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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2008, 12:21:51 PM »

Big Brother 10: Finale Ramblings

Big Brother 10 ended last night with the most deserving player taking home the large cash prize.  Fans seem to be pleased with the season as a whole.  I can honestly say that I haven't enjoyed a season this much since Big Brother: All-Stars, and I only liked that season because of Dr. Will Kirby's presence.  Similarly, Dan was what made Big Brother 10 enjoyable.  Without him, I'm not sure what would have happened.  Memphis certainly wouldn't have made it as far as he did.  It might have turned into the Renny and Keesha show.  After a night to mull everything over, I have some lingering thoughts about the finale, which can be found below in ramble form.

As much as I enjoyed seeing Jerry squirm and Ollie awkwardly laugh away his embarrassment last night, it was probably a little unfair of CBS to put them on the spot during a live show.  Jerry might have deserved public ridicule for his actions, but he's an old guy, and there's no need to kick a man while he's down.  I think that CBS should have given Jerry a more realistic edit, showing America that he was actually kind of a jerk to his fellow houseguests, and not the sweet old man the network wanted him to be.  But, still, outing him without his prior knowledge during a live broadcast was an ambush.  It was deserved, but unnecessary.

April either did a great job of covering up her bitterness, or found some perspective while in the sequester house.  She didn't seem bitter at all when Keesha won that $25,000 prize.  She even complimented Keesha during the jury questions for how strong a player she was.  It's likely that the two talked their differences out once Keesha arrived in sequester.  I imagine it would be hard, even for April, to continue hating a person like Keesha, who isn't remotely hatable.

This theory, that April came around in the jury house, could possibly be the main culprit in the jury's unanimous vote for Dan.  If April did indeed take off her Keesha-hating blinders, she would have wised up to the fact that Dan was the deserving winner.  If this is the case, then Ollie and Michelle would have taken a cue from April, hence their votes for Dan.

I think Big Brother should hold their final jury vote in the same way Survivor does.  Have the jury questioning, then force the jury to vote immediately afterwards.  This way, the jury members aren't given a day to talk it over and come to a consensus.  The jury questioning would become much more important.  A juror can go into the questioning leaning one way, be convinced to go a different way, and have to make that decision solely on their own.  The way it works now, the jurors can discuss their votes prior to the live finale and get a feel for how it'll all shake out.  If you're in the minority, then it makes sense that you'd change your vote and cast it for who will be the eventual winner.  It'd make everything a little more exciting.

Renny loves attention, and loves stealing camera time.  That woman should host some sort of ridiculous talk show.  Maybe a cooking show or a Martha Stewart type home living program.

I think Memphis was really, really surprised that he didn't at least receive a couple of votes.

Possible Amazing Race teams culled from Big Brother 10:  Renny/Keesha, Dan/Memphis, April/Ollie

People best suited for Survivor: Keesha (think bikinis), Dan (master gamesman) and Ollie (inability to swim)

Is Jessie really that narcissistic?  Did he genuinely thank America for keeping him in their thoughts when America clearly wanted him out of the house?

Finally, can we stop this charade and get ourselves a new host for Big Brother 11?  Maybe someone who brings something to the table, other than a black hole of charisma?

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2008, 12:37:20 PM »
The Renegades and their blown-up checks

Monica, Dan's mom and sister, Kelly

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2008, 01:38:06 PM »

Big Brother 10: Season in Review

Big Brother 10 concluded proving that no matter what you do throughout the season, in the end good game play really is the best way to win the jury's heart.  And so it wrapped up just as it should have, with Dan, the best player in the house, taking home the $500,000 prize.

Big Brother 10 had more to offer than just Dan. Looking back on the season, we came across some colorful personalities, including Jerry, who joined Big Brother as his "last hurrah."  The old man wasn't really a great social player but he entertained us with quite a few of his antics and was able to reach the final 3.  Sneeze and booger, anyone?  There's also Ollie and April, who added a whole new level to the word “showmance,” Renny, who humored viewers by showing off her impersonation skills, and Libra, who smothered the house with her motherly instinct.  These are just a few of the 13 houseguests that entered the Big Brother house this season.  But since season 10 has been tagged as the season of the Renegades, I'd like to focus this review on Dan.

So how did Dan become one of the great all-time players of Big Brother?

Dan's Big Brother journey started on thin ice.  He was good friends with Brian, who became the first houseguest evicted.  Because of his alliance with Brian, he was nominated by Jessie in week 2 but survived the eviction.  Then he took the offer as he was voted as America's Player in week 4 for the chance at $20,000.  As America's Player, he was tasked to get Jessie nominated, hug Jessie for 10 seconds, and vote for Jessie in the eviction ceremony.  Luckily, he succeeded in all three.

Despite constant attacks from Jerry, who referred to Dan as Judas and accused him of "hiding behind his cross," Dan was able to focus on his game play and by week 6, won the Power of Veto (PoV).  Subsequently, he won Head of Household (HoH) and nominated Michelle as a replacement when Memphis took himself off the block, after turning on a deal made with Ollie, who then trashed items in the house and directed homophobic slurs toward Dan and Memphis.

During the double eviction episode, Dan won PoV but opted not to use it on either Jerry or Ollie who were nominated at the time.  The following week, however, Jerry nominated Dan and Keesha for eviction but Dan was able to survive it yet again as Memphis won PoV and used it on Dan.  Jerry replaced Dan with Renny, who was sent home that week.

By week 9, Dan won HoH again, making him the third person to win HoH twice.  Moreover, he won the luxury competition in which he opted to take a jury member he most grievously wronged in the form of Michelle, rather than a houseguest.  This was a very good move since it gave him the opportunity to sway her vote.  Afterwards, Dan won the final HoH, becoming the first person in season 10 to win the position three times.  He forged a solid alliance with Memphis, whom he took to the finale.

Dan took risks and got sympathy to come his way, and in the end, became the only winner in Big Brother history to win by a unanimous vote.

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2008, 02:17:36 PM »

Dan runs away with ‘Big Brother 10’ crown
Catholic school teacher first contestant to win all seven jury votes

He might have a lot of sins to confess when he next goes to Mass, but Catholic school teacher Dan Gheesling has 500,000 reasons for not feeling guilty about his actions on "Big Brother" this season.

Gheesling was voted the runaway winner of the show's 10th season on Tuesday, becoming the first player ever to win all seven jury votes and the half-million dollar prize. Mixologist Memphis Garrett came in second, taking home $50,000.

The victory capped a strong performance for the 24-year-old Catholic school teacher. He won Head of Household (HoH) three times, made agreements with and blatantly betrayed a pair of jury members, and had far more blood on his hands than Garrett in earning a spot in the final two despite being a target from the opening week.

Garrett never won an HoH and admitted to throwing some of the competitions to avoid the perils of power. Instead, he counted on his likability and under-the-radar style to overcome Gheesling's more obvious game-playing, and at one point he had deals with three of the remaining four houseguests agreeing to take them to the finale.

It was difficult to tell from the jury questioning who had the edge, since each of the seven voters seemed to dislike both of the finalists and considered them responsible for their eviction. Which, of course, they were, since that's how the game is played.
But Keesha Smith and Renny Martyn, who were allied with the duo before being voted off the show, were both vocal in their dislike for Garrett and their respect for Gheesling's game-playing abilities. Gheesling also worked hard to earn the vote of Michelle Costa after arranging her eviction earlier in the season.

Gheesling agreed to protect Costa and Bryan "Ollie" Ollie in exchange for Ollie's throwing an HOH challenge in his favor, but instead engineered Costa's eviction, with Ollie being the next to go. After both were sent packing from the Big Brother house, he selected Costa to accompany him on a private beach trip he won while in the house both to atone for his betrayal and to lobby for her vote.

That proved successful. He also managed to win over 75-year-old Jerry MacDonald, who called Gheesling a "Judas" at several points during the season for breaking his word. April Dowling and Libra Thompson completed the sweep.

Smith also emerged as a winner on the season finale. The Hooters waitress earned the $25,000 prize for being America's favorite jury member.

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2008, 02:27:17 PM »
Keesha's boyfriend JJ posted this bulletin message on myspace:

 Good Morning BB10 and Keesha Fans...

I am talking a real good morning... I just wanted to say you guys "Rock"...

