's not as smart as he thinks but he's much smarter than he appears to be.

Corrine is tough. She says it like it is and sometimes that is really hard to hear. If I found myself on her tribe, I think I'd be tempted to hold her down and let the leaches have their way with her. Then again, knowing my weaknesses, I'd probably find myself in a regrettable alliance with her and end up with my throat cut but with a smile on my face.

The loved ones letters. These get to me every time. Bob and Dan were both so touched to hear from their family. It made me like them both even more. If you're reading this and thinking "I hate anything to do with loved ones," I say this: If you don't like love, what is wrong with you?

It wouldn't be an episode if Sugar didn't go to exile and didn't cry. Check both.

Matty, Matty, Matty. He's like a Billy Joel song. Wearing his heart on his sleeve. He must stay in this game a long time. Along with Kenny, Crystal, Corrine, Randy, and Sugar.

Now to tribal council. Dan had to know it was a possibility that he'd be voted out. He tried so hard. Too hard. That's what I'd offer to Dan. You're fine as you are, my friend. Don't try so hard. Just be.

As for Ace. Let's be extremely clear. Ace was blindsided. Major blindside. He doesn't want to admit it but it's true. Man, I hate to see him go. Such a delight. A great bit of Survivor casting. Ace, you delivered. You left too soon.

Next week – we finally pull one over on this group of Survivors. A small victory, but it felt so good that I want to brag about it early. I think you'll love it and you will shake your head in amazement at the "never happened before" moment that occurs as a result.

Survivor: Gabon continues...right after this.

Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Gabon' (episode 8)
Nov 7, 2008, 06:41 AM | by Jeff Probst

Deep breath. Take it in, let it out. Once more. Deeeep breath. Take it in and let it out. On the rare occasions when we manage to pull one over on the Survivors, this is the ritual I go through immediately following. I just take a moment and let it fill my soul.

This group of Survivors were certain they knew when we were going to merge and they never backed off from their prediction. They kept saying it at tribal council. They'd gloat about it at challenges. "You always merge on the same day, Probst. It's not hard to predict." I kept my wits about me knowing they were off. Barely off, mind you, but off enough that we knew it was gonna bite them in the ass.

We set it up so it looked like a traditional merge feast. They bought it hook, line, and sinker. I think the key to it all was the box that said, "Open after you have finished the feast." They were certain it contained their merge buffs. They were wrong.

We strategically placed the hidden immunity idol note so that it was visible enough that someone would see it but not so visible that everyone would see it. We obviously had no idea where anyone would sit but we hoped that maybe someone would be able to sneak it out without anyone else noticing. What happened instead was better than we could have ever hoped for! They find the a group...and then the unthinkable happens.

Marcus convinces the group to get rid of the idol.

He convinced an entire group of million-dollar seeking contestants to get rid of the one thing that can help them win the money. Amazing. For that single achievement alone, Marcus deserves some kind of special Survivor recognition. Some kind of a trophy that says "special achievement." It's the kind of recognition you get when you don't win, but you did "really good." Yes, I know the correct phrase is "really well," but in Kansas we say "good."

At this point you can be sure that Marcus, Corinne, Charlie, and Randy, along with Susie and Bob, are certain they have this game locked. A merge is next, they have the numbers and it's over for the remaining Fang members. Screeeeeeeeeech. Not quite.

No merge. Another switch. The good news for Kota is that they still have the numbers on both tribes. Things are still looking good for them. Fang is in trouble. Matty and Sugar are all alone on one tribe. Crystal and Kenny are all alone on the other.

The only chance Fang appears to have at this point is to get someone to switch over. Susie and Bob seem most likely, only because they appear to be on the bottom of the totem pole. But getting someone to switch from a strong alliance is very difficult to do. People often forget to play to WIN, and instead they play safe.

Kenny, Crystal, Matty, and Sugar are definitely in a hole.

I love that Corinne and Sugar are on the same tribe. Sweet and sour always makes for a tasty treat. Corinne hates Sugar. Sugar thinks Corinne is evil. This is going to be fantastic.

Another immunity challenge and another absolute disappointment for Crystal. I will give you some insight, a bit of behind the scenes. Whenever we start a challenge in which people must do some certain thing for a long time, I always give them five seconds to get themselves situated and then I officially begin the challenge. Crystal could not hold onto those poles for even five seconds. She kept trying but was literally unable to hold these extremely light poles for five seconds. After a few attempts I finally said, "Crystal, the next time we do this, the challenge will begin the second I say go and you're on your own. I can't give you any more chances." She lasted less than a few seconds. I feel for Crystal because there is a certain expectation of an Olympic gold medalist, and I'm sure she wants to scream out, "I'm a sprinter! I'm not great at everything." Fair enough. But come on! I mean seriously, come on! My niece Amanda isn't even 10 years old and she would have outlasted you! Even my younger niece Abby would have done better. It's just unfortunate for her because it's starting to make people question the gold medal more than Ace's accent. I like Crystal but it's hard to defend. Anyway, it came down to Bob and Matty, and Matty won.

