Author Topic: Amazing Race Contestants (summary/photos page 1)  (Read 292281 times)

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #250 on: May 12, 2008, 07:35:52 PM »
Good job TL :<3.


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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #251 on: May 12, 2008, 07:37:13 PM »
Yippee  :jumpy: TL! That helps a lot!

Are we sure this isn't a contestant? Kinda looks like a pouch?

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #252 on: May 12, 2008, 08:09:25 PM »
Nope just some old fart with a mini backpack, thats awful big to be a pouch peach besides I only see a belt not a strap, maybe even a pager?

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #253 on: May 12, 2008, 08:17:14 PM »
Of anyone this dude looks like he can be a racer or is that Bill P.?

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #254 on: May 12, 2008, 08:24:09 PM »
I thought his pack looked similar to #9's purplish pack--so maybe they could go together?

Also wondered if that is an orange tag or bandana on him in the big pic...
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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #255 on: May 12, 2008, 08:25:01 PM »
Of anyone this dude looks like he can be a racer or is that Bill P.?

There is another guy beside him also looking down. I'm not sure if he has a blue backpack, or whether there is some camera equipment with him. That might help decide whether they could be crew or a team, cos they definitely both seem to be looking down at something, suggesting they are together :duno:

Offline puddin

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #256 on: May 12, 2008, 08:31:14 PM »
They could be watching their step?

Offline Kiwi Jay

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #257 on: May 13, 2008, 03:25:15 PM »
when TL lightened the photo at the airport, No. 9 looks to have a yellow clue in his back pocket like peach said!!
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Offline puddin

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #258 on: May 15, 2008, 09:11:05 AM »
Just organizing the team info witnessed in Portland here:

Well, I went down there again to check out the scene.  Parked my car & lo and behold, what do I see but two people driving away in one of the minivans from the closed off lot.  Jumped back in the car to follow it - they drove down to 2nd av. and are parked in front of voodoo donut.  I bet they have or will have a shoot there - it's a weird Portland thing.  Two people waiting in the car.  Wish they would leave so I could follow them some more..

Well, sorry peeps, I had to come back to work.. After about half an hour of waiting, I walked by the van and it is a couple PAs waiting for something.  Literally doing a crossword.  I did see a conversation they had with what looked like the manager of Voodoo Donut.  I went in there to get me a donut and asked the clerk when the Amazing Race was going to be there.  He gave me a blank stare - so maybe the staff doesn't know about it, or has been instructed to not answer.  Maybe they are just getting donuts for the crew.. who knows.  Now I'm back to paying

Jason  writes on May 15th, 2008 3:11am
There was a clue box right in front of VooDoo donuts, I was there today. When nobody was close to coming, the producers would cover the box with a trash bag but when people were nearby, they would uncover the box and shoo anyone away that was standing near it. It was probably one of the last clues if the Pittock Mansion was the last stop.


They are in Portland today. I was on 5th and Salmon outside my office and two different sets of couples ran by (guy/girl and girl/girl) with a camerman and soundman each.   It looked too like Amazing Race not to be.

I just ran down the street in Portland following two girls and the camera crew.
The went to voodoo doughnuts (for a clue I think)   Police talked to producers because fans were running after the racers.
They thought someone was running out on a meal bill...  the team got into the van and drove off.


They are in Portland today.  I was on 5th and Salmon outside my office and two different sets of couples ran by (guy/girl and girl/girl) with a camerman and soundman each.  It looked too like Amazing Race not to be.

I know, girl/girl was stupid.....I was a little excited about the siting.  I saw them about 1:55pm running North.  But, I did notice they looked awfully rested, not frazzled at all....maybe decoys.

I was waiting to pick my boyfriend up at International arrivals around Noon today.  saw a young couple, very fit and attractive and then 2 sisters (they looked related) also young and wearing matching nike workout gear- they definitely stood out, then when a camera crew w/ tons of gear started filming them running thru the terminal, well that's when it clicked! the A.R!! i love the show and had NO idea they might be in PDX. so, my boyfriend saw them in customs and he thought they had come from Moscow before PDX.
Cool! can't wait to see it on TV.

i don't recognize the teams i saw from any of those pics- the couple (i am assuming that by the way- could be bro/ sis) she had dark hair, he had dark blond hair.  very fit and looked like the had just climbed a mtn. 