To every one that voted... She wonnn .....

We plan just to relax...

You should see her and Gimzo.... By the way things are looking good I mean Real good for Keesha's and my future...

Once again.. to the people you know who you are,,, It will take a few days but I will tell Keesha about every one of you.. and what you did

Thank You..


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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2008, 11:00:21 PM »
Dan will be making a guest appearance on The Bonnie Hunt Show tomorrow (Thursday 9/18) at 2 PM eastern time

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2008, 11:02:08 PM »

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How Big Brother 10's Dan Talked His Way to $500,000
by Adam Bryant
Dan Gheesling, winner of Big Brother 10
After a long summer of manipulation, betrayal and all the other underhanded adjectives that go along with Big Brother, Catholic school teacher Dan Gheesling was crowned the game's winner by a 7-0 vote from his evicted peers. We caught up with him to learn his plans for the cash after besting his "Renegade" ally, what he believes was the defining moment of his game (which might surprise you), how he really feels about Keesha and when he'll be heading to confession. Congratulations! What are your plans for the $500,000?
DanGheesling: It's very overwhelming. I do have some plans, but I'm not sure how immediate they will be. My girlfriend Monica is probably going to be getting a gift that fits on her left ring finger, but when that's going to happen, we still need to talk about. Other than that, it will probably be some smart investments. I want to stay in teaching and coaching, so if I invest well, I should be able to do that without worrying about my financial future. Nothing too extravagant for me — I'm a straightforward Midwest guy and don't need a lot. But having that kind of money is unbelievable. You obviously had fan support — you won America's Player and were always at the top of our reader Power Rankings. But did you have any idea you would win over the jury for a 7-0 vote?
Dan: [Laughs] No way. I thought it was going to be either Memphis or me in a 4-3 win. A 7-0 vote is overwhelming. I thought I had Keesha and Renny, and I thought Jerry and Libra would definitely vote for Memphis, which left the game for April, Ollie and Michelle to decide. It was all up in the air, and I had no idea what they would do. For it to work out the way it did, I was just as shocked as anyone. When did you decide that it was the right moment to stop playing "weak"?
Dan: I needed to wait for a challenge that I knew I could win. When I looked at April winning the earthquake challenge, she impressed a lot of people. So, I knew if I was going to win an endurance challenge, I had to pick my mark, and I did when I got up on that vine. Plus, I had just won the veto right before that. Once you win competitions, there's no turning back, so I knew I had to pick something that I could control my own will. Luckily I was able to talk good ol' Ollie into dropping. You're head whipped around a couple of times at Memphis during the jury interrogation. What were you most shocked to learn about your fellow Renegade?
Dan: I found out a couple things about him on the trip with Michelle — mostly that he had an alliance with Michelle. I felt like that was the case, but it was never really proven. He also told me that the banner said "We Love Libra" not "Libra's a Liar," so he did pull some Dan-like antics on me with that one. Other than that, Memphis was very loyal, and I found a best friend in the house. So you never doubted him in the game?
Dan: Memphis never really had a chance to prove himself to me until he won that veto. I was like, "Alright, it's time to find out if the Renegades are for real or not." So when he used that veto on me and took me off the block, I knew there was no stopping us unless we got unlucky. We did get lucky a couple times, but when he used the veto, I knew we had a shot to take it to the end. When he took you off, he then evicted alliance member Keesha. Did he know how much of a bad guy you were making him out to be in Keesha's mind?
Dan: I talked to Memphis and told him I was going to have to throw him under the bus. But I don't think he realized I was going to throw him under the bus, run him over, put in reverse and keep running him over back and forth. That's exactly what I did, and I had to take that opportunity. When he voted Keesha out, that was my glimmer of hope to win — prior to that I didn't think I had a chance. Explain your gift to Keesha on her way out the door.
Dan: I gave two people gifts when they left the house, two people I cared for deeply. I gave Brian something when left, and I gave Keesha this duck that I confiscated from the house on Day 1. I wanted her to look at something that would remind her of me everyday and remind her to fight for those votes for me. The meaning on the bottom was harmless and just something I threw out there. But basically, it was a token to remind her of me and to fight for me to win. Do you think Monica sent you that "Taken" shirt because she saw you and Keesha flirting on the feeds?
Dan: [Laughs] I had a long talk with Monica last night about the entire experience, and there were a few questions about Keesha. But everything is good on the homefront. She knows Keesha and I are just tremendous friends. I think the world of Keesha, and I wish her the best of everything, but we're just friends. Obviously, the big moment for you was backdooring Michelle because you said she was strong. But we only saw her win one competition. Was it actually more to get in Ollie's head?
Dan: It was a definite combination of both. When Michelle was in that competition with April, she hung up there for what seemed like days. She proved to a lot of people that in a test of will's Michelle is going to win, and that scared a lot of people, me included. I knew if she got to the end, she'd be fighting tooth and nail and could probably beat me. She was strong in competitions, not so much in manipulating people, but she would've been tough to beat down the line. As for Ollie, he stabbed me and Brian in the back in Week 1, and I told Brian I would take out Ollie and Jerry for him. It's a game, and what goes around comes around. You told the jury you did that to ensure that you were disliked so Memphis would take you to the end. I smell some teacher Dan rhetoric.
Dan: [Laughs] Did you ever see me work any rhetoric in the house? I didn't do that kind of stuff in the house, did I? [Laughs] I knew I pushed the limits of that roulette game a little too far. I got a little borderline overconfident, and I knew I had to put a strategic spin on it, and lucky for me it worked. I always prepared in the house, whether it was for competitions or speeches, and this was no different. I was able to cover my tracks a little because I did get out of hand, but luckily I had a chance to redeem myself in the eyes of the jury. You said you would play the game dirty if you had to and then go to confession. So, when's confession?
Dan: [Laughs] I talked to the powers that be at St, Mary's early this morning to make sure I still have a job, which I do. The chancellor is supporting me, and I just set up my three-hour confession time with him as soon as I get back to Michigan. It's going to be a long one, but I have a lot of support at St. Mary's. They said, "Is it a sin to bluff in poker and is it a sin to trap someone in chess? If it is, then Dan's a sinner, but if not, he was just playing a game." And that meant the world to me.

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2008, 12:30:19 AM »
Dan and Memphis on HouseCalls

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #33 on: September 18, 2008, 12:39:00 AM »
Thanks Will!

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #34 on: September 18, 2008, 12:42:31 AM »
Dan's interview with

EW talked to Dan Gheesling, the 25-year-old Catholic school teacher from Michigan and quite possibly the nicest winner in Big Brother history, about his landslide victory, his thoughts about Jerry and what his girlfriend Monica asked him once the show was over.(Catch Josh Wolk's Big Brother finale recap here.)

What did you think of the unanimous vote in your favor? Who did you think was the least likely to vote for you on the jury?
Man I was hoping to get four votes … maybe. But 7-0, wow, what a phenomenal feeling. I thought Keesha and Renny were solid but the others were up in the air. I thought Jerry and Libra would vote for Memphis and April, Ollie and Michelle would decide the game. I think this is a first in Big Brother history. (Editor’s note: He’s right. It is. Even the Big Brother master, Dr. Will, had two votes against him in season 2.)

We saw your girlfriend Monica hug you at the end. Did she think you acted like a good boy?
Monica was pretty supportive but I had some questions to answer. One had to do with my sharing a place to sleep with Keesha. I assured Monica that I built a wall of pillows between us and put a picture of Monica on top of the pillow wall. I told Monica it was for game play. Any girl would hate to see her boyfriend in bed with a girl as beautiful and charming and nice as Keesha, but we were just friends.

There was speculation in the house that you were America’s player. Did that last for long?
I had to fight that off every second thanks to one woman: Libra. She started the America’s Player conspiracy. It went on constantly. I always had to battle it. (Editor’s note: Dan was America’s player for one week, and won $20,000 for it.)

It’s all over now Dan, so you can say it. Who was really a vile person in the house?
You’re trying to get me in trouble here! How about we say who was the most un-clean? The person with the least amount of personal hygiene was Jerry, but we still loved him. At 75 he doesn’t need to wash his hands anymore.

