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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #125 on: March 23, 2009, 06:55:33 PM »
i am confused askip do u thnk a hotel stafe is one stafe member for evey room??

i live in a resort town and i think i have stayed at the hotel they r going to flim at in ny if it is 32and and lexington? any way wth that said they have like 4 ppl at the desk checking ppl in and out a manager and concer allso the kitchen staff is a whole  other part of the hotel and so is maide servace. oh and even on the crues i went on we only had one person per like 20 rooms to clean up 2 x's a day. thease ppl can easyaly handel 10 rm's each..they need to put the right person in the right job and wk as a team..

tory, it doesn't sound like you are confused. It sounds like you agree with me that the staffing of Athena and KOTU at 7 and 5 members each for 5 rooms is excessive and there should have been many more rooms included.

Tory and apskip, it sounds like Trump knows they won't be able to handle the full duties of a real staff person particularly cleaning a room so they will be able to double up on the chores. (Can you imagine Dennis Rodman cleaning a room?)  Not happening!  :lol:

Thanks as always for the recap apskip. I thought both presentations were lacking showing off the features of the phone. The soldier talking to his wife was superb but the music portion was overdone for me. Athena's presentation was a bit weak as well. It was all over the place, they had the mother with the child and the father on stage. I think it would have been much better if we had seen it filmed for use as an ad. The part with Brande was also weak because the focus became her "engagement" instead of the phone.

It helped the guys that they went second and they probably won because the crowd got enthused with Brian's performance, it still wasn't what I would consider a sales presentation.

For the drama of it all, Trump was brilliant. He got the men and women arguing even before they knew who won or lost.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #126 on: March 23, 2009, 08:12:21 PM »
An interview with Claudia:

Celebrity Apprentice Castoff: Melissa Rivers Is "Obnoxious"

The promos for Week 4 of Celebrity Apprentice touted the Dennis Rodman meltdown, but that was just the tip of the drama-berg. spoke to Deal or No Deal model Claudia Jordan, the latest casualty of The Donald, to get the dirt on her battle royale with Melissa Rivers and and her mouthy mommy. Why did you step up as project manager for this challenge?
Claudia Jordan: I felt some people on the team were sitting back under the radar and waiting, and I don't really like that. I wanted to let Donald know right away that I'm one who is going to take initiative and step up to the plate and not wait for someone else to tell me what to do. Something just told me it was time, and I'm not afraid of a challenge. Why do you think you lost even though you guys managed to pull your show together at the last minute?
Jordan: It was subjective. Another group of people could have thought we did a better job. It was like Brian McKnight or Joan Rivers making jokes about her gynecologist — which visual do you want to stay with longer? [Laughs] They liked it, and I think we did what we were supposed to do as far as creating some sort of emotional feel for the product. Plus, we were at a disadvantage going first. We warmed up the crowd and then the guys went. Do you think Melissa Rivers should have gone home instead?
Jordan: Well, I don't like to put blame on other people. I was project manager and could have been sterner with Melissa, but at the end of the day, I don't know if anyone could control her. If it was a real job, Melissa would have been fired, but we were forced to work together. The project manager often gets the blame. But there were certain people that refused to be told what to do, and she had her mommy with her as well — so it was going against two people. But Joan wasn't even there during all this.
Jordan: I know and I was like, "Really? You don't even know how bad your daughter was being." But I am proud I kept my cool with her. I did make my little comments off camera, but when it was in front of my team, I wasn't going to make a scene. It takes a lot of sense to bite your tongue when someone's that obnoxious. I don't hate her, her voice is just... I don't like spoiled brats. I feel like every sentence is "me" or "I" or "my mom." But Joan knows the deal — she knows her daughter is annoying. But at the end of the day, it's mother-daughter, you've got to stick up for your family. And besides your drama, Dennis Rodman had his share of contention when he got up in Clint Black's face.
Jordan: Yeah, I kept hearing from the others that Clint was nice on the outside but sneaky, so I was waiting for something to happen. But I didn't know Dennis had such a problem with him. I guess Dennis felt like he wasn't being utilized, but he also wasn't making it easy for his team either. He was a little baby-ish as well. Sometimes I asked myself, "Why are you here? It feels like you hate everyone, so why bother? You're rich already." But he was one of the people I was most excited to see on the show — he definitely makes the show interesting.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #127 on: March 24, 2009, 09:26:59 AM »
Melissa Rivers Blog:

Melissa Rivers: “Claudia Is Nothing More Than A Beauty Bully”

Episode number 4 of ‘The Celebrity Apprentice‘ is in the books and so is Claudia. As our project manager this week, Claudia was in way over her head. Everyone on the team had to rescue her, me the most. Which also explains her lashing out at me. She was trying to cover up for a poor job as our P.M.

Claudia decided to use the show as an excuse to get away with character assassination. She had some pretty harsh remarks about me and I’d like to clarify her thoughts…

Yes, I’ve had my nose done.

Yes, I’ve had my boobs done.

Yes, I’ve had botox in my forehead because I furrow my brow a lot.

But you know, looking around the boardroom at the men and women on both teams, I was thinking, who here hasn’t used botox? Next week look closely at the men and the women. Several of them have hair extensions and I’m proud to say, I’m not one of them. Claudia also commented that my face is “frozen.” Technically, I wouldn’t say that since at least 90% of the shots of me are my full-on reactions.

As for Claudia, the reality is that she’s nothing more than a beauty bully. Once I realized that Claudia was on the attack for me, I figured out how to handle the situation. And that’s by not reacting to her. Which is the only way to treat a bully.

For whatever reason that day, Claudia woke up angry with the sole intention to get me fired. Winning seemed second to her. Interestingly enough, a similar thing happened that day with Dennis Rodman. He came in hating Clint Black. Their morning confrontation completely caught our team by surprise. Watching the explosion I had two thoughts. First: Dennis is going to beat up Clint. Second: Do it Dennis! As everyone will see in the upcoming episodes, Clint is the biggest diva on the show. It’s his way or the highway. If you don’t go his way, he just sits down and that’s that.

The reality is for this task Claudia just didn’t have a legitimate handle on producing, and I did. That’s what I do for a living and she fought me every step of the way. It’s an easy rule on Celebrity Apprentice; know what the people who you’re working with do at their job. We all do something unique, that’s why we’re on the show in the first place.

While I’ve produced a countless numbers of television shows, I’ve never put on a huge live show like the one we did for our task featuring the ACN Video Phone. Our team could have really used the help of Tionne with this one. I kept trying to get her involved, but that wasn’t aired in the episode. I thought, “If the men are coming at us with a live performance from Brian McKnight, we need to come at them with a performance from Tionne.” But Claudia refused. She flat out said, “I don’t think Tionne’s voice is up to it.” We all looked at Claudia with the same expression, “Are you kidding me???”

As for not pulling out victory number four in as many weeks, there’s a simple answer. You can work your hardest but you can’t win them all.

The sad thing is that at the end of the day, our loss helped the women’s team dissolve into some bad high school lunchroom drama. Athena lost a player this week and as they say in one of my favorite movies, Heathers, “My teen-angst now has a body count.”

See you next week!

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #128 on: March 24, 2009, 08:23:23 PM »
ty mg for those interviews. i liked clauda it does take a lot to bite u r toung, and joan and mellisa r out of freeken control, they r like 2 control freeks on steriods, jmo..i wish some one had had the guts to stand up for clauda but i think cloie would have been fired and i like cloie soo..what ever..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #129 on: March 25, 2009, 09:26:46 AM »
CELEBRITY APPRENTICE: 'It’s on like the break of dawn!'

This season of Donald Trump’s CELEBRITY APPRENTICE is proving to be even better than previous seasons.  His staff has done a great job in casting and it is starting to heat up among the celebrity contestants.  Last week Project Manager of the women’s team, ATHENA was Brande Roderick and as the show opened she presented her charity, CALIFORNIA POLICE YOUTH CHARITIES with a check for $167,000.00 which is the highest amount earned by any celebrity in the history of the show.  Canadian PM, Tom Green was ousted by The Donald after their loss, bringing team KOTU down to five men.