Side note: Bob starting to grow on you? He is on me. He's consistent and he stays out of the way. Great strategy. Nobody is thinking about Bob at all. He's no dummy. He knows exactly what he's doing. Go, Maine. I love Maine. It's getting cold in Maine right about now. Shout out to Les and Judy! What up!

Tribal Council awaits...and in one of the biggest blindsides yet...Susie turns on her tribe. Marcus is gone. A complete shocker. The game has just flipped and Susie is now a major player.

Teaser for next episode...just wait until Corinne gets her first look at the new Kota. Marcus voted out at the last tribal council. She is gonna blow.

Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Gabon' (episode 9)
Nov 14, 2008, 06:32 AM | by Jeff Probst!

 No need to bury the lead. One of my favorite moments of the entire season happened about seven minutes into this episode. Corrine's reaction to Marcus being voted out. It was almost as good as waiting for Santa to come.

First the Macaulay Culkin "hands to the face" reaction made famous in Home Alone and then the verbal response that revealed the rest of her truth: "I'm pissed. He didn't deserve to leave the game."

Which prompted Kenny's very fair question, "Who does?"

This is why we are still on the air and why I still love hosting Survivor after 17 seasons. Human nature. It is nearly impossible to hide our true selves, especially in times of conflict.

"He didn't deserve to leave the game." Only seven words. But judging from Kenny's clenched jaw reaction, those seven words might have just sealed Corrine's fate. Charlie was less upset and less vocal, and you saw what happened to him. Gone.

I fully admit that it is sooooo easy for me to backseat drive. I'm not playing this game, living in the middle of Africa on nothing, my mind overloaded with strategy, wondering who I can trust, dealing with those annoying bug bites and having an obnoxious host up in my face all the time.

And hey, I'd be "pissed" too if they took out my ally. Marcus was good. Too good to let stay in the game. Corrine, Charlie, and Marcus had a real shot at going to the end and if so, Marcus wins hands down. He was that good. So I fully lay down and concede that I don't think I could hack this game, and as I have said hundreds of time, I have the utmost respect for anybody who raises their hand to endure this thing called Survivor. Now that I've cleared my's time to get back to lipping off.

Corrine, it's just a thought, but when you sense the horse is going in a different direction, it might be wise to lessen your hold on the reins and let the horse guide the way. This horse is definitely going in a different direction and the person sitting in the saddle is Kenny. Kenny is...the new kid in town.

Watching Kenny come of age is reality's version of watching great Shakespeare. He's maturing from a young man into a leader...and in this game that means he may soon gain the throne. Ah, but if he gets too cocky, the gods will descend and a beheading is soon to follow. Watch yourself Kenny. A healthy dose of humility could help win you a million dollars.

I have to share a story about the golf challenge. There was much debate between the creative team about whether this challenge was going to provide enough drama. We just weren't sure, so we were hoping we might catch a break and get some really great reality during the challenge and as Survivor luck would have it, we did.

Thank you, Randy, for being so pushy, and thank you, Matty, for pushing back. "No, you can't do it, Randy." Love that moment. If you were paying close attention, Randy was absolutely right in what he was saying. "Just hold it over the hole and drop it." Ah, but once again human nature takes over, and Matty couldn't see straight to save his life.

Personally, I'm just so glad I'm perfect and have no issues whatsoever to deal with. I'm kidding. And while I'm at it, yes I read the comments you leave at, and yes, I know many of you think "Probst sucks." Whatever.

Man I love this blogging. Cheapest therapy yet.

Then there is the reward where once again, more human nature revealed itself. Corrine smiled! Corrine took the hand of a small child! Dare I say, Corrine loved!! Let them eat cake!! She has a heart! She is human! Yeah! And when Corrine smiles, I am reminded, Corrine is pretty damn attractive.

The merge – finally. Nuff said.

Question: How often has being eliminated in a challenge or at tribal council come down to making fire? Well, I don't know the exact number,'s a lot! I promise you if I was going to be on this show I would make certain I could make fire while blindfolded, untying knots, and solving a puzzle, 'cause that's what we do on Survivor! REI sells flint for five bucks! Order online and you don't even have to leave your house!

My final observation: Bob should work in the Survivor art department because the fake immunity idol he made is incredible. Truly beautiful. Still not exactly sure how he pulled it off but there had to be a bit of smelting going on and I don't even know what smelting means! His students back home in Maine should be proud! "Ole teach" is working it and the merge has given Bob new life!