Was it just us or were you always yelling to the camera in the diary room? Are you just a loud talker?
I tried to be very inconspicuous, very calm, in the house. I’m very calm as a teacher. But after school as a coach I like to get fired up. So in the diary room I’d like to coach up America. That was my chance. I took it and ran with it.

Let’s go back and talk about specific things in the house. I have to start with what you said at the start of the game … that you think a trip to confession will help wipe the slate clean. Dude, really? Are you gonna go? And what on earth will you say?
Without a doubt, I’ve already spoken to the powers at be back at St. Mary’s and arranged a three-hour confession. Part of being Catholic is that you’re not supposed to lie and manipulate, but that’s what you have to do to win. The St. Mary community was behind me 100 percent. I didn’t want to be seen fighting or dropping f-bombs. I didn’t want the kids (back at school) losing their temper, and they never saw me do that. I played Big Brother the best that I could. I stayed within the confines of the rules, though there are no rules in Big Brother.

Let’s talk about Jerry’s Judas comment. Were you hurt by that or were you more hurt by the implication that Jessie, of all people, represented Jesus in that scenario?
Neither was offensive. It was like water running off my back. I never let it pull me in. I knew what they were trying to do, but it was not worth getting into personal fight over religion. I was focused on the game.

Jerry was in your face a lot. Did he scare you?
No, Jerry’s a big teddy bear. He’s still is tough man, though, who could beat me in a fight.

Can we go back to that HOH competition when Michelle won and we heard Jerry trash-talking you in the background? Do you remember all the crap he said?
When Michelle won, it felt like Jerry won. He was in my face, pointing his finger in my face saying 'don’t hide behind the cross,' blah blah blah. He got so fired up and made it so personal, but I never did anything to him in the game. I voted Jessie out, not Jerry. He acted like I took shots at him but I never put him in harm's way but he took things so personally.

Now let’s talk about when you won against Ollie. We at home were pretty suspicious that you were the only one wearing a hooded jacket during what turned out to be a very wet challenge. Ollie said he was half-nude. How is it possible you knew to wear a jacket?
I’m been waiting for this question. In this game, it’s not about being bigger or stronger, it’s about being smarter. I knew we hadn’t done an endurance competition yet with any kind of liquid, so I decided why not wear a jacket to be prepared? Sometimes I carry out a long sleeve shirt and throw it aside if I don’t need it. This was the one case where I got lucky with it. There was a lot of speculation that producers told me to wear it. Being a Big Brother fan I was suspicious about how involved the producers were, but there was no funny business. No one told me to wear a jacket.

What are you going to do with the money and please don't say you’re going to give it to charity.
Here’s what I’m going to do. Some time in the near future I’m going to buy Monica a gift to fit on her ring finger. Other than that I may invest it. I’ll stay at St. Mary’s and continue the job I love. I may even set up a college scholarship for Big Brother alumni -- but only for the non-winners because the winners won’t need it.

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #35 on: September 18, 2008, 12:58:55 AM »
Angie, Brian, Steven, Josh & Sharon did a photo shoot today with The Real's a few

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #36 on: September 18, 2008, 01:09:46 AM »
Here's a few more pics posted by James BB6/7 from last night

Ashley, Angie and Monica

Dan's sister, Kelly, James, Ashley, Angie, Monica and Chelsia

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #37 on: September 18, 2008, 01:27:26 AM »
here's a few more by The Real Deal photo shoot

« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 01:30:29 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #38 on: September 18, 2008, 01:49:58 AM »
Dan's phone interview with The Detroit News...

Dan's the man.

Dearborn's Dan Gheesling just won the 10th season of "Big Brother," walking away with a cool $500,000 in prize money on Tuesday's season finale of the CBS reality show.

Now, the 25-year-old biology and physical education teacher at Orchard Lake St. Mary's Preparatory, where he's also assistant coach of the varsity football team, faces the arduous task of catching up with life after spending his summer inside the "Big Brother" house on the CBS lot in Los Angeles, where he was totally isolated from the outside world for the past 10 weeks.

During a phone interview on Wednesday, The Detroit News had the misfortune of informing Gheesling about the deaths of Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes, as well as the ouster of Kwame Kilpatrick from his office as mayor of Detroit.

And while we could have rubbed in the fact that we've seen "The Dark Knight" multiple times -- something Gheesling said he's been waiting to do for weeks -- we chose to let him off the hook easy on that one.

Here's what Gheesling -- smooth talker, slick character and ardent Michigan booster -- had to say about his game play, his future plans, and whether he'd ever consider returning to the "Big Brother" house.

What was your strategy going in? Did you know you were going to come in and throw a bunch of competitions?

No. To tell you the truth, I've been a student of the game. I studied a lot. And I decided going in to the house with a strategy is really presumptuous. Because in past "Big Brother" seasons, you don't know what they're going to throw at you, so to go in there and say you're going to do this, this, and this, there's too many variables there, the biggest variable being the houseguests. I was very confident I could win until I stepped foot in the house. Then I see all these huge, tough, physical competitors, a couple master manipulators, and some strong-willed athletes. And then there's me, the 5-foot-9-inch, 150-pound teacher from Michigan. So I had to reassess almost week-by-week in the house, and when I got in some trouble in week one, I had to reassess and play possum for awhile.

So between the time you're told you're going to be on the show and when you enter the house, is there anything you can do to prepare?

"Big Brother" keeps their secrets much like the FBI or the Secret Service. I did search all the message boards, everything online, because I'm trying to go into this thing with whatever kind of advantage that I can, but I couldn't find anything. The only thing I found was the number of houseguests, but that really doesn't tell you much.

Watching past seasons, would you say to yourself, 'Oh, I would have played it this way, or I would have done this differently?'

Yeah, definitely. Being a big fan, I ran through a lot of scenarios in my head of how I would have done things. But until you're thrown in that house with 12 other crazy people, you don't know exactly how you're going to play it.

As a fan, what did you like about the show?

When I was a sophomore in high school at Dearborn Divine Child, I was just enamored by the fact that you put these people in a house, and it wasn't about necessarily how strong you were or how smart you were, it's how could you maneuver your way through this house of people who were trying to kick you out. It's kind of like "Survivor," but in a house.

Who are some of your favorite players from past seasons?

I modeled my game after Will and Mike Boogie (from "Big Brother 2"), and built it from there. Here's the thing: Some of these houseguests had seen maybe one season or hadn't seen any seasons at all, and it's like going into an exam. I tell my students you need to study for a test, and "Big Brother" was like an examination for me, and I had nine full seasons I could study going into the house.

How did you cram?

I looked at some big time things. The good thing about "Big Brother" is a lot of the episodes are on the Internet, right on the CBS web site, and I would go back and watch a season at a time. Make no bones about it, it wasn't easy. Who wants to sit in front of a computer 30 hours and study? I didn't do it 30 hours at a time, but I'd do 5 hours here, 5 hours there.

How many weeks did you have between the time you found out you were going to be on the show and when you packed your bags?

I had about two days. The whole casting process took a couple months. The one thing I would like to say about the casting process, my family and some of my friends were disappointed with how I came off on the pre-show, the interviews, my bio on the Web site and whatnot, but I've tried to make it known that I started playing the game during the casting process. They weren't going to put an average-looking, 5-foot-9-inch, not-built kid on the show unless there's something controversial about it. So when "Big Brother" would ask me questions in casting, I was playing the game right there. I gave them the answers they wanted to hear, whether I believed them or not, at the sake of my reputation. And luckily, I was in the house long enough so people know I'm not like I was in those interviews.

What is the most important thing that happened in the house that allowed you to win?

On a game level, obviously making the alliance with Memphis was huge. I was in a position where I could give him a vote, but I didn't want to give him a vote for free, basically. So we started the alliance and it worked out. But on a personal level, you win HOH (Head of Household) and you get all these personal artifacts from home. You get a letter, you get a picture of your family, and that really kind of pushed me through because being locked up in the house, you're basically dead. You don't see your family, you don't hear from them. So to get just a little piece of home was very helpful.

The "Judas" comment. How did you feel about it then, and how do you feel about it now? (In the house, 75-year-old Jerry MacDonald called Gheesling "Judas" for his backstabbing ways.)