The group gathers in front of Capitale, which is a luxury event space in New York City where each team will be planning an event for a telecommunications company called ACN.  Two members of their upper management explain to the celebrities that they are looking for the teams to produce a high energy event to launch their newest product, the CAN-3000 Hi-Def Video Phone to a group of 500 of their top sales representatives.  This group will vote after the productions and determine who wins the task.  Two people volunteer as Project Managers, Brian McKnight (singer & Broadway star) and Claudia Jordan (a model on Deal or No Deal).

Before work can begin the teams need to negotiate in which order the teams will present.  Obviously being the closing act has more prestige and with both teams holding firm on their preference to go on last a coin toss between Anne Duke & Clint Black ensues.  Clint wins the toss and for some reason this sets Dennis Rodman off.  Some miss directed anger brings him to aggressively get in Clint’s short little face, ending with Dennis ripping off his microphone and storming off the set.  Team KOTU shake their heads, hop into their van and head out deciding that none of them have time to deal with the tantrums of a grown man.  They go straight to work utilizing Brian’s ability to create a performance as the celebration for the launch and Jesse James who is the obvious creative genius of the group, to produce a spot using the new phone to connect real military personnel with their families.  He enlists cadets from the nearby West Pointe Academy.  Dennis Rodman is left completely out of the group and PM, Brian tells team KOTU that this is a dictatorship and he will tell everyone what to do…which he does!

The women start out on the rough side.  Joan Rivers has a previous engagement so she will be gone during the planning process of the task.  The women attempt to brain storm ideas for a series of vignettes to be played out on the stage as well as on the video phones but between Melissa Rivers and the other women there are too many ideas and nothing that can be nailed down.  Melissa tries to corral everyone having been a producer for 15 years.  PM Claudia feels utterly inadequate, and bristles feeling that her authority is being usurped.  She calls out Melissa in a rude, combative way then proceeds to trash talk her to the camera.  Melissa backs down and gives Claudia all the rope she’ll need to hang herself later.  The rest of the team sits back in bewilderment waiting for their leader to give them direction, which she never does.

The day of the event the women lean heavily on Joan Rivers.  Joan who has been transported via the clout of Natalie Gulbis who scored her a private plane to get her back to NYC in time for the show arrives under slept and cranky.  The dress rehearsal is disastrous until Melissa take control of the situation to insure that her mother is not put in an embarrassing mess on stage. The product placement and Joan’s professional pitching of the ACN 3000 blended with her comedic elements proves to save the team.

The men’s production is over the top.  Dancers holding the new video phones, strobe lights, a full band and a free one song concert from Brian McKnight added to a touching use of the phones by the cadets of West Pointe…….what more could these 500 sales reps want?  The show…and I do mean show closed with the Reps chanting ACN! ACN! ACN!  No need for a motivational speaker for this staff!

The Board room served to reconfirm that team KOTU (with all it’s drama) put on a better show by over 80% of the sales reps voting for them.  Delighted, they are dismissed.  The women go straight to bitch mode with Claudia being the least professional of the bunch.  She had a personal dislike for Melissa who actually saved her ass by knowing what to do and taking charge.  She just couldn’t let her personal feelings be put aside and in the end it didn’t matter that she dragged Melissa & poor Chloe into the Boardroom with her, her unprofessional behavior and lack of leadership abilities cost her, and she was indeed…..Fired!  Finally, a case where celebrity good looks were of no use or value.

Next week Dennis Rodman goes into final melt down and this crazy Diva unravels like a cheap gotta watch!

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #130 on: March 25, 2009, 09:48:59 AM »
Next week Dennis Rodman goes into final melt down and this crazy Diva unravels like a cheap gotta watch!

OHHHHHHHHHH!! Something interesting about to happen??  :lol:

(Probably not.. LOL)
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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #131 on: March 25, 2009, 12:38:37 PM »
The previews from Sunday night make is clear that Rodman has a very serious addiction to alcohol that he is unable to control. It appears that the entire group of both teams are trying to get him to either go cold turkey or go into alcohol rehab. I would expect Rodman to react strongly to that, but I have no idea how that will be. There is likely to be some NBC hype over this incident, but I have to believe that the episode ends with Dennis Rodman fired. He has been on borrowed time for weeks and I expect this will be the week it catches up to him.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #132 on: March 25, 2009, 01:35:48 PM »
The previews from Sunday night make is clear that Rodman has a very serious addiction to alcohol that he is unable to control. It appears that the entire group of both teams are trying to get him to either go cold turkey or go into alcohol rehab. I would expect Rodman to react strongly to that, but I have no idea how that will be. There is likely to be some NBC hype over this incident, but I have to believe that the episode ends with Dennis Rodman fired. He has been on borrowed time for weeks and I expect this will be the week it catches up to him.

Aw.. I haven't seen the previews, so I'm sorry for my dumb comments. :(  It is a shame that something so serious has to be confronted on a television show, maybe it will help him get into rehab. I really hope so.
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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #133 on: March 27, 2009, 05:29:59 AM »


Episode: 9

Air Date: April 26, 2009

For their next task, each team must create a new meal for Schwan’s LiveSmart frozen food line. In their test kitchen, one team creates 3 different meals, and butt heads when it comes time to choose one to present to the Schwan’s executives. The other team banks on a single traditional dish, but a leadership conflict erupts and a last-minute change to the recipe throws success into doubt. The teams present their meals to the Schwan’s executives, who choose a winner. And once again, Trump sends another celebrity packing.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #134 on: March 30, 2009, 10:07:37 AM »
Annie Duke Blogs:

Episode 4 of Celebrity Apprentice: Celebrity Intervention

This week on Celebrity Apprentice our task was to run a hotel. each team was given a floor of the Loews Regency and we had to provide room service, housekeeping, bell service, concierge, everything you need to run a hotel well. We would be rated on the overall service experience provided to the guests. So this challenge was right up my Type A alley. Hands down, my favorite task of all in terms of my own experience. But at the same time, the most painful to recall because of what happened with Rodman. So, I think I will start with Athena and just briefly go over our experience then really focus on the KOTU team this week since, obviously, they were really the meat of this episode.

So, when we got this challenge Melissa suggested Tionne as project manager and Tionne took on the task. We were missing Khloe because she had to be in LA on a personal matter. But Tionne assigned the rest of us our jobs right away so there was no confusion. That was a relief because one of the issues the previous weeks was that the PM did not assign tasks right away. Joan was assigned concierge since she had the most NYC connections. Brande and Tionne mainly did housekeeping. Natalie was on room service. Melissa was supposed to help anyone who needed help and also man the front desk when it was too busy for one person to handle. And Tionne assigned me bellman and room service. I was concerned at first when Tionne gave me a job that involved communicating to the customer. I felt that my biggest downfall in the game was communication and that that was the worst place for me to be. I wanted to be on housekeeping where I didn’t have to talk to anyone because I felt like communication was my weak suit. But I am really glad, in retrospect, that Tionne assigned me those jobs because I LOVED them. I mean I really, really got a kick out of this whole task and said right after we were done that if poker playing stopped working out I was going to do room service in a hotel as my next job. I couldn’t have been happier this whole challenge with the jobs I was given!