Thanks stacy !! Were the 2 girls blond by any chance? we are missing some of the teams pictures but word is there were 2 blonds in pink.
Yes- sisters were blond!

more from the site in comments . I suppose 13 - 1111 means 11 episodes *sigh*

Underwear Guy  writes on May 14th, 2008 4:48pm

I followed the girls, and the camera... I would bet money this was a decoy, Sammyk you nailed it. The girls got into a WRP van near the Voodoo Doughnuts, the were asking people along the way where Voodoo was... YET NO CLUE was to be found there. They all got into a van and drove off.


I have never posted before but have loved TAR since season 1.

Just talked with a co-worker whose husband was hiking in the Columbia Gorge at about 2:30 pm and saw racing teams, vehicles and a helicopter in the vicinity of Bridge of the Gods. He wasn't sure what it was until she called him about the Portland rumor. Could it be the race?

I work in Cascade Locks, and there is a zip line in place right now from the Bridge of the Gods to Thunder Island.  I don't know when they put it up, but it sure wasn't there yesterday!   :yess:  I got there in time to see the camera crews packing up and loading equipment into vans, but a fellow teacher saw two couples ride the zip line down to the island.  This was between 2:30-3:30 this afternoon.  There were helicopters circling the site, three camera crews at and around the bridge, and they apparently paid the owners of the Charburger restaurant to close for the day so they could secure the parking lot which overlooks the river and the zip line.  There were six yellow cabs at the parking lot where the access to the island is, along with more camera crews, and the officer that I talked to said they always stage it so that people don't know for sure how many couples are left.  Does that sound reasonable?
The other teacher talked to one of the cab drivers, who said he picked up two people at the airport from an overseas flight, took them to Newberg where they "ran around and looked for a clue", then drove them to Cascade Locks.  For some reason someone asked him if this was Fear Factor, but he said it was more like a scavenger hunt.  Apparently he has not actually seen Amazing Race himself, so didn't know anything about the usual process.

I saw TAR teams today as well at PDX.  I drive the international buses at PDX but not today.  However, I was driving the terminal parking lot  buses today and saw a camera man /sound man  running after a very tan blond woman in a florescent green sporty outfit, backpack  and one of those TAR  clue cards (?)  in her hand just about the time  the Germany  flight  would have landed. They were getting a taxi here at PDX.  I had to keep  my  eyes on my driving  but a person in the bus said they were from The Amazing Race.

My  next  loop  around (20 minutes later), I arrived  at the terminal  and  saw  more teams grabbing a taxi.  Fortunately  I was driving the Employee lot bus  and one of the supervisors  (who  got  on  camera & had to sign a TAR release  for TV)   confirmed that the teams  in fact were from TAR and got off the Lufthansa  flight from Germany to Portland OR.    They were headed  up to Washington state. He also said there were only  4 teams and perhaps  the other two teams  went up via  Seattle first -  but that of course is purely  speculation.

Okay guys, I AM able to share some more info w/ you!

With many thanks to our incredible  Portland photographer who has been hard at work on our behalf!!

I'm pleased to report that I saw a male-male team in downtown Portland 
this evening
(peach: that would be 5/14) at about 6:00 local time. A cameraman and a sound man 
were following them.

I saw them head west along Alder, then south on 10th, then east on 
Morrison. They asked for directions at the food carts that occupy the 
parking lot north of Alder, and they looked at a metal map kiosk at 
the corner of 10th and Morrison.

They looked to be mid to late 20s or even maybe early 30s. Both were 
wearing khaki trousers; the taller one was slightly heavyset and had 
reddish curly hair and was wearing a baseball cap and a blue T-shirt. 
The other had blonde to sandy blonde hair and no hat. Both had 

What struck me, though, was how slowly they were moving compared to my 
expections. They certainly were not running. I don't know if this 
means they are a decoy, or that they are real but exhausted, or that 
they are real and in last place, or what.