I feel the exact same way. When it came out of his mouth it was like water rolling off my back. In this game, people got so personal and so blinded by their emotions that they lost. And if you look at the things I did, no matter what I was called, whether it was being Catholic and being called Judas or whatnot, I never let it personally bother me because I knew that would distract me from winning this game.

What are your plans now? What do you plan on doing with the money?

My girlfriend has a present coming, and it's probably going to fit on her left ring finger.

Is there any timetable you're working on for that?

No, no timetable. My head's still spinning, and I haven't even slept since I found out I won. But the other thing, teaching in Michigan at Orchard Lake St. Mary's, you know you're not going to get rich doing that. And I'm not looking to get rich. However, now that I've won this money, I can probably stay at St. Mary's the rest of my life because that's what I want to do. I just need to make some smart investments, and who knows, you may see me coaching the Eaglets when (Orchard Lake St. Mary's varsity football) Coach (George) Porritt steps down one of these days.

That's funny you mention Orchard Lake St. Mary's, you gave no indication on the show that you had any affiliation with them.

I guess you missed the T-shirt I wore every day? (Laughs.) That's the other thing I kept in the back of my mind: The fact that I love my job and I don't want to lose it. To me, winning the half million dollars was not worth losing the respect of the students that I taught. I figured I could pull off the fact that I'm playing a game and I lied for that reason, but I couldn't pull that off if I got in any verbal arguments or raunchy conversations. I knew I couldn't do that. And that's not my personality anyways.

If you were to get married, which houseguests would you invite to your wedding?

Memphis might find himself as a groomsman, to tell you the truth. I never thought I'd walk away with a best friend. He'd be there, Keesha, Jerry, Renny. Pretty much everyone would be invited, but I'd probably have to be careful who I invited because of issues they have with one another. But I don't have any personal issues with anyone.

Are you going to go back and watch all the tapes from this season, or would that be an incredibly narcissistic thing to do?

I'd watch it from a fan standpoint. I've had about 10 seconds to myself, and I checked a clip online that my friend sent me, it's a conversation I had with Renny about time zones. It was on "The Soup," and just looking back as a fan, I was in that conversation but it wasn't as funny as sitting back and watching it edited and all that kind of stuff.

How do you plan to readjust to life after being isolated for so long?

Good question, maybe you could help me with that.

Doesn't it feel strange to be so out of the loop, especially in an election year?

Without a doubt. Some things came out about my political affiliation, and I don't really have a problem with that, but I didn't know who McCain's running mate was and what the heck was going on with that.

So have you heard of Sarah Palin yet?

I'm just recently finding out about her, and McCain definitely had some Dan-like antics in his maneuvers, because wow, what a bold pick. Definitely raised some eyelids. But the thing I miss is Michigan State scores, St. Mary's scores, and Detroit Lions scores.

Say you get the phone call for "Big Brother All-Stars 2." Would you go back?

It's a tough decision, a lot of factors would go into it. Obviously I just left my girlfriend and my family for three months. Am I going to be able to leave Monica with the ring on her finger for three months? I don't know. Never say never. But the other thing is, some people are putting me up there with the good players, which to me -- to be mentioned in the same sentence or paragraph with a Will or a Boogie or an Evel Dick -- as a fan, I couldn't ask for anything more. But at the same time, do you want to go out like Michael Jordan? Do you call it quits while you're on top, or do you go back again like Brett Favre, which I just found out about, by the way. Game-wise, I would love to come back, but it's more of a personal situation and where I'd be at.

When will you be back on the sidelines at Orchard Lake St. Mary's?

As soon as possible. I'll definitely be there as a spectator, but to jump into coaching? Coach Porritt and I talked this morning, and I talked to my headmaster, and luckily my job is still there. Coach Porritt was very receptive to me coming back, but obviously I wouldn't want to be a distraction to the team at this point, so we'll see what happens. But I'll definitely be in Michigan very soon.

On the show, you were always talking about Michigan and Dearborn, far more than any of the other contestants were talking about their home town or home state. Why?

I love our state, I love Dearborn. I love everything about Michigan. And we're one of the states going through a really tough time right now, and anything I could do to pull any attention to Michigan, I was just waiting for one more live opportunity to say, Hey, if you want to bring your business to Michigan, I'll sit down with the mayor of Dearborn and get you a tax break. That's how far I was willing to go. I just want to do whatever I can for Michigan, because I feel very loyal. I feel like the roots I established in Michigan, the values and things like that, are so different than people in California. I owe so much to Michigan, and anything I can do to help the state, whether it's little or big, I wanted to do. That's why you always heard me say Inspire Michigan or bring your business to Michigan.

When you were in the house, a contestant won $1 million on "Deal or No Deal" simply by picking a case. You fought for 10 weeks to win half of that. Unfair?

Not unfair at all. Playing "Deal or No Deal" is like rolling the dice, and it's the same thing with the "Big Brother" house. The only difference is, when you roll the dice in "Deal or No Deal," that's all you get. In "Big Brother," I could plan, I could use my mind to get ahead in this game. In "Deal or No Deal," it's luck. There is some luck involved in "Big Brother," but you control your effort, you control your game, you control how you're perceived. I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's been a heck of an experience. I came in looking for the money, and I came out with so much more. It's unbelievable.

Still, the $500,000 thing. Why hasn't "Big Brother" upped its prize to $1 million? Everything else is $1 million!

I thought the 10th season, maybe that was the twist this year, but I'm not going to complain. It's a lot of money for a 25-year-old teacher, especially in Michigan. I'll be able to get a ring and a house somewhere in Dearborn.

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #39 on: September 18, 2008, 01:53:29 AM »
From TV Grapevine...

James Rhine
Dishes on the Finale

After spending Monday night with Angie, Steven, Brian, Monica, and Kelly I knew the Big Brother 10 Finale was going to be ridiculous. Not to mention the hour I spent with Dan's Mom trying to convince her that her son had it locked up.

So after getting to the Finale I expected to be placed in the Green Room with my BB Alum entourage which consisted of Jen BB9, Parker, Chelsia, Josh, Sharon BB9 and our friends. I met Nick BB8 when I got there and he was really an outstanding guy. One of those people you meet and just know you'll be friends. I also met ED, saw Zach and a slew of other peeps from BB Past. Beau and Ashlea pulled up in a Mercedes Mothership which was too be expected...

I thought was going to be placed in the Green Room, but apparently they put my friend and I in the Audience. So much fun, I was placed next to Bunky and kept trying to move his placard till Security made me stop. When Bunky eventually arrived, he was cool, but I'm sure he'll be back to **** talking me again on House Calls. The show was great, when Chen walked out, hearing her voice live sent me into some of the most insane flashbacks. Everything negative from the Big Brother experience was dissapearing. As you saw, the show went off without a hitch, maybe some scripted questions from the non-jury members but other than that a great show.

Afterwards I joined all my Alum, who had a 2 hour head start drinking, in the Green Room. We all had so much fun. After a couple of hours the Big Brother 10 cast came down and they were all so gracious and nice. I met Renny, whom I adored! I had previously spent 20 minutes trying to figure out what her husband was saying with his thick accent, you could tell how much he missed her. Libra and her husband were so cool, she's like 6 foot tall with heels! Jesse was nice. April and Ollie, 2 great people still a little overwhelmed by the whole experience. I talked to Michele and really got a great feel for how genuine she was. We talked about our "Diary Room  outburts" and laughed at all the crazy **** you do and say in there...  When I finally got the Jerry he was barely able to talk, he was with his daughter and we talked for awhile about how he was the only one trying to get rid on the Memphis and Dan. Talking to him was a real pleasure.

Then I saw Dan, who gave me a hug and we chatted with him and Monica for a bit. Kelly was there also and I tried to convince him to just dip and go back to the hotel to spend time with his girl friend. He wouldn't have it. Dan wanted to talk to the fans, House Guests, and the others giving each person individual attention and there was no doubt why he won. A complete class act.

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #40 on: September 18, 2008, 02:01:50 AM »
Steven, Nick, Jen & Brian

Jen & Renny

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #41 on: September 18, 2008, 02:21:11 AM »
Dan's interview with

Midseasonreplacements gets an exclusive interview with Dan. No more censored structured CBS email interviews. 10 minutes on the phone where I can ask about Ollie cumming, Jerry being a hypocrite and Ollie being dumb enough to believe he would keep his deal. I actually came away really liking him, as he seemed to “get” the show and what you have to do to win it more than most. read it all after the jump…

Midseasonreplacements: Well, first congratulations for winning the game

Dan: What!? I won the game? (laughs).