So, really quickly, strong and weak points to our team. I think Tionne did an amazing job organizing us. Brande was great on housekeeping. I think Natalie got a bad rap on this episode. She got those amazing free baskets and cases of free water for us to hand out to the desks. I got free champagne and wine and flowers for their rooms as well so between the two of us we had some rocking ammenitites. On the whole I think Natalie did a great job on room service. I understand that 702 wasn’t happy with her but everything else she did on this task was great so it is too bad that got focused on so much. I think that Joan was both a star on this task and the weakest link at the same time. I know it seems weird to say that but she did amazing work and some sloppy work too. You saw some of the mistakes she made on the episode in terms of not quoting costs in advance to the guests and that was a pervasive problem. That being said, she did take responsibility for those mistakes and rectified them by removing the offensive charges. She also was not thorough in taking the room service orders and room service found themselves having to keep calling back the guests to clarify the orders…things like not asking what kind of bread on a sandwich or what kind of cheese…that kind of thing. But she did get every reservation and every show ticket we needed so in that sense she rocked it. Lots of good from her, some bad. But most of the bad she took immediately responsibility for which is a nice side to see from Joan. Less brash and softer and more vulnerable.

I think I enjoyed this task much more than the rest of my team did (just as I disliked the wedding dress challenge while my team lvoes that one). I really enjoyed the whole experience immensely and I particularly loved the guys in room 702, Matthew Garber and friends. It was the night of one of the presidential debates and they were having a debate party and I just thought they were a hoot. I thought it was interesting that everyone complained about those guys so much in the boardroom in terms of them being difficult. From my perspective the producers clearly coached all the guests to be difficult and I figured that is what we signed up for when we agreed to do Celebrity Apprentice. Celebrities geting abused, right? So, I would expect nothing less than trying to be ridiculously difficult from our guests. So I guess because of that expectation I just thought that 702 was hilarious in the way they were executing the producers’ directive to be difficult guests and so had a great time with them. Anyway, fun fun challenge for me personally. I want to run a hotel full time now!

Interestingly, depsite the fact that we could see Dennis being totally wild and erratic the whole challenge, I did not think that meant we were a lock to win. I also could see clearly that Jesse, Herschel, Brian and Clint were doing an incredible job. And the fact is that this was a subjective task. Juat because I would not want to be served by Rodman does not mean there aren’t others who would love to have that kind of interaction with him. And clearly that was the case with the guests Rodman went off to dinner with. They loved this crazy, rambling drunk guy just hanging out with them and many times that is the case with bigger than life celebs. And that was a scary thought to me that the KOTU guests might actually like the Rodman show. Tough because I really didn’t want to see anyone get fired from our team here. If we lost the task but had we I would have thought Tionne would bring in two of these three: Joan, Natalie and Khloe. Joan was criticized in the boardroom for some of her mistakes but also praised for her high points at the same time so I am not sure she would have been the right choice. The question with Joan would be whether or not the good things she did outweighed the bad and I believe the answer there is yes. Natalie was openly criticized for her handling of 702 so I think Tionne would have had to bring her in despite her shining in getting all the baskets and ammenities for the guests. Khloe would be a choice because Trump clearly criticized her for not being there the first day. I don’t personally think she should be fired for that because Joan missed 3 days herself during the previous 3 challenges so in fairness to that Khloe should be given a pass on that too. But Trump was obviously irked by it and you have to listen to him very clearly in who to bring in so I think Khloe would have been a strong candidate.

Luckily, Athena won the challenge so none of that was an issue. But the win was by a very narrow margin which is a testament to how amazing Brian, Clint, Herschel and Jesse were during the challenge since they obviously compensated well for the disruption Rodman was causing. And, the narrow margin is also a testament to how much slack larger than life celebrities like Rodman get cut in terms of their behavior by the peope who interact with them. Because I think some of the guests really enjoyed him even though they would have been appalled if a “normal” hotel employee acted that way.

Which brings us naturally to KOTU and the boardroom. I am so sad for Dennis Rodman. And so sad for the other members of his team. First, it is difficult just from a game perspective to feel sabotaged by a member of your team, no doubt. Particularly one who is taking no responsibility for the failures. But on a personal level that must be even more horrific. I know that Jesse James has personal experience with alcohol abuse and that his experiences with Dennis were painful for him. Brian, Clint and Herschel all were also frustrated with Dennis but you could tell they wanted him to just get help because everyone could see that deep down inside there was a good guy in Dennis that just was destroyed by the alcohol abuse.

I don’t think anyone thought when they signed on to the show that they would be doing what ended up as an intervention in the boardroom. I mean that is truly what it was. An intervention. And a tough one to watch and participate in. From a personal perspective, I grew up with an alcoholic mother. She has been sober since I was 17 years old but  much of my childhood was very difficult because of the alcohol abuse. I understand how alcohol can change someone. My mother is the most amazing individual I have ever known. She is intelligent, incredibly funny, perceptive, and her mind just works in such a fascinating way. She is astonshingly unique and inspiring. But when she was drinking, well, I would not have used the same words to decribe her. And I think Dennis is much the same. Sober he is almost painfully shy, sweet, intelligent and perceptive. Drunk. Well you saw for your own eyes what he is like drunk and that is an awful transformation to bear witness to.

I think all of KOTU really just wanted to see Dennis get help but I think Jesse felt that the most keenly of all of them. And to see the sadness in Jesse during that boardroom was so hard. When Dennis was talking about his past achievements in sports and Jesse just pointed to Herschel and said look at the difference between these two great athletes, that just said so much and hit the nail right on the head. What else can you say? You can see where Dennis’ life has been and you can see so clearly where it is heading if Dennis doesn’t change and that path is not a path you want to see anyone go down.

I just truly, truly hope Dennis gets the help he needs. He can be so much more than he is right now.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #135 on: March 30, 2009, 01:25:24 PM »
I will read Annie Duke's blog after I write my own recap. I found the first 90 minutes of last night's show, the time at the hotel, scintillating. The last 30 minutes in the Boardroom was torture for both Dennis Rodman and viewers. It should have been shortened by 15 minutes so it had less angst and repetition.

So the task is for each team to run 5 concierge-level rooms at the Loew's Regency Hotel on the Upper East Side in Manhattan. The project managers are Tionne for Athena and Dennis for KOTU. The teams will need to be trained in each important hotel function that they need to perform. That includes:
1. how to clean a carpet
2. how to clean a bathroom
3. presentation of pillows and stuff like that
4. how to provide room service food and beverages
and most importantly, 5. how to provide concierge service for highly demanding guests

The right and left hand of God last night were John Tish, president of the Loew's Regency Hotels, and Ivanka. Before the boardroom they were each seen once, John defending his hotel chain when it wasn't necessary and Ivanka talking to a space-cadet Dennis. As Clint put it, "Dennis turns into a different person when he has a drink."

So 30 minute training sessions in the major functions (Houskeeping, room service, concierge) were available for the apprentice Apprentices. Teams huddled before their responsiblities started and tried to dream up every auxiliary service known to mankind that they could offer free to bias the judges. Some individuals contacted companies they knew in New York City to obtain donations of filled gift baskets, wine, alcohol, food and who knows what else. Athena gave away complimentary breakfasts of anything a guest wanted. At least the guests when they arrived and later appreciate it.

KOTU was slow to finish cleaning the rooms and their first guest was at the concierge station (presumably after having been directed there and possibly even checked in below by normal hotel personnel. Athena had all their team except Khloe on day 1 (day 2 was just breakfast and she was back for working then). So other guests come and check in. Stephen Baldwin and Vicnent Pastore make special appearances by acting like normal concierge-level  guests, that is greedy and very demanding. Many guests tested the skills of the concierges (Brian for KOTU and Joan for Athena) by asking for ridiculous things in theatre tickets, shows, dinner reservations, etc. They got almost all of what thye asked for no matter how difficult it was. The guests did have to pay for these tickets, but when Stephen Baldwin was sent to Joan Rivers to the floor show at the hotel, he had a cover charge of $400 that he was angrey about and Joan apologized for not having informed him. The same thing happened with two men who asked for a pedicure but when they found the charge for men was twice that for women they strongly protested. Again, Joan knew it in advance and did not inform them. Otherwise her work was exemplary and Brian's was almost perfect.

