Steven's latest blog post:
Big Brother Finale and Wrap Party
Sorry I haven't blogged in so long, but away from my computer and on the road. So I am sure everyone wants to know about my opinions on the finale and wrap party. Well first off, CONGRADULATIONS DAN, YOU DESERVE EVERY PENNY. Dan could not have been a better choice and I was shocked that it was a unanimous vote. I really thought a few of the unintelligent houseguests on the jury would vote for personal reasons and not based on Dan's amazing game play. Next I wanna comment on how awesome it was to walk onto that finale stage and see Keesha and Renny, I couldn't believe they were right there across from me and I hadn't seen them in months, it was also good to see Dan and Memphis when they came out of the house.
My speech to Jerry... I have had a ton of questions on wether or not that speech was coached or rehersed. The truth is that CBS gave me the option to give numerous topics I would like to discuss and based on what I gave them they decided to have me discuss Jerry. Yes I knew the clip of him celebrating was going to be shown and basically I got to choose what I wanted to say about Jerry as long as I ended by setting up the clip. I am not going to bash Jerry anymore since the show is over, I just wanted to let a lot of the Big Brother Primetime viewers get a glimpse of who Jerry really was if they didn't watch Big Brother After Dark and the Live Feeds.
Wrap Party.. The wrap party was so incredible and overwhelming at the same time. If you were there and took pictures with me, please add them to your myspace and tag them so I can see them. For the record I never spoke to Jerry, April or Ollie. I decided it was best to just stay away because I really didn't wanna act fake or pretend like I care about them. All of them showed what kind of shallow and sad people they are on TV and I would prefer to just stay away.
Former Houseguests... I met so many former houseguests and I loved all of them. I met a lot of Season 9 and they were all so cool, so glad I got to meet yall and can't wait to hang again! James, thanks so much for Hauling our drunk asses around! Nick and Jen, sorry we didn't get to hang more, things were so crazy at the Wrap party, but I will be coming to Arizona for a rodeo this winter and I hope to see yall! Dick, you were a lot of fun in Vegas, can't wait to see that diary room session. Danielle, again, another one that I only got to see for a very short time and wanted to hang with, I am coming to LA the weekend of October 10th, lets hang out then!
Gotta jet for now, but will write some more very soon. I hope yall aren't bored with my blogs yet