Midseasonreplacements: I am not only surprised that you won but that you won unanimously.

Dan: You and me both.

Midseasonreplacements: It seemed Memphis was much more cautious and didn’t make as many enemies as you did. Why do you think you won over him?

Dan: I think the fact that I had a personal relationship with everyone in the house at some point definitely helped me. Especially with the votes. April had a vote and Ollie had a vote. Memphis might have said ten words to them in the house when he was there. If Memphis didn’t like you, he wasn’t going to talk to you. I think that helped me in the end.

Midseasonreplacements: It also seemed that once the houseguests started going into the jury house, you changed your strategy to a much more aggressive jury strategy.

Dan: Definitely. I tried to win votes before it got to the jury house. I had an extraordinary opportunity with Michelle to win back a vote. With Renny and with Keesha I just tried to win a vote before it got to the jury speech time. I think obviously the only one I didn’t was Keesha before we got there, but the less damage I had to do with the jury speeches the better.

Midseasonreplacements: So you think that you pretty much had most of the votes up until the final interview that they all gave to you?

Dan: No, not at all. I thought for sure that I had Keesha and Renny. To tell you the truth in the final live day I thought I had a 50% chance of winning. I thought it would be 4-3 either way. I thought I had Keesha and Renny and Memphis had Jerry and Libra which left the game down to April, Ollie and Michelle. So I really didn’t feel confident winning let alone a 7-0 vote. It’s extremely overwhelming and unexpected. Being a huge fan of the show I couldn’t think of a, and maybe I’m wrong, I couldn’t remember anyone winning unanimously.

Midseasonreplacements: No. No one ever has.

Dan: Unbelievable.

Midseasonreplacements: You say you watched the show before. Some people had talked about you and Monica slated to be a secret couple in a previous season. Is that true?

Dan: Umm, I can’t talk to you much about that but ahhh, there was a previous opportunity for both of us to go on but it didn’t work out.

Midseasonreplacements: The Judas thing got a lot of play. You didn’t say anything and kept your mouth shut which is probably the smartest thing to do. Did it really bother you as much as it did other people?

Dan: [laughs] No, not at all. Any personal attacks on this game I kind of laughed off. It was like water rolling off of my back. I knew anytime when people got into a fight and it was over something personal, one of those people always went home. I did not want to be one of those people so I had to control my emotions better than anyone else in the house and I think I did that and that’s why I am where I am right now.

Midseasonreplacements: The thing about Jerry is he would get so angry with you. He was actually the first person to publically break his word in week one with Brian…

Dan: [laughs] I know. funny, huh?

Midseasonreplacements: But no one ever called him out on that! Up until his last day in the house he kept telling everyone that he never breaks his word. Why didn’t you or anyone call him out on that?

Dan: That’s the thing. Anything with Jerry, and you know I respect him and enjoy him as a person, you can never get in a debate with Jerry because he [thinks he’s] always right. You could never bring up a point because he would never see it your way. So it’s the whole “don’t argue with fools” because people from a distance can’t tell who is who. If you see two people arguing can you tell me who the smart one is and who the foolish one is? No. So why even get in that argument. That’s how I felt about Jerry. Everyone knew that he lied. It didn’t need to be brought up. Even in his exit speech, here’s what he said “I’ve never lied to anyone, except..”. OK, so you did lie in the game Jerry. To me that hard thing about this game, if you’re going to lie, why not admit to it? You know what I mean? Or, why not continue to lie. If you’re gonna lie, lie the whole way, don’t do it and…

Midseasonreplacements: Well, you yourself said in week one when Ollie turned against Brian, you said in the dairy room “I’m not going to sacrifice my word for $500,000”.

Dan: Right.

Midseasonreplacements: Did you actually mean that at the time, or was that just talk?

Dan: You know what, here’s the thing. I wanted to go through the game and, maybe I was naive trying to keep my word, but I found out quickly if ahhh… Ollie was probably one of the last people I expected to stab me in the back based on first impressions. So as soon as that happened I said “game on” and I had to play a game that I knew that I probably should have played from the beginning. But coming into this house I was definitely naive to the fact that I thought I might be able to get through keeping my word. But then I remembered the previous 9 seasons that I studied and I knew it was time to play.

Midseasonreplacements: When you made that deal with Ollie, where you pretty much handed him the entire HOH power..

Dan: yeah…

Midseasonreplacements: Did you intend to keep that deal all the way through?

Dan: No. There was no chance whatsoever. I had about 5 minutes left on that rope and I was trying to do whatever I could to get him off. I think that was the downfall of some people on this show. They didn’t watch any of these other seasons. I mean how many times have you seen, being a fan of Big Brother, someone make a deal during an endurance challenge and did not go through with it? Let alone, probably one of the worst deals in Big Brother history for me giving up almost every power of HOH. I mean, did you really think I was gonna keep that deal Ollie? Are you really that dumb?

Midseasonreplacements: Yeah I gotta be honest, I was amazed that he was strutting around all week acting like he had all this power when it was obvious that no one in their right mind would keep that deal.

Dan: [laughs] I know, he asked me in the jury house “Why did you keep the first two parts of the deal and not the third part?”. The reason was that he believed that I was going to let the deal go through and let him pick a replacement nominee. I mean, why did I stay up there for 4 hours? For a picture of Monica? Yeah, a picture of Monica meant the world to me, but that wasn’t going to win me a half a million dollars.

Midseasonreplacements: The jury was under the impression that Memphis was having others do his dirty work for him. I think they were unaware how much you were manipulating Memphis and other people without anyone knowing about it. I actually give you a lot of credit for that. Do you think if they knew this, the vote would have gone differently?

Dan: I really don’t just because when you have someone like Libra in the jury house, someone Like Keesha, someone like Jerry. 3 people who played the game pretty tough. I thought at the end they would vote for someone who played this game hard whether it got emotional or not. I think Libra respects the game tremendously and she wanted to vote for the person that she thought played a better game. And that’s how she voted. Anytime you get people on the house that have watched previous seasons there going to vote for who played the best game and not who played nice.

Midseasonreplacements: In your preshow bio, it described you as pretty conservative politically, but when you got in the house you really kept that to yourself. Was that a conscious decision?

Dan: Definitely. I think anytime you bring politics into anything you are going to polarize people and I definitely did not want to do that. But here’s the thing I need to make clear because I talked to Monica about the perceptions of me going into the house and how they are were vastly different by the end of the season. I want it to be known that I started playing this game in the casting process. I knew they would not put a normal average Midwest teacher in the house so I had to say some things that I didn’t mean or didn’t even believe. So if you look at my bio , I haven’t had the chance to look at it. It’s pretty….

Midseasonreplacements: Exaggerated?

Dan: Yeah, very much so. I mean, Big Brother did not make that up. That stuff came out of my mouth, but I started playing this game in the casting process and I knew I had to do something extra to get into the house.

Midseasonreplacements: Now, some things were going on in the house that no one knew about except for a few people. But everyone watching knew about it. The big one was that April and Ollie were having sex.

Dan: Yeah, I found that out last night at about 2 in the morning when Monica told me and my mouth dropped. I had no clue whatsoever. When April left, Ollie kissed her on the cheek. That’s as far as I thought they’d gotten. I mean it’s none of my business but then it got in my head “Wait a minute; I slept in that same HOH bed”.

Midseasonreplacements: Another question the fans are asking is, why are you always yelling in the HOH room?

Dan: [laughs] I got that in the CBS poll question. In the house it’s pretty calm and you didn’t see a lot of “Coach Dan” come out. But in the diary room I let the inner coach come out. Being the summer I should’ve been coaching football. I didn’t get that opportunity because I had the opportunity to be in the Big Brother house. So it was my chance to coach America and Big Brother and that’s when I really got fired up and into it. I brought a lot of energy and unfortunately I think I blew out a few microphones.

Midseasonreplacements: Thanks Dan, I really am surprised as you’re the first person in a couple of years who’s won the show that I haven’t hated with a passion.