The only major comment against anyone was 2 male guests had a party in their room and complained that Natalie did not give them good service; I saw what was telecast and I do not agree with them. Annie, Natalie, Tionne, Melissa, Brande and Joan all worked their butts off to please the customers who were grading them to determine which team wins. Khloe was not there except for a very short period. On the Men's side Brian, Jesse, Clint and Herschel were working together as a well-oiled maching but Dennis was off on major tangents, usually started by him drinking cranberry juice mixed with some unnamed alocholic beverage. He took away for-the-guests cookies that Clint had gotten at Carnegie Deli (unclear whether complimentary or not)  and when he brought them back almost 24 hours later he walked off in a snit. He elected to go out with two of the guests for a memorable evening of drinking, carousing and eating while the rest of the team was running their desiganted hotel space. At checkout, the guests were required to fill out comment cards, which were turned into "points" by Ivanka and John. The feedback (except none was requested from Stephen Baldwin and Vincent Pastore) was generally favorable, with the major screwup Khloe arriving 40 minutes early. The way that incident was handled, the dialogue between the couple, left me with the distinct impression that the guests were either real actors or they were real people who were asked to play a role and be demanding in specific ways that would test the metal of the apprentice Apprentices.

The feedback resulted in a 85 for KOTU and 91 for Athena. I think that was fair. It should be noted that the women had a manpower advantage of 1 Day 1 and 2 morning 2, although it could be viewed was one more for the women since Dennis was missing-in-action most of the time. So the women win and the men lose. The women are asked to stick around in the Board Room. It is completely clear who should be fired since the other 4 KOTU members worked well and hard. Dennis is the only possiblity and this time even his friendship with Donald Trump san't save him. A beat-up-Dennis session ensued to make the case for his firing air-tight. I did not enjoy seeing this. Trump should have just cut it short with a "Dennis, you're fired" much earlier than he did.

I have a theory for why the women were kept around. Trump did not intend it to beat up
dennis for long AND he wanted them there to announce the restructuring of the teams that was to take place immediately. We saw the a tiny sliver of the results of that in the previews of next week's episodes. I will welcome mixed teams, particularly the splitting up of Joan and Melissa Rivers. I think that everyone still competing except Khloe has the skill set to make it all the way. It's just a question of situations in future episodes as to which one does.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #136 on: March 30, 2009, 02:54:10 PM »

I agree and thanks for taking the time for writing us a recap

My 2 cents, these kind of situations are normally handled behind closed doors and I think they didn’t need to air the intervention as we saw Rodman walking around with a vodka cranberry since like episode 1 and it should have been dealt with then. How sad.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #137 on: March 30, 2009, 03:41:34 PM »


NBC Press Release

After a powerful boardroom last night where the men's team set the competition aside to confront Dennis Rodman about his harmful addiction, which resulted in him being fired, the remaining celebrities are split up for the first time. In the episode airing this Sunday, April 5 (9-11 p.m. ET), Trump switches the teams and it's no longer men vs. women leaving mother daughter duo Joan and Melissa Rivers on opposing sides. With their new teams in place, the celebrities' next challenge is to write, produce and edit a viral video for ALL Small and Mighty Laundry Detergent with the videos being judged by the ALL executives along with a very special celebrity guest judge Perez Hilton.

Both teams push the boundaries, despite the ALL executives' warnings. Egos clash as a renegade project manager Clint Black shuns his team and goes it alone. Harmony prevails on the other team, but a last-second decision puts their video in jeopardy as they blur the lines of good taste. A heated boardroom concludes with a shocking result, and Trump's decision surprises everyone.

Clint Black, Annie Duke, Natalie Gulbis, Jesse James, Khloe Kardashian,Brian McKnight, Joan Rivers, Melissa Rivers, Brande Roderick, Herschel Walker and Tionne Watkins are the remaining 11 celebrities vying to be The Celebrity Apprentice.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #138 on: March 31, 2009, 11:03:47 AM »
Apskip said:
The only major comment against anyone was 2 male guests had a party in their room and complained that Natalie did not give them good service; I saw what was telecast and I do not agree with them. Annie, Natalie, Tionne, Melissa, Brande and Joan all worked their butts off to please the customers who were grading them to determine which team wins. Khloe was not there except for a very short period. On the Men's side Brian, Jesse, Clint and Herschel were working together as a well-oiled maching but Dennis was off on major tangents, usually started by him drinking cranberry juice mixed with some unnamed alocholic beverage. He took away for-the-guests cookies that Clint had gotten at Carnegie Deli (unclear whether complimentary or not)  and when he brought them back almost 24 hours later he walked off in a snit. He elected to go out with two of the guests for a memorable evening of drinking, carousing and eating while the rest of the team was running their desiganted hotel space. At checkout, the guests were required to fill out comment cards, which were turned into "points" by Ivanka and John. The feedback (except none was requested from Stephen Baldwin and Vincent Pastore) was generally favorable, with the major screwup Khloe arriving 40 minutes early. The way that incident was handled, the dialogue between the couple, left me with the distinct impression that the guests were either real actors or they were real people who were asked to play a role and be demanding in specific ways that would test the metal of the apprentice Apprentices.

The feedback resulted in a 85 for KOTU and 91 for Athena. I think that was fair. It should be noted that the women had a manpower advantage of 1 Day 1 and 2 morning 2, although it could be viewed was one more for the women since Dennis was missing-in-action most of the time. So the women win and the men lose. The women are asked to stick around in the Board Room. It is completely clear who should be fired since the other 4 KOTU members worked well and hard. Dennis is the only possiblity and this time even his friendship with Donald Trump san't save him. A beat-up-Dennis session ensued to make the case for his firing air-tight. I did not enjoy seeing this. Trump should have just cut it short with a "Dennis, you're fired" much earlier than he did.

I have a theory for why the women were kept around. Trump did not intend it to beat up
dennis for long AND he wanted them there to announce the restructuring of the teams that was to take place immediately. We saw the a tiny sliver of the results of that in the previews of next week's episodes. I will welcome mixed teams, particularly the splitting up of Joan and Melissa Rivers. I think that everyone still competing except Khloe has the skill set to make it all the way. It's just a question of situations in future episodes as to which one does.

Thanks again apskip for your recap!  :-*

I had a reply ready to post yesterday and lost it, but I did want to comment on several of the points you make so well apskip.

It would be difficult for anyone with a small amount of training to clean a room in twenty minutes so I can well understand why the guys would clean much slower than the women and they were hampered because the men had only 3 to perform all the tasks. The women gave their guests quite a few amenities including a free breakfast but still when the points were tallied, the men weren't that far behind the women.

It was obvious that the "guests" were paid because they were filmed, not only in the lobby but at other points during the day, for example calling from their rooms asking for room service or tickets but it didn't occur to me that they might be paid actors. You're probably right about that, for sure they signed agreements and received some sort of remuneration. I had to laugh when I saw Stephen Baldwin and Vincent Pastore, it was a total setup. Kudos to Joan Rivers for handling Stephen's gripes about the view from his room. She really does have people skills. OOPS on the pedicures.

Watching Dennis Rodman disintegrate was sad and yes, the board room was too long but the most striking thing for me was Trump pussyfooting around the issue of his drinking problem. I suppose it comes from years of business dealings and fear of being sued. The best comments came from Jesse James, confronting Rodman's problems and admitting his own drinking problem.  I wish we had just seen that confrontation and The Donald saying: "Dennis, you're fired." 

The teams split up will be more interesting and I'm glad Trump equaled the teams, I didn't think about him keeping the women in the room so he could split them up but I'm sure you're right.  :tup:

The choices we make dictate the life we lead.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #139 on: March 31, 2009, 11:06:16 AM »
Melissa Rivers Blog:

Melissa Rivers: “Dennis’ Firing Was Heart-Wrenching And Painful”

The last episode of Celebrity Apprentice was as real as reality television gets. For me, my reality came in the form of two torn ligaments as a result of running and tripping in a hotel hallway during our task. A keen eye would have caught the walking cast on my ankle when I was saying goodbye to Dennis at the end.