I often buy magazines at a store on 9th & Alder, so I asked the 
cashier there if I knew anything about TAR in Portland. He said, "Oh, 
is that what that was?" I said, "Is that what WHAT was?" He said he 
had seen a male  and a female plus two-man crew
also proceeding along 
Alder. I asked him when that was. He said about two hours previously, 
which puts it at around 4:00 p.m. I asked him if he recalled any other 
details; he said he did not, except that the girl was pretty. :-/

I did not have a camera with me, but where they were is VERY central 
location; and while Portland is considerably less densely occupied 
than, say, LA or even Denver, I will be very surprised if no one here 
managed to take a reasonable picture of at least one of the teams.

I asked our source if these guys could maybe be who he saw?

And so sadly, since we don't even know their names yet (that seems so wrong somehow!), he replied:

Oooh! Yes, I do think so! Their relative heights and hair colors match!

Sad because this screams decoy to me...and interestingly, I believe it may be decoy being run AFTER the actual finale MAT arrival...

More later on...

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #259 on: May 15, 2008, 09:21:54 AM »
(Its for us to decide which were decoys and which were the real thing. My take, based on witnesses sightings, is that the downtown Portland sightings were decoys but, can't be determined either way.)

* I was on 5th and Salmon outside my office and two different sets of couples ran by (guy/girl and girl/girl) with a camerman and soundman each. I saw them about 1:55pm running North

*I just ran down the street in Portland following two girls and the camera crew.
The went to voodoo doughnuts (for a clue I think)
** Two girls and a camera crew ran through downtown this afternoon at 2:30

*I saw a rather attractive couple/team running west on SW Alder @ 5th at approx 4pm. The sound guy didn’t look very happy. As in he was really out of shape and was having a hard time keeping up.

*I saw one of the teams running down 10th towards the Pearl as I was exiting the Pittock Building at about 4 p.m on Wednesday. This was before I knew they were in town. Youngish male and female with back packs, fanny packs w/AR logo

*I'm pleased to report that I saw a male-male team in downtown Portland 
this evening
**They looked to be mid to late 20s or even maybe early 30s. Both were wearing khaki trousers; the taller one was slightly heavyset and had reddish curly hair and was wearing a baseball cap and a blue T-shirt. The other had blonde to sandy blonde hair and no hat. Both had backpacks.
*** I asked the   cashier there if I knew anything about TAR in Portland. He said, "Oh,is that what that was?" I said, "Is that what WHAT was?" He said he had seen a male  and a female  
**** I asked him if he recalled any other details; he said he did not, except that the girl was pretty

*PDX: saw a young couple, very fit and attractive and then 2 sisters (they looked related) also young and wearing matching nike workout gear- they definitely stood out
(reply when asked to look at the contestant pictures)
**i don't recognize the teams i saw from any of those pics- the couple (i am assuming that by the way- could be bro/ sis) she had dark hair, he had dark blond hair.  very fit and looked like the had just climbed a mtn

***Yes- sisters were blond!

*I saw TAR teams today as well at PDX.
** a very tan blond woman in a florescent green sporty outfit, backpack and one of those TAR clue cards (?) in her hand
***I arrived  at the terminal and saw more teams grabbing a taxi.
****He also said there were only 4 teams and perhaps  the other two teams went up via Seattle first -  but that of course is purely speculation

« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 03:12:31 PM by puddin »

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #260 on: May 15, 2008, 04:50:45 PM »
another sighting:

Comment by Seth
2008-05-14 22:53:45
I saw a rather attractive couple/team running west on SW Alder @ 5th at approx 4pm. The sound guy didn’t look very happy. As in he was really out of shape and was having a hard time keeping up.

Here in comments:

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #261 on: May 15, 2008, 05:10:53 PM »
Added, thanks peach. Gosh what I wouldn't do for some pictures!