Dan: [laughs] I’ll take it as a compliment.

Midseasonreplacements: I thought you played a great game and you were pretty likeable all the way. And congratulations.

Dan: Thanks. If there’s anything I can do for let me know, I’d be happy to do whatever I can.

Midseasonreplacements: Great thanks.

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #42 on: September 18, 2008, 08:33:44 AM »
Thanks for posting the photo shoot, Will. Angie's so gorgeous.
Just here to visit.

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #43 on: September 18, 2008, 08:34:42 AM »
A few more from the Real Deal photo shoot (Gotta love Steven, he's so funny!)

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #44 on: September 18, 2008, 08:44:58 AM »
Jen, BB8's article on the finale....

Big Brother 10' - Jen's Take: Episode 29
Dan wins the big prize
By Jen Johnson
Special to MSN TV

The finale was actually quite amusing; I was in the audience so I watched it live, which is way different than watching it at home. Anyway, the beginning was a recap of the entire season followed by the Jury discussion and questions. There were many questions. I think Michelle had the most humorous ones; she tried to play Jury House roulette and also put Dan on the spot when she asked him why he chose her out of everyone. Both Memphis and Jerry were shocked that Dan did not go on the trip alone. It was funny to see the interaction between Memphis and Dan in the house as he found out. Dan was definitely a good talker; he had perfect answers for all of the questions that he was asked. Memphis, on the other hand, wasn't able to form sentences or even answer the questions altogether. It was almost uncomfortable to see how poorly he answered.

The Jury then came out and greeted the audience. Renny received the most applause and lingered in the audience for well over her allotted time. It was funny; it was obvious that Renny had not seen people in quite some time. The Jury then voted by putting their keys in the final box, all while giving a sentence or so on why they were voting for whom they were voting for, without giving away whom they were voting for.

Following the final vote, we got to hear from the first four evictees. Brian talked a lot about how he was happy that Dan and Memphis were in the final two because they were the only two not to play with emotions. I think he was trying to express to Jerry that his actions and words were unacceptable.

Julie then started the key process: Dan, Dan, Dan and Dan. And that makes Dan the winner of "Big Brother 10." Dan and Memphis came out of the house; there was an explosion of confetti and overwhelming applause. Julie later showed the rest of the keys: It was a 7 to 0 vote for Dan. Julie also announced that the $25,000 Jury prize was a close one and that Keesha won it. Later when I asked, everyone (well, except for Jerry) said they were shocked Keesha won and that they had expected Renny to take that prize.

And that's a wrap!

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #45 on: September 18, 2008, 09:00:59 AM »

Exclusive interview with Dan, part 1......part 2 will get posted today

Hey this is Oscar from BuddyTV and I'm here with Dan, the winner of Big Brother 10.  Dan, how you doin'?

What's up, Oscar?  How are you doing?

Pretty good.  So, how are you feeling?  Has it set in yet?  The victory, everything?

What victory?  Has what set in yet? are you talking about? (laughs)

How's the last 12, 16 hours gone for you?

Oh, it's been awesome.  Getting a chance to compete in Big Brother has been a dream come true and winning it hasn't even hit me yet.  I tried to go to sleep last night, my body was tired, but my mind just wouldn't let me go to sleep.  It's overwhelming, you know?  I've been a huge fan of this show.  To get on it, play in it and win it, I mean, it still has not even hit me.

Going into the live finale, where was your head at, what was your mindset going in?  Were you confident?  How were your feelings, just in general?

Going in I thought I had a fifty-fifty shot.  I thought the vote would be 4-3.  I thought for sure I had Keesha and Renny.  I thought Libra and Jerry would vote for Memphis and the game was going to come down to April, Ollie and Michelle.  I really did not feel confident and then “Are you kidding me?” -  a 7-0 vote.  I'm not even sure that's ever been done before and I certainly would never have expected that to happen.

I thought it was going to be 4-3 too, with you getting the win.  What do you think got you that unanimous vote and have you heard anything since you got out of the house?

You know, I had a chance to speak with a few of the houseguests in like 30 second snippets last night.  I think it was a combination of things.  One, depending on who you're talking to, for the last jury speech that we had I went through my head and looked at the memory wall and said “Who's going to ask me what questions?”  I tried to go though my head and prepare myself for that so that when they asked the questions I had an idea of what I was going to say and I didn't get up there and stumble on my words.  So, that's part one.  Part two is that I had a personal relationship with everyone in the house.  I think not having some sort of relationship with everyone in the house could come back and bite you in the rear.  And if you look back at April's question or Renny's question - April asked Memphis “Why should I give you the money, you never said a word to me in the house?” How do you respond to that question?  You respond to that question by not putting yourself in that situation in the first place, you know?  I think those two things helped me prepare myself and I got lucky and I'm really overwhelmed by the fact that it was 7-0.

Coming into the house initially, did you have a specific game-plan in mind?  How much did that change over the course of the season?

Being a huge fan of the show I treated Big Brother 10 like a test.  I had nine seasons to study from, so I studied from all of them, but I spent a lot of time on season 2 which is the crown jewel, in my opinion, of Big Brother.  You had the first major game player and the one that's often imitated, but no one could ever get it done.  But walking in the house I thought I was going to win, then I stepped foot in the house and saw what I was dealing with and everything I thought went to smithereens.  You have a Memphis, a huge physical threat.  You have Michelle, a fierce competitor.  You have two master manipulators in Libra and Brian.  Are you kidding me?  And there's a 5'9", 160 pound school teacher that excels in none of those areas, so I had to immediately reassess my situation.  But going in the Big Brother house, I said it was very presumptuous to enter the house with a set strategy because you never know what your going to get hit with.  But I knew right away that Brian could win this thing, so that's why I aligned myself with him.  Brian could've won this thing if he didn't shoot all his bullets in the first two hours of being in the house.  I like Brian on a personal level and thought he could have done very well because he speaks tremendously and has control over words in a way I've never seen in my life.

What do you think was the most important lesson for you that you learned over the first nine seasons that helped you win Big Brother 10?

Oh, you know, without a doubt - you look at a couple players, in particular, in my opinion, imitation is the highest form of flattery.  You look at W.ll and Mike Boogie and I started my strategy there, built from there, but I think the thing you can take to be successful in this game is to never take it personal.  Someone can call you Judas, someone can call you something 100 times worse than Judas and if you let it bother you you're going to kill yourself.  No matter what someone called me in this game it was like water off my back, I just let it roll.  W.en two people got into a fight, one of those people always went home.  I knew that could never happen to me if I never let myself get in a fight.  The one thing I could do in this game although I wasn't a huge physical threat, I could master my emotions and that's what I prided myself on from day one and I think that's what helped push me to the end.

You talk a little about emulating Will Kirby.  He, by all accounts, is a totally different person outside of the house than he was when he was on Big Brother.  Did you consciously put on any sort of persona while inside the house or was that pretty much the real Dan we got to see?

Well, unfortunately, the goofy Dan that you saw, that's pretty much me.  I was telling Ollie that, you know, I used to be the cool teacher at St. Mary's.  I don't know if that's the case anymore.  I'm probably the goofy teacher.  W.en people got negative in the house, when people got bored, that's when I think I shined.  I had some of my best moments in the face of boredom, that's why I created Swim Club, that's when I messed with Renny the most.  It's the fact that I enjoyed being in the house every second.  I never took a second for granted and I had a positive attitude and tried to have as much fun as possible.

For you, was Memphis the ideal alliance member?  Was there anyone else in the house, under different circumstances, that you could see being someone better to go to the final two with?

Looking back at it, no.  Memphis did a lot of things, but one thing Memphis did that I could hopefully always count on was the fact that if Memphis didn't like you, he's not going to talk to you and unfortunately you're not going to like everyone in the jury house.  But the fact that he didn't talk to everyone in the jury house, that was kind of like a hidden silver lining in the Renegade alliance.  I was hoping that might be able to get me a vote or two, I didn't think it would get me seven.  But, I knew that I had to align with someone in the house. Obviously Brian, that didn't work out.  Keesha, I aligned myself with her, she is a tremendous game player, stood up for herself, has a great heart and I care for her deeply.  The only thing that scared me about Keesha was the fact that she stood up for herself so much.