And speaking of Dennis, I’d like to focus on him. He’s a good friend and didn’t deserve what thankfully, the viewers did not see. What aired in the episode was only the tip of the iceberg of what really went down. Dennis’ firing was one of the most heart-wrenching, painful experiences I’ve ever had to sit through. You might have seen my mom actually crying at one point in the boardroom, it was that painful.

A combination of an alcohol intervention, and a vicious, wicked verbal lashing that bordered on abuse. The producers, Page and Eden (and of course Mark Burnett) did a fantastic job in regards to how they handled the situation while it was unfolding and how they edited the show itself.

Look, we all knew that Dennis enjoys a cocktail, but in the boardroom, we realized something more, that Dennis might be someone who needs help.

It especially hurts us from the show because we know what a genuine and lovely human being he is. Dennis doesn’t wish ill will towards anyone; he only wants happiness and everyone around him to be having fun. Case in point, Dennis hopping into the limo with the hotel guests he escorted to Tao restaurant. He gave them an experience they would never have in ten lifetimes.

I don’t even know where to begin when it comes to Jesse James. In the boardroom he was absolutely freakin’ amazing. This is a guy who has been there and wears his sobriety proudly. We learned who Jesse is as a person. We saw him take a serious problem he knows about first hand and push hard to help his fellow man. Jesse is so real, it’s no wonder he has such an incredible wife in Sandra Bullock.

At the end of the episode, we all just lingered about silently waiting for the elevators. Each of us alone with our thoughts about a gut wrenching experience we’d just witnessed and been a part of.

I truly love Dennis as a person and I hope everyone sees under his giant exterior what a good man he is inside.

As far as the actual task goes, for our team it was almost too easy. But that’s not counting my torn ligaments. Everything – other than that – was planned to a tee. Being on the same page from the get-go meant nothing dramatic was going to happen between us. We all had a good time together with this task, our fifth win.

I was especially happy for Tionne. I’ve been writing for weeks that she has been overlooked as far as what you’ve seen on the show, because she was a tremendous part of each victory. And now being the winning Project Manager, it was her time to stand up and shine.

The most important part of this episode took place at the very end after the credits rolled. It was when NBC put up the phone number for Alcoholics Anonymous. This show had nothing to do with performing a task, this episode was about getting a crucial message through to a friend we all care about very much.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #140 on: April 01, 2009, 11:20:41 AM »

Annie Duke Blogs:

OMG–It’s a Blog from One of the Guys in Room 702

A friend of mine just sent me this link…so just to underscore how awesome the gays in room 702 were I am linking to the blog. It is written by Jesse, one of the guys in 702. Yay!  I am so happy my friend sent this to me. They were the best guests ever  But I am not sure about Jesse’s idea of Rodman joining them in the room. Mayhem I tell you. Mayhem!

Here is the blog below......

Joan Rivers catered to my every whim

For those of you who caught Celebrity Apprentice saw me & Bam Bam wreaking havoc on the candidates as two of the notorious "gays of room 702". Joan Rivers was catering to our every whim! Yes, we set the gay movement back about a decade.

Since I was bound by a "confidentiality agreement" before, I couldn't tell you that this was the night I tossed the BIBLE from the hotel room window. Yeah, that bit didn't make it onto NBC!

So here's the scoop. Our friends Matt & Wayne invited Bam, me, and our mutual friend Becky to the hotel where they were staying...saying it was being filmed, and that all we had to do was spend lots of free money on room service. That's all we knew--until we got there and discovered it was Celebrity Apprentice. Of course we spent all our free money on champagne!! The golfer girl, Natalie, was hopeless. Obviously she'd only been waited upon. But pro-poker player Annie was amazing. I hope she wins.

We decided to camp it up and play the part - so we asked Joan Rivers to find us a peep show (G lounge? She failed!), asked if we could keep the bible (when security brought it back from 61st street), and in the morning we all cozied up in bed together when the cameras entered. I thought we were good TV. But then again, so was Dennis Rodman. He should've come to room 702! That would have been great TV!

It was really funny to see Joan and Melissa and all the girls call us out on the show's finale. I wrote a text message to Wayne when I saw it. "Joan Rivers just trashed us to Donald Trump!"

Wayne fires back. "And he paid the bill."

Annie blog:

Link to room 702's blog:

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #141 on: April 02, 2009, 12:18:05 PM »

Perez Hilton posted a preview video from his upcoming appearance:

Celebrity Apprentice Gets Perezcious!

The Queen of All Media makes a very special appearance on The Celebrity Apprentice this Sunday, April 5th at 9 P.M. ET.

Click on the link for the video preview:

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #142 on: April 03, 2009, 09:37:39 PM »
An interesting article:


On Celebrity Apprentice, the gals have pretty much been on easy street, winning all but one of the challenges.

But the balance of power is about to shift.

“The men and women are no longer separate, they mixed us up,” pro golfer Natalie Gulbis spills to the TV Fanatic.

That’s right, this former Athena girl is now a KOTU – king of the universe.

Charged to create a viral video for ALL detergent, Natalie says joining forces with the men wasn’t as difficult as she expected it to be.

“They were very easy to work with,” she says.

And Natalie, who’s been surprised to see herself portrayed as “the quiet one” on the reality series, will get her chance to step up at KOTU and show off her PM swing.

“There was a lot of fighting since they were dwindling down to four, and they needed someone to bring the personalities together,” she teases.

Natalie did miss Team Athena when she crossed parties.

“After so many tasks together, we had found our pace and knew who was good at doing what,” she says.

She adds, “We used to talk about what we were working on in the hair and makeup room, but now we have to be quiet.”

Natalie also reveals the true mission the once-all female Athena wanted to complete.

“We just wanted to win eight tasks in a row and take out all the guys,” she says with a laugh.

That would have been a hole-in-one!!

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #143 on: April 05, 2009, 09:59:28 PM »
Wowzers....just finished watching tonight's episode! The boardroom results were shocking! I'll wait until the recap gets posted so you can read about it. It was by far the best episode this season.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #144 on: April 06, 2009, 04:08:56 AM »

A no-brainer

Tionne made a poor choice by offering to be in a position where she would get fired.

She basically asked for it and deserved it far more than Melissa being held accountable as Project Manager.

Khloe’s reputation is now tarnished by her DUI how stupid can one be.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #145 on: April 06, 2009, 04:46:36 AM »
An interesting article: yes please do bring back The Apprentice


WHAT would the Trump Tower be without the Trump? Or New York without The Donald, for that matter?

More flat -- for one thing.

But if New York's governor doesn't kill the proposed millionaires' tax, TV's toughest rich guy is going to take this town and shove it.

Presumably, he won't take his show with him. But he is making noises.

In fact, Donald Trump had just gotten off the phone with Gov. Paterson when we called -- and got an earful about the earful he'd laid on the governor.

"It's very dangerous, what's going on in Albany," he ranted. "Rich people are going to leave this state -- why should they pay New York State taxes on money they made out of state?"

Will he be leading the parade out of town?

"No comment," he seethed, "And you know what that means!"

"I told the governor, everyone is going to move to Palm Beach, the nicest place in the world, where there is no income tax!"

But if you believe that he'd really move his empire and, more importantly, his board room to Palm Beach, then you probably believe his hair is naturally y-or ange.

The Donald is New York, for one thing, and for another, the man does exaggerate.

However, exaggeration aside, his show, "Celebrity Apprentice," finally caught fire last week. The ratings were way up and the celebs weren't out trying to sell cupcakes anymore -- but trading places with hotel waiters and limo drivers. Great stuff.