Next time on...Survivor. One of the best episodes of the season. No hype. Pure truth.


Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Gabon' (episode 10)

Nov 21, 2008, 07:30 AM | by Jeff Probst

 After tonight's episode ended, I called Doc Horowitz and said, "I gotta get in to see you. I think something is wrong with me. I think I'm losing my edge. Going soft. Can you run a test or something, see what's what?"

He asked me for my symptoms.

I said, "I felt badly for Randy getting played at tribal council like a banjo at a small town country fair. (Yes, I know, bad analogy and small town and country fair are probably redundant.)

Recognizing the severity of my condition, he immediately cancelled his morning appointments to squeeze me in. I'm waiting on the results.

In the meantime, I try to make sense of it all. Randy is a bitter man with a ton of enemies, and he had this coming like a kid who sticks a fork in a toaster. (Was that one any better?) He deserved what he got like Survivor deserves an Emmy.

So why did I feel bad? Maybe there is just something about Randy that I can relate to and sympathize with. Oh, he will hate me saying it like that.

My friend Serena thinks the answer lies with Sugar and the way she handled herself as I read the votes. "Not cool." (I think she might be right. Serena is almost always right.) That uncontrollable laugh that came from such a deep place inside Sugar was so uncomfortable that I almost wanted to pull the votes out, rearrange them, rewind the tape, and vote Sugar out. Ah, but that's just me. Me and Serena that is...Me and Serena sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.

I will say this - it was brilliantly played from top to bottom, and I do appreciate that level of execution. Bob deserves major credit. He built an amazing fake idol, and he played both Corinne and Randy so well. Didn't rush it, wasn't pushy. He was subtle. Subtle like the feather of an eagle falling softly to the ground. (Worse?)

Corinne on the other hand is equally as mean as Randy but I don't find myself rooting for her in any way. She is an original. I will give her that. Not sure we've ever had anybody on the show quite like Corinne. Corinne is as subtle as a thunderstorm. Subtle as the look I give a Survivor when they want to quit. Subtle as, I know, a Probst analogy.

Jerri Manthey can't hold a candle to Corinne. Jerri had some likable qualities about her, Corinne has none. Just ask her. She'll tell you the same thing.

By the way, (which is, by the way, one of the phrases that most annoys me because everyone in Hollywood uses it as a way to alert you they're about to say something brilliant) all this stuff about me being attracted to Corinne really surprised me. Here's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I felt like I had been beating up on Corinne for so long that when I saw her smile on the last episode I figured I'd say at least one nice thing.

Fittingly, Corinne probably hated that I said it in the first place. But just so we are clear, I have no interest in dating Corinne. I do not have the hots for Corinne. I don't think about Corinne. I like nice women. Done. Enough already.

The Survivor Auction. Food wise, Randy was the clear winner and provoked a wonderful 5th-grade argument with Sugar about a cookie, and of course Sugar had to get the last word, and did when she took the cookie and gave it to Matty. So there. Whatcha gonna do about it? Serena likes Sugar but thinks she gets it wrong every single time at tribal council.

I'm a little confused about the auction – it's the one point in the show where we give the Survivors free money and then let them bid on food items and the like. So...why was it so bitter?

Sugar hates Randy. Randy hates Sugar. Corinne hates Sugar. Sugar hates Corinne. Thank god everybody likes Bob. At least there's one person to root for.

I'll tell you this: If it keeps up it's going to be an amazing bloodbath toward the end.

I absolutely love watching Kenny get more and more cocky each week. At the auction for instance, Matty is bidding on the burger and fries and Kenny, who had the most money, shrugs his shoulders and says, "You can have it." Like Tony Soprano, this kid. I can't wait for the execution. I promise you if he keeps this attitude, it will happen and he will not see it coming.

Okay, so to recap, which Serena loves for me to do...

I'm concerned about my soft spot for Randy, not interested in Corinne, can't wait for Kenny to get his comeuppance, enjoyed the 5th grade cookie argument, and love Bob.

Now to answer a few questions from last week:

Regarding a Final 3 vs. a Final 2: Our main concern is to make sure we keep the show interesting, so we vary it from season to season as we see fit. There are strong arguments on both sides, and I promise you whichever side you take, I will take the other side and defeat you. I love debate.

To Penny P – uh...the reason I started saying "FANG" instead of "FONG" is because the tribe changed their name. Pay attention.

Finally, regarding the "same lines" I say every week, such as: "Come on in guys," "Wanna know what you're playing for?" "Immunity is back up for grabs," etc....

1. Yes, I write everything I say. Blame me.
2. Yes, I'm aware I say them every time. That's the joke. Hello.

That's it. I'm done.


 :hearts: I love Jeff's blogs, glad he takes the time to write them


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