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #46 on: September 18, 2008, 09:06:43 AM »

Exclusive interview with Memphis, part 1....part 2 will be posted today

Hey, this is Oscar Dahl from BuddyTV and I'm here with Memphis, the runner up on Big Brother 10.  Memphis, what's going on?

What's happening, guys?

So, how's everything going?  Been kind of a whirlwind day for you?

Yeah, man.  W. haven't even been out of the house for 24 hours, so, yeah it's definitely a whirlwind of nonstop craziness.  Definitely a lot to take in.

Going back to last night, how confident were you feeling going into the live show?

I wasn't feeling too confident on winning, let's just say that.  I got the feeling that I wouldn't be walking away with a half a mill, but I was OK with that.  I thought I had a great summer and I won a little bit of money and a car, and that's kind of the way I looked at it walking into the finale.  And the fact is, I wouldn't have wanted anybody else next to me besides my fellow Renegade.  It was a win for both of us, I feel, and that's kind of how I'm taking it.

Did you get the sense that you weren't going to win because of the jury questions?

(laughs)  You know, I had a sense even before that that I might not have a chance, but after the firing squad pelted me with all those bullets I definitely didn't feel like my chances went up any.

Even so, you probably didn't think it would be a 7-0 vote.  Whose votes were you at least counting on?

I was counting on a couple and I thought that people would realize that I played a respectable, straightforward game. I thought people would respect that and hopefully get me some votes.  One vote that I was counting on - and I'm still a little pissed off about - even win lose or draw, I still wanted Jerry's vote.  That might sound crazy but, you know, I did give him a chance to win this game.  I took him to the final three and I gave him an opportunity and I lost a friend in that opportunity that I took.  It really pissed me off that he at least didn't give me that vote.  The thing is the jury, though this whole season, they were a bunch of sheep and they went in the direction that everybody else wanted to.  It really showed up in the jury house in how they voted because everybody decided to vote together.  I mean, they had that mentality all through the season and that's why they were all in the jury house together.

Have you talked to any of the jury members about the votes since last night?  Especially Jerry or Keesha?

You know what, I haven't.  I really haven't talked to any of those guys.  The thing is, is that I made a lot of good friends.  Dan and Angie and Brian and Steven, but I didn't really connect that well with a lot of the other people.  I'm going to take it just like in my real life.  If I don't like you, I'm not going to talk to you.

You said that you lost a friend in Keesha, do you think that it's irreparable or are you going to try and make amends with her?

No, I'm going to try and make amends probably.  W. have a big party tomorrow night and she'll probably be there and we'll see.  The thing is, I knew she would take it hard, but the fact is it would have been a stupid game move to keep her.  And I don't think she's realized that, you know what I mean?  I think once she realizes that, she might be like "All right Memphis, I forgive you, because it would have been dumb for you to take me," you know what I mean?  And I don't think she's come to that realization yet.

Going back to the beginning of the season you, out of anyone, played a really steady game.  Was that your plan going into the house or did you have something different on your mind?

No, that's just kind of how I am in real life.  I'm very cool, calm, kind of like whatever.  It works in my real life, in this amazing life that I love and I was like, "You know what, if this can work in my real life, it might work in the game."  So, that's kind of the mentality I kept through the whole game.

Did you happen to make any changes in your mindset over the course of the season, or were you able to pretty much play the game that you set out to play in the beginning?

I think I pretty much stuck with the same game plan.  I knew there was going to be some deals I had to make and then I was going to have to cut and clip through the game and I did do that.  There was a couple of situations that I had to trust some people, but overall it was pretty straightforward and I think I stayed steady with how I played the game.

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #47 on: September 18, 2008, 09:17:18 AM »

Big Brother 10 Finale Interviews at CBS

By Dennis Luciani


Hey there sports fans! Oh wait sports? I meant REALITY FANS! This is your old pal Dennis from Average Joe here, and I just wanted to fill you all in on an exciting night I had in the backyard of the Big Brother house for the finale. 


Yes you heard me, I was at the CBS Studios in Studio City, California. First I was in the green room watching the show with past cast members Chelsia, Sharon, Parker, Evel Dick, Joshua, Marcellas, Jen and Joe.


Then after the show I was lead out with the rest of the press to collect our equipment, and then into the holy grail of locales, the BB backyard. I was placed in-between a CBS camera filming b-roll footage and Jen Johnson from last summer who was reporting for MSN. Evel Dick was further to my left by the pool table doing his own reporting for Real Player.

My first interviews were with the first 4 houseguests that were evicted but didn't make it on the jury. Steven was up first. He was a down to earth nice Dallas native, who looks much younger than 35. Yes, I couldn't believe it either! He shares the same sentiment that I got from Angie and Brian, that he wishes they all were in the house a lot longer than they were. But after I pointed out there always has to be someone first and just by proxy, those who were friends with that someone were on the same chopping block over the next few weeks. Angie told me that she regretted not going down at all to tell Brian that everyone was having a meeting with the then HOH Jerry about back dooring Brian in that first week. She was also glad that she didn't make it any further because she wouldn't have enjoyed being cooped up in the jury house after getting booted from the chance of winning any money and still forced to stick around in another house with people that may or may not despise you for having had a hand in evicting you in the first place. She was glad to get back to her life in Florida and having people walk up to her with nothing but kind things to say about her stint in the Big Brother house.  Steven was the same and said that he has received a lot of positive feedback about how he portrayed himself in the house. The subject of him being gay wasn't an issue at all and he was commended for it. He was quite handsome tonight with his new short haircut too, so for all those guys that want to save a horse and ride a cowboy, well I think he's available! Both Angie & Steven commented on a funny time that they will remember in the house about the sock puppet show that was put on by Brian and other houseguests in their alliance in the backyard. The mastermind behind the puppet show was none other than my next interview Brian.


Brian, Brian, Brian, we hardly knew ye, but we wanted to! Brian just seemed like he was gonna conquer this game and make for some good Dr. Will TV. Brian is a smart individual that knew it was a game, but played hard too early in the game. He scared the bejeezus out of everyone else in the house with a few exceptions but I think realizes it now. He is flattered that people compared him in the same league as a Dr. Will, but is just eager to get back to real life, out here to California of all places. Go figure! Well he's moving out here for his new job, he's not hitting the acting trail like you may have thought. I pulled out a few socks to have a sock puppet show with Brian and he promised to help decorate them at a later date. When putting my socks away, I asked Brian to elaborate a little more on what he was talking about when he was asked by Julie Chen, what he thought of the rest of the season after he was booted. He had said that he was happy and proud of his boys Memphis and Dan for making it all the way to the end without attacking people personally.


Bodybuilder extraordinaire Jessie strolled up next, and I had asked him first what I can do to start to get the muscle tone he's got, he said I had to start eating. I asked him if he was doing the Michael Phelps diet. He says no, that Phelps eats way more! I think they would give each other good competition in putting some food away! By the way, fun fact: Jessie wasn't on slop at all in his time in the house! Jessie looks Italian up close but he's actually German. He's looking forward to what new opportunities might arise from his foray into 15 minute fame-dom. He told me he really did win a body building competition and is involved in a lot of other programs associated with the body building. Jessie is a cool kid and I wished him well.

My first jury member that I got my hands on was April! What a cutie she is. She was wearing a dress from BeBe. Yes I asked, it seemed like a random red carpet thing to do.  Anyway, I had asked April what it was like to be shoved into a house with no outside contact and forced to live with people you wouldn't probably associate in the outside world with. She said it was hard but she was glad she had some sanity with Ollie being there. They could play the game, but also have a best friend to just hold onto. The house with its walls that close in on you and the lights and cameras everywhere is nothing like you could ever expect she said. She's glad she surprised people in the house with how she was able to compete at competitions. My last question to her was what she is taking away from the house, and she told me that she is a workaholic typically and with the house cutting her off from friends/family even more drastically, she was able to see that she needs to re-evaluate her work priorities and muscle in some "life" time.