Apparently, the network thinks so, too. "NBC actually is thinking of doing "The Apprentice," and "Celebrity Apprentice" together in one season," he boasted.

Bringing back the original "Apprentice" would make sense because, since its absence from American TV, it has developed world-wide appeal.

"We're already on in 100 countries!" Trump boasted. Right. The truth is closer to 75 -- 50 countries airing Trump repeats and 25 countries producing their own brand-new versions, with their own Donalds. (Trump and Mark Burnett own the franchise.)

The Japanese version has a female Donald, and the English version has a noble -- Sir Alan Sugar -- who has become the biggest sensation on Brit TV since Simon Cowell.

Not that The Donald's impressed. "He does OK," Trump sniffed.

Hey -- anyone can become a "Sir." Not everyone can become a "The," right?

Hard to imagine, but "The" is not just a father of five now, including baby Barron, nearly 2, but he's a grandpa of two thanks to his son Donald Jr. and wife Vanessa.

There's Kai (almost 2) and Donald Trump III, a month and a half.

The Donald has mixed feelings about the whole thing.

"Egh, I don't like being called 'grandpa,' " he grumbles. "But whether I like it or not, that's what I am."

Clearly, grandparenting isn't going to replace moguling as his favorite activity, so Trump switched the talk right back to the real estate market. "It's a depression, but I'm buying. I'm planning," he said.

Unable to contain myself, I finally broke out and asked if he's got any blueprints in the work-in-progress that is on his head.

"I've combed my hair this way for years!" he crowed. "It's been very good to me -- so, no, I have no plans to make a change.

"The NBC execs love me and don't want any radical changes." Right, but really, if his hair got any more radical, they'd have to send it to Gitmo with the rest of the terrorists.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #146 on: April 06, 2009, 07:52:50 AM »
All I say say is WOW! There were 2 major surprises and one expected surprise last  night. However, as in all episodes of Celebrity Apprentice the winner seems to be ....Ivanka Trump, who always looks great and has incisive comments about teams and tasks. This episode opens benignly with Tionne Watkins presenting a check for $20,000 to the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia.

Trump announces there will be new teams. He sends Jesse to Athena to join Annie, Melissa, Brande and Tionne and KOTU has Herschel and Clint get Joan, Natalie and Khloe.  This has the effect desired by Trump of splitting up Joan and Melissa.  Joan is now getting much more strident about helping her daughter and Melissa says she wants to become more independent of her mother, so this could accomplish that. Brian is away singing and will be placed by Trump when he returns next epsiode.

Trump presents Kevin and Janet from All Detergents, who ask for a viral video (one that will be pased along from friend to friend on the internet) no more than 60 seconds long that will feature All's new All 3X Detergent. It will be judged on originality, buzzworthiness and branding. There actually was a fourth criteria that Janet did not mention, "doesn't offend anyone" but they did not mention that!

It's time to select Project Managers. KOTU goes with Clint and Athena with Melissa. Teams start their tasks and it is apparent early on that the Clint's "hold it close to the vest" style is offending Joan. Throughout this task she has ideas, which he claims are either not complete or half-baked on characters, script and editing so he ignores them totally. The KOTU team essentially became Clint against Joan and Natalie and Khloe, as Herschel was not there for the first 2/3 or so of the task. Both teams looked at Internet darta about viral videos and concluded that using midgets (or little people if you wish but I will go with the shorter one) frequently results in successful viral videos.

So the creation of characters was the result of a story line, which became basically only Clint's. It was the use of the words "dirty laundry" as code words for sex between a husband and wife. Originally they tried to use a midget in the part of the husband but the one they got was not acceptable and they sent him packing. Clint took over the husband role. The result was, in my opinion, OK but on the edge of good taste.  Clint also took total charge of the production of the video, asking no help from his team. When Herschel did get there he suggested the addition of cartoons to the nearly-completed commercial.

Athena also used midgets and they got 3 good ones. The script was that Jesse is a mechanic at the laundromat and when he tries to wash his clothes these midgets surround him and beat him up. As the midgets leave they curse. I found that cursing unnecssary and a bit offensive. Melissa as the PM ran the production but made good use of her team, particularly Tnnie and Tionne who were sent to do the costume, which was for all 4 actors and was spectacular in its focus on ALL.

So the target audience apparently is a mid-20s woman with children. How does this play to her is the only criterion that Kevin and Janet use. They do get the assistance of media darling Perez Hilton, who says that the Jesse James cartoon (that's what it really is) is funny and the Clint Black one not funny. Trump apparently plays no part in the determination of which team won. He doesn't need to.

Teams get to the boardroom and the initial focus is on Joan vs. Clint. Joan says that she is throwing out all of of Clint's music that she owns and she will never speak to him for the rest of her life (wouldn't that be interesting to see close up?). This was dull, uninteresting stuff because 5 minutes of it is more than enough and Mark Burnett and the editors of Celebrity Apprentice don't appear to have good judgment on how much it too much. Trump has both finished videos played and the KOTU women were totally cracking up at the Athena video.  Perez Hilton's tape says that he  really loved the Jesse James version. Trump then deflates everyone's balloon by saying that while they liked some aspects of the videos, Kevin and Janet found the tawdriness of them bad for the target audience. Their judgment was that both of them were unacceptable. I don't think Trump himself agreed with that, as he made oblique coments about it.

So now we come to the core boardroom task. Trump says that each PM will nominate 2 individuals to come with him/her to the boardroom and 2 of the total of 6 individuals will be fired. So Clint selects Natalie and Khloe, but not Joan who would be the person who earned it and not Herschel who might have salvaged the situation had he been around longer. Natalie and Khloe did not have the opportunity to do much, but that was not their fault. Clint apparently surmised that Joan is a sacred cow with Trump and is essentially immune.

Next Melissa names Tionne and Brande. Did they do less than Annie(Jesse is not conceivably in the running)? Yes, they probably did but neither should in any normal environment be in the boardroom for this.

So Trump starts with Athena. He reviews the sins of Melissa (productive and knowledgeable but sometimes obnoxious like her mother) and talks to Tionne and Brande. It was obvious he wasn't going to fire Melissa. Tionne stated as  she was picked by Melissa she volunteers for this for the good of the team. Trump knew that she had won $20,000 for her team last episode and would not cost him any additional appearance money. I believe that was critical in his decision to fire Tionne, which was a shocker to me and I expect to you. Why should someone blameless get fired?

Next Trump turns to KOTU. It is bovious that he likes Clint and does not want to lose him, possibly because Mark Burnett and production want the sparks of future interactions between Joan and Clint. Trump tells Clint that if he had brought Joan in to the boardroom, Clint would have been fired. So who was worse of Khloe and Brande. For this episode it was even, as neither was allowed to cvontribute much. Hoever, over the longer pull Khloe had performed quite a bit below Brande. I hope that that evaluation was in the back of Trump's mind. What he chose to do was bring up Khloe's DUI as the reason for her non-participation on the first day at Loew's Regency Hotel; she had a court-mandated appearance. Trump makes a big deal of something totally irrelevant to Celebrity Apprentice and uses the morality of that as the excuse to fire Khloe. Boo! Hiss!

What I do see as a possibility is for Trump to set up Joan vs. Melissa in the finale. What do you think? I further think that Joan's special status is revloting to me as a viewer and I expect Trump may correct that by firing her before the finale. I hope so.

Two additional thoughts occurs to me. It is that Donald Trump, Sr. has joined the ranks of Chef Gordon Ramsay who makes somewhat arbitrary decisions to fire individuals from a team supposedly exempt as the winner who do not deserve to get eliminated/fired. The only reason that I can see is to protect Clint and Joan and Melissa in this episode. After all, Trump had to fire 2 people only because he said he did. Second, it will be interesting to see Joan and Clint forced to work together when neither is the Project Manager.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 08:11:17 AM by apskip »

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #147 on: April 06, 2009, 08:50:40 AM »
'Celebrity Apprentice': Board room blitz

I don't know about you, PopWatchers, but I found last night's episode of Celebrity Apprentice to be infuriating. It was nice to see the teams shaken up (Joan, Natalie, and Khloe were sent to KOTU, and Jesse and Brian were sent to Athena), but the arbitrary board room results made me resent the fact that I had just spent two hours watching the show. Really -- why make us invest time in watching the celebs complete their task when their performances aren't going to have anything to do with who gets fired?