Maybe we can get the sighting times together to figure when the contestants actually gathered for the actual pit stop :)
Maybe between 3:00, 4:00 pm?  :lol:

around 12 noon

in downtown Portland:
2:30pm to 3:00pm
around 4:00pm
around 6:00pm

Bridge of Gods/Port of Cascade Locks
teams wrapping it up approx 2:30pm

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #262 on: May 15, 2008, 05:20:50 PM »

I saw them filming a 'reinactment' of the players pulling an envelope from the stand indicating their next challenge.

Was yesterday across from Portlandia

Two girls and a camera crew ran through downtown this afternoon at 2:30. It's the TAR crew that's for sure... it was crazy! The girls asked for directions as they ran past the mens underwear store UnderU4Men (the guy that broke the story)... I thought the clue might be there. Turns out they were asking the directions to Voodoo Doughnuts. When we got there (running behind them), they ducked around the corner and into a crew van. No way could to travelers run that fast after an International flight. I also listened as the lead person from the crew talked to a PDX Police officer, seems the fans running after girls and camera crew were mistaken for a dine and dash. lol This had to be a decoy!

I saw one of the teams running down 10th towards the Pearl as I was exiting the Pittock Building at about 4 p.m on Wednesday. This was before I knew they were in town. Youngish male and female with back packs, fanny packs w/AR logo, and a camera crew. Took me by surprise.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2008, 05:24:19 PM by puddin »

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #263 on: May 16, 2008, 03:23:36 PM »
Pure speculation but I'm hoping the mom/son, a female/female, and stick the usual male/female couple in the mix are the final 3 :D.

Offline Kiwi Jay

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #264 on: May 16, 2008, 03:35:55 PM »
I wished the Mom/Son made it far too but not to the top three
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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #265 on: May 16, 2008, 05:54:07 PM »
Pure speculation but I'm hoping the mom/son, a female/female, and stick the usual male/female couple in the mix are the final 3 :D.
Sorry, I don't want to see Michael freakout again when a female team loses.  So I have to say Mom/Son, two couples.  Since the all male team isn't there.  Which is probably a good thing, maybe we will get another male/male team in season 14 (young/fit).  Without to many people freaking out.

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #266 on: May 16, 2008, 09:22:03 PM »
Pure speculation but I'm hoping the mom/son, a female/female, and stick the usual male/female couple in the mix are the final 3 :D.
Sorry, I don't want to see Michael freakout again when a female team loses.  So I have to say Mom/Son, two couples.  Since the all male team isn't there.  Which is probably a good thing, maybe we will get another male/male team in season 14 (young/fit).  Without to many people freaking out.
i wont freak out and a f/f team will win tar13. I will eventually grow old with one of them and take their money.

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #267 on: May 16, 2008, 09:53:15 PM »
Not another pair of brainless blondes for Michael to drool over :yess:

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #268 on: May 18, 2008, 08:04:11 PM »
Pointed out by Ashe @Twops

youtube comments

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« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 07:00:07 PM by puddin »

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #269 on: May 18, 2008, 08:18:23 PM »
Terrance sounds kind of black, no? Perhaps we have names to our African American couple.

Offline puddin

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #270 on: May 18, 2008, 08:44:24 PM »
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« Last Edit: May 19, 2008, 04:39:25 PM by puddin »

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #271 on: May 18, 2008, 09:20:49 PM »
« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 09:11:37 AM by georgiapeach »
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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #272 on: May 18, 2008, 09:45:32 PM »
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« Last Edit: May 19, 2008, 04:39:42 PM by puddin »

Offline north09

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #273 on: May 19, 2008, 06:03:57 AM »
I'm not jumping to any conclusions, but we sort of only have one team left that T/S can be...

Offline puddin

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Re: Amazing Race Contestants (summary page 1)
« Reply #274 on: May 19, 2008, 10:26:16 AM »
I guess its no longer a secret  :lol: .

Terrance & Sarah

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« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 07:03:36 PM by puddin »