Ollie was next. Oh Ollie, the birds. He started laughing and said well you know it's a true story. I said Ollie it's fake. He was like, my mother told me that the Alfred Hitchcock birds story is true!     Ollie, my mother told me about the boogeyman under the bed, and the tooth fairy. The Birds?  Oh Ollie - OY!!! He was laughing. I then told him that I had watched the show religiously and he replied that this is what he needed because he wanted to know what people saw. So I told him in my opinion and that of others which was confirmed when Renny brought him into her HOH room that week, that Ollie didn't look like much of a player until April left. He responded that it was part of his strategy. Hmm it seems the lay low weak strategy is a popular one. I'll have to remember that in my book of "How to be the best BB player when Dr Will gives up his title".   Ollie was looking forward to more political news information about the upcoming election and sports. Sports was also 1 of the main things that drew Ollie to April because they both share a love of sports related topics. He was surprised when I filled him in on my Patriots QB Tom Brady being out for the season and that I better not tell Michelle that. Low and behold who did I have to interview next?  Michelle. Uh oh.


The only Northeast Coast person in this cast was PISSED OFF when I told her about Tom Brady.  She said we need to hunt down the bastard that did it. She was pumping me for the rest of the information about how the Patriots are doing. She is a gorgeous gal with a great competitive streak. She said she had formed a bond with Jessie and was most proud of her HOH win to help avenge Jessie's eviction. The funniest moment for her was when she in the J.Johnson red unitard doing her red unitard dance. I was cracking up a little later because the next person to interview Michelle was in fact Jen Johnson. Their conversation was that of how would you deal with your unitard. Michelle had 3 of them which pissed off Jen because she only had the same 1 the whole time. Michelle's skin was falling off on her legs from wearing the untards all week too! OY! She was bitter too about getting the red unitard in the first place, she said it was the way it was given to her. Which of course would be all Libra's fault.


Speaking of Ms Libra, she was next to sashay over to my area. I complimented on her exit which was the same exit as Brian when both had said, remember it's a game. I asked her why did she think she was selected for the Big Brother house, and she replied that they probably saw in her a short fuse and a willingness to speak her mind. She does regret that things were pushed in her direction to sort of have her spearhead "moves" that were made. Because, like Brian, when movers and shakers are identified, the spotlight shines brighter on them which in this arena, is not a good thing. Her funny memory was CAKE! ANYONE WANT SOME CAKE? And she does wish that Keesha and her would have stuck together instead of second guessing each other, which would have maybe resulted differently somehow of how much longer she could have stuck around. Libra was fortunate enough to have won a Hawaiian trip, at the expense of taking it away from Michelle while giving her the red unitard to wear. Libra's view is "all's fair in the game" she didn't need a letter then, when you can easily get a letter just by winning the next HOH. Alas, that was never to happen...


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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #48 on: September 18, 2008, 09:31:07 AM »
Sign at Dan's church....

« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 09:39:29 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2008, 09:35:30 AM »

 How Big Brother 10's Dan Talked His Way to $500,000
by Adam Bryant

After a long summer of manipulation, betrayal and all the other underhanded adjectives that go along with Big Brother, Catholic school teacher Dan Gheesling was crowned the game's winner by a 7-0 vote from his evicted peers. We caught up with him to learn his plans for the cash after besting his "Renegade" ally, what he believes was the defining moment of his game (which might surprise you), how he really feels about Keesha and when he'll be heading to confession. Congratulations! What are your plans for the $500,000?
Dan Gheesling: It's very overwhelming. I do have some plans, but I'm not sure how immediate they will be. My girlfriend Monica is probably going to be getting a gift that fits on her left ring finger, but when that's going to happen, we still need to talk about. Other than that, it will probably be some smart investments. I want to stay in teaching and coaching, so if I invest well, I should be able to do that without worrying about my financial future. Nothing too extravagant for me — I'm a straightforward Midwest guy and don't need a lot. But having that kind of money is unbelievable. You obviously had fan support — you won America's Player and were always at the top of our reader Power Rankings. But did you have any idea you would win over the jury for a 7-0 vote?
Dan: [Laughs] No way. I thought it was going to be either Memphis or me in a 4-3 win. A 7-0 vote is overwhelming. I thought I had Keesha and Renny, and I thought Jerry and Libra would definitely vote for Memphis, which left the game for April, Ollie and Michelle to decide. It was all up in the air, and I had no idea what they would do. For it to work out the way it did, I was just as shocked as anyone. When did you decide that it was the right moment to stop playing "weak"?
Dan: I needed to wait for a challenge that I knew I could win. When I looked at April winning the earthquake challenge, she impressed a lot of people. So, I knew if I was going to win an endurance challenge, I had to pick my mark, and I did when I got up on that vine. Plus, I had just won the veto right before that. Once you win competitions, there's no turning back, so I knew I had to pick something that I could control my own will. Luckily I was able to talk good ol' Ollie into dropping. You're head whipped around a couple of times at Memphis during the jury interrogation. What were you most shocked to learn about your fellow Renegade?
Dan: I found out a couple things about him on the trip with Michelle — mostly that he had an alliance with Michelle. I felt like that was the case, but it was never really proven. He also told me that the banner said "We Love Libra" not "Libra's a Liar," so he did pull some Dan-like antics on me with that one. Other than that, Memphis was very loyal, and I found a best friend in the house. So you never doubted him in the game?
Dan: Memphis never really had a chance to prove himself to me until he won that veto. I was like, "Alright, it's time to find out if the Renegades are for real or not." So when he used that veto on me and took me off the block, I knew there was no stopping us unless we got unlucky. We did get lucky a couple times, but when he used the veto, I knew we had a shot to take it to the end. When he took you off, he then evicted alliance member Keesha. Did he know how much of a bad guy you were making him out to be in Keesha's mind?
Dan: I talked to Memphis and told him I was going to have to throw him under the bus. But I don't think he realized I was going to throw him under the bus, run him over, put in reverse and keep running him over back and forth. That's exactly what I did, and I had to take that opportunity. When he voted Keesha out, that was my glimmer of hope to win — prior to that I didn't think I had a chance. Explain your gift to Keesha on her way out the door.
Dan: I gave two people gifts when they left the house, two people I cared for deeply. I gave Brian something when left, and I gave Keesha this duck that I confiscated from the house on Day 1. I wanted her to look at something that would remind her of me everyday and remind her to fight for those votes for me. The meaning on the bottom was harmless and just something I threw out there. But basically, it was a token to remind her of me and to fight for me to win. Do you think Monica sent you that "Taken" shirt because she saw you and Keesha flirting on the feeds?
Dan: [Laughs] I had a long talk with Monica last night about the entire experience, and there were a few questions about Keesha. But everything is good on the homefront. She knows Keesha and I are just tremendous friends. I think the world of Keesha, and I wish her the best of everything, but we're just friends. Obviously, the big moment for you was backdooring Michelle because you said she was strong. But we only saw her win one competition. Was it actually more to get in Ollie's head?
Dan: It was a definite combination of both. When Michelle was in that competition with April, she hung up there for what seemed like days. She proved to a lot of people that in a test of will's Michelle is going to win, and that scared a lot of people, me included. I knew if she got to the end, she'd be fighting tooth and nail and could probably beat me. She was strong in competitions, not so much in manipulating people, but she would've been tough to beat down the line. As for Ollie, he stabbed me and Brian in the back in Week 1, and I told Brian I would take out Ollie and Jerry for him. It's a game, and what goes around comes around. You told the jury you did that to ensure that you were disliked so Memphis would take you to the end. I smell some teacher Dan rhetoric.
Dan: [Laughs] Did you ever see me work any rhetoric in the house? I didn't do that kind of stuff in the house, did I? [Laughs] I knew I pushed the limits of that roulette game a little too far. I got a little borderline overconfident, and I knew I had to put a strategic spin on it, and lucky for me it worked. I always prepared in the house, whether it was for competitions or speeches, and this was no different. I was able to cover my tracks a little because I did get out of hand, but luckily I had a chance to redeem myself in the eyes of the jury. You said you would play the game dirty if you had to and then go to confession. So, when's confession?
Dan: [Laughs] I talked to the powers that be at St, Mary's early this morning to make sure I still have a job, which I do. The chancellor is supporting me, and I just set up my three-hour confession time with him as soon as I get back to Michigan. It's going to be a long one, but I have a lot of support at St. Mary's. They said, "Is it a sin to bluff in poker and is it a sin to trap someone in chess? If it is, then Dan's a sinner, but if not, he was just playing a game." And that meant the world to me.