This week, the teams had to write, produce, and edit a viral video for All Small & Mighty 3x concentrated laundry detergent. Inexplicably, both teams interpreted ''small and mighty'' to mean ''midgets.'' Athena's ''Jesse James gets washed by midgets'' sounded awful in concept but turned out really funny, and KOTU's ''Laundry innuendo'' sounded funny in concept but turned out really creepy and weird.

While the Athena video was clearly funnier and approximately 150 percent less creepy than KOTU's (even Perez Hilton agreed), the All execs nixed both ideas and Trump sent both teams to the board room. Melissa, proud of the way her team performed, figured she'd be eliminated because no one really messed up, and solicited volunteers to accompany her to the board room. Timid Tionne stepped forward, which ultimately backfired when Trump fired her for volunteering. Unfair? Sure. But she could've done her homework before going on the show and found out that Trump hates when people volunteer for the board room. As aggravating as it was to see her go, the second elimination was even more exasperating.
</p>The whole episode centered around the idea that project manager Clint commandeered the entire KOTU video -- came up with the idea, directed it, edited it, and wouldn't listen to his teammates when they told him it was nonsensical and strange -- so when he arbitrarily picked Khloe and Natalie to accompany him to the board room and Trump didn't spend one second questioning him about the shambles of a viral video he made, I knew one of the ladies was in trouble. And when Trump started lecturing Khloe about the DUI that everyone with an Internet connection already knew about, I knew her number was up.

Khloe got a DUI, spent time in jail, and is taking court-ordered alcohol education classes. Sure, she seemed a little cavalier about what happened, but after watching a marathon a couple of episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, I'm pretty sure she's cavalier about absolutely everything (and I kind of love her for it). Clearly the producers on the show knew about the DUI (that happened more than a year ago), so the fact that Trump didn't know about it until Khloe mentioned it was pretty puzzling. I can understand having such an emotional reaction after learning that someone you know did something so reckless and irresponsible. We all know reality shows aren't always judged entirely on merit and fairness, but really -- what else was this girl supposed to do? She served her time, apologized, and seems intent on never doing something so stupid again.

Were you shocked by the double elimination? I wasn't surprised that it happened, but I was surprised that Clint didn't go. Who do you think should have gone from each team instead? Did Clint's behavior bother you? Did you like Joan's impromptou QVC ad? And whose video did you like more?

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #148 on: April 06, 2009, 10:48:27 AM »
jmo i am sure i need to hid under the chair but... i though trump was an ass tonight on the show, how does that womanzing hoe trump judge cloie like that. i stoped watching this show a few yrs ago cause it got to b one big commercial for what ever project they were doing , but this yr i was watching this train wreck caus i like jessy and cloie and a few other stars so i thought it would b fun to watch, but last night trump getting up on his high horse please wtf, he just wants to keep the most famous cleb's on as long as he can for rateings, he should have fired clint. and save the double elm for next week. i hope desprat hw comes bk on next week i dout i am going to watch  cleb app. any more TRUMP THE WOMINZING HOE WTF.. :hides :wall:
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #149 on: April 06, 2009, 11:18:51 AM »

Annie Dukes Blog:

Episode 6 of Celebrity Apprentice: Clint Dictates and Jesse Gets Dirty With Midgets

Before I get into Celebrity Apprentice, I am so excited because this morning I am taking the kids to Costa Rica! We are going down there for spring break…yay!

So, this week on Celebrity Apprentice the task was to create a viral video for All Detergent. As I suspected going into task delivery, the teams got shuffled up. I stayed on Team Athena along with Melissa Rivers, Brande Roderick, Tionne Watkins and Jesse James. Team Kotu becomes Herschel Walker, Clint Black, Joan Rivers, Khloe Kardashian and Natalie Gulbis. Brian McKnight was away at a concert but I assumed whichever team lost the task would end up with Brian on their team when he got back. Melissa volunteered to Project Manage Athena (since she has experience in production) and Clint volunteered for Kotu.

So, let me start with Athena because, once again, the less interesting stuff happened on Athena. As we were heading over to the war room, we started throwing out ideas. So we come up with this idea that Jesse could get scrubbed in a bathtub by midgets. Now, the original idea was Joan getting into a bathtub, little people scrubbing her with All Detergent, and Brande coming out of the bathtub. That would have been hilarious. But we didn’t have Joan on the team anymore, which really bummed me out because I figured Joan was the ace in the hole on this task. The reason we were focused on midgets was that the detergent was called All Small and Mighty and, as Isaid repeatedly over the course of the task, you can’t really say All Small and Mighty and viral in the same sentence and not expect to get little people. And, as you notice, KOTU wanted to use a midget as well but after the first guy couldn’t act the agency had no more options to send them since Athena had already booked the other three they had available.

At first, Jesse was very resistant to get scrubbed by the little people. To be fair, we did want him in a Speedo in a bathtub so the concept did evolve from what he initially refused to do. Let me tell you, when he was initially refusing to do it I was pissed off! I was very happy when Jesse got moved to our team (and even more sad to see Natalie move over to KOTU) but when Jesse said no to concept that the rest of our team liked I was really annoyed that he wasn’t being a team player. That being said, we did finally convince him and once he said yes he was the best addition to the team ever. Slightly bumpy start but then huge asset after that. And, yes, he is a totally awesome dude, too.

So, the concept is that we will have three little people dressed as All Bottles. I was put in charge of brand messaging. Tionne and I were also assigned to get the costumes and props. After doing the brand research I needed to and after Tionne found the places where we could get the costumes and props, T and I went off to do our errands while Jesse, Melissa, and Brande stayed behind to write the script. While I was gone, Melissa obviously took some shots at me in her interviews, saying she wanted me out of the room because I was disruptive and wanted to run everything. As usual, she said all that behind my back and not to my face. One of the reasons I love Brande so much is that the one time we had an argument she told me she was pissed off and why she was pissed off right to my face. She was direct and I love that. Melissa, on the other hand, could not have been nicer to my face at this point in the game. Yet, obviously, she was somewhat sniping when my back was turned. Lucky for me, every time we had been in a boardroom, Trump had asked the PM if I overstepped my bounds or stepped on their toes. I think Trump kept asking that because he suspected I was the type who would want to be the leader on every task. Yet, every PM who was asked that insisted I was very deferential, including Khloe on the Zappos Challenge. So whatever Melissa was saying about me wanting to be in charge, she was confusing that with me being willing to stick my neck out and get my ideas across. I actually specifically always deferred to the PM because I had seen on the previous season that not doing that was a huge mistake in the game. And, anyone who has watched the last three episodes has seen an Annie that was in the background, causing no conflict and doing whatever the PM told me to do. So, I obviously knew how to subordinate and not take over.

So, anyway, Tionne and I went off to get electric blue unitards, yellow wigs, blue gloves, and high tops for the actors to wear (so they would look like the All bottles). When we were at Home Depot getting the Scrub Brushes (we found yellow ones!) Tionne found these electric blue rubber gloves the same color as the unitards and she also found these yellow hard hats. I really enjoyed the afternoon with Tionne. I hadn’t gotten to spend much time with her before plus she had been sick coming into the show with a horrible sinus infection. That was finally clearing up at which point the real Tionne was emerging. She got her energy back and she is really freaking hilarious. She did a great job finding all the costume stuff and I had a really good time getting to know her better.

After we got all the stuff, we brought it all to the laundromat where they were setting up to film. I wasn’t at the war room when Don Jr. came by so I don’t know how true the edit was on the meeting but if it was edited fairly I wish Melissa had paid more attention to Don Jrs concerns about taming it down a little because in that case we could have left off that end bit with the midgets swearing. That is not to say I don’t stand behind the video, because I do. Melissa and Jesse did an amazing job writing it and it was really, really funny (as you saw when it got played in the boardroom). But Brande seemed to pay attention to what Don Jr had to say since she was concerned it might be too out there so it seems liek maybe the edit of that meetin was fair.Again, I don’t know. I wasn’t there.

Anyway, we got back to the set and dressed up the midgets and the rest of the day was just ridiculously fun. Jesse was a good sport and had a blast the whole day. He was awesome in the video. The midgets were amazing and game for whatever we did. Melissa did a really great job directing and producing. I made sure the branding was there. Everyone contributed and we all had a blast, never stopping laughing the whole day. Editing the piece was even more fun because even after watching it over and over we still thought it was hilarious, the sign of a good viral. I can’t remember the last time I laughed as long or as hard as I did those two days.

We had a harmonious team, and we produced a really funny product. It was a great day.

Now on to KOTU. Oh my lord. During the whole task, Melissa was getting texts from her mother telling her what was going on. We were also getting reports from Khloe and Natalie. By saying they were telling us what was happening, they weren’t selling out their team by telling us their ideas. They were texting us about what was happening with Clint, that Clint was locking them out of the process and being a complete dictator. The interesting thing about this challenge was that I was so upset that Joan had been moved to the other team when I heard what the challenge was. Joan Rivers starring in a viral video would surely get passed around by the target audience. We substituted Jesse but I figured Clint would obviously have Joan be the star and I knew we would lose to that. Joan was a huge asset for them. Also, this is right up Joan’s alley for what her wheelhouse is in the writing department. Joan is obviously known for being outrageous and pushing the envelope. And viral videos are meant to be outrageous. So here is KOTU with the most obvious star for the video and the most obvious writer for the script. I figured we were ****ed.

But then it turns out we weren’t because Clint became a dictator, not a project manager, and decided to do the whole thing himself. And by himself I mean he locked out the rest of his team from doing anything, literally he locked them out of the editing bay. Clint wrote the piece (which was a dirty joke about masturbation which was not funny, offensive, and didn’t even make sense), he directed it, he made all the decisions about the actors and the editing. He was a one man show and despite his teams constant objections to the idea (and Ivanka’s objections as well) Clint refused to listen to any of them and just went full steam ahead. Ignoring the biggest asset he had on his team (Joan) was completely ridiculous and, frankly, disrespectful. I can’t say it enough, I thought Athena was sunk. In the target demographic there is no way we could compete with a Joan Rivers viral (even with Jesse starring in ours). All her ideas were very right on target and funny that she threw out on the show. Clint should have listened.

So, we get into the boardroom and, obviously, Joan was really harsh on Clint. No love lost between those two. Joan got very personal. Instead of focusing on why Clint failed as a project manager (as Khloe and Natalie did) Joan focused on why Clint failed as a human being, talking about how she never wants to see him again and that he is a bad man. Personally, I believe that no matter what your personal feelings are about someone that the boardroom is supposed to be about the task and who did their job well and who didn’t. So I felt Joan stepped over that line several times in the boardroom with Clint. While I wholeheartedly agree that Clint really screwed up as PM in a huge way, I feel the comments should have been kept to just that, the copious ways in which he screwed up as PM. The deeply personal comments made me feel bad for Clint in there.

Athena had no drama in the boardroom. We had all gotten along well and all stood by our product. In fact, when they showed our video the other team was laughing their asses off and we were told that Perez Hilton loved our video (thank you, Perez!) and hated KOTU’s. Seemed like a sure win. NOT.

The All executives hated both virals . While they loved the branding in ours (yay! I was in charge of that) they thought the rest was offensive. Now, I take offense to that in a lot of ways. Our video was great. Melissa did a fantastic job. Jesse did a great job. They wrote a really, really funny and, more importantly, viral video. Everyone on our team was on board and thought the thing was hilarious. And Perez thought it was really viral and really funny. So, my only explanation is that the All executives wanted a commercial and not a viral. I am not sure they understand the difference between a commercial and a viral because there is no question that we produced a viral, we gace them what they asked for. As I said the whole task, you can’t really say the words viral and All Small and Mighty in the same sentence and not expect little people dressed up as All bottles. Both teams went to the midget thing, afterall. I also feel like if All didn’t like either of them then Perez should have been the tie breaker. Why was he there otherwise?

So, we find out both teams lose (no surprise on the KOTU side). So both teams have to send people into the boardorom. Melissa picked Tionne, because she volunteered, and Brande. I think Melissa knew that I couldn’t get fired since the branding was the only thing praised with our video and Jesse couldn’t get fired since he had done an amazing job and worked his ass off. Brande got chosen kind of by default just because she hadn’t contributed quite as much as the others.  Melissa got shafted, as far as I am concerned. She should have won as PM. But Tionne is really the one who got shafted here. Tionne did an excellent job on this task and had just come off a great week as project manager. She was just coming into her own in the game having finally gotten over her really bad sinus infection. When Melissa asked for volunteers, Tionne was the only one who wanted to support her in the boardroom which was a really nice gesture. Look, I knew not to volunteer. I know how Trump reacts to that. At the same time, Tionne didn’t volunteer to be fired, she volunteered to be by Melissa’s side. That makes her a really good person (better than I am for sure) and I was sorry to see her punished for that. Melissa knew she got a get out of jail free card on that one for sure. Trump made it clear that if T hadn’t volunteered that Melissa would have been fired.

Then there was the KOTU firing. Clint, to his credit, didn’t bring Joan in the boardroom with him. He was smart enough to know that Trump would never fire her for this task. So he chooses Khloe and Natalie who did absolutely nothing wrong. Also very much to Clint’s credit, he told Khloe and Natalie that he was absolutely the only one responsible for the failure and he would take the bullet, as he should. Whatever happened in the task up to the point, I feel like there was definitely some redemption here for Clint because he didn’t make any excuses. He took 100% full responsibility for what he had done.

In the boardroom, Trump commended him for just that. It was clear Natalie wasn’t getting fired since Trump was quizzing Natalie about Clint’s performance and not criticizing her at all. I really commend Natalie here because she kept her comments completely on the professionial level. She slung no personal insults towards Clint at all, just really descrbing his failures as a leader on the task. Then there was Khloe. As you are sitting there completely expecting that Clint will get fired (after all he was basically insisting to Trump that he take the bullet) Trump starts this conversation with Khloe about her DUI. Now, I want to make it clear that Khloe is doing everything required of her in regards to the DUI and I happen to know that she is deeply regretful of driving drunk and is making reparations. Trump didn’t care and fired her for it.

I can only say in regards to this WTF??? How does Khloe’s DUI have anything to do with the game? I have to say I was completely confused. Clint admitted it was all his fault. He LOCKED his team out of the editing room. Short of breaking down the door, his team had no way to even give any input in the project. There was no one else to blame but Clint. Instead of Clint getting fired, though, Khloe got fired for something she had done 6 months before she even came on the show. I found the whole thing bizarre. And, needless to say, I was shocked, everyone was shocked, when Clint walked out of that boardroom safe. I guess sometimes Trump acts in mysterious ways.

One thing, as a closing note…Herschel came up with a ridiculously funny idea for his team’s viral that wasn’t shown on TV. He wanted to get into a bathtub, have midgets scrub him with All detergent and then he gets out of the bathtub a white man. I thought that was hilarious (and similar to the Joan Rivers/Brande idea we had). Too bad Clint didn’t listen to that one. I am sure the All executives would have found it offensive but at least KOTU would have produced something that was really funny.